Daughters of Artemis

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Daughters of Artemis Page 5

by Della Buckland

  "Your lover?" Yun asked, accepting the piece of meat that Katya placed into her hand.

  "Just an old friend." Katya took a bite of her meat and moaned softly. A soft purr lilted from Yun as she began eating as well. It felt like ages since she had enjoyed a proper meal like this, and coupled with that soothing purr, it loosened her tongue. "Mikhail—we all call him Mischa—has been my best friend since we were babies. I didn't have much of a family anyway, so when the pack turned him by accident, I demanded to join them rather than lose him. I lived with the pack until he was strong enough to turn me himself."

  Yun ate quietly for a few minutes before finally responding. "Hunting accident." Katya perked and was about to ask what she meant, but Yun continued, "My parents were both killed when the tigers came after our livestock. When the tigers found my sister and me, they turned us both. I don't remember anything but growing up with the tiger clan."

  It was more than Yun had spoken the entire time she had been with the wolves, and something told Katya it was the most she had spoken in quite a long while to anyone. She wasn't exactly sure what to say, something that wasn't going to be useless like 'wow' or 'I'm sorry'. She took another bite, chewed, and swallowed. "Do you ever miss your clan, being part of a team?"

  The smallest of smiles softened Yun's face. "Sometimes. Why? Are you suggesting your pack is a team for me to join?"

  Katya laughed softly, lifting her hands in mock surrender, even if Yun couldn't see it. "Hey, if you can heal us all up, don't start any trouble, and hold your own as a hunter, I'd say you can stay as long as you want. Better a new ally than a new enemy."

  The offer brought a larger smile to Yun's lips, one she couldn't hide from Katya by tucking into her meal again. The pack had spent so long fearing and hating the tigers. Maybe by giving Yun a chance, Katya could help her pack heal in more ways than one.

  Yun crept through the undergrowth, silent in a way that astonished Katya. How was it that the blind weretiger could lead her around so adeptly? Yun had asked to hunt alone, which had made sense to Katya, but nearly every wolf in the pack had grumbled about it until Katya had agreed to accompany her. She'd said it she would keep Yun in line, but Yun didn't need any help with tracking. She seemed to be doing fine on her own. Better than fine. Annoyingly fine.

  When Yun paused in front of her and sniffed the air, Katya mimicked her. Spring was coming; that was the first scent she picked up, that wet, lightly acrid hint of green just starting to push through the snow. Beneath that scent, through it, she gradually caught the musk of their quarry. Roe deer, and mostly females, if her sense of smell was accurate. Katya stood, grinning as she headed toward that scent, nearly tripping when Yun grabbed the fabric at her calf and pulled.

  "What are you doing?" Yun hissed softly, her gaze not quite meeting Katya's.

  Regaining her balance, Katya pulled her leg free and huffed. "Hunting. This is the part where we hunt the does down, box them in, and kill one."

  A smile curved Yun's lips, and she shook her head, looking off into the forest. "You wolves and your pack tactics. No wonder you catch less than half the prey you chase. It is patience that ensures the kill."

  Katya crossed her arms, speaking in hushed tones but not hiding her annoyance. "The bevy isn't just going to traipse up to us so we can kill one."

  "No," Yun admitted, tilting her head, "but if we move a little downhill and I shift, I can get one near that small stream."

  Katya's eyes narrowed. "What stream?"

  Yun simply smiled and pointed. Katya followed her finger down the hill. She couldn't see anything until she took several steps to the left, and then a glimmer of light on water caught her attention. She couldn't even hear the stream from here! Her jaw clenched, but she eventually relented with a clipped, "That stream."

  "If you wish me to prove myself, you can stay behind and watch," Yun teased, standing and making her way around Katya and toward the stream, stepping carefully but easily down the hillside. She paused after a few strides, however, and suddenly began disrobing.

  Katya couldn't help but stare. Yun knew she was watching, but she didn't seem bothered by that fact. Yun placed her heavy coat on a sturdy tree branch, and then peeled her thin undershirt off. Katya's mouth felt too dry all of a sudden. Yun's long, black hair was a stark contrast to her pale skin, and her body was deceptively svelte. Katya knew what power was hidden in that slender form, and she found herself being drawn like a moth to a distant flame, following Yun down the hillside. By the time she caught up, Yun was nude, her delicate feet pressed directly to the chilly leaf litter.

