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Afflicted Page 5

by Susanne Valenti

  I suppressed a groan at the mention of my brother's name. I hated that we hung out in the same social group now. I never got five minutes away from him anymore.

  "He's got a huge thing for Ms Seymore and he couldn't bear the idea of missing her class so he went into school," I said with a smirk.

  "Isn't she the one with the moustache?" Ryan laughed.

  "Well he still can't grow one for himself so I think he likes it," I said.

  Spencer laughed loudly enough to startle a duck that was sleeping nearby. It quacked angrily as it headed down to the lake and I couldn't help but laugh too.

  "How long do you think the water will be out?" Lacey asked. "We could head into Harbour City tomorrow if school's still shut. Last time I was there they were finishing work on this insane looking mall. One whole skyscraper dedicated to shopping."

  "Sounds good, I'm up for it," I said.

  "The commute to the city sucks now, I don't think I can handle it," Spencer said. "Especially for a shopping trip."

  "Girls trip it is then," Lacey said.

  "Was I not invited then?" Ryan asked, squeezing me a little tighter.

  "It might as well be a girls trip," I said. "You don't wanna follow us around all day while we try on clothes."

  "What kinda clothes?" Spencer asked. "’Cause if you're talking about underwear-"

  Lacey smacked him on the arm before I could.

  There was a huge weeping willow by the edge of the lake and more of our friends were gathered beneath it. Tommy threw a football our way as we approached and we were quickly ditched by the boys in favour of a game.

  The duck was still wagging its tail and making irritated noises as it started to swim out onto the lake. I watched its progress with amusement as it joined up with another duck which looked like it was glaring back at me.

  I kicked my shoes off as we reached the rest of the girls and sank down onto the soft grass.

  "Did your mom and dad end up staying in the city last night Kaitlyn?" Demi asked as she spotted me.

  "Yeah they did, how did you know?" I asked.

  "Reese promised us a party if they did." She raised an eyebrow accusingly.

  "Oh, he did mention something but we weren't sure if they'd be home or not. I was only sure when I woke up this morning and realised they hadn't made it back."

  "Shame." Demi turned away from me dismissively and Lacey gave me a knowing smile.

  I might have lied a little but I wasn't about to apologise for not hosting a party. Especially as my mom would know the second she got home; getting something past her was damn near impossible. And the last thing I needed was to be grounded.

  The duck had gathered five more ducks around him and they were all quacking irritably as they eyed us on the lakeshore.

  "Does anyone have any food?" I asked.

  "I've got some chips," Ella offered as she rooted in her bag and tossed them to me.

  "Mind if I feed the ducks?" I asked. "They look kinda hungry."

  Demi laughed loudly. "You wanna feed the ducks? What are you, five?"

  "Maybe," I agreed as I stood and headed for the ducks.

  The six birds watched me approach as I opened the bag of chips. I crumbled a few in my fist and threw the crumbs into the water.

  The ducks didn't move.

  "Here," I said as I tossed some bigger pieces closer to them.

  The duck in the centre of the group quacked at me suddenly, almost making me drop the packet.

  "Ducks like bread!" Chloe called.

  "Be that way then," I said as I turned my back on them.

  I started heading back up the bank towards my friends but the sound of splashing made me turn.

  The ducks had followed, they were leaving the water and standing on the bank behind me in a line. I glanced down at the half empty pack of chips in my hand and tossed a few more to them. They still didn't go for the food but continued to stare at me.

  "Are these ducks being weird?" I asked as I moved away from them again.

  "All birds are weird," Ella said. "They don't even have toes."

  "What?" I asked with a smile as I sat back down.

  "Don't trust anything that doesn't have toes. That's how I live my life and it hasn't steered me wrong yet."

  "Just because they have webbed feet that doesn't mean they don't have toes does it?" Lacey asked.

  "I'm not getting into toe classification. If the toes aren't individual toes then they don't count." Ella lay back and closed her eyes to end the subject.

  I gave Chloe a smile as she caught my eye and mouthed 'nutter' to me.

