All I Ask

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All I Ask Page 9

by Nicole McLaughlin

  “Family-sized French onion dip at midnight, huh? You sound like my kind of woman.”

  Whipping her head back around, Emily took a moment to process the depths of the humiliation that rolled through her body. Could this really be happening? The one human on earth she would most wish to avoid in this scenario just happened to be there? It wasn’t as if Manhattan was that big, and she knew he lived somewhat close, but . . . really? Three times in one week.

  She turned back, fake smile in place. “Funny seeing you here.” Her words were delivered in a teasing manner, but she was trying desperately to conceal her flustered state.

  “It is pretty funny. And also, fortuitous.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Big word.”

  He rested his hip against the checkout counter. “There’s more to me than just a good time, Whip.”

  “Good to know. But still . . . this is odd.” She glanced around. “Are you following me?”

  He barked out a laugh before stepping closer to her. “If I’d known how to find you all this time, Sarah, you can be damn sure I would have already shown myself by now.”

  She sucked in a breath. If only he knew the irony in that comment. He had found her job, her tree, and he was slowly finding all her weaknesses. In fact, she recalled that she was wearing no makeup, no hair product, and no panties under her yoga pants. As if he was aware of that fact, he gave her a wicked grin before speaking deep and low.

  “I think this is what you might call a divine intervention.”

  She shook her head in exasperation, forcing her smile to stay hidden. With a glance at the cashier who was busy scrolling through her phone, Emily leaned in just a little so he could hear her speak quietly. “I really doubt that God is interested in reacquainting one-night stands.”

  This time he leaned in, their faces now a foot apart. “Mm, I don’t know, he might be feeling kind, since you did do a lot of screaming out his name that night.”

  Emily glared at him. “Yeah . . . eventually.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Low blow, Whip. Real low. You must get off on busting balls, huh?”

  Emily’s mouth dropped open at the same time a muffled laugh followed by a cough came from the cashier. Turning back to the register, Emily could barely meet the young woman’s eyes. “You know what, we can skip the dip. Just go ahead and total me up.”

  The cashier shrugged, but before she could put her phone down and process the request, Emily reached out and grabbed Reeve’s six-pack of beer. “Add this on. I owe him a thank-you.”

  “Oh no you don’t.” His warm hand covered hers and slid the beer back toward him. He didn’t let go as he continued, loud enough for anyone in the vicinity to hear. “That eventual satisfied glow on your face was all the payment I needed.”

  Emily squeezed her eyes shut and didn’t speak for a moment out of mortification. She yanked her hand from beneath his and then looked at the young woman, who was now fully engaged in the two people in her checkout line.

  “Sooo . . . no French onion dip and no beer.”

  “Correct,” Emily replied.

  “Okay, that will be forty-three dollars and twenty-two cents.”

  Emily swiped her credit card through the machine, pushed the necessary buttons, and then gathered up her bags before turning back to Reeve to find him slapping a ten-dollar bill down in front of the woman.

  “Keep the change.” Then his eyes went serious as they met Emily’s. “You. Outside,” he ordered.

  She pursed her lips but obeyed since she was already heading that way. But she intended to give him a piece of her mind the minute they exited the building. No man was going to order her about. Okay, maybe if they were in bed, and the situation warranted it, but no. That would never happen between them again, thank you very much.

  The automatic doors parted for the two of them and Emily headed into the cool evening, sucking in a breath before she let loose.

  “Why did you sneak out of my bed last week?” Reeve said as soon as he hit the sidewalk. So much for going first. She turned hard on her heel and leveled him with her best boardroom-meeting glare.

  “Oh that’s rich, Mister Dive-Bar-Picker-Upper. Do you expect me to believe that every woman you go home with has the pleasure of waking up to you romantically spooning her as the sun rises?”

  He breathed in deep through his nose, lips tight. “We’re talking about us.”

