Wizard Scout (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 3)

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Wizard Scout (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 3) Page 1

by Rodney Hartman

  Wizard Scout

  Book Three

  Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles

  Rodney W. Hartman


  This book is dedicated to my daughter, Stephanie. Your mom would be very proud of you. I know I am.

  Books by Rodney Hartman

  Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles

  Wizard Defiant Book One

  Wizard Cadet Book Two

  Wizard Scout Book Three

  Wizard Omega Book Four (TBP Winter 2016)

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter 1 – Mission Portalis

  Chapter 2 – Back Home

  Chapter 3 – The Tomcat

  Chapter 4 – Three Against One

  Chapter 5 – The Warcat

  Chapter 6 – The Visitor

  Chapter 7 – The Spirit-Horse

  Chapter 8 – A Decision

  Chapter 9 – Lord Crendemor

  Chapter 10 – Jonathan

  Chapter 11 – Friends to the Rescue

  Chapter 12 – Armory Breakout

  Chapter 13 – Riots and Choices

  Chapter 14 – Invasion Plans

  Chapter 15 – Spaceport Battle

  Chapter 16 – The Goodbye

  Chapter 17 – The Commandant’s Revelation

  Chapter 18 – Nickelo the Matchmaker

  Chapter 19 – Sergeant Ron’s Favor

  Chapter 20 – The Wall

  Chapter 21 – The Blind Date

  Chapter 22 – Time-Commando Training

  Chapter 23 – Politics

  Chapter 24 – Heart to Heart Talk

  Chapter 25 – Dren

  Chapter 26 – Mind Games

  Chapter 27 – Flight of Hovercraft

  Chapter 28 – Assassination Plan

  Chapter 29 – Living Gas

  Chapter 30 – Hovercraft Ride

  Chapter 31 – Squadron Commander Liz

  Chapter 32 – Chief Instructor Winslow

  Chapter 33 – A Stolen Child

  Chapter 34 – Power Link Donation

  Chapter 35 – Ambush

  Chapter 36 – Draken

  Chapter 37 – Sergeant Ron’s Plan

  Chapter 38 – Commander Stevens

  Chapter 39 – Approving the Plan

  Chapter 40 – Eavesdropping

  Chapter 41 – DNA Gas Vent

  Chapter 42 – Parents

  Chapter 43 – Guard Duty

  Chapter 44 – Escape

  Chapter 45 – DNA Baselines

  Chapter 46 – Battle of the Pit

  Chapter 47 – The Commandant’s Request

  Chapter 48 – Dren and Brachia

  Chapter 49 – Zenthra

  Chapter 50 – The Children and Rick

  Chapter 51 – Crendemor Revealed

  Chapter 52 – The Escape

  Chapter 53 – The Fleet

  Chapter 54 – Defending the Power Plant

  Chapter 55 – The Crosioian Admiral

  Chapter 56 – Defending the Academy

  Chapter 57 – The Heavy Cats

  Chapter 58 – Battle of the Fleets

  Chapter 59 – The Jammer Ship

  Chapter 60 – Battle for the DNA Vent

  Chapter 61 – The Blaze’s Last Stand

  Chapter 62 – Graduation

  Chapter 63 – Out of Tolerance




  About the Author

  Chapter 1 – Mission Portalis


  [Begin Transmission]


  The explosive projectile exploded five meters away. Metal shrapnel and rock shards flew in all directions. The force of the explosion knocked Richard off his feet. He slammed into one of the many jagged rocks scattered along the ground.

  Momentarily dazed, Richard mentally yelled to his battle computer, Nick! Am I hurt?

  Negative, said a voice in his head. I’m shooting adrenaline into you. Now get up before they fire again.

  The voice belonged to Nickelo, the one-of-a-kind, prototype battle computer embedded in Richard’s battle helmet. Richard was a wizard scout, or rather a cadet at the Intergalactic Wizard Scout Academy. All wizard scouts were issued battle helmets. However, as far as Richard knew, Nickelo was the most advanced piece of artificial intelligence the Intergalactic Empire’s scientists could develop. Richard had often wondered why he’d been fortunate enough to be issued the prototype battle computer when far more experienced wizard scouts were available. Regardless of the reason, Richard was glad he had Nickelo. He wasn’t just a battle computer to Richard. He’d become a good friend during the past few years. Richard had found he could depend on Nickelo during even the toughest times.

