Danger (Mafia Ties #2)

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Danger (Mafia Ties #2) Page 3

by Fiona Davenport

  I turned to the side and walked forward a couple of feet until her back was pressed up against the shower wall. Moving my attention to the other nipple, my hand glided over her slick skin, cupping her delicious ass for a minute before continuing down and grasping the underside of her thighs. I lifted them up and guided her legs around my hips. My cock was rock hard and the generous length had it standing up against my belly. Her new position pressed the underside of my thickness into the wet heat of her pussy, and we groaned simultaneously.

  I let go of her nipple with one last lick and moved to her mouth, sucking her bottom lip into mine and giving it a little bite. Using my hips to pin her in place, I brought my hands to her tits and palmed them with a rough squeeze before using my fingers to toy with her hard little peaks, twisting and plucking. She dropped her head back against the stone and took a deep breath.

  “Nic, I need to think. We can’t—”

  “The fuck we can’t,” I growled before kissing her deeply and rocking my cock against her sex. She shivered violently, and I let my baser instincts take control. Returning my hands to her ass, I lifted her away just enough to plunge my cock into her, immediately taking up a punishing rhythm, pounding into her, reveling in her cries as she begged me to go harder and faster.

  “You want to come, bellissima?” I asked through gritted teeth as I made every effort to hold back my own orgasm. “Is that what you need, what you crave?”

  “Oh, gosh. Yes!” she panted.

  I slid her up the wall a little farther, allowing me to get inside even deeper, groaning as my cock dragged along the walls of her pussy. I kept my eyes open and locked on her emerald gaze. “Beg me,” I commanded. “Tell me how much you want me.”

  Behind the hazy lust, fear lurked in her gaze, most likely worried about giving in to her desire for me, her head and heart battling. I wasn’t above sexual coercion. Whatever it took to keep my sweet Gianna. I slowed my thrusts to a maddening pace but re-entered fast and hard after a few strokes before slowing again.

  “How much do you want me, Gianna? Beg me to give you what you need. Your tight little pussy is all ready to suck me dry, trying so fucking hard to keep me buried deep inside you.”

  She whimpered, but then she whispered, “Please, Nic. I need you to make me come.” I drove in fast and hard once again, but I kept her on the edge, deciding I needed one last thing before I let us both fall over the edge.

  “Say you’ll marry me, Gianna. We both know your heart and body belong to me. I want the world to know it too.”

  Her eyes widened but her mouth stayed firmly shut. I put a hand between us and lightly circled her clit, pushing her a little higher but still keeping her from coming.

  “Now, Gianna, I’m losing my patience,” I growled. “Say you’ll marry me.” Thrusting harder, I pinched her little bud. “Fuck! You were made for me, mia dolce!” I ran out of control and started slamming into her and pinching her even harder. “Say it!” I shouted.

  “Yes!” she yelled before she reached the peak and dove off the cliff, screaming my name. With one last thrust, seating me all the way in, my orgasm ripped through me and come exploded from my cock, filling her with my seed. It went on for so long, I was sure that if she wasn’t already pregnant, she would be after that.

  As my heart rate decelerated, I kissed her softly then buried my face in her neck, nuzzling and licking away the droplets of water. “You’re all mine, bellissima. I’ll never let you go now.”

  Chapter 5


  “I need you to wake up, bellissima.” Nic’s words rasped in my ear, sending shivers up my spine.

  My eyes drifted open and I noted that the sun was barely shining through the window. I blinked a few times before focusing on him. He was standing by the side of the bed, dressed in dark jeans, a black button-down shirt, and bare feet. His dark hair was slightly damp from his shower, and it looked like he’d trimmed his beard.

  “What time is it?” I asked blearily, lifting up on an elbow, my brain still foggy from sleep. By the time we’d finished in the shower and eaten a light meal, my lack of rest had caught up with me and I’d quickly fallen into an exhausted sleep. I’d been so out of it; I hadn’t even noticed when he’d left the bed.

  “Not quite seven.”