  “Us? There is no us. We had a one-night stand. Do not insult me by pretending to be unfamiliar with the concept. I know your type.”

  His head snapped back in shock; then his eyes narrowed, turning hostile. “Oh no, I’m very familiar with it. But I don’t remember you and me putting a label on things.”

  “Does anyone ever put a label on it? It’s a universal understanding that when two people meet in a shithole under the influence of alcohol, and then go home and have hot sex, it’s a one-night stand. I’m sorry if that offends your masculine sensibilities.” And why was she being such a bitch? Oh yeah, because this was tough-as-nails Emily. The one who put the safety checks in place. She was pulling up the drawbridge—so to speak—with every word she tossed at him. This was the Emily who had firmly talked desperate Emily out of going to the Deuce all evening.

  He tilted his head to the side a little, his lips twitching. “It was hot as hell. Despite the . . . upset. Admit it.”

  “Isn’t that what I just did?”

  He took a step toward her, his lip quirking. “Say it again.”

  Emily dropped her shoulders, feeling her resolve weakening. God, he smelled so damn good. Looked so damn good, too. And hadn’t she just been thinking about him all night? For the love of all that was holy, she’d done herself up tonight in the hope she’d run into him again. And here he was in the parking lot of Dillons grocery store.

  “Say it. Tell me how hot it was between us because I can see you thinking about it in that cute head of yours.”

  “Okay.” Her tone was all agitation. “It was hot but I do not have a cute head.”

  “Fine, you have a sexy head. And a sexy body and a sexy—”

  “That’s enough.” Her eyes went to his lips. She frowned. “Do you have a fat lip?”

  His hand went to his mouth and he smirked. “Got in a fight tonight.”

  “What? Are you okay?” She instinctively reached for his face but quickly realized she was inhibited by her grocery bags. Reeve hadn’t missed her intention and stepped closer.

  “Not that kind of fight. A friend and I at the gym. But I sure liked seeing how much you care.”

  Emily rolled her eyes.

  He managed to grin and speak at the same time. “Let me come over.”

  “You’re crazy.” Was he really asking for another turn? And why was she suddenly considering it?

  “Let me come home with you. We can do it all over again. Get it right this time. And by right, I mean you come first. As it should be.”

  Oh Lord, he was too damn good at this. And she just . . . couldn’t. Shouldn’t. It had been too right the first time. “If you recall, I sneaked out of your bed, therefore making a conscious choice not to exchange personal information with you. What makes you think I want back in?”

  “Well, technically I just requested to get into your bed, but I’m not picky. You want back in mine, I’d be happy to let you.”

  “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  He grinned, stepping deeper into her personal space. Emily’s bag of junk food clunked against her leg. “Just you. I want you again. Let me have you.”

  Was that what she wanted? His gaze drank her in, from her eyes to her lips, her chest, and back up to her eyes again.

  Unequivocally, yes, she wanted this. His body, voice, and mouth were all she’d thought about over the past week. And nothing sounded more appealing than having it all to herself again.

  “This time we put a label on it.” She heard herself saying the words and didn’t recognize her own voice. Emily Phillips did not act recklessly o
nce, let alone twice. But here she was putting down her qualifications. Another transaction in the making.

  His expression said he wasn’t happy with her ultimatum but didn’t seem surprised by it all the same. “I’ll let that be your call, babe.”

  She ignored the endearment, or at least tried to. It was hard to ignore anything about this man, especially words spoken in that sexy voice. “My call is that we label it The Last Time.”

  He appeared to be considering her words when he finally let a slow smile stretch over his face. “I’ll let you say that now, but I won’t hold you to it until I’m done with you.”

  “I won’t change my mind.”

  He winked. “We’ll see. Now follow me home.”

  With that he walked toward his bike and Emily shuffled over to her car, praying he didn’t notice what kind it was. That might lead to questions. But on the upside, she was doing this. She was going to have repeat sex with Reeve. It sure was a divine intervention.


