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Afflicted Page 13

by Susanne Valenti

  I quickly forwarded it to our friends with the caption 'Reese had an accident again last night, please be extra nice to him today as stress seems to make it worse.'

  I rearranged his bedding so that he wouldn't see the wet patch and went back to my own room where I locked the door to make sure he stayed out.

  My cellphone was already blowing up with messages from our friends and I smiled to myself as I picked out an outfit for the cinema.

  I spent the morning at Lacey's before heading to the cinema together. I was fairly sure that Reese would do something to me when we got there in retaliation for the bed wetting prank but I was beyond caring. I'd had enough of not stooping to his level and I was ready to stoop as low as he liked.

  By the time we were ready to leave, Lacey's mom had come back from work and offered us a lift into town which saved us a long walk and a bus journey. I enjoyed the luxury of the lift as we zipped through the streets towards Orville which was the only local place to do anything without heading into the city.

  There were a few shops and restaurants as well as a bowling alley beneath the cinema. It wasn't much in comparison to the slick, modern entertainment buildings inside Harbour City but the commute was a lot quicker and the whole place was a lot more affordable.

  There was a small park a few blocks from the cinema and Lacey's mom dropped us off so that we could meet our friends there.

  My heart skittered nervously as I spotted Ryan and I wished I'd decided to call him and sort things out before coming out.

  "You two aren't having a row are you?" Demi asked as we joined them and sat on a bench opposite her. "I was just talking to Ryan about the whole 'dad incident'," she explained as I looked at her blankly.

  "Oh... no nothing like that I've just been busy with family drama. My dad's fine now, he just got the wrong end of the stick because Reese dropped me in it," I explained.

  "He did?" Ryan asked and I could tell he was a little disappointed in Reese.

  "I wouldn't take it personally, he'll have only been thinking about the trouble it would cause for me," I said.

  "Speak of the devil." Lacey looked over my shoulder and I turned to see Reese approaching with Jason.

  "You feeling better now dude?" Spencer called as they got closer.

  Reese frowned in confusion and glanced at Jason, clearly wondering what Spencer was talking about.

  "If it keeps being a problem I'm pretty sure they do adult diapers," Ella laughed.

  "And mattress covers too," Spencer sniggered.

  I didn't try to hide my amusement as Reese's gaze fell on me. Tommy held his phone out to show Reese the photo of his bed and he frowned at it for a few seconds before responding.

  "Nice." He moved past me and took a seat on the ground beside Demi. "Did Kaitlyn tell you where she spent last night?"

  "No," Demi replied as she looked to me for an answer.

  "I was at home," I said with a shrug, wondering where he was going with this.

  "The only time I saw you last night was at three this morning when you were sneaking back in."

  "Where were you until three?" Demi asked excitedly, glancing at Ryan. Ryan's eyes were on me and he was frowning.

  "I was not out until three," I sighed, seeing what Reese was trying to do. "I went down to the kitchen and saw our neighbour running around our front yard so I went out to help him."

  "Help him do what?" Demi frowned.

  "We rescued a possum that was stuck in a bit of old trash." I shrugged and tried to turn the subject away from me. "Your sunburn looks so much better," I said as my eyes landed on Tara. In truth she still looked fairly pink but I just wanted to move the conversation on.

  "Oh yeah, thanks," Tara held her arm out to show everyone. "And I'm not peeling either."

  Demi let out an irritated sigh as she let her gaze trail over Tara before turning her blue eyes back to me. "So this midnight neighbour-" she began.

  "What time's the movie?" Lacey asked suddenly. "Shouldn't we be heading to the cinema?"

  "Hush!" Demi raised a hand to silence Lacey and fixed me in her gaze. "Was it the insanely hot one?"

  "Oh-" I glanced at Lacey then Ryan before returning my gaze to Demi's. "I think that's how Lacey described him yeah. But he's lived next door forever - he's practically family so it was nothing dodgy-"

  "I didn't suggest there was anything dodgy." Demi gave Ryan a pointed look before looking back to me. "Why would you start covering yourself like that?"

