A New Journey (Second Chance #3)

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A New Journey (Second Chance #3) Page 21

by Christina Escue

  “Because I was running my hands through it like I always do when I’m nervous.” Conner lied. He wasn’t about to announce to Karla’s brothers that it was her hands that had messed up his hair.

  “Kev, back off. He isn’t you and won’t make the same stupid mistakes you did.” Callie shouted at her older brother.

  Kevin jumped to his feet and started toward Callie. “You have no right bringing that shit up.” He yelled.

  Manuel stepped in front of Callie right before Kevin got to her and looked at Kevin. “You need to calm down before you do something you’ll regret.” Manuel warned him.

  “He’s right, Kev. You need to calm down.” Conner said calmly. “Callie shouldn’t have said that, but what she said is true. I’m not you and I will not take any kind of risk with Karla.”

  “You both need to shut up.” Kevin shouted.

  “Can everyone calm down please?” Rylee said loudly. “Look what you’re doing to Karla.”

  At the mention of Karla’s name Manuel and Conner froze and looked back to see Karla sitting on the sofa with her knees pulled to her chest. She was rocking slowly, had her face buried in her knees and her whole body was shaking.

  Conner turned back to his brother. “I’m done with you, Kevin.” He spat out before he hurried over to Karla and wrapped his arms around her. When Callie sat down on Karla’s other side Manuel moved to stand in front of them all. Elliot and Travis moved to either side of Manuel, Jake and Kiara stood behind the sofa where Karla was and Madison and Malinda remained in the corner in their seats.

  “Kevin, I think you should leave.” Callie said from her place beside Karla.

  “What is going on in here?” Karen said from the door. No one had heard her enter, but now that she was here everyone could feel her presence. “I could hear the shouting all the way in the kitchen.

  “Mom.” Callie said and when Karen looked at her she nodded to Kevin. “He freaked out because Conner and Karla were talking in Conner’s room.”

  “They were in there with the door closed, Mom.” Kevin said through gritted teeth.

  “Conner? Is this true?” Karen asked and when Conner nodded she sighed. “You know that’s against the rules, but if you say you were only talking then I believe you. You have never given me any reason to doubt your word.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” Conner said as he stroked Karla’s back.

  “Is she alright?” Karen asked in a concerned voice.

  “I don’t know.” Callie answered honestly.

  “She’s been like this since the shouting started.” Rylee told her. “I tried to calm her down, but it isn’t working.”

  “Let me try.” Karen said and Callie moved so she could sit down. “Karla, sweetheart, look at me.”

  When Karla turned her head and looked at Karen she could see the fear in Karla’s eyes. “You’re safe here, Karla. You’re surrounded by people who love you and would never hurt you. We may shout and get angry, but we all love each other and we would never hurt one another.” Karen said and Karla nodded. “Let’s get you some water and you and I will talk, okay?” Karla nodded again and unfolded her legs. Karen took her hand and they stood together and walked out of the room.

  Chapter Sixty-One

  After Karla and Karen left the room Conner stood up and walked over to his brother. “Stay out of my business, Kevin. I am not you and I would never do anything to put Karla at risk. Your screw ups have made it hard enough on me and Callie as it is so we don’t need you playing moral compass in our lives.”

  Kevin looked at him for a moment as his fists clenched by his sides. “Kevin Matthew Newberry, if you hit Conner I will personally kick your butt.” Their brother-in-law, Jason, said from the doorway. “Karen called and said there was some kind of fight going on and asked if I could come over because she didn’t know if she could handle it alone. Want to tell me what’s going on?”

  “Jason, this is none of your business.” Kevin said tightly.

  “When Karen called me it made it my business. Now I’m going to ask again, want to tell me what’s going on?”

  “I’ll tell you.” Elliot said from where he’d moved beside Malinda. “Conner and Karla were talking in Conner’s room and when they came back in here Kevin started yelling at Conner and making a really big deal about it. Then Callie said something about Conner not being like Kevin and everything blew up after that. I thought Kevin was going to hit Callie.”

  “Dad would have killed me if I had hit his princess.” Kevin said with a hint of jealously.

  “And I will kick your butt if you hit Conner.” Jason said confidently. “Conner, wanna tell me what happened?”

  “Elliot pretty much summed it up. Kevin accused me and Karla of doing more than talking because my hair was messy when we came back in here. Everyone knows that I run my fingers through my hair when I’m nervous. I was talking to Karla about everything that has happened over the past few weeks and I was asking her if she wanted to try being a couple again. I was beyond scared that she would say no.”

  “What did she say?” Jason asked.

  “She said yes, but that might change after this.”

  “Congratulations, man. I was hoping you two would find your way back together.” Jason said with a grin.

  “Oh come on. Are you telling me that you actually believe they got back together and didn’t do anything except talk? Are you all really that blind? The sexual vibes have been like an electrical current between them for two years and you all believe they’ve never had sex? You’re all stupid if that’s what you believe.” Kevin shouted.