  Richard staggered to his feet. A surge of strength shot through his body as Nickelo used the thread needles in his battle suit to inject a dose of adrenaline into Richard’s veins. Richard sped up until he was running as fast as he could for the cover of a large outcropping of rocks. With the assistors in the battle suit’s legs at maximum, Richard ran with two and a half meter strides. He zigzagged every couple of steps in an attempt to throw off the aim of the gunners in the armored vehicle behind him. He heard the roar of the battlewagon’s engine as it gave chase. The staccato of the armored behemoth’s machine guns accompanied streams of red tracers passing all around and hitting the ground to Richard’s front and sides.

  Risking a glance at his battle helmet’s heads-up display, Richard switched the view to the helmet’s rear visuals. The massive armored vehicle was fifty meters to his rear. The battlewagon’s metallic tracks made it look like an antique tank from Earth, but its alien design told him it wasn’t. The battlewagon’s large main gun was flanked by two smaller cupolas armed with automatic weapons. Even as he watched, red lines of tracers reached out from both of the cupolas as they tried to pin him down.

  Minefield ahead, Rick! warned Nickelo.

  I know, but I have to get to cover, Richard thought back as he switched his visuals back to the front. Plot me a route so I don’t step on one.

  It was at times like these Richard was glad his battle computer and he didn’t communicate verbally. Instead, their speech was more a form of images, feelings and thoughts interspersed with a few words. As a result, their communication was near instantaneous. This came in very handy during combat situations. Otherwise, Richard would have been dead long before his battle computer could tell him a way to save his life using normal methods of communication. According to Nickelo, their speech would be even faster once they acquired something called a shared space. Richard wasn’t exactly sure how a shared space worked. However, his battle computer said it was important, so Richard didn’t ask too many questions. He’d find out eventually.

  I’m not worried about you stepping on a mine, said Nickelo matter-of-factly. I’ll take control of your suit if necessary. But I can’t do anything if you get knocked off your feet and land on one. Your battle suit might survive a blast from an anti-personnel mine, but some of these mines are anti-armor. If you land on one of them, it’ll be bye-bye Rick and his faithful sidekick, Nick.

  The black, tightfitting, leather-like battle suit Richard wore was the most advanced personal armor ever developed by the Empire’s technicians. When fully sealed, it was a self-contained unit designed to keep its wizard scout alive.

  Understood, Richard thought back as he kept running for all he was worth.

  Following the path Nickelo marked on his heads-up display, Richard avoided the mines as best he could. Several dozen w
hite and yellow dots on his heads-up display marked the locations of the mines. The yellow points highlighted the anti-armor mines. Richard had a momentary fear he was going to accidentally step on a mine. He gave a sigh of relief when he felt his battle computer making minor course corrections with the battle suit’s legs.

  Dodge right! They’re going to fire the main gun, warned Nickelo.

  Richard didn’t hesitate. He sidestepped hard to the right. A moment later an explosion erupted in the area where he’d been running.

  As he ran, Richard took a look at the battle in the valley below. He’d been sent on a mission by ‘the One’ to help a boy-king reclaim his kingdom. Why the computer network Richard knew only as ‘the One’ was interested in a backwater kingdom on the planet Portalis in the magical dimension was beyond him. But here he was.

  Richard could see the white walls of the elven city of Silverton in the distance. The morning light was reflecting off thousands of sets of armor from the scattered formations of elves and their allies. The opposing force of orcs, ogres, trolls, and their human mercenaries outnumbered the friendlies ten to one. Even so, the elven army might have held out against their foe except for the demon-possessed giant leading the enemy force. Even from a distance of two kilometers, Richard sensed the demon’s evil. Its demonic aura stole the courage from men and elf alike. If not for the timely arrival of young King William with his soldiers and a force of unicorns, the demon’s army would probably even now be sacking the elven city.

