Stirred Up

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Stirred Up Page 17

by Isabel Morin

  “You up for some climbing Saturday?” he asked instead. “We can keep it simple and go to the gym.”

  “That would be great,” she said, sounding genuinely pleased.

  He relaxed, glad they could still have their usual fun.

  “Do you have anything planned for break?” she asked.

  “There’s the usual Christmas hoo ha at my parents’, but I also have that climbing trip.”

  “Oh yeah. The one in Zion?”

  “Yeah. Evan managed to get away from the hospital for four days, starting the twenty-eighth. It’s gonna be fantastic.”

  “I’m sure it will be,” she said, but she sounded slightly less enthusiastic, and he couldn’t help hoping she was disappointed that he wouldn’t be around.

  He glanced at his watch. “I’d better get going,” he said. “But I’ll see you Saturday.”

  “See you then.”

  He pocketed his phone and headed back inside, wishing Saturday didn’t feel so far away. But he wasn’t going to call or text her before then. Playing games had never been his style, but this was serious business, and all signs were telling him to step carefully. The last thing he ever wanted was to crowd a woman, and that had never been truer than with Cheryl.


  He got to her place at the usual time on Saturday. Cheryl opened the door with a smile, then stepped back for him to enter. She looked pleased to see him but hesitant, like she didn’t know how to act.

  Finally she gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, flushing as she stepped back. “It’s good to see you.”

  “You, too.”

  She darted off to grab a few last things and he waited and tried not to think about having sex with her. Which made it pretty much like every other Saturday. But they had a good time at the gym, their uncertainty falling away as they got caught up in climbing, and by the end they were loose and laughing. Still, he could feel her holding back just a bit, like when he caught her watching him and she looked away, embarrassed to be caught.

  What was that about, and where did it leave them? He wasn’t sure of the rules yet, but he was willing to be patient and see where things led.

  They stopped at their usual place for lunch and then he took her home. Since every indication had been that this was going to be a platonic sort of day, he made no move to get out of the car. Instead he turned around and fished in the back seat until he found what he was looking for.

  “Merry Christmas,” he said, handing her the brightly wrapped box.

  She smiled at him, her eyes lighting up, and reached into her bag. “Merry Christmas to you, too,” she said, handing him an envelope and a weirdly mushy bag wrapped in green paper with a bunch of candy canes dancing across it.

  “You first,” he said, then watched anxiously as she unwrapped the paper and opened the box.

  “It’s beautiful,” she breathed, pulling the leather briefcase out of the box. She looked at him, her eyes wide and gleaming with what he feared were tears. “This is too much, Jason.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “Of course I do! It’s gorgeous.”

  “Then it’s not too much.”

  “I really better get that teaching job now,” she said, smiling wryly at him.

  “This is for whenever you start your career. The leather will keep.”

  “Thank you. I love it.”


  “Now open yours,” she ordered, watching him with anticipation.

  “Which one should I open first?”

  “The envelope, I guess.”

  Inside was a pass that let him into all the state parks in Nevada for free, good for the calendar year starting January first.

  “This is amazing,” he said, wondering how many of those parks he could take her to.

  “Open the other one,” she urged.

  “Okay, okay,” he laughed, tearing the paper off the other gift to reveal a bag of marshmallows.

  “For our future camping trips,” she said, smiling and blushing at the same time.

  Christ, she was adorable. Too adorable not to kiss. Leaning over, he finally let himself taste her. He didn’t push, didn’t try to go deeper, just brushed his lips over hers.

  He sat back and smiled slowly, pleased with how flustered and aroused she looked. Like maybe she wanted more but wasn’t going to ask. Well, they’d leave it at that. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing to leave her wanting more.

  “These are perfect,” he said. “Thank you.”

  They sat without moving, the tension coiling tighter, until finally she breathed deeply and opened the door.

  “Have a good time with your family,” she said. “Tell them I say hi.”

  “You bet. Have fun with Beth,” he replied.

  She nodded her head. “Maybe we can get together next week before you head off on your trip.”

  “It’s a date. I’ll call you.”

  She smiled, gathered her things, and slid out of the car. She ducked back in for a sweet little wave and then she was gone.

  He pulled out of the parking lot and drove toward home, aroused, bemused, and touched. He was going to miss her, but the heat between them wasn’t going anywhere. Not only that, if her gift was any indication, there were more camping trips in their future, and the thought of those would keep him going.


  “Maybe I should have moved here with you,” Beth, said out of nowhere.

  It was the day after Christmas and they were in the middle of their annual Gilmore Girls marathon. Since they knew the show by heart – they’d watched it faithfully in high school – they often chatted through the less dramatic parts.

  “Why in the world would you have done that? You went to college in Ohio.”

  “Exactly,” Beth sighed. “I was born there, and I didn’t even have the guts to leave for college. I’ll be moving in with Jeff soon, and he’s not looking to go anywhere, which means I’ll probably die in my hometown.”

  Cheryl tossed a piece of popcorn at her. It didn’t have far to go, since they were sitting side by side on the couch, blankets piled on top of them.

  “I’m not sure Vegas would suit you,” Cheryl said. “And that’s not a bad thing.”

