Passion and Sand: War of Fire

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Passion and Sand: War of Fire Page 5

by Andromeda -

  They turned back to the villa, pressing themselves down low to the ground, and waited. At first, nothing happened. All they could see was the candle lights and torches flickering in the distance, the gates firmly shut.

  Then, slowly, one of the gates opened.

  It was just a crack, just a small sliver, so barely done that they might not have noticed it. Then, they saw a figure, one who looked to be a woman, peep out from behind the gates, wave to them, then disappear.

  “That’s the signal,” Kaiser said as he stood. “We have to get in, be quick, be silent, but most of all, be deadly.”

  Artemus chuckled softly. “Like that cheese they used to make back at the palace. You take a bite, next thing you know, you cannot leave the chamber pot for hours.”

  The men drew their swords, then, they charged.


  The master of the house was spending time with a female slave up in his bedchambers. The girl laid there, looking up at the ceiling as she counted how many more strokes it would take for him to release. She was his ‘favorite’ slave, though she did not like her position, and wished at times she could take a knife and plunge it into his throat to kill him. The sounds of yelling, however, made the master stop and lift his head with a frown.

  “What is going on out there?” he called out. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”

  “My lord,” a guard said outside the door as he opened it. “We are under attack.”

  “By who?” the man asked. “We are hundreds of miles from any major city.”

  “My lord, I think it’s—” The guard’s words were cut off by a gurgle of blood, the crimson liquid spraying all over the masters’ face.

  The man yelled as the sword was yanked back, the body tossed aside and a bloody Kaiser stood before him. The German looked at the Roman, clearly unimpressed, and when he saw the female slave laying naked in the bed behind them, he knew what went on.

  “Roman pig,” Kaiser said in German before he pulled his sword back and delivered a clean slice at his neck, killing him instantly.

  The Roman fell to the ground, choking on his own blood. Kaiser looked at the woman and nodded stiffly before he turned around and left. He and his team had a hard task in killing all the guards that were posted around the villa. The sounds of clashing steel, yelling, howls of pain and more filled the air until they were all forever silenced. Gathering the slaves in the main courtyard, there was around twenty or so. Kaiser stepped forward to speak to them as he tossed the head of their former master on the ground before them.

  “Today, you are all liberated,” he said. “You no longer wear the shameful collars of slavery around your necks. Your master is dead.”

  The slaves looked at each other, unsure of what this meant, however, one brave soul stepped forward.

  “Who are you?” he asked.

  Kaiser smiled roguishly. “I am Kaiser, former gladiator and slave to the Emperor of Rome. I no longer wear that shame.”

  “T…they are going to kill us all,” one slave stammered, “when they find out what you’ve done!”

  “No, they won’t,” Artemus said with a frown, his hand on his sword. “Because you won’t tell them.”

  The slaves looked at each other nervously, though Kaiser knew it was best to try a different approach.

  “If you wish to leave,” he said slowly, “then you may do so. You can take what is here, whatever it may be, with you. Return to your homelands. Start a new life. You have control of your lives now.”

  The slaves still looked at each other nervously, however, one stepped forward. “And…if we wish to come with you?”

  “Then I would welcome you as brothers and sisters,” Kaiser answered. “But know this: our aim is to build an army to fight Rome. Rome will not get away with the horrors it has inflicted upon its subjects. Someone has to stop them.”

  “And let me guess,” one slave scoffed, “would that be you?”

  “Yes,” Kaiser said with a nod. “It is. And I will not stop until Rome pays for what it has done. So, if you are with me, begin to pack up this villa, then we will burn it to the ground. No one will know it even existed.”

  The slaves looked at each other, and out of the twenty, fifteen decided to go with Kaiser and his gladiators. Most of them were middle-aged women and men, however, they added to their numbers, and that is what Kaiser needed. The other five, however, wished to leave, but Artemus pulled Kaiser aside.

  “We cannot allow them to leave,” Artemus said.

  “We cannot force them to say,” Kaiser said.

  “That is not…what I meant…,” Artemus said as he lifted his sword from its sheath. “They cannot be allowed to leave, else they might tell Rome of our plans. Our location. Can you really allow that to happen?”

  Kaiser frowned and looked at the five who wished to leave. They were all men, in their late teens, if not early twenties. His stomach turned at the thought of killing them, however, he knew Artemus spoke the truth. The risk was just too great a possibility.

  “Escort them several miles out,” he said. “Then, you know what you have to do.”

  Artemus nodded and turned to get three gladiators to go with him.

  The villa, meanwhile, was stripped of its belongings, straw and tar packed in all the most important places, then lit aflame. They hoped that none might see the smoke, and they were lucky enough to have lit the fire at night, which would give them plenty of time to abandon their present location.

  As they headed back to their villa, as on foot it might take them a day or two, compared to only a couple of hours on horseback, Kaiser looked at the item he held in his hands.

  Within lay a small necklace, a golden rose with a ruby in the center, resting on a golden chain. He saw it when the villa was being stripped and knew that he must have it to give to Ayanna. This, as well as the real bed they were bringing back, as well as several other items, he hoped to offer up to her in a peace offering.