  I dropped back onto the mattress, groaning, and pulled the blanket over my head. “Too early.”

  “I wish I could let you sleep longer, Gianna, but I can’t.”

  Then it hit me.

  “Sophia!” I yelped, tossing the covers off and jumping from the bed, stark naked.

  “She’s fine,” he assured me, his eyes running hungrily up and down my body. “Mamma called about thirty minutes ago. Sophia slept well and her vitals are even better than they were last night.”

  “Oh,” I sighed, feeling relieved as I pulled my robe off the post at the foot of the bed and wrapped it around my body. If I didn’t cover myself, I had a feeling I’d end back on the mattress with Nic’s hard body covering mine. Although the pleasure would be amazing, I wasn’t ready to fall back into bed with him when I was feeling flustered by the way he’d managed to convince me to accept his proposal last night. “Then what’s the rush?”

  “There’s some people I need you to meet before we head back to the hospital.”

  “Some people?” I quirked my head to the side and squinted up at him, trying to figure out what he was leaving out.

  “Your security detail.”

  “Security detail?” Great, now I sounded like a parrot.

  “Yes, I’ve hired guards for the house and hospital, to protect you, Sophia, and my mamma.”

  One of my hands reached out, searching for the mattress. When I laid my hand on it, I backed up until I sat down. “Are we in danger?”

  Nic crouched down in front of me, one lean finger lifting my chin until we stared into each other’s eyes. “I won’t lie to you, Gianna. I don’t lead the safest of lives, but I swear to you upon my life that I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you and the rest of my family out of harm’s way.”

  My breath heaved out of my lungs as my heart raced at the steadfast look in his gaze. Most of my hurt feelings fled at the way he so easily called me family and promised to keep me safe.

  “The men I’ve hired are the best at what they do. They’ll keep you protected.” His finger toyed with the edge of my robe, trailing down from my neck to the top of my breasts. “But you’re not meeting them until you’re dressed.”

  “Like I’d walk down there half-dressed, knowing there are other people in the house,” I huffed, pushing his hand away to get up and stomp towards the closet.

  I yanked clothes that had mysteriously shown up in his closet off the hangers, muttering to myself about his high-handedness as I dressed. When I stalked back into the bedroom, Nic was waiting for me. I gasped at the sight of him kneeling down on one knee. He snaked a hand into his pocket and pulled out a tiny, dark blue ring box stamped with ‘HW’ on the top. With his thumb, he flipped the lid open and my jaw dropped open at the sight of the ring inside.

  An oval-shaped diamond center stone, bigger than any stone I’d ever seen before, was framed by micro pavé diamonds. They were set on a glamorous micro pavé platinum band. It was a delicate, feminine design that I could easily imagine had been made especially for me, even though the diamond was larger than anything I would pick out for myself. One thing was for sure, though, nobody looking at me would miss it. I was sure that had factored into Nic’s thought process when he was picking it out, but this was one occasion where I wasn’t going to hold his caveman tendencies against him.

  Tears streamed down my cheeks as he lifted the ring from the box and slid it on my finger. “Weren’t you supposed to ask me something first?” I sniffled.

  He rose from his knees, pulling me tightly against his hard body. His head lowered, his mouth crashing down against mine in a thorough kiss. His tongue swept inside, tangling with mine. He didn’t stop until I was weak in the knees a
nd leaning into him so I could stand.

  “There’s nothing to ask,” he whispered against my lips.

  I pushed at his chest, but almost forgot my point as the diamond ring twinkled up at me. Straightening my spine, I jutted my chin out at him. “You got down on your knee, but you didn’t actually ask me to marry you.”

  “I didn’t need to.” He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

  “You’re ruining a perfectly romantic moment,” I chided.

  “You’re lucky you got me on my knees without your sweet pussy in my mouth,” he growled into my ear, making my legs tremble. “And I don’t need to ask because you already said yes.”

  “Under duress,” I moaned when he nibbled at my neck.

  “Were you under duress when you called me your fiancé to the nurse at the hospital?”

