sometimes following you dreams means breaking your heart

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sometimes following you dreams means breaking your heart Page 2

by Claire Gough

  “Dude, you’ve been with her since you were twelve. She’s going to say yes.” Cole rolls his eyes.

  “Where are you all from?” I ask, looking at each one of them.

  “A small town in Oxford called Cowley,” Fin answers, then sips his drink. My eyes watch his lips, not missing a thing…like the way his bottom lip is pressed up against the glass as his tongue takes in the drink.

  Shit! Snap out of it, Alex. What the hell is wrong with you?

  “That sounds...lovely,” I say, distracted. Fin laughs. I'm pretty sure he saw me drooling over his lips.

  That’s great. Well done, Alexis.

  “So, tell us about you, Alex.” Fin smiles, like my name is still amusing.

  I shrug. “Not a lot to tell.” I'm telling the truth. This place is me. How sad is that? “I run a B&B in Blackpool.” I feel a little on the spot right now.

  “Do you like it?” Brad utters, making Cole laugh.

  “Course she does, stupid. That’s why she does it.” Cole shakes his head and finishes his pint, loudly placing the empty glass back down.

  “Well, guys, we have a busy day tomorrow. We should get settled in.” Cole stands, looking at the rest of the guys.

  “You have a busy day, you mean,” Jay informs him. Cole just frowns.

  “Come on, guys,” Fin says, then finishes his pint. “I’m sure Alex has more interesting things to do with her night than talk to us.” When he smiles at me, whatever I was going to say falls right out of my head. Brad and Jay finish their pints and stand.

  This is usually the point I offer to help the guests with any bags they have, but being as they’re four grown men, I doubt one five-foot, five-inch girl would be able to help them much at all.

  “I’ll hang around until you guys are settled in. If you need anything, just ask.” I smile at Cole, trying to avoid Fin's gaze.

  “Thanks.” Cole smiles.

  The guys walk about the lobby to collect their bags, while I collapse back onto the window seat. I stare up at the TV, but I’m not paying attention to it. How can I? My heart is still running way too fast.

  I sit and stare blankly at the TV for what seems like ages. It’s probably only been about twelve minutes. My heart, which has just started to slow, picks up again when I hear laughter outside. I hate that my body reacts like this. I don’t turn around, keeping my gaze on the TV, not paying attention to what show is on. I can’t hear a thing over my damn heartbeat anyway.

  I think the four of them have made two trips to their car, but it’s now gone quiet again.

  “Hey.” His deep voice makes me jump. “Sorry.” Fin smiles as he leans on the door frame to the lounge. This isn’t his crooked grin. This one is more a sincere, and it blows me away. I don’t know which smile I’m more attracted to.

  I stand, hoping my legs will still hold my weight after he just scared me half to death. “No, it’s okay. I was just really into my program,” I lie.

  “Just thought I’d let you know we’re all settled in for the night, Alex.” He smirks as he says my name again.

  I place my hands on my hips. “What’s your deal?” I ask, instantly wondering where this brave Alex has come from.

  “Deal?” he frowns, pushing his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

  “You seem to have an issue with my name.” He looks hurt by my words, making me instantly regret it. Mainly because it has wiped that lovely, sincere smile off his face.

  “Sorry if I acted like a twat. I was just shocked to see you after this morning.” His sincere smile returns.

  I quickly fold my arms across my chest and look at the floor so he doesn’t see the smile spreading across my face at his use of the word “twat”. It sounds sort of funny in his accent.

  “Yeah. Small world, I guess.” I look at him.

  We stand like that for longer than normal, but I can’t help it. His eyes are so dark, I could drown in them. Right now, they stare right into my grey ones.

  “So… Maybe I should take your number, just in case we need anything,” he says. I laugh at his attempt at a pickup line.

  “Nice try, but I believe Cole has the landline number. If you need anything, just ring that.” I try hard not to grin, but he is gorgeous. It’s been so long since a guy has even spoken to me.

  He gives me that crooked grin. “Sorry. I had to try.” Yes, I’m sure that’s a grin that floors girls back in Oxford. “See you at breakfast, Alex.”