  Beth plucked the popcorn off the blanket and popped it into her mouth. “I’m sure there are plenty of boring, cowardly people here.”

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it,” Cheryl said, throwing another piece of popcorn. “Anyway, at least you found Jeff. And who knows, maybe he’ll get an offer at a hospital somewhere fabulous and you’ll move after all.”

  “Maybe,” Beth said gloomily, clearly unconvinced. “But he’s already pretty set in his ways. We both are, and we’re not even thirty. There’s a reason revolutionaries and radicals are all in their twenties. The older people get, the more cautious and risk-averse they are.”

  “Spoken like an accountant.”

  “But I’m serious. I think I already missed my window for adventure.”

  “Adventure can be overrated,” Cheryl said. “And you love Jeff, right? You two will make your own fun, and you can keep your eyes open for chances to break out of your routine. It’s not over for you yet.”

  “I guess,” Beth said, subsiding back into silence.

  Cheryl glanced over at her, hoping her friend’s discontent was a momentary blip. It was easy to visit somewhere on vacation and start to wonder if you had made the wrong choices. But then you went back to your life and forgot about it. Only Beth had never said anything quite like this on previous visits.

  Her mind was half on the show and half on her friend when her phone rang.

  “I have to take this,” she said, standing up and heading into her bedroom. “I think it’s about that job.”

  The principal was on the other end. “I apologize for calling during the holidays, but as you can imagine, we’re pressed for time with this position.”

  “I understand.”

  “Good, then I hope you’ll take the job. The
salary and benefits would be as we discussed last Wednesday.”

  “That’s great,” she said. “I’d love to work there.”

  “Well, that’s a relief. I’ll get the offer letter out tomorrow, and I’ll put you in touch with one of the other English teachers. I know it’ll be a bit crazy coming into the semester without much time to plan.”

  “That won’t be a problem,” she said.

  “Glad to hear it. We look forward to having you on our team.”

  As soon as they said goodbye she flew back into the living room.

  “I got it!” she squealed, jumping up and down. “I’m going to be a real teacher.”

  Beth shrieked and kicked her way out of the blankets to hug her, and then the two of them were dancing around the room, singing the theme to Rocky, one of their secret favorite movies.

  The first person she had to call was Jason, but unfortunately he didn’t pick up. “It looks like I’ll be using that new briefcase after all,” she told his voicemail, “because I got the job. Hope you’re having fun with your family.”

  She hung up to find Beth looking at her speculatively.


  “Nothing. It’s just too bad I won’t get a chance to meet this guy. You totally light up every time you say his name.”

  “Please. I do not,” she said, making a face.

  But did she? She felt lit up whenever she was with him, even when she thought about him, but that didn’t mean she wanted everyone else to know it.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jason called the next morning as she was on her way back from dropping Beth off at the airport, and dammit all, she felt herself lighting up. Curse Beth for mentioning it.

  “Hey there,” she said, glad he couldn’t see how big her smile was.

  “Way to go, babe,” he said. “I knew they’d want you. Sorry I didn’t call earlier. By the time I got back from visiting my grandfather it was late and I was afraid to bother you.”

  She’d woken up to his congratulatory text, and had read it several times that morning. He was the first guy she’d been with who never left her waiting and wondering.

  “No problem. Did you have a good holiday?”

  “Oh, yeah, it was fine. The usual. My grandfather’s not doing great, but the place they have him in is okay. I just wish it were closer.”

  “It must be sad seeing him like that.”

  They talked for a few minutes about his grandparents, who he’d always been close with, but before long he brought the conversation back to their plans.

  “I’m leaving tomorrow morning, but if you want to come by tonight I’ll pull out all my old lesson plans. I’ll even make dinner.”

  “That would be great. What’s your address?”

  “Haven’t you been here before?” he asked.

  “This is my first invitation to the bat cave. I was beginning to wonder if I’d ever see where you live.”

  “Huh. That’s funny. Well, now’s your chance. It’ll be kind of a mess, since I’m organizing all my gear, but it’s clean enough.” There was a short pause. “Or it will be by the time you get here.”

  He gave her the address and quick directions and they agreed she should come by around six.

  She looked at her watch. Seven hours until she saw him. Not that she was counting. But they hadn’t had sex in a week, so even according to her own rules, tonight was a go.

  She whiled away the day reading and grocery shopping, her thoughts never far from Jason. When she finally got to his place, she was giddy with anticipation. She’d even worn a skirt, just like she’d promised the week before. She hadn’t brought flowers, but she had his favorite beer and a nice bottle of red wine.

  His house was a cute blue one-story with a postage stamp yard and a basketball hoop in the driveway. The detached garage was closed, but inside would be his bike, and probably a bunch of other manly things as well.

  She’d been wet for the last hour, thinking about what they’d do to each other tonight, and now that she was on his doorstep, she had to remind herself to breathe. There was something exciting about stepping onto his territory and seeing where and how he lived.

  The doorbell was still reverberating when he opened the door, looking as gorgeous as ever. He had a day’s scruff on his jaw, the sight of which caused another rush of heat. She knew exactly how that would feel against her skin, and she’d waited too long already for it.