  Katya couldn't find her voice. Maybe it was just as well so she wouldn't make a fool of herself. Wasn't it kind of wrong to compliment a blind woman on her appearance? Before she could answer, Yun gasped harshly, and her body contracted, bending her in half as her skin rippled, pale smoothness replaced quickly with stripes of black and pale orange fur. Bones snapped and knit together again before Katya's eyes, and she marveled not at the shift itself—she'd seen that often enough as a werewolf—but at Yun's control, her silence. It always hurt when Katya shifted, and she knew it was the same for the weretigers, but Yun didn't make a sound until she collapsed to the dead leaves strewn around the bare tree.

  The scent of tiger assaulted Katya's nose, and she had to concentrate on breathing evenly to keep her instincts in check as Yun chuffed and growled softly. Yun's winter coat was luxuriously thick, and as she turned around, Katya found the dark stripes that decorated Yun's forehead and cheeks as a tiger absolutely fascinating. They made the color of her eyes look a more delicate yellow than before. Then again, maybe it was just that she was able to take a good look without having to worry about a tiger mauling her.

  She motioned for Yun to go ahead and, much to her astonishment, the tiger turned and left. Yun headed toward the brush surrounding the small stream that was forming as the snow of the area gradually melted. A gesture like that usually would have been lost on Yun. Interesting.

  Katya followed Yun, scenting the air every so often and settling next to her a few paces from the stream. It was close, but Yun seemed confident, if her comfortable crouching and twitching tail were any indication.

  There in the brush, they waited.

  It was always the worst part of hunting for Katya. The breeze brought the tantalizing scent of their prey to her nose, and waiting as it grew stronger made her restless. Whenever she would shift with thoughts of giving chase or play with her dagger, however, Yun fwapped her with her striped tail and growled a warning at her. It wasn't until the bevy of does was ten paces away that Yun even began to crouch.

  That was Katya's signal to grow utterly still, and she watched as the does shifted around the stream, drinking their fill, oblivious to the hunters hidden just downwind. It was perfect, but Yun wasn't moving. Why didn't she attack? What other advantage could she possibly ask for? Katya's eyes darted between the prey and her feline companion, wanting to flail or ask 'What the hell', but then two of the does stepped within eight paces of them, and Yun was gone in a flash of black and orange.

  The scratch of clawed paws against the dirt was joined by the clamor of hooves, and Katya sprang into action as well, her legs swiftly carrying her through the stream to join the chase. Without foliage to block her view, she saw Yun dash past the closest does and strike down her target with sharp claws and a snapping bite from an unforgiving jaw.

  It happened in an instant, and then Katya's instincts took over completely. She chased the closest doe, pumping her arms and dodging the trees with trained skill. The young doe lost its footing, giving her the advantage she needed. With a shout, she drove her blade into the doe and sliced at it, using her body weight to ram it into a tree. The doe struggled on the ground, and she quickly stabbed again, delivering the blow that would dispatch the doe completely.

  As the thundering of her pulse gradually faded, all that was left was the dry creaking of bare trees in the gentle wind. Katya let out a long, steadying breath and made
quick work of gutting her kill. The doe may have been young by her standards, but it was still heavy as she carried it the short distance back to the stream.

  Yun's kill was larger, and when Katya stepped closer, Yun's bloody face turned up at her with what she could have sworn was a smug expression for a tiger. The purr that rumbled out of Yun was the sexiest sound she had ever heard, and after the thrill of the chase, it sent unexpected heat pooling between her legs while blood rushed to her cheeks. She wanted to step away, to mask her scent from Yun in that moment, but as Yun sniffed the air, she knew she was already caught.

  Yun turned back to her kill and bent down, chuffing a few times before that sickening crackle of bones and flesh left her in her human form again. She was still bloody, the red an almost artistic splash of color on her pale face, framed by wind-whipped hair. Those yellow eyes caught her attention again, and she swallowed thickly as Yun smiled serenely at her and held out her hand.

  "Your knife, please."