  I couldn’t believe it; I’d been ratted out by his mom. “Oh, never mind,” I grumbled.

  His laughter rang in my ears as he tangled his fingers with mine and led me downstairs, his thumb sliding along the ring as we walked. Four men were waiting for us in the living room. They were unlike the others I’d seen hanging around Nic. Although they were dressed much the same, in dark suits with sunglasses, they reminded me of soldiers. Tightly cropped hair, paired with an air of restrained power and supreme confidence, set them apart from Nic’s men. Not that the guys I’d seen around were buffoons or anything like that, they just weren’t up to quite the same level as these men.

  They stood as we entered the room, their attention somehow focused on Nic and I but still scanning the area for possible threats. Nic kept me anchored to his side as he introduced me to them, calling me his fiancée and practically peeing circles around me to make it abundantly clear I was under their protection, but off limits.

  Each of the men shook my hand, their gazes completely professional without the slightest hint of flirtation. And yet when the last one turned to Nic after our introduction, his eyes lit with humor.

  “Another one bites the dust,” he murmured.

  “Shaddup,” Nic drawled.

  His exaggerated mafia-guy accent made me giggle, drawing both men’s gazes my way. Nic practically growled at the bodyguard, tugging me closer to his side.

  “Brecken wasn’t kidding when he said you were gone over her.” He glanced down at my hand where it rested on Nic’s arm. “I’m pretty sure they can see that rock from outer space, dude.”

  “It’s not that big,” Nic grumbled.

  “Maybe you should knock her up just in case the ring doesn’t warn other guys off her,” the other guy joked. “It worked for Brecken with Hadley.”

  I buried my face in Nic’s side, blushing wildly in mortification at their turn of topic. It had been less than a week ago that I’d been a virgin, and here I was standing with Nic while a stranger talked about him knocking me up.

  “Enough, Devon,” Nic bit out. “You’d do well to remember who you’re speaking to.”

  I shivered at his hard tone and the icy look he sent Devon’s way. Any sign of humor, which had been there moments before, was wiped clean away at my discomfort. As we left the house and headed back to the hospital, I was comforted by Nic’s protection of my sensibilities, as antiquated as they might be. And yet, I couldn’t help but note the one thing he hadn’t done—not once had he denied that he’d been trying to get me pregnant. He couldn’t, not when he seemed to be doing his best to make it true.

  Chapter 6


  Sophia was coming home.

  I hugged Gianna to my side tightly as we thanked Dr. McGowan for the news and hurried into her hospital room. My mother had already packed up her things, and we were able to get her out the door and home by lunch. The activity took a lot out of her, and when we arrived, I carried her up to her room. I laid her on the bed and tucked her in, kissing her forehead before making my way back downstairs.

  Voices floated back from the kitchen and I smiled, thinking about my family as I walked down the hall. For so many years, Sophia had been my world. Now, I was so desperately in love with Gianna, and she fit perfectly into the space in my heart that had previously only been filled by Sophia. Hopefully, I would be making room for another addition soon.

  I stopped in the doorway to the kitchen and drank in the sight of Gianna as she puttered around, making lunch. She shooed my mamma out of the kitchen casing her to grumble, but she winked at me as she left the room.

  Gianna’s long, dark hair was pulled up into a mess of curls, high on her head, showing off her beautiful face. Her sweater wasn’t tight, but it clung to her curves and I stared at her flat belly, envisioning it swollen with our baby. Feeling my pants tighten at the thought, I started going over baseball stats in my head until I calmed down. When that didn’t work, I moved on to ugly little men dancing around in my daughter’s ballerina costume. Mission accomplished.

  I slipped into the room silently and came up behind Gianna, closing my arms around her and holding her tight. She gasped in surprise but melted the moment I nuzzled my face into her neck. “Mia dolce, you are so beautiful.”

  I turned her around in the circle of my arms and kissed her, pouring out my love with every breath. When we came up for air, I was unable to keep a smug smile off of my face at the sight of her pink cheeks and lust glazed eyes. I pecked her on the nose and released her, allowing her to go back to cooking.

