Stirred Up

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Stirred Up Page 14

by Isabel Morin

  “You could teach here,” Sara said, a sweet hopefulness in her voice.

  “I would love that, but at the moment there aren’t any jobs here. There are lots of people here that care about you though.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Sara sighed.

  “I’m so proud of you,” Cheryl told her, giving her a fierce hug.

  “Thank you for everything,” the girl said, sniffling. “I don’t know what I’d have done without you.”

  Then Cheryl was crying, and that made them both laugh.

  “I better go to lunch,” Sara said, hoisting her bag over her shoulder. She turned back at the door. “You really should get together with Mr. Shaw. If you haven’t already.”

  Cheryl could only stare as the girl gave an innocent little wave and hurried off down the hall.


  That Sunday Cheryl was staring at the computer screen, waiting for her score. It was after one and she’d been at the testing center since seven-thirty that morning, taking what amounted to five different tests. Her brain was fried, her eyes dry and nearly cross-eyed as she slumped in the chair, awaiting her fate.

  Her lids drifted shut and almost immediately she was in a light doze, her brain desperate to shut down. The short beep of the computer jolted her upright. She stared at the screen a full ten seconds before the results finally sank in. She’d passed, and her score put her in the ninety-second percentile.

  She’d done it.

  She would have whooped with joy, except that there were half a dozen people still working way. Instead she signed out of the computer and headed out, light-headed with a mixture of fatigue and euphoria.

  On the way to the car she texted the good news to just about everyone she knew – Jason, Lisa, Emily, Beth, friends from the education program, a few of the dancers. Congratulations started pouring in immediately.

  “I knew you’d pass. Celebrate later, eightish at the Bunkhouse?” Lisa texted. “You bet,” Cheryl texted back. “Going to sleep now.”

  As soon as she got home she turned off her phone, kicked off her shoes and climbed into bed. She set her alarm for six-thirty, crawled under the covers and was asleep in seconds. The next time she was conscious of anything was when the alarm went off, but even that barely registered. Hitting the snooze button she managed to sleep until after seven, before remembering she’d agreed to meet Lisa in less than an hour.

  She pulled up at the Bunkhouse fifteen minutes late, but at least she was rested, showered, and no longer starving. Hurrying inside, ready to apologize, she was met at the door by Lisa.

  “Please. No way are you paying your own cover today,” Lisa said, pushing Cheryl’s money out of the way and handing a five dollar bill to the door guy.

  Cheryl held out her hand to get stamped and followed Lisa inside. They were at the edge of the dance floor when she stopped, staring at all the people smiling and clapping for her. Just about everyone she’d texted was there, and a few she hadn’t.

  “What is all this?” she asked, turning to Lisa.

  Lisa shrugged a shoulder. “I sent a text in reply to yours, and now it’s a party.”

  Cheryl gave her a quick, hard hug. “This is amazing. Thank you.”

  Jason broke from the group to give her a hug, lifting her clear off her feet in the process. Soon everyone was crowding around her with hugs and kisses. A glass of champagne was pressed into her hand just as the DJ started playing tunes. She had just enough time to take a couple of gulps before Emily grabbed her hand and dragged her onto the dance floor. Nearly everyone followed, and before she knew it, most of the dance party was made up of her friends.

  She danced every song, all the stress and anxiety of the past weeks transformed into pure joy.


  Jason stood on the sidelines watching Cheryl dance. She deserved a party in her honor, though he was beat from his baseball game and couldn’t muster the energy to join her. He didn’t think he could, that is, until some lame guy in a tank top slid up to her, put his hands on her hips and pulled her into his crotch.

  He and Cutter had been talking about their favorite hiking and climbing in the area, but he walked away midsentence with an over the shoulder apology. It took a few seconds to thread his way through the gyrating bodies, and by the time he got to Cheryl the lame-ass had somehow managed to get even closer.

