sometimes following you dreams means breaking your heart

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sometimes following you dreams means breaking your heart Page 4

by Claire Gough

  “Oh, Mark. Yeah, I think that’s kind of had its day,” she slurs.

  I’ve lost count of the number of drinks she's had. I know she isn’t drunk, but she is indeed merry. I've had three drinks. I know I shouldn’t have let him buy me that last one because I can tell he’s reading more into it.

  “Come on, boozy. Let’s head outside, get you some fresh air.” Bee giggles as I push her out of the booth.

  It’s freezing outside so I pull my jacket tighter. It feels like we’ve been standing here for ages, waiting for Brad to bring the van around. Bee stands on her tiptoes, looking around for it. Fin, Jay, and Cole stand near us, but I'm trying to put some distance between me and Fin.

  When a van rounds the corner, the three guys cheer. It’s just a plain white van. No writing or anything on it. I don’t know what I was expecting. Maybe something more…glamorous? Maybe the name of the band on the side or something?

  Brad stops the van, leaning toward the passenger window. “Hey, guys, I think I should drop Bee off first, since she lives in the opposite direction.” Jay laughs and Fin smirks, looking at the ground. Bee claps happily.

  “In that case, I think we’re just going to walk,” Cole says and starts across the road. Once on the other side, he looks back at me. “Alex, which way is it?”

  Fin looks at me and shrugs. Looks like I am now in charge of getting this bunch of merry men back to The Driftwood. I don’t care about that right now. I care about Bee.

  “You okay with this?” I ask her, already knowing the answer. When it comes to guys, Bee is the expert. If she says she can handle Brad, then she can, but that doesn’t stop me from worrying.

  She rests both hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eyes. “Stop worrying so much. I’ll text you when I’m home.” She kisses my cheek, probably leaving a red lipstick mark. I lean through the van window, glaring at Brad.

  “I’ll be up waiting for you to come back. If you’re not back in forty minutes, I’ll call the police,” I threaten, but Bee laughs behind me, making my threat feel rather moot. She opens the van door, forcing me to move out of the way as she gets in.

  “Stop being so dramatic. I want to go with him, muppet.” She giggles and shuts the door. “Text me when you get back.” Before I have time to answer, Brad pulls away from the curb.

  “Alex? Which way is it?” Cole asks again, making Jay, who is very drunk, laugh.

  “That way.” I point. Cole starts walking. I look to my left. Fin stands next to me, his hands shoved deep in his leather jacket pockets.

  “Shall we?” he asks with a soft smile. I let out a huge sigh. So much for distance.

  At every road, Cole and Jay stop and ask which way. Once I tell them, they don’t wait for us to catch up. They just keep going.

  “Are you drunk?” I ask Fin as he walks next to me. My voice sounds so loud in the dark quiet of Blackpool’s back streets. It’s the first thing I’ve said to him since we started walking.

  He shakes his head. “Nope.” He turns to look at me. “Are you?”


  “You’re worried about Bailey, aren’t you?”

  The wind blows. I suddenly smell his aftershave, which knots my stomach. He smells as sexy as he looks! I wish I weren’t so attracted to a stranger in such a short period of time.

  I nod. “Yeah, I guess. Which is so stupid. She has a different boyfriend every week, and I…” I stop, realising what I sound like describing my best friend as a man-eater when his friend just took her home. Eyes wide, I look at him. “Sorry. I didn’t mean that. I just meant—”

  He laughs. “Brad's a grown man, Alex. He can handle himself. How about you? Do you have a boyfriend every week?”

  I turn and look at him as we walk. I see his shoulders tense up slightly as he waits for my reply.

  I shake my head. “Fin, don’t…”

  “What? I’m making conversation.” He shrugs, his hands still in his pockets.

  “Making conversation? Okay then. Do you?” I snap.

  He grins. “No. I definitely do not have a different boyfriend every week.” He bites his lip to stop himself from laughing. I can’t help but laugh.

  “Left or right?” Jay shouts from up ahead, using his arms as directional signposts.

  “Right, you prat. It’s right there,” Cole says, grabbing Jay’s right arm and pointing at The Driftwood with it.

