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Afflicted Page 11

by Susanne Valenti

  “We regret to announce that the store will be closing in five minutes due to a hurricane alert. Please complete any purchases and make your way home quickly.”

  A hurricane would certainly explain the storm that was raging outside. I made my way to the checkout and quickly loaded my groceries onto the conveyor.

  There were two staff members waiting to pack my bags for me so I stood out of their way as they worked.

  “Have you had a delivery issue?” I asked the cashier as she scanned my groceries.

  “Driver's strike,” she replied disinterestedly.

  “And there was an issue with one of the warehouses,” one of the packers added.

  “Seems to be a new excuse added to the list every day,” the other packer said. “And we’re the ones left to try and explain it to all the pissed off customers.”

  “So you're not really sure what's happening then?” I asked, glancing back at the half-stocked shelves.

  The cashier shrugged as she scanned my last item and rung up my bill. “That's fifty seven ninety,” she said.

  I handed over the money and grabbed my bags, thanking the packers for their help.

  One of them followed me to the doors and pulled the shutter down as I stepped through.

  “Hope you get home safe,” he said as he looked out at the pounding rain nervously. Thunder crashed overhead and he flinched back, dragging the shutters down with a clatter behind me.

  I fished my key from my pocket and unlocked my truck before making a dash for it through the downpour. I tossed the groceries onto the passenger seat instead of the truck bed to save them getting wet and slammed the door behind me.

  I brushed the water from my hair and started up the electric engine with a button on the dash.

  If anything, the wiper blades had even more trouble clearing the windscreen than they had before. I considered staying put but if a hurricane was about to come tearing through then I really didn't want to be caught out in it. I just needed to get back to the house and probably head down to the basement for good measure.

  I clipped my seatbelt on and pulled away.

  The roads were clear as I started the drive back to the house. No other idiots were stupid enough to go out in a hurricane I guessed.

  Trees and power cables swayed back and forth above me, caught in strong winds which wouldn't release their hold.

  My grip on the steering wheel tightened as I turned off of the main road and onto the narrower streets.

  Tall trees whipped from side to side and my head bobbed up and down as I switched between craning my neck to watch them and keeping my eyes on the road.

  A figure leapt out of nowhere straight into my path and I yanked on the steering wheel as I slammed on the brakes.

  The truck twisted, sending my heart pounding as it felt like the passenger side wheels left the road.

  Water careered across the windshield, blinding me inside the truck as the back wheels spun out. I grabbed the steering wheel, wrenching it back around as I fought to keep control.

  Somehow I came to a jarring halt without hitting anything.

  Blood thrummed through my veins, urging me into action. It felt like I did when I was preparing for combat and I fought to keep it under control.

  I twisted around, trying to get a look at the figure who had jumped out in front of me. I couldn't see anyone through the rain-washed windows as I squinted out at the street. There were cars parked along the curb on the other side of the road so I couldn't be sure.

  I was confident I hadn't hit anything but I had to be sure whoever it was was okay.

  With an irritated sigh I opened the door and jumped out.

  “Are you alright?” I called as I moved around the hood of my truck, hunching my shoulders against the hammering rain and wind.

  I squinted between the cars and shielded my eyes with my hands as I tried to spot anyone there.

  Someone slammed into me from the side, throwing me off of my feet and onto the hood of my truck.

  I let out a yell as I twisted, landing on my back and getting my legs up before they could jump on top of me. The man shrieked as he launched himself at me again, trying to leap on top of me where I lay.

  I kicked out, sending him flying back onto the tarmac where he landed in a huge puddle.

  I used the momentum of my attack to jump from my truck and advance on him while he was down.

  “What the hell?” I yelled at him, hoping he got the hint to stay down.

  He didn't respond but lunged for my legs, wrapping his arms around my shins before I could jump aside. Teeth sank into my thigh through my jeans and I tried to jerk backwards, instead managing to lose my balance.