  "I wasn't-"

  "That's so weird that you instantly thought I was implying something happened -" she lowered her voice dramatically -"in the middle of the night with your... neighbour."

  "I didn't think anything like that, I was just explaining-"

  "Yeah over explaining. Isn't that weird Spence?" She turned to Spencer for backup and he gave me a sympathetic look. Somehow I'd walked right into one of Demi's traps.

  "I dunno Demi," he hedged. "I think Kaitlyn’s pretty hung up on Ryan. I don't think anything would have happened with the neighbour. Right?" he asked me.

  "Of course not," I agreed quickly.

  "Oh my gosh have you two said the 'L' word?" Demi gushed, changing tact.

  "No!" I snapped before I could stop myself. Demi's eyes widened in surprise and something terrifying sparkled in them.

  "What time is it?" Demi asked suddenly.

  "Nearly half five," Tommy replied, checking his watch.

  "You guys are so useless, we’re going to be late for the movie." Demi hopped up and took Spencer's hand as she started to head towards the cinema. I guessed that meant that their on/off relationship was back on again.

  Everyone hurried to follow her and I held back with Lacey, pretending to retie my shoelace as the distance between me and Demi increased. I knew she wasn't going to leave it at that and just hoped the movie would make her forget to retaliate against me.

  Reese sniggered as he passed me but I pretended not to notice, letting my long, dark hair fall forward as I continued to fiddle with my laces.

  "You mind if I have a word with her alone?" Ryan's voice came from somewhere close behind me and I quickly straightened up.

  "Oh, yeah of course," Lacey replied as she gave me a shrug so tiny I was sure no one else would notice it. I gave her the barest hint of a nod to let her know it was fine and she flashed Ryan a smile over my shoulder. "I'll save you a seat." She turned away and hurried after the others, her dark hair swinging as she jogged.

  "Sorry I didn't text," Ryan said as I turned towards him. "I wasn't sure if you'd have your phone or if it might have been confiscated and I didn't wanna risk sending a message to your dad."

  I laughed nervously and checked over my shoulder to make sure Demi had really gone. "I should have messaged you," I replied. "But I was kinda... mortified." I smiled shyly and he held a hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me a little closer.

  "It might have been an idea to pre-warn your dad about us," he conceded. "But we’ll have a great story to tell the kids."

  I laughed again and let him pull me even closer so that he could kiss my forehead. He released my hand and wrapped his arms around me. I leant against his chest, glad that we'd moved past the weird Dad incident. He was wearing aftershave and the musky smell assaulted me, threatening to make me sneeze. I eased out of his grip and looked up the street. Our friends had moved out of sight, probably already inside the cinema.

  "We should go," I said pointing towards the cinema as I started moving away.

  "Yeah, sorry, I just wanted to make sure we were cool. Don't worry about Demi trying to wind you up with that neighbour rubbish. That guy's like twice your age - as if I'm gunna be worried about him." Ryan laughed and I rolled my eyes, Linc was only a few years older than me but if it made him feel better to think of him as ancient then I wasn't going to correct him.

  By the time we got our tickets and made it inside, the trailers were already starting. I squinted along the rows until I spotted our friends and we shuffled pas
t strangers before taking the seats Lacey had saved us.

  The movie was a comedy which was a bit too slapstick for my liking but it gave me time to let my mind settle. I was so angry at my dad for embarrassing me in front of Ryan but I also hated arguing with him. If he hadn't been working in the city so much I was sure we'd have made up already.

  When the credits finally rolled, I stood and stretched, loosening a crick in my neck. Other people started filing out and we waited as the lights came on and the place emptied out around us.

  "We should go for burgers," Demi said as she led the way out.

  "I could eat a horse," Ella agreed.

  Demi raised an eyebrow at her. "Maybe a salad if you like your clothes fitting," she said.