  But the initial success of the unicorns and King William’s soldiers had been short-lived. The demon had rallied its forces. Both the elves in front of the city gates and King William’s army were being hard pressed. The only thing preventing victory by the demon’s forces was the unicorn’s leader, Elf Friend Swiftmane, and his elf maid, Mendera, along with their force of sixty unicorns. They were fearlessly facing the demon and its strongest spell-casters.

  Richard had been fighting at King William’s side doing his best to protect the young boy. Then the battlewagon had rumbled over the hill and started lobbing cannon fire into the young king’s army. Richard had been forced to take on the armored behemoth alone. The elves’ spell-casters had been locked in fierce combat with their counterparts in the demon’s army. Only Richard’s technology had any hope of fighting the battlewagon’s weapons.

  Dive, Rick! Nickelo ordered.

  Richard didn’t pause to think. He just dove forward as far as he could throw himself. The battle suit used power from its isotopic battery to activate the suit’s assistors. As a result, Richard was propelled forward at a speed and distance which his own muscles could never hope to achieve. Another blast sounded behind Richard as a round from the battlewagon’s main gun exploded in a ball of fire behind him. The large explosion caused a cascade of smaller blasts as half a dozen mines were detonated by falling debris. From the heads-up display, Richard determined his dive had taken him clear of the minefield. He jumped to his feet and ran the last few meters to the granite outcropping. It was the only cover of any significance within several hundred meters. Richard doubted it would provide more than momentary protection. A few cannon rounds from the battlewagon would quickly reduce it to rubble.

  Now what, Nick? Richard said. I’m here.

  Yes, you are, agreed Nickelo who sounded unimpressed with his wizard scout’s achievement.

  Will the minefield keep the battlewagon from following? Richard asked hopefully.

  Doubtful, Nickelo responded. The battlewagon has already entered the minefield. It’s avoiding the areas with the anti-tank mines. The smaller mines can’t hurt it.

  As if to confirm his battle computer’s analysis, a series of small explosions sounded in rapid succession as the battlewagon’s steel treads set off several anti-personnel mines.

  Well, what’s the rest of the plan? Richard asked growing impatient. Am I supposed to wait here until they blow this rock to smithereens? Once they do that, they can take their sweet time blowing us to pieces. Is that the plan?

  Negative, Nickelo calmly assured Richard. I calculate a seventy-five percent probability they’ll try to crush you under the treads of the battlewagon.

  A seventy-five percent chance I’ll be crushed instead of being blown up? Richard said. Somehow, that doesn’t make me feel better.

  I didn’t say there was a seventy-five percent chance you’d be crushed, Nickelo corrected Richard. I said there was a seventy-five percent chance that’s what they’d try to do. When the battlewagon gets closer, I want you to climb on top. Then we’ll see if we can locate a point of entry.

  Are you sure there’ll be a point of entry on top of the battlewagon? Richard said.

  No, admitted Nickelo. This is my first encounter with this specific piece of equipment. However, the crew has to get in and out somehow. The battlewagon’s not an Empire design, and it’s not like any of the other armored vehicles we’ve encountered up until now, so it’s an unknown. However, it’s older technology, so things could be worse. It doesn’t even have plasma rounds. The explosives are powered by chemicals; probably a gunpowder derivative.

  Well, older technology or not, it’s been pretty effective so far, observed Richard. What’s this kind of equipment doing here anyway, and who trained its crew?

  I don’t know, Nickelo said with a laugh, but when you find out, have your people get with my people.

  You’re not funny, Nick, Richard replied.

  Well, wherever it came from, Nickelo said, it’s turned the tide. Look at King William’s army now. Those first rounds from the battlewagon destroyed any semblance of discipline left in most of his units. They haven’t turned and run yet, but that’s only because those unicorns are keeping the demon occupied.

  So what’s the rest of the plan, Nick? Richard asked. That is assuming I do get on top of that piece of junk.

  Simple, Rick, oh greatest of wizard scouts, Nickelo said. Just find an entrance; bash it open with your phase rod; jump in; and then kill everybody inside. What could be simpler?

  Richard doubted it would be that simple. Yeah. It’s easy for you to say. You’re just going along for the ride. I’m the one who has to make it work. What makes you think my phase rod will be able to bash an opening in the armor? It looks pretty thick from where I’m standing.