  "Heads up!" Ryan shouted as the football came hurtling towards us.

  We all ducked aside and Kristen let out a squeal but it bounced past us without hitting anyone. Ryan came running after it and tossed it back to the other guys.

  "Reese is on his way down," he said as he sat beside me instead of rejoining the game.

  "He wasn't allowed a private lesson with Ms Seymore then?" I asked lightly.

  "He seemed to think you'd gone to school this morning too and was surprised that you were here."

  I couldn't help but laugh. "Dunno why he thought that, Lacey called me to let me know I didn't have to go in."

  Ryan shook his head and leant against me, trailing his fingers across the back of my hand.

  "Those ducks are still being weird," Demi commented.

  I shifted away from Ryan so that I could look at them again. There were eleven of them now, all standing in a line on the lakeshore and staring at us.

  "Someone should get them some bread," Kristen said. "Before they try to eat us."

  We all laughed but I felt uneasy as I looked at the strange birds again. I got the distinct feeling that they wanted us to leave.

  "I'm going to get an ice cream," Demi said as she stood up. "Anyone else?"

  Most of the girls got up to follow her but I stayed where I was.

  "Are your mom and dad gunna stay in the city again tonight?" Ryan asked quietly as he leant closer to me.

  "I dunno, I have to speak to them later," I replied.

  "I could come over?" he offered, placing his hand on my knee.

  "Oh, I already invited Lacey," I said, giving him a small smile as I moved out of his grip.

  "I'm sure she'd understand," he persisted.

  "I'm not blowing her out," I replied, feeling a little irritated. "I'm not one of those girls who just ditches her friends as soon as she starts seeing a guy."

  "Well you haven't just started seeing me," Ryan said. "And we haven't really had much time alone to get to know each other better. It seems like a shame to miss the opportunity."

  "Well chances are my mom and dad will come home anyway and Reese would be there regardless. Plus like I said, Lacey's coming over," I said firmly.

  Ryan let out an irritated sigh and leant back on his elbows. I resisted the urge to tell him where to shove his irritation and got to my feet instead.

  "I think I will get an ice cream after all," I said as I started to head after the other girls. The ducks watched me go and I upped my pace a little as I made my way across the park.

  "Get lost on your way to school did you?" Reese shouted as he spotted me. Jason was by his side as usual and I flashed the two of them a wide smile as I continued on my way to the ice cream truck. "I owe you for that one!" he called after me.

  "You make it too easy for me," I said as I passed them.

  "Just watch your back," Reese called. Jason chuckled and I flipped them off over my shoulder.

  I made it to the ice cream truck just as the other girls had collected their orders and quickly got myself a cone too.

  "I thought you didn't want anything?" Lacey asked as she fell in next to me at the back of the group.

  "I didn't really. Ryan was just being a bit..." I glanced at Demi's back to make sure she wasn't listening. "Pushy. He wanted to come over tonight while my mom and dad weren't home."

  "Ohhh, and I'm guessing you turned him dow

  "I told him you were already coming over. And even if you hadn't been I'm not ready for him to come for a sleepover - I'm still not even sure I'm that into him."

  "Well if you need me to be that annoying friend who keeps getting in the way of your relationship then who am I to argue?" Lacey laughed. "Besides, we've got some serious spying to do."

  "You're making me feel like a stalker now!"

  "Who are you stalking?" Demi asked suddenly, turning towards us. I hadn't realised that we'd closed the distance between us and she could overhear our conversation.

  I glanced at Lacey, unsure of what to tell her and Lacey took the lead.

  "I'm just going over to Kaitlyn's tonight and I'm hoping to get to know her neighbour a bit better," she said. "Kaitlyn keeps calling me a stalker."

  "I don't remember you having any neighbours worth stalking," Demi said, her eyes lighting up with interest.

  "Well he moved away years ago but he's back visiting his mom for a while," I explained.

  As we made it back to the lake shore I noticed that there were even more ducks lining up to glare at us. The boys had finished their game and were sitting in the sun by the huge weeping willow.