  The way he was grinning at her, she got the feeling his thoughts were on the same path as hers.

  “Come on in,” he said, grabbing the beer and wine as she crossed the threshold. “These look great,” he said, giving her a quick kiss.

  They were in a living room lit by several cozy standing lamps, with the kitchen to the back on the left and what looked like a hallway beyond that. Like most homes in the area everything was tiled, though he had a few rugs here and there as well. As he’d warned, climbing and camping gear was scattered in piles around the floor.

  “Sorry about the mess,” he said, waving dismissively. “I didn’t have time to put it all away.”

  “What do you mean? Aren’t you taking most of it?”

  “I’m not taking any of it. Evan had to bail.” He sighed and flopped into a chair. “The doctor who was supposed to be on shift while we were away broke his foot, so that’s that.”

  “That sucks. You must be so bummed.”

  “I’m still thinking about going somewhere else on my own and doing a less ambitious route. But I was really psyched for this trip.”

  He looked so forlorn. Most of the time he was the one trying to make her feel better, but now it was her turn, and she was more than up for the job. Something bluesy and raw was playing in the background. The perfect accompaniment for what she had in mind.

  “I think I know something that’ll make you feel better,” she whispered, leaning down and kissing him.

  He leaned forward and slid his hands to her hips, urging her deeper into the kiss.

  “Not yet, baby,” she whispered, grazing his lips with hers before pulling out of his reach.

  His eyes were dark and hooded as they watched her, and she felt outrageously sexy as she stood before him and swung her hips, her hair falling over one eye as slowly she released the three little buttons on her shirt and pulled it over her head. She was wearing the same bra he’d seen all those weeks ago when she poured water on herself, and a red thong to match the little hearts. But she wasn’t quite ready for him to see her thong. She was going to make him crazy first.


  It was as if he’d never seen her naked, never seen any woman naked. He understood now he was expected to remain still, but tell that to his cock.

  She smiled her wicked smile and undulated toward him, her hands on the armrests, letting him breathe in her scent without letting him touch her.

  Then finally, just when he thought he might break down and beg, she climbed onto his lap, and it was like every erotic fantasy he’d ever had coming to life. All the dark longings and nearly unbearable desire of sitting in an audience watching an untouchable woman, combined with his constant craving for the woman in his arms.

  He did touch her then, pulling her hips down so they lined up with his, running his hands up her smooth back until they were buried beneath her hair. She seemed as eager as he, her mouth opening over his with a groan, her tongue slipping into his mouth.

  He was ready for her, had been since she walked in the door, but she wasn’t done with him yet. Pulling back she reached around and unhooked her bra, riding him with the leisurely pace of a woman who knows she’ll have her way. First one strap fell from a creamy shoulder, then the other, but still she held the cups to her breasts, coyly covering herself even as she moaned in excitement.

  But he could handle it, because unlike those untouchable women, this one was his, and whether it was minutes or hours, he was going to have her. And unlike in a strip club, he could touch. He slipped his hands beneath the hem of her floaty little sk
irt, his thumbs skimming along the sensitive skin of her inner thighs.

  Her breath caught as he repeated his stroke and her eyes closed as her head fell back. He moved higher and her rhythm quickened, those muscular thighs of hers working to get her closer to him. At last, as if surrendering, she dropped her hands and tossed her bra to the floor.

  Drawing one tight pink tip into his mouth, he sucked and rolled it with his tongue, just barely using his teeth the way he’d learned made her crazy. She cried out and gripped his shoulders tighter, and he moved to the other breast. His breathing was ragged and untethered now, and his need for her more frantic.

  “Cheryl,” he groaned, pressing his lips into her neck and closing his eyes, striving for control.

  “I know,” she gasped.

  Leaning back she went to work on his jeans, unsnapping and unzipping, then her cool hand was on him, stroking his length as she pulled him free of his boxers.

  Her hand stilled. “You do have condoms, right?” she asked, looking so panicked he almost laughed.

  He’d laid in a serious supply of condoms the day after they’d first had sex, and had even kept one in his wallet ever since their camping trip. It made him feel like a horny teenager, but it was better than getting caught unprepared again.

  Pulling his wallet out he found the condom and tossed the wallet on the floor.

  “Allow me,” Cheryl purred, taking the foil packet from him.

  He watched, barely breathing, as she ripped open the packet and then unrolled the condom over him. She looked far too in control for his tastes, but when he slid a finger beneath the narrow strap of her thong he found her soaked with her own desire.

  “Christ, you are so fucking hot,” he said, stroking over her, just barely managing to keep a rein on himself as she shook and made the sweet noises he was starting to know so well.

  Finally, when it seemed they were both going to lose their minds, she rose over him and he drove into her, taking her to the hilt. Only suddenly the chair was too tame, too confining. Standing up, he dropped them both to the carpet and came down on top of her, driving into her with all the pent up need of the past week.

  She was slick with sweat and he licked it off her, sucking on a breast as he took her, too far gone to make sure she was keeping pace with him. But then she tightened around him, her legs going up in the air as she cried out and came, and he was lost himself.


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