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Nightingale Page 8

by Andrea Bramhall

  Charlie ran back into the living room to grab the handset. “Hello.” Charlie turned her back on Beth as she skipped into the room.

  “I’m so sorry. My family descended and I’ve literally just escorted them from the building.”

  “I think I saw them arrive. Two days ago.” Beth danced around the room, her arms wrapped around herself as she made kissy faces at her. Charlie scowled at her and turned her back.

  “I’m really sorry. They turned up unannounced and uninvited. The only reason my father called was to tell me to put the kettle on because he wanted tea. It’s a good job, as it would have been so very difficult to get them to believe that we were just friends if they had found us both naked in the bedroom.”

  “It’s okay.” Charlie smiled, and the image of Hazaar’s naked body made her heart beat a little faster.

  “It was a good visit, though. My father and I agreed on some stuff about me staying here in school for a while yet, so it was definitely worthwhile.”

  “Well that’s good then, right?”

  “Yeah, it is. I’m just sorry it took so long.”

  “Honestly, it’s okay.”

  “I can’t stop thinking about you. I’ve barely been able to hold a conversation all the time they have been here…I’m babbling, aren’t I?”

  “Yes. It’s cute.”

  “I’m sorry. I do that when I’m nervous. Right now I’m really nervous. Please say something.”

  “Hazaar, it’s okay. You’d already told me that your family doesn’t know you’re gay. There’s really no need for a big explanation. I understand that part.”

  “Wow. You do?”

  “Yes. What I don’t get is why couldn’t you just tell me that your family was on the way?”

  “Usually people don’t understand about my family, and it’s really difficult to get them to see it from my side of the equation. You know the ‘I’m not ashamed of you, or them,’ kind of thing. It’s just a very difficult conversation.”

  “I get it.”

  “They caught me off guard and I didn’t react very well. I guess I expected a reaction I didn’t have time to deal with. Please forgive me?”

  “Nothing to forgive.” Charlie looked over at the mantel shelf and the picture of her with her arm around a petite redhead, and memories of Gail bombarded her. Images of the two of them when they first fell in love filled her mind. The innocence of that first love had filled their hearts and made them believe that nothing and no one would ever come between them. They had been so wrong. Tears filled her eyes as she remembered the last time she’d seen Gail. The day they had buried her had been the worst day of her life. Charlie still felt the pang of guilt just as sharply as she had the day she’d cradled Gail’s cold body, and she knew it wasn’t in her to ever try to push someone to come out to their family. The price for some people was far too high.

  “Next time, just be honest with me. I’m not like everybody else. I don’t intend to make life difficult for you, or judge you. Just be honest with me.”

  “There’s going to be a next time?” Hazaar’s voice sounded so hopeful that Charlie just wanted to hold her.

  “If you still want one?”

  “Yes.” Hazaar’s voice was little more than a whisper.

  “Then just tell me what’s going on in future, and we can deal with it. Like I said, I won’t judge or push. If you don’t want to drink because of your religion, that’s fine. No worries. If you need me to leave in a hurry because your family is coming round, tell me the truth so I at least know why I’m hiding in the wardrobe or shimmying down the drainpipe. I can handle it.” Charlie’s face was flushed as she spoke. There was silence on the other end of the phone. “Hello, are you still there?”

  “Wow. I think I could fall in love with you!”

  Charlie laughed. “Oh, so we’re going to have a typical lesbian relationship then, are we? When should I sterilize the turkey baster?”

  Hazaar laughed. “Maybe we should try a slightly atypical one.”

  “Probably a good idea.” She paused, debating whether or not to say what she wanted to, but she knew it would irk her if she didn’t. “You could have sent a text, though.”

  “I know. I should have done a lot of things differently. I’m sorry. I really didn’t think you’d be this cool about it. I guess I was expecting drama and didn’t want to try to explain it in a crappy text.” Hazaar’s voice dropped. “Are you really this cool with it or am I being lulled into a false sense of security and you’re planning to pounce on me any second?”