  He had to make it up to her some way.

  He had to let her know he was sorry.

  He had to let her know he loved her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ayanna watched as the items that were stripped from the villa were placed into their own. She had a lot of work to do. While Kaiser and Artemus were away those three days, she had the slaves that remained scrub everything clean. Having found several buckets, floor brushes and old rags, a stream was not far away, and after they were able to boil the water to make it hot, they got to work. Everything was still a work in progress, but for the most part, everything was clean.

  Everything had a place.

  She showed them where to put the sacks of grain.

  She showed them where to hang the meat.

  She showed them where to place the live animals.

  She showed them where to store the large vaults of wine.

  She showed them where to hang the herbs.

  She showed them where to place the kitchen supplies.

  She showed them where to place the weapons, though she left how to place them up to Kaiser and Artemus’ discretion.

  She was used to running a household, as she ran Aurora’s and knew how to take care of things. What surprised her the most was the furniture they had brought. Beds, mattresses, couches, tables, chairs, tapestries and more were brought, all of which she was confused about where to place them.

  The largest bed, however, as well as the best well-stuffed mattress, was carried right past her on the shoulders of three slaves, who were under the instruction of Kaiser. Along went a large table, which might be able to double as a desk, two chairs, two well-made trunks, and a large rug.

  “What…what is all this?” she asked one of the slaves who had just come back from putting the items down.

  “The German told us to place them in a certain bedchamber,” he explained. “Why he did so, I do not know.”

  She looked to Kaiser, who was talking to several of the slaves and approached them. “Can I speak with y
ou a moment, please?” she asked.

  “Of course,” he said.

  He followed her to a corner, which gave them privacy, and crossed her arms.

  “What is going on here?” she asked. “Was that villa really that wealthy?”

  “You might be able to say that,” Kaiser said with a shrug, “but that is not what is most important. What is important, is that tonight, we are going to have a feast to welcome our new brothers and sisters.”

  “Kaiser…,” she said gently, yet nervously. “You are setting up this place…as if it’s a home…”

  “I hope it might become that,” he admitted. “For the time being. Right now, we need a firm holding, a place to dig in our heels while we make our next plan. You said that to me, remember?”

  She swallowed. “Yes, I did…but I just don’t think…”

  A slave tapped Kaiser on the shoulder, then said something to him. The German listened and then faced Ayanna.

  “Forgive me,” he said, “but I must handle this. I do want to continue our talk, but it will have to be later, is that alright?”

  She nodded and looked away. “I guess so,” she said softly.

  Watching as she walked away, curiosity got the better of her. She decided to go and see what chamber the slaves were decorating, and when she found out, her jaw dropped: it was their own.


  The sounds of drunken laughter, singing and more, filled the air as the slaves gathered around a large bonfire to feast. For the first time, most likely, in their lives, they did not feel the sense of hunger or thirst. They had clothes on their bodies that were not rags. They could sit down and relax without fearing the whip. For the first time, in what seemed like forever, they were in control of their own lives.

  Kaiser walked among them, almost like a happy father, patting their backs and laughing among them. However, one person that he noticed was not enjoying herself was Ayanna. She was standing in the corner, watching them, her face illumined by the fire, though she did not look…happy.

  “Ayanna,” he said gently as he approached her. “What is the matter?”

  “Nothing,” she said quickly, turning her face from him. “Nothing at all.”

  He frowned and gently gripped her chin, turning her to look at him. “Come with me,” he said, as he took her hands and led her to their shared chamber.

  Ayanna looked around and saw that he had placed his weapons back in the room, and had further decorated the chamber than when she last saw it. It was warm and comforting, with a sense of…togetherness she had not felt in a very long time.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked, his voice soft.

  “You could say that,” she said back.

  “Ayanna,” he said with a soft smile. “I want you to have something.”

  He walked to a small pillow and held it out to her. On the small pillow was a small golden necklace. Carefully, he picked it up and nodded to her. “May I?”

  She nodded and held her hair out of the way, as he clasped the necklace around her neck, kissing gently at her nape. The feeling of his lips made between her legs tingle and ache, so much so, she had to clamp them shut.

  “How I have missed you…Bärchen,” he whispered huskily in her ear. A hand slowly crept up her body, gently cupping her breast. “All of you…”

  “Kaiser…,” she breathed. “What is this…some kind of trick?”

  “Not a trick,” he said, his hand carefully beginning to knead. “A promise. An apology.”

  “For?” she asked, her body responding to his hands, a soft gasp leaving her lips as his other hand slipped under her dress and between her legs.

  “For my baseless accusations,” he answered. “For not being the man…you said you loved. For not being the man who you gave up your previous life for.”

  “What…what do you mean?” she asked, hardly able to pay attention to anything other than his clever fingers.

  “I want,” he said, kissing her neck, “to have another child.”

  For a moment, she froze, but he did not stop, neither with his fingers or his words, so, he continued.