  Katya handed it over without a word. She didn't have to congratulate Yun on the successful hunt, didn't have to compliment her on her patience and skill. She didn't even have to explain away her body's reaction. For once, she practiced the silence Yun seemed so intent to teach her. It was odd, but not having to say anything meant she could just enjoy the kill, enjoy their triumph, and enjoy the beauty of Yun's body uninterrupted. As far as Katya was concerned, the day couldn't get any better.

  Katya had waited until the bonfires and celebration had died down. Their hunt had been the most successful she could remember in a very long time. Their two does had been joined by a couple rabbits that they had set traps for, and the meal had led to dancing and storytelling and all-around merriment for the entire pack. Now that nearly everyone had retired to their tents, she finally had the chance to approach Yun privately.

  The firelight cast a warm glow around Yun's silhouette, and Katya had to swallow several times before convincing herself to take the final steps to join Yun at the natural shelf in the rock face. She sat silently, but Yun still perked up at her presence and turned to face her. "Yes, Alpha?"

  Katya smiled. "How did you know it was me?"

  "Your scent gave you away." A smile slowly curved the corner of Yun's lips. "It always does."

  Katya fought the urge to hang her head. Of course Yun could smell her. She had probably smelled her arousal the entire time they had tended their kill, right up until they had hauled everything back up to where Yun had hung her clothing. Perhaps that would make the rest of this easier.

  "I'd like to talk to you about something," Katya began, and when Yun didn't respond other than blinking and waiting patiently, she shifted in her seat. The deep breath she took in didn't help to calm her suddenly racing pulse. "A poacher attack killed off nearly half the pack a few months back. It's the reason we don't have a large number of hunters. Hell, it's the reason I'm even in charge." She paused, running her fingers through her loose hair before admitting, "It also means there aren't many alpha males in this pack. A lot of the men have had to adjust to me as leader, and I don't blame them, but some have taken it better than others. I don't know how it works with tigers, but the strongest fighter wins here, and that's me. The others can't beat me in a fair fight, so I know they're looking for a loophole, a way to be Alpha without challenging me head on."

  Yun brushed a lock of black hair behind her ear, and then tugged and played with it near her shoulder. Her fingers paused after a few seconds of quiet consideration, her eyebrows twitching as her eyes became more focused again. "They want to mate with you."

  Katya laughed softly, but it was a little too clipped to sound anything more than nervous. "Yeah. They'd like to get me into bed so they can take my title from me."

  "Especially Dmitri," Yun noted.

  Katya hummed her agreement. "He's more eager than the others. I'm about to go into heat. It's the worst damn timing. The last thing I need right now is to show weakness by choosing someone too weak to be worthy. I could just keep saying no to all their hints, but..."

  When Katya grew silent, Yun simply waited again, but she couldn't find the words she needed. This was supposed to be a smooth, effortless proposal, not just some discussion of pack politics. The soft smile that gradually made it's way onto Yun's face didn't do anything but distract her, draw her gaze to the softness of Yun's lips, the wonderful shape of her almond eyes and their striking yellow color. She was relieved when Yun finally spoke, breaking the spell that kept her silent.

  "But you have another idea in mind," Yun finished for her.

  "It's the perfect solution," Katya blurted out, leaning forward in an attempt to keep her voice down. "I mark you as worthy, and the pack has to accept you. I protect you, you protect me, and we both—"

  Yun's lips sealed over Katya's so suddenly that Katya nearly recoiled, but the blind weretiger's depth perception was alarmingly accurate, the touch of their lips just firm enough to shut Katya up. Blood rushed to Katya's cheeks as she brought a hand up to cradle Yun's face, and she kissed back until Yun's fingers twined with hers, gently prying her hand away so they could part.

  "Does this marking happen in public?" Yun whispered.


  "Then I think you should show me to your tent. Now."

  Katya raised an eyebrow in surprise, but the smirk that curled Yun's lips and the light that sparked in those gilded eyes sent a wave of heat through her. All she could do was kiss those smirking lips before standing and pulling Yun deeper into the caves.

