A Better Life

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by Liza O'Connor

  Chapter 4

  Angel woke to the worried face of Davenport.

  “My baby?”

  Dr. Hanson turned her head to him and shined a light into her eyes. “The fetus survived.”

  “How old?”

  “It appears you are seven weeks along.”

  She smiled. Her three boys would have a new sibling in about seven months. They’ll want it to be a boy, but she wouldn’t mind a girl…only how would a girl prosper in the facility? How could any of her children survive?

  Suddenly a man in his fifties, wearing a black suit, red tie, and a foot-thick briefcase entered the room. With only a nod from his head, Davenport and the doctor left the room.

  “I’m Director Hamilton.”

  “Angel Straun.”

  A faint smile crossed his face. “Yes, I know who you are. We have been preparing for your arrival for several years now. Sadly, all that preparation was almost not enough. We came very close to losing you.”

  But they didn’t. She and her child survived. “It had to be Sahid.”

  Hamilton frowned. “Or Max. However, I’m more worried about a different matter, just now. Were you aware of a relationship between Max and Anna Culp?”

  “Anna? No. In fact, I’m positive there isn’t one.”

  “Well, there is one now, so the only question left is when it started.”

  She struggled with his declaration. “Max and Anna?” Besides the age difference, it actually seemed a great match. But why wouldn’t Max have told her? Surely, he couldn’t think she’d object when he had been so generous about her need for lovers.

  Angel stared at Director Hamilton. “Have you asked him?”

  “No, I’m asking you.”

  She met his black, stern eyes. “Max has always loved Anna, but I have never sensed anything sexual in the relationship. You should probably question our boarders—”

  “I have and while they admitted to having their own relationships with Anna, they were not aware of a romantic relationship between her and Max.”

  She opened her mouth to suggest perhaps he was wrong. She recalled him stating with certainty they were in a relationship now.

  “And you are certain Max is sexually involved with her?’

  “Nothing else can explain his current behavior.”

  “Which is?”

  “He’s cashing in every bit of influence he has to get her back.”

  “Get her back from where?”

  “She was kidnapped by Sahid. She is being held in his father’s castle while her return is negotiated.”

  “But she’s safe?”

  “She remains alive. But why would Max care so much about this girl?”

  “She is like the daughter he never had. He loves her, I love her, and her father loves her. He isn’t doing this just for himself. He’s doing it for all of us.”

  By the furrowed brow and grimace of indigestion, Hamilton evidently could not conceive of such an unselfish love.

  “Yet, you two were having troubles before he left.”

  “No. Our relationship was as wonderful as always.”

  “Then how do you explain Max placing a cyanide capsule on your back that would have dissolved into your skin twenty days from now?”

  She couldn’t. Nor could she believe it. “Sahid must have placed it there.”

  “No, this was lifted from a high security laboratory Sahid has never been near. Yet, Max visited the lab six months ago.”

  She shook her head. “Then, there has to be some other explanation…” He loved her. She had no doubt of that. He left his job to marry her. His job… “You said something about planning for my arrival for years now.”


  “And the tunnel into my basement. How long has that been there?”

  “We began digging right after your addition was added.”

  “So, from the first, Max didn’t believe I’d be safe outside.”

  “It was never a realistic possibility.”

  She met Hamilton’s eyes. “There is one thing that Max holds more important than me, and that is his country. How much time has passed since the attack?”

  “Three days.”

  She frowned. “How are my boys taking this?”

  Hamilton rolled his eyes. “We will talk about your terrors in a moment. Right now, we are discussing Max.”

  “Max probably planned to return and remove the mole before it activated. But if terrorist stole me, then I would die to protect our country.”

  “He told you this?”

  “No, he never said a thing. I just worked it out.”

  “And the fact your husband planned to kill you doesn’t disturb you?”

  “No. I would rather die than be tortured into helping the enemy. They killed my first love, Steve.”

  He stared at her. “You are significantly different than I expected.”

  “What did you expect?”

  “Some pheromone laden manipulator that could mesmerize men at will.”

  “Ouch. Must be one ugly file I’ve accumulated.”

  “Yes, but with a disturbingly inaccurate profile. Davenport first raised the possibility that the file had been purposely skewed. He claimed it did not accurately represent you. I thought he was just one of your conquests and blind to the truth. That’s why Colonel Braddock is in charge.”

  She had caused Davenport’s demotion.

  “What has you so upset?”

  “It’s my fault Davenport has been demoted.”

  “I’ll offer him his old job back, if you wish.”

  She sensed a trap. She shook her head. “I wish to be out of this quagmire entirely. I don’t know what Davenport wants. Can we return to the discussion of Max?”

  He chuckled. “Of course.”

  “Does Max not know I’m alive?”

  He leaned forward. “Why do you ask that?”

  “Because, I believe if he did this and he knew I was in safe hands now, he would have notified you about the mole.”

  “How certain of that are you?”

  “A hundred percent.”

  He breathed in and huffed the air out of his chest. “You are correct. This facility is top secret, and Max was purposely left out of the loop.”