  “We both lost something that day,” he said. “We lost a part of ourselves we could never get back. We have lost something that we had created with love. It was stolen from us, ripped from our hearts and there is no way to get it back. What we can do, however, is move forward. We can start anew. We can try for a child. The gods will gift one to us, I know it.”

  She looked to him, having listened to his words. She could tell he spoke the truth and wished to begin anew with her. She knew that if he had the chance…he would leave Rome in its entirety to be with just her. But then, there was his promise to Aleron and Artemus’ promise to Aurora. She wanted to be selfish and wanted them to run away together, but their words kept them bound.

  “Do you promise me…,” she whispered softly, “that when this is all over, and if we are still alive and free, we will leave this place and not look back?”

  He took her hands and pressed them to his lips, his eyes having never left hers. “You have my word,” he said firmly. “Not only that, but I make you this promise as well: we will leave this place, alive and with our freedom.”

  “Do you promise to take my council?” she asked.

  “I promise that, as well as something else,” he said, his arms wrapping around her waist as he pulled her close to kiss her. “I promise…I shall give you a child, and not just one. You shall have as many as you wish if you promise to be mine…and only mine.”

  Her hand slid up to cup his cheek. “With that…you have my word.”

  Carefully, he slid down the straps of the gown she wore, until she was as naked as the day she was born. Her own hands pulled at the ties that held his loincloth, dropping it to the floor as she led him to the bed.

  Passionate kisses, bold caresses, breathy moans and deep groans were exchanged between them as the desire they were forced to hold back, finally came unleashed. They made love, and it was the most passionate, most tender, most gentle time, they ever could have imagined.

  At first, she was on top, Kaiser holding onto her plump rear as she moved her hips. Then she was under him, one leg over his shoulder. Then she was on her stomach, pressed down against the mattress, as he kissed her neck repeatedly, moving inside her. Then she was in his lap, bouncing as one of his hands kneaded her breast, the other holding on her hip.

  He took care of her, using his lips, fingers and manhood to show he loved her and only her. There was only one woman in the world for him, and it was she. Never might one be able to take her place. Either by his side or in his bed. His dream, more than anything, was to give her a child.

  Neither of them wanted to stop, even when they had both climaxed time and time again. Neither of them cared. They had gone for weeks without the other’s touch, the other’s kisses, the feel of the other either wrapped around them or deep inside them. Neither of them cared if someone heard them. All they cared about was each other and resealing and reforming their bond.

  When the sun did rise the following morning, it found Kaiser curled around his lover, his arms tightly holding her against his chest. A smile was upon both of their lips as they held each other close, firmly rooted in each other’s hearts.

  Chapter Twelve

  There was one person, in all of this, whose fortune had not changed. As a matter of fact, they seemed to have gotten worse, and that was Barack. The African slave was forced to stay back, as well as try and cover up as much as he could with the escaped slaves.

  At first, the emperor was furious that all his gladiators and slaves had escaped under Barack’s watch, yet Barack knew that the punishment wasn’t going to be that bad. He had scars on his face to prove that Kaiser had attacked him to escape. However, what he did not expect was the emperor to test his loyalties.

  No less than a week, when the emperor returned, he told Barack he had to fight in the arena. The African did not know who his opponent was, and he had not foug
ht for several years, but he knew that to question this might mean his death.

  So, he fought in the match.

  And then another.

  And then another.

  And then another.

  Before long, he was in a match every week, if not twice a week. There were times when injury threatened his life, but the former Doctore knew that he must keep up this charade. Unfortunately, he was not given time, nor could he find the time to speak with Aurora, who he sensed was somehow in communication with the escaped slaves. He just did not know how. But, he knew she was because it was the only way the slaves kept seemingly avoiding capture or execution at the hands of her father.

  One day, as he listened to the emperor give him his latest orders for the arena, his blood ran cold. He was being sent to a death match, one where he would be forced to fight several opponents at once, with only one of them emerging alive.

  “My lord,” he said as gently as he could. “Might I ask, what is the purpose of this?”

  “I am considering selling you,” the emperor said frankly. “There is a buyer who is in town and is interested. However, he only buys the best. You are the best, aren’t you, Barack?”

  “Yes…my lord, I am,” Barack said, as he put on a blank face, one he knew his master would not suspect, but inside, he was boiling mad.

  He had given the Imperial Ludus all his life.

  He had trained hundreds of gladiators who had either won their freedom or died with honor upon the sands.

  He knew he was in no condition to fight in a death match. He was going to die and there was no one able to stop it. Or so he thought.

  Aurora, who had been listening, knew she could not let this be. Barack was like a second father to her, as well as being highly valued by Ayanna and Kaiser. There was no way she could just let him die. It was impossible.

  The idea came to her almost instantly, and she hurried to her bedchamber where the falcon was sleeping. Quickly getting a pen, ink and paper, she wrote down a quick note, tied it to the bird and released it to the winds. Down in her heart, she wished the bird would find Ayanna quickly, and deliver the note, as she knew Barack did not have a lot of time.


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