  Emily unbent her arm where it rested beneath her pillow, exploring the cool untouched material. Pointing her toes and arching her back, she let out a breathy sigh as her body went into the most glorious stretch. She’d slept like a baby last night once she’d. . . .

  Oh shit.

  She’d stayed the night with Reeve after having mind-blowing sex. Even better than the first time. Now it was a groan she was keeping in check as she let one eyelid flutter open, only to be met with two black beady eyes staring back at her.

  She screamed and instantly scrambled to the center of the bed and backed into a hard, warm wall of bare flesh.

  “It’s just a cat,” Reeve’s husky voice said in her ear. His arms snaked around her, pulling her body flush against his.

  Reluctantly she relaxed a bit, loving how warm he was. “I know it’s a cat. I just wasn’t expecting to wake up and find it staring at me.”

  Reeve chuckled low and sexy, the rumbling of his chest on her back inviting Emily to melt even more into him, especially as his lips found the top of her spine.

  “That’s quite a way to be woken. A woman screaming in your bed.”

  “Sorry. It just startled me.”

  Emily’s lips parted in pleasure as his mouth opened against her neck, his tongue tasting her skin and sending goose bumps all over her body. Eyes still on the cat, Emily tilted her head to give him better access.

  Thoughts of last night came racing back and Emily knew she should be blushing at what had gone on between them, but she couldn’t. It was too good to have any regrets. The perfect way to end things as far as she was concerned.

  “Meow.” The dull-gray cat still stared at her. Its irritated behavior would suggest that it was used to getting all the love and attention in the morning so Emily figured it might be jealous. It meowed again, this time with a little more persistence.

  “Hush, Jane,” Reeve said against Emily’s neck. “Just push her off. She’ll get the hint.”

  “Jane?” Emily couldn’t help her laugh. Instead of pushing her, Emily lifted her finger out, letting Jane sniff at it curiously before tilting her head in for a pet. Emily obliged, stroking behind her ear.

  “Plain Jane. What’s wrong with that?” Reeve said, his tone full of amusement.

  “Nothing’s wrong with it. Just funny. I wouldn’t have taken you for a cat person.”

  “I’m not. But she used to live with my mother and I . . . she’s just happier here.”

  That was an odd thing to say and she could tell he’d paused to assess his words before completing his thought. She wasn’t going to pry because if he’d wanted to share he would have. Also, this thing they were doing was not about getting to know each other.

  “Well, she is cute, but I think she’s jealous of me.” Emily said, her breath hitching as Reeve’s wandering fingers traveled over her torso, making circles on her skin.

  “Probably.” He continued to kiss at her neck, speaking in between licks and sucks. “She’s not used to sharing her side of the bed.”

  Damn him for being so adorable and unexpected. But was Plain Jane really the only woman he shared this bed with? Emily had a hard time believing that the cat wasn’t used to this sort of thing. Jane had begun to purr as Emily continued rubbing her hand over and over her soft head.

  “Turn this way,” he said. Emily let out a small gasp that sent Plain Jane scurrying, as Reeve found what he’d obviously been looking for between her legs. His fingers played with her and he groaned against the side of her face.

  God, she wanted to, so badly. But this was starting to feel like more than random hooking up. Having sex in the bright morning light made you feel like you owed your bed partner the truth. But the way his fingers pushed inside, filling her, wasn’t something Emily could easily ignore. It felt too good, so she rolled onto her back and looked up into his face.

  “Well, good morning,” he teased.

  “Good morning.”

  “This isn’t so bad, is it?” He grinned down at her. “So much easier than sneaking out of bed and creeping out the front door.”

  “Okay, okay. I’m still here, so just touch me.”

  “I haven’t stopped touching you.” His head lowered and his lips landed on her breast, drawing it into his mouth and then letting it go. “But I do want to know one thing.”

  “What’s that,” Emily asked, watching as he swirled his tongue around her nipple.

  “How did you get home once you left here?”