  The man shrieked again as he knocked me over, his fingernails digging into my skin as he dragged me down.

  I hit the ground hard but ignored the pain which lanced through my spine as I aimed a fist for his face. He didn't even flinch before my knuckles connected with his nose and I felt it shatter beneath my blow.

  Blood flew as he toppled backwards shrieking again and I managed to get my feet beneath me as I stood and ran at him.

  I kicked him squarely in the chest, forcing him backwards onto the tarmac and pinning him down beneath my boot.

  Instead of giving up, he thrashed under the pressure, clawing at my boot.

  “Just stay down!” I commanded, putting some more of my weight into my foot as he fought even harder.

  Bloodshot eyes glared back at me. It didn't even seem like he understood what I was saying.

  He screamed again, somehow managing to twist beneath me, forcing me to stumble back to save myself from falling. As he regained his feet, I closed the distance between us and swung my fist into his temple.

  The man fell to the ground unconscious, rain water pooling around him.

  I gave him a solid nudge with my boot to make sure he was out cold before expelling a heavy breath. I was irritated that he'd caught me off guard and swore as I ran my tongue over my bottom lip, tasting blood.

  I pulled the satphone from my pocket and jumped back into my truck to escape the downpour.

  “What’s up Walsh?” Hawker asked as the call connected.

  “I've just been attacked by one of those contaminated psychos,” I said as I opened the sun visor to look in the mirror. My lip was bleeding a little but I doubted it would be obvious after an hour or so. “I've knocked him out so I was just wondering what I'm supposed to do with him now?”

  “That's still being handled by local police. If you can make it to a station through this storm then that's the place to drop him. Or I can just put the info into the Monitor and have them come find him?”

  I half considered it but he might end up drowning before anyone came to get him. Or worse still wake up and attack someone less able to defend themselves. And the poor bastard wasn't in control of himself anyway so I couldn't really harbour a grudge against him.

  “I'd better drop him off. Thanks Hawker.”

  “Glad you're okay Walsh.” She hung up before I could reply and I tossed the phone onto the passenger seat with the groceries.

  I jumped out of the truck and into the rain once more. I was so saturated that it barely even mattered anyway.

  The wind howled around me as I hoisted the unconscious man over my shoulder and deposited him in the bed of my truck. I pulled a tarp over him to keep the rain off then headed to the police station to drop him off.

  I probably could have done better than leaving him to roll about in my truck bed but knowing I shouldn't hold a grudge didn't mean I wouldn't. And my split lip was pretty pleased with my decision.

  Chapter Thirteen


  When the sound of the storm finally died down, Ryan eased the shelter door open again.

  I blinked out into the grey light and pulled my hood up as we stepped out into the persistent drizzle which had been left behind. A few branches littered Ryan's backyard and a bench was overturned but nothing else seemed too out of place

  "Looks like we managed to get away with it," Ryan said as he offered me his hand and helped me to clamber out.

  I pulled my cellphone from my pocket as it started buzzing repeatedly. Seven texts had arrived all at once from my mom plus two from my dad and even one from Reese. There were twenty nine missed calls too. I sighed as I scanned through them quickly.

  12:03 Mom - We got cut off, can you call me back? Can you get to shelter? X

  12:06 Mom - Did you get my message? Are you ok??

  12:08 Mom - Are you at Lacey's? Your Dad is coming to pick you up X

  12:11 Mom - The storm is too bad, he can't leave. Make sure you get to shelter and let me know that you're ok!!

  12:26 Dad - Let us know you're alright as soon as you can. Are you safe?

  12:32 Reese - Mom and Dad are pissed you're not with me. Call them to tell them you're fine

  12:40 Dad - Give us a call as soon as you can, we just want to know you're alright

  12:41 Mom - Are you ok??? Please text back!

  12:49 Mom - Call me!!

  13:52 Mom - The storm has passed, did you get to shelter? Your dad is heading over to Lacey's to pick you up now X

  "I just need to call my Mom," I said. "She's having kittens."