  Demi made a bee line for Reese and sat beside him, flashing her brightest smile. I watched as my brother stared at her, a little unsure of how to respond. Even though we all hung out together a lot, Demi tended to reserve her attention for her closest friends. When she did single someone else out there tended to be a motive involved.

  "So," she said dramatically, drawing everyone's attention to her. "Kaitlyn says you've got a hot neighbour visiting?"

  Reese glanced at me with a slight frown before he realised who she was talking about.

  "Oh yeah Mom mentioned that Linc was back visiting his mom. His dad died a few weeks ago."

  "Do you think he's a good match for Lacey then?"

  "Lacey?" Reese looked over at the two of us with a slight frown. His eyes landed on my best friend and I could have sworn she blushed. "I didn't know she knew him. Kaitlyn's the one who's always been obsessed with him." He shot me a smile and I wanted to punch him.

  "Really?" Demi asked, looking at me in surprise.

  "No not really," I said, having to force myself not to yell at Reese. "We all used to play together as kids. He moved away six years ago and that was the last I'd seen or heard from him until last night."

  "Ah so it was just puppy love Ryan, no need for you to worry about your girlfriend's eyes wandering then." Demi smiled at Ryan sweetly while I cursed internally.

  I'd never agreed to be Ryan's girlfriend, we were just seeing each other. If I didn't call her out on her mistake then it was as good as committing to him in front of everyone. But if I did then I'd have to risk Demi's rage coupled with humiliating Ryan in front of the group.

  The seconds seemed to tick on endlessly as the awkward silence stretched. I was running out of time to respond and my eyes darted to Lacey as I silently asked for her help.

  "We aren't actually boyfriend/girlfriend," I blurted, a little too late for it to come off naturally. I glanced at Ryan and noticed his jaw tighten uncomfortably as he avoided my eye. His friends were all looking at him in a way that made me feel like he'd told them a different story. I felt bad for making him look like a fool in front of everyone, especially as I really did like him. I just wasn't sure if I wanted to commit to being his girlfriend. "Yet," I added to soften the blow.

  Ryan's face lit up as he finally looked at me and I gave him a smile.

  "That's easily fixed then," he said as he got to his feet.

  I felt like a rock had dropped to the pit of my stomach as he moved towards me with a huge grin on his face.

  "Kaitlyn Lewis, will you - officially - be my girlfriend?" He dropped to one knee in front of me and held out his hand for me to take.

  My mouth fell open but no words came out. My eyes darted between all of our friends who were staring at us expectantly. Even the gang of ducks glared at us like they were waiting for something. I wasn't sure if he'd done it on purpose or not but with an audience like that there was really only one thing I could say.

  "Of course I will," I breathed and he pulled me forward into a kiss while our friends clapped and laughed around us.

  Chapter Eight


  I stayed seated on the front steps as Katy headed away down the street. My chest still felt warmed by her embrace and I couldn't help but feel guilty over the time she'd spent worrying about me. While I'd been away starting a new life, she'd remained here thinking she'd caused me pain. In reality she'd set me free. Hell I probably owed her a thank you.

  My cellphone buzzed and I pulled it from my pocket hopefully. There was a chance I would have to have my compassionate leave cut short. If I was called back then there was nothing I could do about it. My heart rose at the thought and I pushed it aside guiltily. I really needed to try and get Diane's life in order before I left. Especially as I wasn't planning on returning again.

  I glanced at the name on the screen before answering and smiled.

  “Kai,” I said brightly as I answered. “What's happening?”

  “Walsh,” he said, calling me by my surname as everyone in the squad did. Something about it made me feel like a different man; Walsh was fearless, strong and dependable. Everything I strove to be. “Just thought I'd check in. I gathered you're in the area without water today?”

  “So I've heard. Some kind of contamination isn't it?” I asked.

  “Something like that. Are you free to meet today? We need to give you a satphone so that we can speak on a secure line. Orders from the top; we’re all being given one.”