  The way he says my name sends shivers through me.

  He steps through the door backwards, looking at me until he's completely out of view.

  The moment he’s gone, the tension leaves my body. I’m exhausted. Trying to avoid this guy for a whole week is going to drain me.

  I can’t believe I’ve intentionally woken up twenty minutes before my morning shift just to put makeup on. I hate myself right now. As soon as I got back to my room last night, I rang Bee.

  “Date him. Date him. Date him!” Bee practically screamed into the phone.

  “Date him, Bee? Really? He’s here for a week. That’s not dating.”

  “Okay. Maybe that’s the wrong word. I meant shag him! Come on, Alex. It’s been too long. I’m sure you have an itch that needs scratching by now.”

  “Even if I did have an ‘itch that needs scratching’, which I don’t, I sure as hell wouldn’t do it with a man who would obviously just use me for some type of sport while he’s on holiday.”

  Bee sighed on the other end of the phone.

  I knew she wouldn’t see my point. Bailey loves being that girl. She is a notorious “man slayer”. She’s never been in a relationship more than a month, which is how she likes it. She loves the fact she doesn’t have to commit herself to a man for too long. Blackpool is ideal for her. Tourists “come” and go…excuse the expression, but it’s pretty apt…and Bee thrives on that.

  I guess I have never had a serious relationship, either, but that’s mainly because I put work first. There have been guys, but none who meant anything to me for more than a night or two. Guys aren’t something I really care about. I have my dreams and my goals, and a relationship never really entered into that.

  I look at my reflection in the mirror, makeup and lip gloss in place, and sigh. I hate what this guy has turned me into in just one night!

  Once in the main kitchen, I switch on the radio, then the oven. There’s a lovely family of four in room six who are leaving today. They have the same breakfast every morning, so I can pretty much count on them having that again. I turn on the gas to the two burners on the stove, then use my fire-light to ignite them. I potter around, opening cans of beans and tomatoes and placing them in pans. While they’re heating, I carry the little jugs of milk for tea and coffee to each table. Once each is ready, I check my pans and give them a quick stir before I top up the juices and cereals. I love this part of the day. It’s just me, the radio, and The Driftwood.

  I hear the familiar voices of the two young boys from room six and smile.

  It’s showtime.

  I love it when breakfast is busy, like today. It’s one guest after another. After room six, room eight comes down. It has kept my mind plenty busy. For that, I am grateful.

  I take some toast out to a table, smiling at the patrons sitting there. Wiping my hands down my pink apron, I look up to see a sleepy-looking Fin walking in. He's wearing blue jeans and a loose-fitting green t-shirt. I swallow hard. I really hope he didn’t just see that.

  He scratches the back of his head as he talks to Brad. Oh, my god. He has amazing arms, which the t-shirt does a great job of showcasing right now.

  He hasn’t noticed me yet. Part of me wishes he would, but the other part wants to hide from him and this weird attraction I feel. I had hoped by the time I saw him this morning, the effect he has on me would have worn off. It hasn't… It really hasn’t.

  My palms instantly go sweaty, so I wipe them on my apron again. The guys are the last guests we have, so I know Cole and Jay will soon follow.
  Fin turns around and spots me, a genuine smile spreading across his face. I can’t help but think I don’t get the sideways smile now because I shot him down when he asked for my number. I’m sure he’ll use that grin on some other unsuspecting victim in a club somewhere tonight. I just hope he doesn’t bring her back here.

  “Morning, guys. Sleep well?” I ask, just like I always do with new guests.

  “Perfect, Alex. Thank you.”

  Why is it whenever Fin says my name, I feel the need to sit down afterward?

  “Yes. Lovely room,” Brad adds with a nod, trying to unfold his napkin…failing miserably. Fin sighs and takes the napkin from him, unfolds it, and hands it back. Brad laughs.

  “It’s like I’m babysitting,” Fin says, looking up at me.

  “Dude, give me a break. I haven’t had caffeine yet.”