  "Sure, I should probably check in with mine too," Ryan agreed as we headed back into his house.

  Ryan moved into the front room as he made his phone call and I stayed in the kitchen to dial my mom. She picked up before the first ring had even finished.

  "Oh Kaitlyn thank goodness!" she gushed.

  "I'm fine Mom," I sighed. "I was in a shelter. It doesn't look like the storm was even that bad in the end anyway."

  "There are trees down all over the place! You could have been crushed or worse," she scolded. "What were you thinking storming off in this weather? You could catch your death at the very least!"

  "I'm fine," I repeated, hoping the message would sink in this time.

  "Your dad will be there any minute to pick you up. I want you back home so that I can make sure you're okay for myself."

  "Fine. I'm not at Lacey's though," I said.

  "Where are you then?"

  "I'm at-" I glanced towards the front room where I could hear Ryan talking to his mom. "A friend's over on Maple."

  "Who's that then? I don't remember any of your friends living over there-"

  "I'll text dad the address. I should hurry before he wastes any more time heading to Lacey's. See you soon." I did not want to have the boyfriend conversation with her, especially while Ryan was in the next room.

  "Okay, be safe," Mom said before hanging up. I just hoped she hadn't noticed me swerving her question.

  I quickly texted Dad Ryan's address, finishing the message by telling him to call me when he was outside.

  "Everything alright?" Ryan asked as he reentered the room.

  "Yeah, you know what moms are like." I rolled my eyes and he smiled.

  "Speaking of which, mine just invited you to stay for dinner so that she can meet you."

  "Oh." I tried not to look too terrified by the prospect and was suddenly very pleased to have been summoned home. "I can't, sorry. I've been ordered home, Dad's already on his way here."

  "Maybe I should introduce myself then?" he offered. "They must be getting curious about me."

  "It's probably not the best time. They're still pretty pissed at me because of this whole argument we're in over the city isolation trial. I just don't want them to be in a bad mood when they meet you," I replied, not mentioning the fact that they weren't curious because I hadn't told them about him. It had never really occurred to me to say anything about him. Especially as we weren't even officially dating until a few days ago.

  "Right." Ryan narrowed his eyes slightly and I got the feeling he'd seen through me.

  "Soon," I promised. "Just not today." I closed the distance between us and kissed him to take the sting out of my refusal.

  "Okay. I think I just heard a car pull up."

  I jogged across the room to the window and peeked out to see my dad's car parking on the street. Reese was in the front passenger seat looking either annoyed or smug and I couldn't decide which.

  "I'll see you soon," I promised as I headed for the door.

  Ryan caught my hand just as I started to pull it open and leant in to kiss me but I turned the wrong way and his lips hit my cheek awkwardly instead. I laughed as I twisted out of his grip and opened the door.

  I jumped as I came face to face with my dad who looked angrier than he had when I'd stormed out that morning. He was a big man and I had to tilt my head up to meet his gaze. His brow was furrowed and his dark eyes bored into mine, telling me I was definitely still in the doghouse.

  "Dad!" I exclaimed as my heart skipped a beat guiltily. "I saw you pull up, I was just coming-"

  "You never mentioned a boyfriend," he interrupted me and I froze, feeling the shock register on my features and trying to force it back off.

  "Oh err, yeah I did. Mom knows-"

  "I've just got off the phone with your mother and she knows nothing about this Ryan either."

  Ryan obviously decided that was the time to show himself and pulled the door out of my grip to reveal himself. He held his hand out to my dad and gave his best game-winning smile.

  "Mr Lewis, it's so nice to finally meet you. I was just trying to convince Kaitlyn to introduce us," he said smoothly.

  My dad cast an intimidating shadow at the best of times and the look in his eyes at that moment was bordering on pure terrifying. I was surprised that Ryan hadn't run screaming for the hills and a little impressed that he still held his hand out even though my dad hadn't taken it.