  We followed Demi and Spencer out into the foyer and I listened as my friends chattered excitedly about the movie.

  I pulled my cellphone from my pocket and switched it back on. It buzzed straight away as a message arrived but before I could open it, I got a second and a third. Fourteen missed calls flooded in next and I frowned as I opened the messages. There were two from my mom and one from my dad.

  Mom 15:46 - I've just had a call from the Harbour City Guardians and they've changed the date of the isolation trial. They want to start it tonight and are insisting that we join your father now. Call me when you get this!

  Dad 15:59 - Something bad's happening - you need to come to the city now.

  Mom 16:21 - City Wardens have just arrived to collect us - where are you? Something is going on. Call me. And come home x

  A cold chill slid down my spine as I glanced up at Lacey. She stopped walking as she caught sight of my face.

  "What's wrong?" she asked as I stopped beside her. The rest of our friends moved on, still chatting about the movie.

  "I don't know," I said as I held my phone out for her to read the messages.

  "Call your dad, he's in the city, he should know something." She pushed the phone back into my hands and I followed her instructions.

  The phone rang once before my dad answered.

  "Kaitlyn?" he sounded panicked and I pressed the cellphone more firmly to my ear. "Where are you?"

  "We're in town watching a movie - what's going on?" I asked as my heart started to beat faster.

  "I-" Dad paused for so long that I pulled my cellphone away from my ear to make sure we were still connected. "Kaitlyn listen to me. You need to get home now and let the Wardens there escort you to the city. We've been selected to take part in the isolation trial and they've bumped up the date to start it tonight-"

  "But Dad-"

  "This is important Kaitlyn. You need to make sure you come to the city. This trial is going to go down in history and you have to be a part of that. Is your brother with you?"

  "Yeah he's here. Why are you being so cagey, has something happened? Are they closing off the city for real? Is it an attack?"

  "Talk like that could start a panic Kaitlyn. Don't start spreading rumours, all you need to do is go home and let the Wardens escort you in. I'll be here waiting." He sounded nervous and it didn't pass my attention that he didn't deny anything. There must have been an attack and they must not want everyone knowing about it. I guessed it was so that they could get important people inside The Wall first before the rest of the population followed.

  "Okay," I breathed, unable to summon another response.

  "Get your brother and go home now okay?" Dad insisted.

  "Yeah, I'll get the next bus," I agreed.

  "And Kaitlyn?"


  "Remember not to make a fuss to your friends. Just... hurry home."

  "You don't want me to warn-"

  "Nobody needs to know... the main thing is you leave. I'll see you soon."

  "Okay, I'll see you soon," I agreed.

  "I love you." His voice almost cracked and fear knotted in my stomach again. I'd never seen my dad cry; something terrifying was happening.

  "I love you," I breathed before the line went dead.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Our friends had made it out of the building and as I looked around the foyer I noticed something strange.

  It was empty.

  There was no one manning the ticket booth or the popcorn stand. I looked around us twice and frowned at the empty spaces where the staff should be.

  "Where is everyone?" Lacey asked as she followed my gaze. "The whole place is abandoned... what did your dad say?" The fear I was feeling was starting to show in her voice too.

  I shook my head slowly, unsure of what to say. "He told me I have to go home and that there will be people waiting there to take me to the city. He said I need to go now. I don't think he was allowed to tell me what's going on but I think there must have been an attack."

  Lacey grabbed my hand and stared at me, a silent plea in her eyes, begging me to tell her I was joking.

  "Are they calling everyone to the city for shelter?" she asked eventually. "Are we going to be evacuated?"

  "I don't think so. At least not yet, he said they're still calling it a trial but... I don't think it's a trial."

  "We need to get there then," Lacey said decisively, towing me towards the exit.

  "Wait," I protested though I didn't try to slow our progress. "He told me not to tell anyone."