  I smile. “In that case, I’d better get to work. Tea or coffee?”

  “Coffee!” they say in unison. I smile and walk back to the kitchen.

  I hear Brad snap, “Ouch! You kicked me!”

  “You scared her off,” Fin says. I grin as I boil the kettle.

  All four guys sit drinking coffee and talking while I stand at the stove, preparing breakfast. When I feel someone behind me, I look over my shoulder and panic when I see my aunt. Such a silly reaction, but I don’t want her to notice I have makeup on, and I don’t want her to call me Alexis while Fin is within earshot.

  “Good morning,” I greet her cheerily.

  She smiles, like she knows something’s up. I think I went overboard on the cheery. She’s obviously noticed the four guys sitting at the table, probably wondering which one has me wearing makeup.

  I blush, hoping against all hope that she doesn’t notice. “Are you checking up on me?” I ask, trying to keep her from talking about the guys.

  “No, sweetheart. Alistair has the day off from the pharmacy, so I thought I’d come steal a sausage sandwich for him.” She maneuvers around me to pick up the bread.

  I love these two people and how much they care about each other. I pull her to me and plant a kiss on her white hair.

  “Love you, Aunt Jill.”

  She laughs softly. “Love you, too, sweetheart.” She gently pushes me away, like I’m embarrassing her, and continues making her sandwich.

  I carry the first two breakfasts out. Just as I am about place them in front of Fin and Brad, I hear Jill’s voice from the kitchen, stalling my hands just above the table.

  “Oh, I almost forgot. Bailey rang specifically to speak to me again, just to ask if you were free tonight. Seeing as it’s Friday, you are.”

  I stay frozen on the spot, praying she doesn’t call me Alexis while I’m standing near Fin. I turn to look at her over my shoulder.

  “So it looks like you’re going out tonight,” she says with a huge grin. I know why she’s wearing that grin, too. She wants me to have my own life and live while I’m young.

  I turn back to the table, setting the plates down. “Sorry about that.”

  “Thanks,” Brad replies, instantly starting to dig into his food.

  For some reason, Fin is frowning at me, like he's deep in thought. I frown back before walking to the kitchen to retrieve the other two breakfasts. I head back out into the lounge and find the four guys sitting silently. I don’t like that at all. Four young guys here on a stag do and no one is talking? I give Cole and Jay their food, then return to the kitchen where I plan on hiding for as long as I possibly can.

  After I clear the plates and clean the kitchen, making sure everything is turned off, I untie my apron. I shove it back into its drawer and turn the radio off. Listening for a moment, I hear nothing but silence.

  Good. They’re gone.

  I make my way into the lounge.

  “Hi, Alex,” a deep, sexy voice says from behind me.

  I’m not proud to say I let out a little squeal as I spin around to see Fin leaning against the wall next to the kitchen doorway, his arms folded across his chest. My eyes wander to his arms, which doesn’t help my already fast heartbeat, then up to his face. He isn’t smiling. Why is he not laughing that I just squealed? That he made me squeal? I thought he’d love that type of thing.

  “I thought you'd all left,” I finally manage to say.

  “So, you’re going out with Bailey tonight?” he asks.

  “Wow, you’re nosy.” I frown and fold my arms across my chest.

  “Not nosy. Observant,” he corrects and smiles. This is a new smile. It’s cocky and looks slightly angry.

  He unfolds his arms and pushes himself off the wall. He puts his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and steps closer to me. I lick my lips as my mouth has suddenly gone dry.

  “So, you’re going out with Bailey tonight?” he asks again. Whatever his game is, I’m getting bored of it.

  “Yes, I am. Why?” The annoyance is clear in my voice.

  “Who’s Bailey? Your boyfriend?”

  I try my hardest not to laugh, managing to keep it to just a small grin. He licks his lips as he waits for my reply. Jesus, I want that to be my tongue running along those full lips of his! I look down at my feet and try and remind myself I am annoyed with him right now.