  Putting my hands on the counter behind me, I leaned back and crossed one ankle over the other. I would have loved to stay there all day and watch her, but there was something I needed to do.

  “Sophia will be asleep for several hours with the pain medication she took. I’m going to run an errand after we eat so I can be back here when she wakes.” I said nonchalantly.

  She paused in her task and looked at me curiously. Obviously, I hadn’t done a good enough job disguising the importance of my errand. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing for you to worry about, mia dolce.”

  She scowled with irritation but didn’t push for more information. I winked at her as she scooted by to reach a cupboard on the other side of me. I lightly smacked her sexy little ass and grinned when she glared at me, barely holding back a smile. Having taken off her shoes earlier, she wasn’t quite tall enough to reach the bowl on the top shelf, so I reached up and grabbed it, handing it over and stealing a kiss.

  “Hmmm,” I mused as she stepped away, her cheeks pink with a sweet blush. “My ring is on your finger, you’re in our kitchen, barefoot. There’s only one thing missing from this picture, mia dolce.”

  She hesitated and glanced at me warily. “About that—”

  “Another time, Gianna.” I cut her off but softened my words with a smile. “I’d like to go soon so I can get back to my girls as quickly as possible.”

  She looked like she wanted to argue, but she simply asked, “Tonight?”

  “If we have time to sit and discuss it,” I answered noncommittally. She studied me for another moment, her eyes narrowed, then went back to tossing a salad before announcing lunch was ready.

  I helped Gianna bring the food to the table and waited for her as she wrapped up a small, plain lunch, and put it in the refrigerator. Warmth filled me as I realized she’d made food for Sophia, keeping in mind that her stomach was sensitive because of her medication. Gianna was everything I could have ever dreamed of for a wife and mother of my children.


  I rang the doorbell of a small apartment building situated not far from the Columbia campus. Gianna’s father was a math professor at the university, but she’d mentioned he had no classes on Mondays and worked from home.

  When the door opened, I was surprised to see a beautiful woman, no older than her late forties, with mocha skin, short, curly hair, and twinkling brown eyes. I was sure I hadn’t gotten the address wrong, so I asked, “I’m looking for Mr. and Mrs. Martin, am I at the right home?”

  She smiled brightly and something about her seemed familiar. “I’m Mrs. Martin, what can
I do for you?”

  I was taken aback by her response and more than a little confused. “You’re Gianna’s mother?” I asked. Then wanted to kick myself for how rude it must have sounded.

  “Gianna?” A funny expression came over her face, but then she laughed again and nodded. “I am Anna’s mother,” she confirmed, “but I didn’t give birth to her.”

  Her stepmother. I mentally rolled my eyes at myself for not considering that option. I decided to start over. “I’m Nic DeLuca.”

  “Ah, Nic. I’ve been expecting you.”

  “I—you have?”

  She stepped back and waved me in as she spoke. “My daughter and I speak quite often, Nic. Hearing how you met and the way she talks about you. I figured it was only a matter of time,” she said slyly.

  I grinned, I already loved this woman, I could see the sass she’d passed down to her daughter. “She is irresistible.”

  “I agree.” She held out her hand in greeting and I took it, kissing the back. “I’m Olivia Martin, but you can call me Livy. Please, come in.” She led me to a sitting room and when we entered, I was immediately drawn to the walls filled with my sweet Gianna. They told her life story and I studied every picture until I heard a deep voice from the doorway.

  “DeLuca. It’s about time you got here. I was wondering if I was going to have to dig out my trusty shotgun.”

  I turned to see a tall, olive-skinned man, with brown hair and a bushy mustache, both beginning to streak with gray. Livy smacked his arm and murmured something that sounded like “Behave.” His arm slipped around her waist and he pulled her close, placing a kiss on her forehead before turning back to me. It was easy to see where Gianna had learned to love so openly. I never doubted Gianna loved Sophia like her own, but from the way she spoke about her mother and seeing her parents together, it was clear that she had a deeper understanding of the love between a child and their parent, whether they are genetically related or not.


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