  Well…, hedged Nickelo, I calculate there’s a seventy-eight percent chance it has an entrance on top. I estimate a twenty-six percent probability you’ll find a hinge weak enough for your phase rod to break. That should give you entry into the battlewagon. You may have to supplement the phase rod with some rounds from your assault rifle, but I think you can get in. Then assuming the occupants aren’t armed with high-energy handguns capable of penetrating your armor, I calculate there’s a slightly better than poor chance you can kill them all before one of them sets off the high-explosive rounds stored in the battlewagon. I’ll admit the odds aren’t good, but they are definitely above zero; which are your odds if you try to outrun the battlewagon.

  So in other words, Richard summarized, we’re up the creek without a paddle.

  Well, Rick, said Nickelo. You’re the one who decided to attack without consulting me first. You didn’t give me time to do a sensory probe until we were halfway to this lumbering beast. And to top it off, you pretty much depleted your Power reserve during King William’s initial charge, so your wizard scout abilities can’t help us now. We have to rely on your technology to defeat this steel monster.

  I know. I know, Richard said sufficiently chastised. I should have waited before I attacked, and I should have saved my Power reserve for later in the battle.

  Richard would have said more, but the roar of the battlewagon’s engine on the other side of the granite outcropping confirmed the vehicle’s crew intended to smash into the rock outcropping and crush both it and Richard underneath the battlewagon’s treads. Richard knew he only had a few seconds left. He had to think outside the box.

  Nick. Change of plan. Find me an anti-tank mine, Richard ord

  Even though his battle computer estimated almost an eighty-percent chance of a point-of-entry being on top of the vehicle, Richard had a hunch there wasn’t. Something felt wrong. From experience, Richard knew better than to ignore his hunches.

  Nickelo didn’t reply, but almost immediately Richard saw a yellow point highlighted on his heads-up display. An anti-tank mine was twenty meters away. Without giving himself time to think about the danger, Richard ran from behind the rock outcropping. A second later, the battlewagon’s hull made contact with the granite sending dust and rock slivers into the air. Several shards bounced harmlessly off Richard’s battle suit.

  With a few long strides, Richard made it to the location of the mine. He began digging with his gloved hands. Small arms fire from one of the vehicle’s side cupolas kicked up dirt around him. A few hit his armor and jostled him around a little when they struck, but the rounds were too light to penetrate his battle suit’s armor. Realizing he didn’t have time to dig up the entire mine, Richard grabbed a handle on one side and jerked the mine out of the ground. By the favor of the Creator, or possibly the luck of the foolish, the mine was not booby-trapped.

  Hefting the mine over his shoulder, Richard began running as the battlewagon’s crew rotated the main turret in an effort to acquire him in its sights. Richard wasted no time getting inside the reach of the long barrel protruding from the main turret.

  The main gun’s useless now, Richard thought. Let’s see if I can keep from getting crushed under a tread.

  With his battle computer plotting hand and foot holds on his heads-up display and assisting in the placement of his feet and free hand, Richard reached the top of the battlewagon in short order. He jumped to a flat area on the main turret. A quick glance failed to find a hatch.

  That’s surprising, said Nickelo. I thought sure there was a seventy-eight percent probability a hatch would be here. I guess that’s why they call them probabilities and not certainties.

  Wasting no time, Richard inverted the anti-armor mine and positioned it on the center of the turret. He said a rare prayer hoping it would stay on the vehicle without bouncing off. Richard jumped down and began running away from the battlewagon as fast as his battle suit’s legs would carry him. Unfortunately, he was once again in range of the battlewagon’s main gun. Hoping it would take the crew a few seconds to acquire him in the vehicle’s targeting system, Richard ran to what he guessed was a safe distance. Spinning around and jumping into the air, he squeezed off a burst of rounds in the direction of the main turret. After a dozen rounds, a large explosion erupted from the top of the vehicle. Richard was hurled to the ground by the concussion. From his position on the ground, Richard watched the main turret of the battlewagon being blown high into the air. As he watched, it began tumbling back towards the earth with smoke and flames trailing behind.


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