  The furs spread out in her tent were a welcome relief from the bare stone of the cave, and as Katya pulled Yun down into the softness of them, the light of her small, private fire caught in Yun's eyes. She couldn't help but pause and stare. No weretiger she'd seen had those eyes. They were usually dark, a deep brown until they shifted. Yun had been able to see at least a little better in her shifted tiger form. Perhaps over time, her body had tried to adapt. Perhaps the healing energy Yun had spoken of had made this change without Yun even knowing.

  Yun shifted, uncertainty bleeding into her fiery gaze. "Is something wrong?" she breathed.

  Katya smiled and drew her fingertips over Yun's cheek and jaw before pulling the ties of her clothing free. "No. You're just beautiful." The smile that lit up Yun's face brought a warm chuckle from Katya's throat, and Yun wasted no time, drawing her into another series of kisses.

  Yun's fingers had to search Katya's body to find the ties and buttons of her clothing, and the way they touched every inch of her in the process just made Katya eager to feel those hands on her bare skin. Piece by piece, her clothing was discarded, tossed to the furs beside them. By the time Yun had pushed her leggings down over her ass, Katya's heart was pounding, their kisses hungry and deep.

  Katya grabbed Yun and spun them down to the furs, helping Yun out of the rest of her clothing while wiggling the rest of the way out of her own leggings. Yun's hands ran broadly up her torso, her fingers tracing circles around Katya's nipples until they hardened. God, it felt so good to be touched this way, and knowing Yun's hands were making up for Yun's blindness just made every touch more meaningful.

  Yun's hands reached her neck and face, and as they explored her scalp and pulled her down, she slid her knee between Yun's legs and settled their bodies against one another with a soft moan. Yun's answering sigh made her smile, and when those fingers continued feeling along her brow and cheeks, she licked across Yun's lower lip. "Can you see me?"

  "In my own way," Yun panted with a smile, trailing her hands back down Katya's sides to her hips and backside.

  "Looking for weaknesses?" Katya teased, loving every touch outlining the muscles of her ass and thighs.

  "Not looking," Yun breathed with a whisper of a kiss. Her hand rounded Katya's hip and dipped between them so quickly that Katya was left gasping. "Found."

  Katya laughed breathlessly, her hips rocking forward into Yun's nimble, knowing fingers. They circled her clit, rubbed at her, and even the light touches mad
e her shiver. "Two can play that game," she warned before kissing and nipping her way down Yun's throat. Her fingers pinched and rolled Yun's nipples. When she reached one with her mouth, it was perfectly tight. Her teasing and sucking was relentless, and she doubted there was anything more arousing than the gasps and lilting moans she occasionally pulled from Yun as she moved even lower.

  Yun was a quiet lover, which suited Katya just fine. She didn't need screams to know that Yun was enjoying her touch. When she finally nudged Yun's legs open and licked lightly up the length of Yun's sex, the firm tug at her hair and shuddering breath told her all she needed to know. Her scalp tingled as she gently spread Yun with her fingers and licked at her again, finding her wonderfully slick. For a moment, she worried her inner wolf would bristle, incompatible with Yun as a weretiger, but the scent of Yun, the taste of her, didn't do anything but make her mouth water.

  Katya sighed her relief and sank into a sensual rhythm, licking and suckling at Yun until the pale limbs beneath her twitched and bucked. With a deep moan, she moved up to concentrate on Yun's clit, flicking it back and forth with her tongue and sucking fiercely. It only took a few seconds to make Yun arch with a harsh gasp, and the throbbing of the flesh against Katya's mouth was nearly intoxicating. She forced herself to back off, giving Yun a moment to recover, and those wonderful hands gradually untangled from her blond hair and shakily guided her up to Yun's mouth again.

  Katya kissed her deeply, devoured the soft moans Yun fed into their kisses. When she shifted her hand and slid two fingers inside, Yun gasped, her eyes opening to stare up blindly through Katya. The astonishment and pleasure on Yun's face made Katya smirk. "Don't be afraid to touch back."

  A deep pink tinted Yun's face, and her hands moved, one between Katya's legs and the other to Katya's shoulder. The instant fingers flicked over her clit, the thumb of Yun's other hand dug into a tender spot just shy of Katya's armpit. The shock of pain from that simple touch pulled a soft yelp from her, even as the pleasure thrummed, soothing it an instant later. "I am not afraid," Yun insisted.


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