  Well, damn. She hadn’t been expecting him to ask that. Of course she’d walked, but she wasn’t going to admit any such thing because she didn’t want any questions from him. “I just called Amanda and asked her to come pick me up.”

  Reeve gave her a long irritated look over the tip of her breast before finally sucking it back into his mouth. She was happy when he lifted the sheets and moved his large body on top of hers. God, the heaviness of him felt so good weighing her down into the mattress. Pushing his hands into the bed on either side of her neck, he looked down into her eyes.

  “I’m glad you’re still here.”

  Why did those words send sparks through her torso? And why did he have to be so sweet? Several times since that first night she’d regretted not being honest with him from the start, because she might have made assumptions too quickly. Maybe things with this man would have been different. Maybe he would have been capable of handling her job, her income, her life. Her deep insecurities.

  She wanted to return the sentiment. Admit that she was glad she was here, too. But that would give too much away. This was about pleasure, not emotions. So she would give herself up to this one more time. And then it had to end for good.

  “So then what are you going to do with me?”

  He grinned. “Everything.”

  * * *

  Reeve could feel the tension in her body. Her natural instincts were telling her to bolt, and he could not allow that. Not again. Especially since this was his second chance. A mystery of the universe that he was still shocked by, because he’d driven all the way out to the Deuce the night before. Alone. Just hoping she might have been seeking him out also. To see her in the store, after he’d stopped on the way home for cheap beer and frozen pizza—which he’d never gotten once he caught sight of her in the checkout line—had blown his mind.

  Now here she was in his bed. Breathy low moans escaping her parted lips as he placed slow, openmouthed kisses along her torso.

  At this point he was willing to do whatever it took to keep her here, and his first plan of action was seduction. So far it was working. Somewhat. She’d given him another chance, and she was still here. He’d have liked to think that his skills were strong enough to make her relaxed, pliant. He wanted her to spill some secrets, share about herself, but so far she’d held strong.

  The only new things he’d learned about her were that she was a late-night shopper—thank God—and drove an Audi, which had baffled him. Maybe she was divorced from a rich guy, or came fr
om money. The more Reeve thought about it, the more it irritated him that she was keeping him in the dark.

  Deciding on a different tactic, he reversed course, his chest grazing her soft stomach as he made his way back to her mouth. She let out a whimper of frustration when she realized his lips weren’t heading for the Promised Land. He’d make his way back, there was no doubt of that, but he wanted her to earn it.

  Fingernails dug into his sides as he gently sucked on her neck. She gasped. “Please.”

  “Please, what? Tell me what you want,” Reeve whispered.

  “Go back down.”

  He lifted his head so he could look down into her eyes, which were clamped shut. With his hands bracketing her head, he stared at her, admiring the way her hair formed a halo around her head on the pillow. She had on no makeup, her skin was flushed and glowing, a perfectly groomed eyebrow topped each clenched eye. Her lips were full and rosy, parted just enough for him to see the bottom tips of her two front teeth.

  God, she was beautiful.

  Finally realizing his mouth was no longer on her body, her eyes slowly opened and she stared back at him. She swallowed, her neck and chest moving beneath him.

  “Tell me your name, Whip.”

  Her lower lip curled in and she caught it with her top teeth, clearly deciding whether she could trust him. Or maybe if she even wanted to.


  That was when a harsh new reality occurred to him. If she wouldn’t give him this part of herself, he couldn’t continue. He almost laughed at himself because he couldn’t recall the names of most the women he’d slept with, and yet here he was, about to forgo a guaranteed orgasm because this one wouldn’t give hers up. He couldn’t say why it mattered so much, but for some reason it did.

  She remained silent, her eyes looking beyond him. Reeve dropped his head and blew out a breath before he began to push his body off hers. Before he could move too far, her hands gripped his biceps, holding him to her. His gaze found hers once more and he knew his expression had hardened but he couldn’t help it.


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