  He was wondering if it was going to take some kind of macho showdown to break them up when Cheryl looked up and saw him. A huge smile took over her face and she pulled away from the guy without another look. He looked pissed for a second and then wandered off.

  “You up for this?” she more or less yelled, standing on tiptoe to get closer to his ear.

  She started to teeter and fell into his chest.

  “You’d better believe it,” he grinned, holding her right where she’d landed.

  They stared at each other for several long seconds, awareness pumping through him. Every time this woman danced, he got himself into some kind of trouble, but it wasn’t the kind of trouble he was turning away from tonight. Not with her looking at him like she was, her body pressed against him.

  A sexy Lauren Hill song came on and they started to move. He wasn’t the world’s greatest dancer, but when he was with Cheryl everything seemed to work.

  Just like it would in bed, if he ever got her there.

  His hands fell to her hips, his fingertips grazing the line of bare skin where her shirt rode up. He heard her quick intake of breath, and then she softened and leaned in, her amazing breasts pressed against him.

  They swayed together through the song, and then the beat picked up and she was laughing, twirling in her heels, darting a look at him over her shoulder as she literally danced circles around him.

  He didn’t mind. He let her tease and shake it, enjoying the show, until he couldn’t stand it anymore. Taking her by surprise he grabbed her hand and spun her around. She was such a good dancer and so quick on her feet, she caught on immediately.

  “Whoa. Where did that come from?” she asked, as she came to a breathless stop in front of him. “You’ve got skills.”

  “Nah. Just some swing dancing in my past.”

  “Dude! You’ve been holding out on me,” she said, punching him in the arm. “That’s incredible. Spin me some more!”

  She was probably a little drunk, but she was so adorable there was no way he’d refuse her. So he spun her and then grabbed her other hand and partnered her like he’d been taught. He was rusty, but the moves came back to him. Within a few minutes all her friends had made a circle and were clapping and cheering them on, like a scene in some movie. The DJ got in the spirit and played Queen’s “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” and everyone else came back onto the floor and tried their hand at swing dancing, and he couldn’t remember when he’d had a better time.

  After another couple of songs he was dying for some water and a breather. Taking her hand he led Cheryl off the floor and over to the bar, where he got them both a drink.

  “Feeling good?” he asked, smiling at her damp, radiant face.

  “You have no idea. Or maybe you do, since you had to take the exam, too.”

  “I didn’t have as much on my plate as you did, but I definitely sweated over it. Afterward the guys took me out for drinks and I sang karaoke. Luckily, I don’t remember any of it.”

  “Swing dancing and karaoke,” she said, her voice growing huskier. “You have all kinds of hidden facets to you.”

  No doubt about it, she was flirting. But was it meaningless celebratory flirting, or I-want-you-bad flirting? He was definitely going to stick around to find out.

  “I can give you a lift home if you like,” he said.

  “That would be great, but let’s not go yet. It’s only–” she grabbed his wrist and peered at his watch – “ten o’clock. I wouldn’t mind a few more dances.”

  “Let’s do it,” he said, more than ready to have her in his arms again.


  Cheryl took another g
ulp of water, relieved Jason wanted to stay, and hopped off the stool. She’d taken one step when she felt his big hand press against the small of her back, leading her toward the floor.

  Just that small contact, but she felt it all the way down to her toes. It was getting harder to remember why she shouldn’t climb all over him. Sure, she couldn’t ever be seriously involved with him, but she was beginning to think it was inevitable that they’d end up in bed together.

  The only question was when.

  They danced for another half hour before she decided to call it a night. She probably could have gone a while longer, but it was a Sunday night and people were already leaving. Plus Jason had to be up early and she didn’t want to keep him out so late on her account.

  Emily came over to say goodbye.

  “Congratulations,” she said, kissing Cheryl on the cheek. Then lower, with a significant glance at Jason. “Call me.”

  Cutter and several others gave her a hug and said their goodbyes, though a bunch of people, Lisa included, were still dancing their butts off.