  “Kevin, not everyone is like you. Not everyone has to have sex with every girl they date. Karla and I have never done anything more than kiss and if you don’t believe that then that’s your problem. I don’t care what anyone says about me, but if I hear you say anything negative about Karla then Jason won’t have to kick your butt.”

  “I know Karla isn’t like that, but I also know about you and Alissa.” Kevin shouted.


  “Karla, are you alright?” Karen asked softly after Jason went upstairs. Kelsey came with him and they were sitting on either side of Karla trying to get her to calm down some.

  “I’m okay. Just embarrassed. I haven’t had that kind of reaction to yelling in almost two years.”

  “That was a pretty intense situation up there. I can understand your reaction.” Karen said and put her arm around Karla’s shoulders. “Want me to take you home?”

  “No. I promised Callie and Rylee I’d stay and I will. I just need a few more minutes to pull myself together.”

  “Take all the time you need.” Kelsey told her and rubbed her back. “Karla, I know we don’t really know each other that well, but I would like to change that. You and Conner will get married someday and I think we should get to know each other better before then.”

  “I would like that.” Karla responded with a smile. “Conner and Callie are very important parts of my life and I would love to get to know you and Jason better.”

  “How about we meet for lunch one Saturday? A Saturday you don’t have a competition that is.”

  “That sounds like fun.” Karla responded with a smile. “I think I’m ready to go back upstairs. I hope Jason has them all calmed down by now. I seriously thought my brother was going to punch Kevin when he started going toward Callie. Manuel is very protective of all of us.”

  “Someone needs to knock Kevin down a peg or two.” Kelsey said as she stood up. “I’ll walk up with you and see if Jason is ready to go.”

  They walked upstairs and stopped at the door of the game room. They could still hear raised voices from inside. “I know Karla isn’t like that, but I also know about you and Alissa.” They heard Kevin shout just as they opened the door.

  Karla was floored by Kevin’s words, but she knew better than to react without hearing the whole story.

  “What is he talking about, Conner?” Karla said from the door and everyone turned to look a
t her.

  “Karla, I swear to you that sounds worse than it is.” Conner said as Karla stepped into the room.

  “Why don’t you tell her about it, little brother?” Kevin said with a sneer. “Maybe she’ll see it the way you want her to.”

  “Kevin, if you know what’s good for you then you will stop talking now.” Callie said as she moved to Karla’s side. “You three, my room, now.” Callie said and pointed to Conner, Rylee and Karla.

  “No. Everyone needs to hear this.” Conner said as he moved closer to Karla. “Karla, you know I went out with Alissa while we were apart. That night you saw us, just before Christmas, we went back to her house after the movie was over. I didn’t know her parents weren’t home until I was already inside with her. We were sitting on the couch and she started kissing my neck. I got so caught up in what she was doing that I didn’t realize she was unbuttoning my pants until she had her hand inside them. I didn’t stop her from doing what she did, but I swear to you that I did not have sex with her. When she started to pull my pants down then reached into her purse and pulled out a condom I knew I had to stop her because I didn’t want that with her. There is only one person I want to go that far with and that person is you.”

  Conner stopped talking and waited for Karla’s reaction. When nothing came he looked up at her and cringed. Her face had gone paler than he’d ever seen it and her eyes were filled with tears. He reached out to touch her cheek, but dropped his hand back down when she jerked away from him. “Were you ever going to tell me?” She asked softly.

  “Yes.” He answered confidently.


  “I don’t know.” He answered honestly. “I love you, Karla. I always have, but I will understand if you walk away and never look back.”

  “Conner, answer a question for me.” Karla said calmly.

  “Anything.” Conner said quietly.

  “If I had been the one doing that to you would you have stopped?”

  “No.” He answered honestly.


  “Because I love you. I believe something like that should have meaning and if I did it with anyone but you it would mean nothing to me.”

  “Then that’s all I need to know.” Karla responded as she leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Now, I think it’s time for me to go to bed.” She got up, walked out the door and straight into Callie’s room without another word to anyone.

  Once she was gone Conner turned to Kevin and violently shoved him against the wall. “Stay the hell out of my life!” He shouted and walked to his own room.

  Chapter Sixty-Two

  “Karla, are you alright?”

  “Callie, am I stupid?” Karla asked instead of answering Callie’s question.

  “No. You are the smartest person I know.” Callie answered honestly.

  “Do you think I should have slapped Conner and walked away from him?”

  “That would have been my initial reaction, but after thinking about it I would have realized that he really didn’t do anything wrong. You two were broken up at the time and he stopped it before he actually had sex with her. I would still be hurt though.”

  “I am still hurt, but I can’t fault him for something he did while we were apart. I love him and I know this is going to sound bad, but I’m kind of glad she tried something because it made him realize that he only wants me. Now if he’d actually let it go all the way I wouldn’t be able to move past that. Because of the rape I’m technically not a virgin, but I still see myself as one because I have never willingly had sex. I like the fact that when we do finally do it it’ll be the first time for us both and we can share that together.”

  “Travis isn’t a virgin, but neither am I, and we’re both okay with that. I know we aren’t a couple or anything official yet, but it’s moving in that direction.” Rylee told them.