  “Sure. But it's probably best you don't come here. Shall I meet you in town in about an hour?” I asked.

  “There's a pizza joint called Donny’s Pizza Palace. Meet us there and let's make it a bit later,” Kai said authoritatively. He was taking his role in charge without me more seriously than necessary and clearly enjoyed giving me an order for once.

  “Sir,” I corrected him, knowing full well he wouldn't say it. My promotion over him had come as both a shock and constant source of amusement to the two of us. Whenever we were with another marine, he had to call me ‘sir’ and I couldn't help but rub it in.

  “See you there at half twelve?” he asked, ignoring me.

  “Sure. I'll go get some groceries before I meet you then,” I agreed.

  “We’ll see you there,” he confirmed before hanging up on me.

  I let out a snort of laughter at the dismissal and pushed myself up off of the porch. I headed inside and paused as I heard the sound of the TV coming from the front room.

  My mom was sitting on the couch, staring at the screen with glassy eyes that made me think she wasn't watching it at all. It was still a huge improvement on yesterday, I'd been beginning to think I'd have to force her to get out of bed at all.

  “Hey Diane,” I said as I entered the room. A shadow passed behind her eyes as I used her name but I ignored it. “You've got no food in so I'm gunna head to the shops.”

  “I've been meaning to go…” She trailed off vaguely. I wasn't sure if she'd even left the house since his funeral. It certainly looked like she could do with a good meal and the cupboards were practically bare.

  “I'm on it. I need to head into town anyway.”

  “Not the city?” she confirmed warily. My old man had always hated Harbour City, even more so after they built The Wall around it. He said it was unnatural to put so many people in one place, all watching each other all the time. I guess I could see why he wouldn't want anyone paying too much attention to him. Either way I doubted Diane had ever been there to do shopping or for anything else.

  “Orville’s a lot closer, they'll have everything I need. Any requests?” I asked.

  “Pick up your Dada,” she mumbled, her southern accent sounding more prominent with the last word.

  My jaw tightened and I made an effort to keep my voice clear o
f emotion as I responded. “He's dead. You know that.” I wondered if she'd been at the pain meds this morning.

  “I ain't a fool Lincoln,” she spat suddenly, turning red-rimmed eyes on me. “I mean his ashes.”

  I held her gaze, biting my tongue against shouting every reason why I'd never want to do anything for him even after his death. I was glad he'd been burnt and hoped he was still burning somewhere as we spoke.

  “I can't do it,” she croaked, tears overflowing suddenly. “Don't make me do it baby…” She descended into sobs, clawing at her face with dirty fingernails.

  I wanted to yell at her, make her see what he had been and demand she dance on his grave like I wanted to. With a wrench of will I forced one word to pass between my lips, hating the bitter taste of it as it worked its way up my throat. “Fine.”

  I turned my back on her and stormed from the house, not wanting to see any gratitude in her eyes. She'd be lucky if I didn't toss him in the river on my way back home.

  I hurled the door closed behind me, making it rattle on old hinges.

  I let a yell escape me as I turned and slammed my fist into the door. The wood splintered around my knuckles sending a crack shooting down its centre and leaving an indent as I pulled back.

  I forced a deep breath, refusing to let my rage consume me as I turned away and hurried down the steps.

  I felt a familiar tug to race through the gap in the hedges and seek shelter next door. Old habits must die hard. I glanced up at the house where Katy’s window looked back down at me and felt a small wave of calm wash through me. It wasn't enough to stop the blood pounding in my ears but it helped.

  Adrenaline thrummed though my veins, demanding a release. If I had a choice I'd find a sparring opponent to get in the ring with. As I didn't, I started running instead.

  The miles pounded away beneath my feet as I concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other and pressed my swirling emotions to the back of my mind. I took a roundabout journey to the park, making sure I got a good workout before stopping to collect some bottled water.

  I stopped at the back of the line, catching my breath as sweat glistened on my skin. I pulled my shirt off, letting the slight breeze cool me as I waited my turn.


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