  “You ready to call it a night?” she asked Jason.

  “You bet.”

  Together they walked outside.

  “What about your car?” Jason asked. “I’d offer to drive you back here tomorrow morning, but I’m guessing you won’t want to be up at six-thirty.”

  “I’m not worried. I’ll get someone to give me a lift back here at some point. Now that classes are over, I have nowhere I have to be.” She held out her arms and spun around, laughing up at the sky. “I’m not worried about anything right now. I passed!” She stopped and looked at Jason. “I’m only a little buzzed, just so you know. Mostly I’m happy.”

  “Good. I like seeing you happy,” he said, grinning at her as they headed over to his bike.

  “I brought an extra helmet,” he said, handing one to her and putting the other on. “I figured you might want a ride.”

  He gunned the engine and she climbed on, letting her skirt ride up without doing anything about it. Since he was wearing a helmet she couldn’t tell for sure if he noticed, but he did seem to turn his head a little to the side before looking straight ahead.

  The rough fabric of his jeans rubbed against her inner thighs, and she had to force herself not to move around for more of the sensation. Wrapping her arms around his waist she leaned against him, her eyes closing at how good he felt.

  Then they were off, the cool night air flowing over her, cooling off her heated skin, if not her thoughts. She wanted to crawl all over him, lick him up, feel his hands on her like that night in his tent.

  Streetlights and starlight bled together as they flew down the road, and she would have ridden forever with him, would have gone with him anywhere. But in no time at all he was pulling into her apartment complex and killing the engine, and that didn’t seem so bad either.

  Taking off his helmet he climbed off, holding her hand as she dismounted. She was searching for something to say, something to keep him from leaving, when he spoke first.

  “I’ll walk you up,” he said, locking both helmets to the back of the bike before following her up the stairs.

  Her heart was pounding as she stopped at her doorway, like it wanted out of her silly, out of control body. He stood only inches away, saying nothing, but she could feel the tension vibrating off him. He must have sensed the change in her, because tonight he wasn’t trying to hide what he felt. When she looked up, his eyes were so fierce with lust, she didn’t hesitate. Standing on her toes she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  With a groan he slanted his mouth over hers and took charge of the kiss, his tongue opening her up, tasting her like she was the last drink of water left on earth.

  She let her hands roam over his body, each hard muscle fueling her lust. She could feel the tension coiling in him, and despite all the reservations of the past months, she wanted to be the one to release him.

  Pulling away, she found her key and slid it into the lock. He followed her inside and then she was backed up against the door and his body pressed against her, his erection hard against her belly. With one hand braced against the door next to her head, the other hand on her hip, he pressed hot, open kisses down her throat to her collarbone. He was growing impatient now, restless. She egged him on, pushing her hips into his, months of wanting him making her greedy for more.

  He pulled back and stared down at her, his breathing heavy and ragged.

  “Cheryl,” he said, his voice raw with need.

  But there was a question in it as well. She pressed her hand against the rigid length of him in answer.

  Chapter Twelve

  Without a word he grabbed her hand and strode into the bedroom. Breathless, Cheryl let him lead her there, falling back onto the bed and taking him with her. His movements were rougher now, his eyes intent as he pulled her top over her head. Then his mouth was on her breast and a mewl of pleasure and need escaped her throat. Her hips rose off the bed to meet his, demanding more. She was going to die if she didn’t get him inside her now, this second.

  Sitting back he pulled her skirt over her hips, a dark flush staining his cheekbones as she was revealed to him. His knuckles skimmed along her skin as he slid them down her legs, lighting every nerve on fire.

  But she wasn’t going to let him be the one in control. She needed to touch him, now, everywhere. She pushed on his chest until he got the hint and rolled off her onto his back.

  “You’re not getting off easy tonight,” she said, flashing him a saucy smile as she straddled him. “I need to have my way with you first.”

  “You call the last few months easy?” he asked, giving her a light spank, then pulling her down for a slow, devastating kiss.