  "And why weren't you keen Kaitlyn? Were you concerned that we might not approve?" Dad asked me.

  "No of course not. Ryan's really nice, you'll love him, I swear. We only just started dating though and it's awkward doing the whole 'meet the parents' thing so I just wanted to be sure-"

  "You only just started dating?" Dad arched an eyebrow in the way he did when he caught someone out in a lie. "Reese just informed me this has been going on for months."

  Ryan glanced between the two of us awkwardly and dropped his hand.

  "He only just became my boyfriend two days ago!" I insisted. "Reese is just trying to get me in trouble as usual." I hated my stupid brother's stupid face and I was going to punch him as soon as I got close enough.

  "It's true Mr Lewis. I asked her to be my girlfriend in front of all of our friends, you could check with any of them," Ryan said backing me up. I flashed him a grateful smile before returning my attention to my dad.

  "Okay then Ryan, I'd like to have a word with your parents while I'm here about setting some ground rules for the two of you." My dad tried to take a step into the house but I didn't move aside.

  "Oh," Ryan said uselessly, looking to me for help.

  "They aren't here," I said quietly, wishing the ground would swallow me whole.

  "So you're telling me that the two of you have been here alone for hours?"

  "We didn't do anything," I said, feeling my cheeks flare red. "We were stuck in the storm shelter half the time, hoping we weren't going to come out and find the world destroyed."

  My dad glared at me for several seconds before switching his attention to Ryan.

  "This is my little girl Ryan. If I get the slightest inclination that you might have thought about disrespecting her in the littlest way then we're gunna be having words. Understand?"

  "Yes Mr Lewis," Ryan swallowed nervously. "You don't have to worry about anything, I really like Kaitlyn and I wouldn't do anything to-"

  "Damn straight you wouldn't. Let's go Kaitlyn." My dad turned and walked back to the car.

  I glanced at Ryan and mouthed 'sorry' before hurrying after him. As I reached the car, Reese gave me a huge smile and I felt the last shred of affection I had held onto for him wither and die. I was going to make him pay for this if it was the last thing I did.

Chapter Fourteen


  The next day came and went from the confines of my bedroom. I was too angry at my parents to leave the four walled sanctuary and they were too angry at me to try and make me. By the time I heard them go to bed, I had exhausted the small supply of candy and the half bottle of water I'd found in the depths of my purse. My stomach growled angrily and I decided to risk a trip to the kitchen for supplies.

  I eased my bedroom door open and crept out onto the landing. The weather had stayed cool in the wake of the storm and a chill raised the hairs on the back of my neck.

  I made it down to the kitchen and left the lights off as I headed for the fridge. I opened it and found a covered plate sat in the centre with a post-it stuck to it with my name written in my mom's handwriting. I felt my anger melt a little as I pulled the plate out to find my favourite pasta dish and a chocolate cupcake waiting for me.

  I risked using the microwave to warm up my dinner and perched on the kitchen counter while I waited for it.

  A shadow shifted outside the window and I stilled as I squinted through the venetian blind. I sat and waited for the movement again but nothing happened.

  The microwave pinged and I hopped up to retrieve my meal.

  I was so hungry that I started shovelling it into my mouth before I'd even taken a seat at the breakfast bar. The steaming pasta burnt my tongue and I cursed as I abandoned the plate and ran to fill a glass of water at the sink.

  I swore again when nothing came out of the tap and headed back to the fridge for the bottled water. When I finally had a full glass, I returned to my food and forced myself to slow down so that I didn't burn my mouth again.

  When I finished my meal and my stomach was feeling wonderfully full, I headed to the sink to deposit my plate.

  Something moved outside again and this time I pulled the blind back to get a better look.

  A large shape lurked in the shadows by the hedgerow. I stared at it as my stomach knotted and waited for it to move again. It shifted slightly but still didn't reveal itself. I began to feel like whatever it was was watching me too and dropped the blind back into place as I stepped away from the window.


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