  I let out a grateful sigh as we walk through the front doors. Jay stumbles on the first step of the main stairs. Cole laughs and picks him up, dragging him toward their room.

  “Night,” Cole whispers loudly.

  Judging by the dynamic of the group, I’ve already guessed that Cole is sharing a room with Jay and Fin is sharing with Brad.

  I turn the light on in the lounge and jump out of my skin. I hadn’t seen Fin walk past me. He’s now sat at one of the breakfast tables, looking at me, his elbows resting on his knees.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  He unzips his leather jacket, shrugging it off so he's just in his black t-shirt and black jeans.

  “You’re waiting for Brad to get back, right?” he asks, putting his jacket on the back of the chair, then settling in.

  “Yeah, I am, but what are you doing?”

  “Ouch, Alex.” He holds his hand to his chest, like he’s just been wounded. Then he smiles. “I Just thought I’d keep you company.”

  “I don’t need company,” I say, moving behind the bar.

  He lets out a heavy sigh. I hate that I’m being such a bitch to him when he's been nothing but sweet. I feel myself being drawn to him, which wouldn’t end well for either of us. It’s easier to push him away now.

  “Okay then. I’m...waiting for my roommate because I’m worried about him.” He grins, walking over to the bar I’m now hiding behind. “If your friend’s the man-eater you claim she is, I have the right to be worried.”

  He folds his arms on the bar and looks at me, his face serious. I don’t know if I’m relieved he’s staying or annoyed he’s not taking my warning.

  “Liar.” I squint at him.

  He cocks his head to the side. “Prove it.” He almost winks at me. Something about the challenge in his voice sets my pulse racing.

  I turn my back to him, pour a shot of vodka, and down it. I compose myself before turning to face him again.

  “I thought you said you don’t really drink.” The corners of his lips turn up slightly.

  “Felt like I needed it.” I shrug. I hate letting him see how much he gets to me because I know that will make him keep trying.

  “What’s your story?” he asks.

  I just stare at him, then give a short laugh. “I don’t want to ruin your buzz.”

  He frowns, like he’s trying to figure me out.

  “What about you, Fin? What’s your story back in Cowley, Oxford?” I ask.

  He gives me a sad smile. “I could tell you…but I wouldn’t want to ruin your buzz.”

  Now I want to know more. This is why I didn’t want to spend time with him. I don’t want to get sucked in.

  I turn back to the spirits at the bar and pour two vodka shots, passing him one.

  “You think this will make me confess all?” he asks as he eyes the clear liquid. I shrug and down my shot, making a face at the burning in my throat.

  “No. But if Cowley really is the buzzkill you say it is, I thought you could use it.”

  He picks up the shot, his eyes meeting mine. He downs it, not once taking his gaze off me. I gulp. The air just got thick in here. It’s hard to breathe. His eyes look so dark right now, they are nearly black.

  I clear my throat. “How many gigs have you guys booked while you’re here?”

  “Three, but Cole’s working on more. That’s why we might be here a week, maybe more.” He shrugs. I don’t know which I hope for. This guy could be so dangerous for me in just one day.

  “Would you like a pint while you wait?” I ask.

  He looks at the clock beh
ind me and points at it, giving me a cocky smirk. “Bar hours are over.”

  I look at the clock. 1am. I shrug. “That just means I can’t charge you for it.” I think those two vodka shots have gone straight to my head because it feels like I’m not really thinking at all.

  “Just half.”

  I pour him half a pint and hand it to him. He smiles as he leans on the bar and sips the drink.

  When the front door opens, we stay silent and watch as Brad breezes in and past the door. Seconds later, he takes a few steps back. He looks at Fin, then at me, then back at Fin.

  “I’ll be up in a minute,” Fin says, lifting the drink.

  “Okay. Bee got home safely, Alex, so don’t worry.” He smiles. His lips seem to be stained red…Bailey red.

  “Yeah, looks like you didn’t get away unscathed, though.” I nod toward him.

  He lifts his hand to his lips and wipes them off, then glances down at the red lipstick on his fingers. He smiles, then looks at me as innocently as he can.