  “I really don’t think that’s any of your business,” I say, still smiling. I know he won’t take me seriously if I’m smiling, but I’m trying really hard not to laugh. He thinks Bailey is a boy. It’s a common mistake, one that a few people have made. I’m willing to bet money he thinks the reason I shot him down last night was because I have a boyfriend.

  “It’s a simple question.” He smiles this new weird smile and shrugs, his hands still in his pockets.

  “Yep, and I gave you a simple answer, Fin.” Saying his name out loud makes me feel like I did something naughty…and I hate that I like it. “It's none of your business.”

  He nods, his usual sideways smile crossing his face again. “Very true, Alex… Very true.” He slowly walks out of the room.

  That was weird.

  I stare at the doorway he just walked through. I put my hand to my chest, feeling my heart through the fabric of my black vest top.

  I have no idea what to wear. I texted Bailey to ask where we’re going, but her reply was no help. Apparently, we’re going to a pub to watch some bands perform for some charity gig her current fling, Mark, has organised. She told me he won’t actually be attending it, though. That has me wondering if Bee’s dragging me to this thing on the hunt for her next guy. Either way, her text tells me nothing useful about what to wear. Is this a jeans and Converse thing, or dress and heels? Watching live bands very rarely calls for heels, right? I spent the past hour and a half curling the ends of my long blonde hair, which hasn’t left me much time to pick an outfit.

  I grab skinny blue jeans and a grey Ramones vest top. I quickly slide my feet into my black Converse, pick up my black blazer and my bag, then head out of my room. I want to be waiting on steps out front when Bee pulls up.

  I stop hurrying when I reach the lobby area and see Bee’s black hair through the little window in the front door.

  She grins as I pull it open. “Great timing.”

  Her lips are bright red, as always, and her black hair hangs straight over her yellow jacket. I look behind her, wondering where her car is.

  “We’re walking. I want to drink, and so do you,” she announces. She links her arm through mine and starts walking me out the door and into the cold, windy night.

  Great. There go my curls.

  “I want to drink?” I ask with a smirk as we reach the yellow gates of The Driftwood.

  “After what you've told me about that guy, yes, you need a stiff...drink.” She laughs.

  She might be right. Fin has been on my mind more than I’d like to admit today. Maybe after a couple drinks, possibly flirting with some random guy, I won’t be wondering who Fin is out with I am doing right now.

  After walking for fifteen minutes, I’m thankful I didn’t opt
for heels.

  “Where the hell is this pub your boyfriend is sending us to, Bailey?” I whine. I don’t need to look at her to know she's scowling at me for using her full name.

  “Right here,” she snaps, stopping in front of a red brick building.

  I look up at the sign hanging above her head. Crossed Keys Inn. There's loud music and voices coming from inside.

  I'm actually happy to be here. I’m looking forward to having a drink with my best friend and enjoying a Friday night for once.

  “Shall we?” Bee opens the door to let me walk through first, which she knows I hate. However, I’m dying for a drink after the day I’ve had. I don’t drink often, and when I do, it’s still not a lot. I leave that to Bee.

  When we walk in, it’s like walking into a wall of heat. Probably because I’m frozen to the core from the wind coming off the sea.

  The smell of booze is intoxicating and inviting. The bar is to my left, then the pub opens a little to the stage on the far right of the door. There are a few people, but it’s not as busy as I thought it would be for a charity night. Bee takes hold of my shoulders and manoeuvres me to the bar.

  “Are you feeling better now? A little less tense?” she asks, biting her lip. I’ve told her all about my encounters with Fin. She thinks I should go with it, “relieve some tension”, as she put it. I don’t know why she's bothering. She knows that’s not me.

  “Yeah, I guess,” I say, tapping my foot to the song playing through the pub’s speaker system.

  “You know the best way to relieve a little tension, right?” she says loudly, nudging me playfully.

  The guy standing in front of us at the bar turns and looks over his shoulder, probably to see what female would say something so forward. A sideways grin spreads across his face.


  “Small world,” he says to me, ignoring Bee. I don’t know how I didn’t recognize that worn black leather jacket from the back.

  “Hey... Alex!” Brad exclaims when he turns to see why Fin has turned around.


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