  “Well, if you were here, I may very well be about to pounce on you, but I don’t think you’d mind, sweetheart.” Charlie felt her breath catch in her throat as the endearment slipped past her lips, completely bypassing her thought processes.

  “Well, maybe we can rectify that problem, babe.” She could hear the smile in Hazaar’s voice.

  “Oh yeah? And what did you have in mind?” She tucked one leg underneath her as she sat on the couch.

  “How about a night in front of the telly? You pick the DVDs you want. I’ll organise food. Do you like Mexican, Indian, Italian?” The question hung in the air.

  “Well, if you’re cooking, the choice should be yours.”

  Hazaar’s laughter echoed down the line. “Who mentioned cooking? I’m trying to get you to forgive me, not kill you!”

  “You’re that good a cook?” Charlie teased her.

  “Better. So what’s it to be, gorgeous?”

  Charlie could feel the heat creep up her neck and colour her cheeks. “How about Mexican?”

  “Perfect. Anything in particular, or rather, anything to avoid?”

  “Nope, I’m easy.”

  “I already know that. That’s why I’m keeping you around.”

  Charlie nearly choked as she spluttered down the phone. “Hey, I thought you were begging forgiveness. You can’t be casting those sorts of aspersions on my character! I might have to make you suffer now.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  Charlie laughed again. “What kinds of films do you like?”

  “Thrillers. Comedy. Not a big fan of scream fests, or weepy chick flicks. But as I already said, the choice, my lady, is all yours.”

  “Such gallantry. Okay, Friday the Thirteenth and Titanic it is. What time do you want me?”

  “A loaded question if ever I heard one. Right now would be my favourite answer to that, but then we would never eat, as I have nothing in. The locusts cleared me out. It was the deciding factor on when they were leaving me in peace. How about six? Gives me time to run out and pick up some stuff for us.”

  Charlie smiled as she whispered into the mouthpiece. “And is formal attire required at this dinner party?”

  “Darling, attire is entirely optional. It won’t stay on long enough for me to really see it. Now go, before I can’t walk anymore. Thinking has already stopped being a possibility. There’s no blood left in my head. See you at six.”

  Charlie grinned as she hung up the phone, grabbed the cushion next to her, and tossed it at Beth before running for the stairs.

  “Hey, what was that for?” The cushion sailed after her and landed with a dull thump against the banister rail.

  “Just for being your usual charming self, Flipper.” She mounted the stairs two at a time, already planning what she would wear. She wanted it to be a night Hazaar wouldn’t forget.

  Chapter Nine

  The North of England, then

  Charlie hitched the backpack higher on her shoulder as she stepped out of the lift and crossed the landing to Hazaar’s door. She raised her hand to knock, but the door opened before she made contact and she was tugged inside. Hazaar gripped her waist and pulled her close until their lips met in a searing kiss, leaving her breathless and wet.


  “Hi.” Hazaar’s fingers slid across her back and down to grip her backside. “I missed you.” She leaned in for another kiss and Charlie twisted her fingers into the ebony l
ocks that tumbled around Hazaar’s shoulders before she found the back of her neck and pushed the other hand under her shirt. Charlie eased away from the kiss and trailed her lips along Hazaar’s jaw, up behind her ear, then down the length of her throat. She ran her fingers over the soft, smooth skin of Hazaar’s belly and palmed her firm breast when she reached it. But it wasn’t enough. She was hungry, eager to reacquaint herself with her new lover, and she pulled the lacy fabric away from her breast and pinched the pebbled nipple between her fingers. She rolled the turgid flesh between her finger and thumb until it reached a tantalizing peak, before tugging it hard and covering it with her mouth. Hazaar’s moan was music to her ears.

  Charlie walked them backward toward the breakfast bar as she sucked and caressed Hazaar’s breasts, not stopping until her buttocks hit the bench. She quickly lifted her onto the table and skimmed her hands down the long, colourful skirt. She gripped the hem and flipped it above Hazaar’s knees, her lips and tongue still working at the stiff, puckered nipples.