  “Honest, she said she's going to text you. Promise.” He holds his hands up, but all I can see is the smeared lipstick. It makes me laugh. Fin laughs, too.

  “Anyway, good night, Alex. See you up there, Finnley.” He waves and takes the stairs two at a time.

  “So, Finnley, what would it take for me to find out your first name?” I ask, leaning toward him. I think the vodka is clouding my judgment.

  He laughs, sips his drink, and looks me in the eyes. “Nothing could make me tell you my first name.” He gives me that crooked smile, making me swoon. I think I just became a groupie.

  “Does Brad know your name?”

  “Yes. He’s my closest friend. Trust me, nothing could make him tell you my name, either.” He smirks, so sure of himself.

  “I wasn’t thinking about him telling it to me. I’m sure Bee has ways to make him confess anything she wants him to.” I stand straight and fold my arms over my chest. I revel in the look of insecurity that just crossed his face.

  He downs the last of his drink, then pushes himself up off the bar and walks to the table to retrieve his jacket.

  “Well, it’s been a lovely night. We'll have to do it again soon, Alexis Duke,” he says, probably to show off that he knows both my names and I don’t know his.

  “No, we won't, Finnley.” I shake my head, making him laugh.

  “Good night, Alexis. See you at breakfast.”

  “No, you won’t, Finnley,” I whisper as he takes off up the stairs. I stand and bite my lip for a few seconds. I may need a cold shower if I ever want to sleep tonight.

  I pull my pillow over my face and scream into it. It’s 8.30am on Saturday morning, one of my two very short, very precious days off. Instead of relaxing, I’m trying to convince myself I want a sausage sandwich for breakfast, but what I really want is to catch a glimpse of Fin. At this time on a Saturday, I’d normally still be fast asleep, cuddled under my duvet, so this feels crazy…especially because I didn’t get to bed until nearly 2am!

  I finally throw the covers off and sit up. If I spend too long arguing with myself, I know I’ll completely miss breakfast and Fin. I might as well just admit to myself I want to see him and get dressed, rather than hating myself for waiting too long and missing him altogether.

  I groan as I stand to put makeup on. I know Aunt Jill will know something is up, but I’m sure she's already figured out I have a crush on one of the guys. I'll shower afterward. I have a feeling I'll need a cold shower after seeing him anyway.

  I feel my heart beating hard as I open the door from our living quarters to the main guest house. I stand still for a few seconds, trying to see if I can figure out who is eating breakfast. I can’t hear any of the guys, so I think I made it here first.

  I slowly creep into the lounge. I had put on black skinny jeans, a yellow vest top, and flat sandals, which my aunt will think is strange. Actually, just the fact I’m awake this time on a Saturday is strange, but I know Aunt Jill and Alistair will wonder why I’m not in my pink fluffy slippers. I can’t let Fin see me in those. I’d never live it down.

  I smile at all the guests as I walk around the tables to get to the kitchen. Jill stands over the stove wearing her blue, daisy-filled apron. Alistair bops to their usual sixties mix tape playing through my little worn-out radio. “Eleanor” by The Turtles blasts out as the pair of them dance and cook without even noticing me. I’m sure they would be fine without me here every day, so why am I holding back? I feel like they would actually be better off without me in their way.

  “Oh… Hello, Alex,” Alistair says, a little surprised. He puts his arm round me and gives me a little sideways squeeze, then dances over to the fridge, pulling out some orange juice.

  “Good morning, Alexis.” Jill smiles at me as she cooks the eggs. “Hope you don’t plan on working today. Alistair and I are quite enjoying ourselves.”

  “So I've noticed.” I squeeze her to me and kiss her head.

  I’m an inch taller than she is, but I don’t know how or when that happened. I remember the days I used to have to crane my neck to look up at her.

  “I’m just here to scrounge a sausage sandwich,” I say, peering over her shoulder. Alistair walks out to serve food to customers, leaving me alone with my aunt.

  She stops cooking to look me over. “Are you hungover?”

  If I were, I’d love her to try and tell me off when she was the one who told Bee I’d go out in the first place. I’m not, but maybe it’s better that she thinks I am rather than know that I just want to catch a glimpse of a guy.

  God, I am so pathetic!