  The pace was different now. They had all night and neither one of them was going anywhere. So she dallied with his tongue, then slid lower and kissed his jaw, rough with a day’s stubble, then his throat. He was salty from dancing, but under it was the clean scent of soap and shaving cream.

  Sitting back up she looked down at him. “God, you’re gorgeous. You have no idea how hard it’s been pretending you’re not hot,” she said, sliding her hands down his arms, then over his chest and under the hem of his shirt to his stomach.

  He sucked in a breath.

  “I think I have a pretty good idea, actually.”

  “Take this off,” she ordered, tugging at his tee shirt.

  Dutifully he pulled it off and tossed it aside, then fell back onto the bed, his hands on her hips.

  “You are never leaving this bed,” she declared, dead serious.

  But she was done talking. She needed to touch and taste. Leaning down she flicked a tongue over a nipple, making him moan and grind against her. She kissed and touched her way down to the ridged muscles of his abdomen, then dragged his jeans and underwear off.

  He was huge and hard. Wrapping her hand around him, she leaned down for a taste, licking the shaft to the tip, then taking him slowly into her mouth until he was as far as she could go. His hands were gripping the blanket and his eyes were closed, his breathing ragged as she moved up and down, riding the thrusts she sensed him trying to control.

  Then she was on her back, Jason above her, his eyes wild. Taking a wrist in each hand, he pinned her arms above her head and ravaged her mouth before moving to her breast. His finger slid into her wet heat and her whole body arched off the bed.

  Slowly he stroked her, over and over, until she was straining at his shackles. But he wasn’t done yet. Releasing her wrists he slid down the bed and settled between her legs, the scruff of his jaw a delicious friction against the skin of her inner thighs. Shooting her a lascivious grin he opened her up and licked.

  Only his hands on her hips kept her from flying off the bed. She writhed beneath him, her fingers buried in his hair as he worked her over, driving the pleasure higher and tighter, near to pain, before sliding his tongue deep inside her.

  “Now. Right now. Please,” she begged, out of h
er mind with need.

  He rose from between her legs and grabbed his jeans off the floor, pulling his wallet out of them. A moment later she heard the crinkle of a condom packet. Then he was on top of her, sliding the condom on. He kissed her long and deep as he settled over her, entering her with a slow, sure stroke.

  Her knees came up as she took him in as far as he could go, the feel of him better than anything she’d known in her entire life.

  “Is that good, baby?” he asked, looking down at her, his eyes burning as he drove into her.

  “Yes, God, yes,” she breathed.

  He groaned low in his throat and his mouth covered hers again, swallowing her sounds. With every stroke he took her closer, the pleasure so intense her breath came in great gasps. Her legs lifted straight into the air and she took him still deeper.

  “That’s it. Come for me,” he crooned, demanded, as his thumb slid over her clit.

  “Yes, don’t stop,” she cried, her hands gripping his hips as his thumb moved in time with his thrusts.

  She was gasping, rigid with the need for release, her body trembling on the brink. She broke over the peak with such intensity her vision grayed. Jason drove into her several more times, his low moan bringing a smile to her lips as he shuddered and collapsed on top of her.

  Then it was just the two of them trying to regain their breath. None of her muscles worked, but she managed a weak pat on his arm.

  She felt him shaking and realized it was laughter when he rose up on his elbows and looked down at her with an amused smile.

  “You’re patting me.”

  “Well, you did a good job,” she said.

  “You’re lucky I didn’t shag you up against the door.”

  “I would have enjoyed that as well.”

  “Would you, now?” he said, his eyes darkening. “I’ll remember that.”

  Carefully rolling off her, he pulled off the condom and tied it in a knot. Then he got up and headed for what she assumed was the bathroom. She lay where she was and admired him as he got back into bed. There was no telling how long they’d keep this up, and she wasn’t going to waste a second that could be spent admiring him.


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