  She pressed Hazaar’s knees apart and eased the skirt higher. Inch by delicious inch, smooth thighs were revealed to her questing fingers, and the scent of desire filled the air with the tantalizing undertones of spice, jasmine, and musk. As she worked the skirt up to her hips, she groaned and licked her lips at the sight of Hazaar’s sex, naked, wet, and waiting for her. Charlie dropped to her knees and buried her face between her thighs. The need to taste, to please, was overwhelming, and Hazaar’s obvious desire only made Charlie wetter. Her clit throbbed, pulsing in time to every beat of her heart.

  Hazaar leaned back, supporting herself with one hand as the other covered Charlie’s head, fingers laced through her curls, as her tongue dipped inside her. Charlie used her thumbs to part the folds of her sex and feathered her lips along the stiff bundle of nerves, gently pushing back the protective hood and using the tip of her tongue to tease the sensitive flesh quivering between her lips. She released it and blew across the overheated tissue before she pulled it between her lips and sucked. Hard.

  Hazaar was close; she could feel it in every breath as she chanted Charlie’s name like a prayer. She slid two fingers inside her, filling her, and she pumped slowly at first as she licked at her clit. She wished she had the patience to draw out their pleasure, to push Hazaar further, higher, to bring her more pleasure than she had ever known. But she knew neither of them would last much longer as she rocked her hips, creating a delicious friction against her jeans. She stroked in time to her own hip thrusts, slowly driving deeper and faster as she began to suck again, and pulling her clit between her lips, she created pressure in her mouth, then used her tongue to flick her clit in time with each thrust. Hazaar came hard, bucking against her mouth as her arm gave way and she collapsed back against the table.

  Charlie released the pressure of her mouth and eased her tongue to lap gently at the tender flesh, waiting for the after tremors to subside before she slowly removed her fingers and eased her way up Hazaar’s body. She gently drew her into her arms and held her while her breathing returned to normal.

  “I missed you too.”

  Hazaar smiled into her shoulder. “So I gather.” She stroked her hands up Charlie’s back and her grin widened as shivers followed in her wake. Hazaar pulled out of her arms a little, a playful smile upon her lips. “So what film did you bring?”


  “And what’s that?”

  “Action comedy with Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, Morgan Freeman, and a few others. Retired spies getting pulled back into the game for a deadly mission. Sounds quite entertaining, and it’s a good cast.” She shrugged and began to move away. Hazaar held on to her tight and leaned up to kiss her.

  “Sounds like it should be fun. Would you like to eat now or later?”

  Charlie grinned wickedly.

  Hazaar laughed. “Food, you pervert. I went out and got perfectly good take-away that’s probably spoiled while you’ve been manhandling me.”

  “Are you complaining?”

  Hazaar grinned and kissed her lightly. “No, baby, not at all. But we have all night.” She kissed her neck. “And I did have a plan.” She pulled her in for another long kiss.

  “Really?” Hazaar nodded. “Tell me about your plan then.” She bent to kiss her again, but Hazaar stopped her and gently pushed her away. Her skirt fell back to her ankles as she climbed down from the breakfast bar and walked around to the kitchen. She passed a stack of plates and cutlery to Charlie.

  “Go and put those in the living room? Then I promise to tell you all about my plan.”

  Charlie did as she was told and set the places on the low table in the front room. Hazaar entered with a bag and two wine glasses in one hand, a bottle of wine tucked under one arm, a jug of ice water in her other hand, and a bottle opener sticking out of her mouth.

  “Here, let me help you.” She removed the bottle opener and kissed her before she could divest herself of any of her burdens.

  “How kind. Thank you.” They settled before the table, and Hazaar slowly unpacked the bag of goodies. “I wasn’t sure what you would like, so I got one of everything and I thought we could share.”

  “Sounds good. Now tell me about your plan.” She plucked a nacho from the bowl and stuffed it into her mouth, grinning as the cheese and sour cream ran across her taste buds.