  “Manuel isn’t a virgin.” Callie said matter-of-factly. “But I know that when we do take that step he’ll make it special for me.”

  “Has he made you think he’s ready for that with you?” Karla asked.

  “I know he is. I am too, but we have decided to wait until after I turn eighteen so no one can say anything about the age difference.”

  “I’m ready.” Karla announced. “I was ready before Conner and I broke up. He’s the one who keeps pulling back whenever we’re close. I think he’s afraid of scaring me or hurting me so he hesitates.”

  “That’s a sign that he truly loves you.” Callie told her.

  “I know he loves me, which is why I have been letting him take the lead. I think I’m going to step up my game though and see how far he’ll let it go.”

  “Who are you and where is the Karla we know and love?” Rylee asked with a chuckle.

  Karla laughed and shook her head. “I’m still the same me, but I have a little more confidence than I did before and I know what I want. I was unsure about myself and about whether I could do it or not, but I’m not now. I know what I want and I know what I have to do to get it.”

  “Karla, are you telling us that you’re going to try to get Conner to have sex with you even if he doesn’t want to?” Rylee asked concerned.

  “Of course not. I would never make him do anything he didn’t want to do. I know he wants to though. You both heard him say that if it had been me he wouldn’t have stopped so I’m going to see how far he’ll let it go.”

  “You’re playing with fire, Karla. He’s never going to let it go too far if he’s afraid of hurting you.” Callie told her.

  “Maybe I’m not afraid of getting burned anymore.” Karla said and yawned. “I think it’s time we all get some sleep.” She told her two best friends.

  “This conversation isn’t over, Karla.” Rylee informed her with a grin.

  “Never thought it was.” Karla replied and yawned again.

  They all laid down and fell asleep quickly.


  “Can we talk?” Conner asked Karla the next morning as they cleaned the kitchen together after breakfast.

  “Sure.” Karla answered and followed Conner out of the kitchen. When they made it into the dining room Conner pulled the doors closed and turned toward Karla.

  “I need you to tell me that we’re okay.”

  “We’re more than okay.” Karla assured him and took a step toward him. “Conner, what you did happened while we were apart and even though it upsets me to think about I can’t be mad at you. I broke up with you and you had every right to go out with whomever you wanted.”

  “You are taking this better than I expected. I’m waiting for you to tell me I betrayed you and that you never want to see me again.”

  “That isn’t going to happen.” Karla said and took another step toward him. “I love you and I want to take what happened in the past and leave it there. I want to focus on today and tomorrow. I’m tired of living in the past. I want to live for the present and future.”

  “You are too good to me. I don’t deserve you.” Conner said and pulled Karla into his arms. As soon as her body touched his he knew he’d made a mistake. She was still wearing the thin t-shirt and pajama pants she’d slept in and he could feel the heat coming off her body.

  “Conner.” She whispered into his chest. “We should get back to the kitchen and finish loading the dishwasher.” She placed a quick kiss on his chest before she pulled out of his arms and walked back into the kitchen.

  He shook his head and followed her out of the room. When he made it back to the kitchen he froze. Karla was loading the dishwasher and Kevin was standing in the other doorway watching her. His temper flared and he had to take a deep breath to control it before he snapped and lost his temper in front of Karla again. Before he could take a step forward Kevin walked into the kitchen and Karla looked up and the smile fell from her face.

  “What do you want, Kevin?” She asked with a frown.

  “I want to know what kind of game you’re playing with my brother.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that little show last night.”

  “What show?”

  “The forgiving act you pulled after he told you what he did.”

  “Kevin, there was nothing to forgive. When he did that with Alissa he and I weren’t together. He was free to see whomever, and do whatever, he wanted. I’m not a grudge holder and I’ve been told I forgive too easily. I guess this is just another one of those times.”

  Kevin took a step closer to her and Conner walked into the room. “Kevin, I told you last night to stay out of my life. My relationship with Karla is between me and her and has nothing to do with you. Back off and leave her alone.”

  “Conner, you are such a blind fool. When she stabs you in the heart I will take great pleasure in saying I told you so.” Kevin said and walked out of the kitchen.

  “You okay, Karla?” Conner asked as he stroked a hand across her cheek.

  “I’m fine.” Karla assured him.

  “I’m sorry about Kevin. Something has crawled up his butt lately.”

  “Conner, can I tell you something?”


  “I want to take our relationship to the next level.” Karla said bluntly and Conner’s jaw hit the floor.

  Chapter Sixty-Three

  The next couple of months passed quickly. Conner and Karla were back to the way they used to be, but they still hadn’t taken that next step and Candice had been released from the hospital. She was doing better, but still had a long road ahead of her.

  As Leslie’s pregnancy progressed and Kiara’s wedding approached they were all really busy.

  Conner opened the front door of the Peterson`s and stepped inside. When Leslie walked into the family room her face was glowing with a broad smile. “Are Karla and Elliot ready?” Conner asked as he grinned at her.

  “Just about. Come on in and they’ll be down in a minute. Thank you for taking Elliot with you today. I have a doctor’s appointment and really didn’t want to leave him here alone.”


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