  "Not even our friends?" she asked, pausing by the rotating door. "We’re supposed to let them carry on while we sneak off to safety? What if something happens to them and we could have warned them?"

  I shook my head, unsure of what to say. Dad had made it clear that I shouldn't tell anyone, but Lacey was right. I couldn't live with myself if someone was hurt or worse and I hadn't even tried to warn them.

  "Let’s just try to get them back home rather than going out for food," I suggested. "Once we're all closer to the city we can work out what to do from there but at least they'll be nearer to help. By then the city might even have issued the isolation instructions and we can all head there together."

  "Yeah okay. We'll try and get them back without saying anything, there's no need to scare anyone when there might not even be anything going on," Lacey agreed.

  I felt like she was trying to convince herself more than me but I nodded as we stepped into the rotating door and headed outside.

  Dark clouds had rolled in during the movie and it almost looked like night was falling. I pulled the collar of my leather jacket closer around my neck as a cool wind blew around us.

  The area around the cinema was deserted and I frowned as I looked for any sign of someone other than our friends.

  “What the hell?” Lacey asked, keeping her voice low as if she were afraid to disturb the eerie silence.

  “Where is everyone?” I whispered in return.

  Our friends were standing at the side of the street, looking at something across the road.

  We hurried over to them and Ryan turned at the sound of our approaching footsteps.

  "Don't," he warned as he stepped into my path and tried to block my view. "You don't wanna see this." He held an arm out to stop Lacey too but she sidestepped him with a frown. I gently pressed his arm down so that I could step around him too and he reluctantly let me go.

  Lacey let out a shocked gasp just as I spotted the woman laying face down on the sidewalk. Her smart suit was shredded down the right side and blood pooled the tarmac around her.

  "Is she breathing?" I whispered even though I could see that she wasn't. The flesh on the side of her neck was torn open.

  Blood pounded in my head as I stared at the lifeless body, willing myself to look away. Bile rose in my throat, threatening to spill the contents of my stomach. I took deep breaths as I forced it back down, trying to stay calm.

  Tommy turned away suddenly and puked into the street behind us.

  Ella lowered her arm slowly, her cellphone clasped in her hand as she moved it away from her ear. "The Monitor is aware of the situation. It saw what happened on the CCTV from that building." She pointed across
the street and we all followed her gaze to the small camera. "They said we should leave the scene as we didn't witness anything and can be of no further help."

  "So why is no one here to help her?" Tara asked, looking around for any sign of an ambulance.

  "No one can help her you idiot," Demi snapped. "She's dead. We need to just do what the Monitor said and get the hell away from here.”

  A horn blasted loudly behind us and I jumped as I turned towards the road. Two cars had reached the junction at the same time and the drivers leant out of their windows to swear at each other as they argued over who had the right of way.

  Demi ignored the commotion on the road, turned away and started to lead the way back towards the bus stop.

  I glanced at the dead woman once more and hurried after Demi. If The Monitor didn't want us to talk to the police then I wanted to get as far away from her as I could. I wished I'd taken Ryan's advice and not looked. I didn't think I'd ever be able to shut my eyes again without seeing the blood or the glassy look in her eyes.

  Several cars flew down the street behind us sending a gust of air swirling through my hair. I raised a hand to run my fingers through my curls, a small part of me worrying how my hair looked like it was any other day. I dropped my hand, wondering why I cared.

  An arm fell around me, making me flinch in surprise. I got a bigger shock when I looked up to find Reese looking down at me. He pulled me a little way from the group and I shrugged out of his grip irritably. For half a second I'd thought he was comforting me but he was just pretending to get me away from everyone else.

  “We need to get home,” he hissed. “Mom and Dad have arranged to get us into the city-“

  “I know,” I replied. “We need to get the next bus-“

  “I think we should steal a car,” he suggested seriously.

  “Are you mad?” I asked incredulously. “We can't drive! And even if we could, they don't let criminals into the city- what you're suggesting could get us banned right before they close the gates for good!”


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