  “Well, this is stage one. Feed my beautiful girlfriend while I slip copious amounts of alcohol into her—”

  “Did you just say girlfriend?”

  Hazaar blushed as she poured a glass of wine for Charlie and a glass of water for herself. “Yes.” She looked over at Charlie. “Is that okay?”

  Charlie stared into Hazaar’s beautiful chocolate brown eyes as they danced with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. She’s as nervous as I am. Charlie saw a glimmer of the hesitation that lay beneath the surface, and suddenly the confident seductress seemed a little bit unsure of herself. Uncertain of what, Charlie didn’t know. But she wanted to. She wanted to ease the anxiety, the fear. She wanted to soothe the turbulent soul she could see peeking out at her so tentatively. She reached across and stroked Hazaar’s cheek gently. “Most definitely, sweetheart.”

  Hazaar grinned too before spooning spiced rice onto her plate, and Charlie was glad to see some of the tension leave her shoulders.

  Charlie waved her hand and signalled for her to carry on as she loaded her plate with rice, salad, and fajitas.

  “The plan is to feed my beautiful girlfriend while I try to get her drunk so that I’m sure she has fully forgiven me for being stupid and I can take her to bed without any problems.”

  “It’s a good plan. I only see three small problems with it.”


  “Well, details more than problems.”

  “And those would be?”

  “Well, number one, if I drank a whole bottle of wine, I would definitely be going to bed. Unconscious.”

  “Okay. I can handle that. The top goes back on after the next glass.” Hazaar tapped her forehead. “Note to self, got me a cheap date.”

  “Ha ha.”

  “Next detail?”

  “There was nothing to forgive. I told you I understand. I’m not the kind of person who tries to make people do something against their will. I won’t push you to come out to your family, your friends. That decision is entirely personal. As long as you understand that I’m out to my family and friends, and that I won’t lie about myself, it’s fine. I can be discreet. And I totally understand that it’s difficult for you. All I need is for you to be honest with me about what you need from me. And I’ll do the same. Then we figure it out between us.” She fished around for another nacho. “It might not always be easy, but as long as we’re honest with each other, we should be able to work it out.”

  “And this is the Charlie Porter School of Relationships?”

  “No. It just makes sense to me.”

  Hazaar studied her plate, her expression thoughtful as she played with he
r food. “And the third detail?”

  “Who says we need a bed?”

  Hazaar looked up and laughed as Charlie quirked one eyebrow. “Very true, baby. Very true.” She leaned across the table and kissed Charlie softly on the lips. “So tell me, where did you come to all this wisdom about relationships? Do you have a cupboard full of exes hiding somewhere?”

  Charlie laughed. “Not hardly. I just really don’t think your need for me to leave because your family arrived is anything to get all bent out of shape about.” Hazaar kept watching her, one eyebrow arched. “What?”


  “What about them?”

  “So it is them, as in plural?”

  “Why so interested?”

  “I’m interested in everything about you.”

  “And will you answer the same questions?”


  “Okay. Then you can start. How many exes of yours do I need to avoid?”


  “Well, based upon demonstrated form, the music school is your hunting ground.” Charlie curled her fingers in the air imitating quote marks around the word hunting, but softened the words with a quirky smile. “So how many of my fellow students do I need to avoid?” She was grinning as the flush began to creep up Hazaar’s neck and cheeks. “I wouldn’t want to make any of your jilted lovers jealous, after all.”

  “And if I told you there were no others?”

  “I would be very surprised.”


  “Firstly, a naïve, innocent young woman wouldn’t have come on to me like you did at the audition. Second, an inexperienced, virtuous young woman wouldn’t have brought me back here and fucked me against the door.”

  Hazaar put her fingers against Charlie’s lips. “Such language from such beautiful lips.” The twinkle in her eyes gave her away as she leaned in and kissed her again.


  “Okay, there have been a few lovers in my past. But you won’t have to worry about them being jealous or anything like that.”


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