  “May I ask why?”

  “Because he married you. He placed you before his country.”

  “But he didn’t…”

  “To me and the president, it appeared he had.”

  She nodded in understanding. Until five minutes ago, she had also thought Max had placed her and her boys before his country as well.

  “Will you let him know now?”

  “It would serve no purpose except to piss him off and perhaps alert terrorists that their target remains alive.”

  “So, my boys are never to see their father again?” Her boys needed a father!

  He leaned forward. “To my view, they’ve always had more than one father. In fact, Tom Culp seemed to carry a great deal of the load.”

  She nodded in agreement.

  “He’s with your boys now.”

  All her pent-up anger dissipated at his words. “Tom’s here?”

  “In Section A, with your boys. Davenport strongly supported bringing him in and after an attempted escape yesterday by your boys, Colonel Braddock brought him over.

  “Where was Derrick and Mrs. Adams?”

  “They were there, but unable to maintain control. I sent in a child psychologist to calm your boys down, but your eldest talked circles around the fellow.”

  “Sorry about that. After Stevie was kidnapped and manipulated by his step-father before Max, I sent him to a child psychologist for six months, at which point the man declared he could do nothing for the boy.”

  “How old was he?”


  “And he retained the jargon at three?”

  “He is very advanced for his age. Max encouraged it.”

  “If you wish, we can have each of your children taught to
their ability with personal teachers.”

  She had a strong feeling there was a bill attached to that offer. “If I wish?”

  “You may choose to keep them in the facility with you.”

  “Or what? Let them return to Max?”

  “No. That is not an option. We could filter them into an orphanage and farm them out to people looking for a child. However, be warned, if we do that, all your children will mis-behave. Stevie will be so bored with a normal education system that he will get into constant trouble.”


  “There is also a strong possibility the prospective parents will return Stevie before any chance of bonding has occurred.”

  “I said no! Stop presenting this horror story. I know my boys. They will do better here with me, then outside with strangers…or even with Max, for that matter. They need me. I’m their anchor.”

  “After the last three days, I have to agree. But you need to understand what this means. Until they become adults, they will live down here.”

  “Is there a playground? Toys? Games?”

  “Yes. And as they grow, we will alter their environment. We will attempt to bring in others of both sexes for them to engage with, so they won’t be socially inept if they choose to leave here when they become adults.”

  “If…why would they stay?”

  “Because you will remain here for the rest of your life. And if they wish to remain with you, then they will need to take facility jobs.”

  Her anger returned at the realization her rescue came at the cost of her freedom. “I’ve signed nothing saying I’ll stay here for the rest of my life.”

  “Technically, you are dead. If you wish us to rectify that situation, it can be done, painlessly.”

  Dear God, had he just threatened to kill her?

  He sighed. “Angel, I’ve gone to a hell of a lot of trouble to make this place tolerable for you. I didn’t do it because I liked you. I didn’t even know you. I only know you get results when no one else can.”

  “Only with Carnivore and those who know how to use it.”

  Hamilton smiled. “We have a far advanced version called Black Star and the finest hackers and programmers in the world. And we have hunters, but not one of them is even close to your caliber. I’m hoping you’ll share your knowledge so paying for this trillion-dollar project doesn’t lie entirely in your hands.”

  She didn’t give a damn about his hopes and needs. “May I see my boys now?”

  He frowned, no doubt wishing for some sort of happy response about all the great things he had just shared.

  Clearly, he wasn’t a parent. Nothing came before her boys. “I want to see my boys now!”

  “Yes, but how you see them depends on your decision to their future.”

  “My boys stay with me. So, they’ll stay here.”

  “Then I’ll tell Tom to bring them here. Dr. Hanson has declared you bedridden for the next five days. Otherwise, you could lose the baby.”

  “I’m not losing this baby!” she declared with angry intensity.

  He frowned. “Let’s consider getting your tubes tied after this one, eh?”

  “I will consider it, but right now, my answer is no.”

  “You have seven months to change your mind.”

  Why did he sound so ominous as he declared her timeline?

  “Now there is one other matter. We need to alter your eye color to brown, straighten and alter your hair, and you’ll need to wear makeup from now on.”

  “Why?” she countered.

  “To keep you safe. While I believe we’ve chosen quality people, I’m not willing to risk your life on it. So, you’ll need to give yourself a new name as well.”

  “Can I go back to Carla?”


  “This is going to confuse the children. If I am truly safe here, why do I need to confuse my children by changing my name. Why can’t I keep my name as Angel?”

  “If you agree to wear makeup, alter your hair, and allow us to permanently change your eye color, then I will allow you to continue using your name.”

  “And how will you change my eye color?”

  “First we’ll try medicinal eye drops that were taken off the market due to the all too often permanent change of eye color to dark brown. If that doesn’t work, we’ll fit you out with contacts or perform laser surgery, whichever you wish.”

  “What was the medicinal eye drops supposed to do?”

  “It was used to clear up blood vessels in the whites of the eye. Did a great job, but people went crazy when it turned their pretty blue eyes to brown. However, if it works for you, it will be much better than contacts or laser surgery.”