  “Something like that, yeah,”’ I reply with a smile.

  “Did Bailey keep you out late?” I just nod. It’s easier than telling her who I was with.

  “Nothing I can’t handle…or nothing a sausage sandwich can’t cure.”

  I kiss her head again as I grab two sausages out of the pan on the stove, burning my fingers in the process. I grab two slices of bread and quickly make myself a sandwich, then pour a glass of orange juice. I take my plate and walk into the dining room. Sitting in the window seat and staring up at the TV, I pull my knees up to my chest. There’s some sort of cooking show on, but the TV is always muted because the radio is on for the guests to eat to. They all eat and talk to each other, ignoring me.

  I have taken as long as humanly possible to eat my sandwich. Now there’s only twenty minutes left of serving time. I slowly sip my orange juice, trying to make it last. I see movement out of the corner of my eye, catching a glimpse of Cole, Brad, and Fin as they walk into the lounge. I try not to let my body or my face give away my thoughts. It’s hard because Fin’s wearing black jogging bottoms and a navy blue t-shirt. For some reason, seeing him dressed down is so attractive! The t-shirt clings to his body in all the right places. All three are sporting their matching stubble, as usual. I can’t help but smile. I wonder how much upkeep it is to have just the right amount of stubble to be considered cool.

  “Morning, Alex,” Fin greets me. Cole quickly turns and spots me on my window seat.

  “Oh. Hey, Alex,” he says, but no smile reaches his lips.

  “Hey, guys. No Jay?”

  Cole finally smiles, then laughs. “Not a chance.” He takes a seat at a table for two.

  I smile. I shouldn’t feel this comfortable with four guys I only met Thursday, but I do. At the moment, I feel like I am part of their little band. Is that because I am a groupie now? Drooling over their very sexy drummer?

  Fin eyes me as he takes a seat opposite Brad, who is too busy studying his phone to even notice me yet. I know Bee’s texting him because I’m aware of her M.O. with guys. I already know I’ll see her today at some point. Whether I’m the excuse she’ll use to bump into Brad or Brad will be her excuse to bump into me, I’m not sure yet.

  I finish my orange juice and take my glass and plate back into the kitchen, then start washing them to help.

  “Um, no,” Alistair says, using his hip to
gently move me out of the way. “It’s your day off.” He takes the sponge out of my hand. I look at Aunt Jill for help as she puts the eggs back, but she just shakes her head. I guess I’m done in here.

  I shrug, a smile on my face, then walk back through the beaded curtain and make my way around the tables. I feel Fin's eyes on me the whole time. That was definitely worth getting up early for.

  I get back to my room and sit on the bed, collapsing back with an angry groan. My mind starts to wonder how long it will be before I can see him again. I drape my arm across my eyes.

  I’m an idiot.

  After an hour of arguing with myself, I realise I don’t need an excuse. I don’t need to think up an elaborate lie to go up to the guest area. I live here!

  I slowly make my way out of my room and up the five stairs to the door that leads into the lobby of the guest house. It’s way past 10:00am, so I know my aunt and Alistair are cleaning the rooms. I listen carefully. Sure enough, I hear their music playing upstairs.

  Great. I can sneak a bottle of water out of the bar.

  As I shut the door, I realise just how stupid I am being right now. I know I won’t see Fin, or any of the guys. They are either still sleeping off the alcohol from last night or exploring all Blackpool has to offer. I walk into the lounge and toward the bar.

  “What took you so long?”

  I jump out of my skin. This time, though, I manage to hold in the squeal. I turn to see Fin leaning up against the wall right next to the door I just walked through. He looks so calm and relaxed, his legs crossed at the ankles and arms folded across his chest. I wonder how long he’s been standing there. He’s in the same navy t-shirt, which molds to his body, but he’s now wearing blue jeans and black boots.

  I swallow hard. “Sorry?”

  “Yeah, you should be.” He smirks, pushing himself off the wall and walking over to me. I quickly move behind the safety of the bar, keeping some distance between us.

  “Pardon?” I ask. I am confused by this conversation, and seeing him all gorgeous and manly has sort of scrambled my brain.

  “I’ve been waiting for you to come back out.”


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