  “I agree. Let’s try the eye drops first,” Angel stated. “But I’ll keep my name, right”

  The director smiled at her. “That’s a compromise I can live with. I’ll call the doctor now.”

  Five minutes later the doctor arrived and ensured she knew the drops often turned blue eyes permanently brown.

  “That’s the plan!” Angel stated happily.

  Chapter 5

  An hour later, Angel spoke to Director Hamilton who quietly remained in her hospital room. He currently sat in the corner of the room, using his briefcase as a desktop.

  “My boys are coming here, right?”

  “That is correct.”

  “Any idea how soon?”

  “Could be any time in the next three hours, I would think.” He didn’t even bother looking up from the document he read as he answered her.

  She opened her mouth to ask him to call Tom again, only she stopped upon hearing the angry squeal of Tommy outside the door.

  A moment later, she could hear Tom’s voice lecturing the boys. She was tempted to yell at him to let her boys in, but Hamilton’s furrowed brow made her stay quiet. No doubt her profile claimed her to be the worst of mothers, constantly undermining people trying to instill manners into the boys.

  The door opened, and Stevie and Tommy stepped in with exaggerated high-stepping, silent steps. Upon the sight of her holding out her arms, they ran full speed, but pulled up as Tom called out. “Boys…”

  They pressed against the edge of her hospital bed and gripped her arm, pressing their cheeks to it.

  Her eyes met Tom and she gave the exhausted fellow a look of pure love. He rewarded her with a smile. She motioned him closer and whispered in his ear. “Would it be possible to lift them up beside me in the bed?”

  “Yes!” Stevie whispered and hopped excitedly.

  “Let me check with the doctor.” Tom then sternly stared at the boys. “Nobody moves until I return. Understand? I have to get the doctor’s permission.”

  “Where is the doctor?” Stevie asked.

  “Don’t know.”

  “Then how will you get his permission.”

  Tom picked up the phone and wiggled it at Stevie. He then dialed a number. A moment later he hung up.

  Stevie stared at him, his brow adorably furrowed. “What happened? You didn’t say ‘pretty please’. It’s magical you know.”

  Tom chuckled. “I know that. You used it to get in here. However, the doctor wants to come and explain something to you.”

  “To us?” Stevie stated in surprise. “Do we know him?”

  “Not yet.”

  “But he decides if we can climb in bed with Mommy?”


  Stevie whispered into Tommy’s ear and the boy smiled and nodded.

  “What are you two whispering about?” Angel asked.

  Both boys smiled like little angels. “We’re strattergizing,” Tommy declared.

  Angel laughed. Dr. Hanson better let her boys climb in with her, or he was going to have one angry momma on his hands.

  The moment the doctor entered, Stevie ran to greet him. “Are you Dr. Hanson?”


  “That’s our mother and we really need to get on the bed, so we can hug her.”

  “We haven’t seen her for
days.” Tommy added.

  Stevie nodded. “Can you help us do that, pretty please?”

  “Double pretty please,” Tommy echoed.

  Dr. Hanson knelt so he wasn’t towering over them. “What’s your names?”

  “I’m Stevie Maximus Brown.”

  “I’m Tommy Maxwell Brown.”

  Angel was shocked the boy had adapted to the return of her maiden name so quickly. She then noticed Hamilton shaking his head. Was he annoyed at her boy’s for giving their best effort to sway the doctor? She supposed it was technically manipulation, but how could anyone resent two such adorable boys trying to get to hug their mom?

  Dr. Hanson led them over to her. “Now your mom’s stomach is a sacred land that cannot be touched even with a finger, certainly not with a shoe.” He then lifted Tommy and placed him on her right side. Stevie ran to the left side and waited excitedly for the doctor to lift him up. Once both received their first hug, Angel held her hands out for her baby. Mrs. Adams brought the one-year-old over.

  The baby seemed to have a hundred legs and arms as it struggled to settle. Stevie secured his baby brother’s feet, so they didn’t touch her stomach.

  Finally, she got Johnny to lay on her chest and he settled. The other two boys sighed with relief and closed their eyes.

  Derrick’s two kids anxiously waited for their turn. Tom brought them forward and Angel stroked each of their faces. “How are you doing?” she asked Kelly.

  The girl rolled her eyes. “I think my dad may have run away for good. If he does, can you be our mom as well?”

  The poor child…her mother had run off when Kelly was only seven, so Angel worried the girl was expressing a real fear. “I’m positive your father hasn’t run away, however, I would love to have a daughter.”

  Kelly beamed with happiness.

  “Me too?” Dare asked.

  Stevie opened his eyes. She worried her son was about to object.

  “You have to say yes, Mom. Otherwise, you’ll be leaving Dare out and that’s not right. We’re all one big family now.”

  She smiled at his lecture. “That’s right. How’d you get so smart?”

  “I think I was born smarter than most. Things just come easy to me. Was my real dad like that?”

  “Things did come easy to him.” She didn’t add that the things his dad went after were pretty ladies with long legs.


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