The Big, Bad Wolves [Mischievous Fairy Tales 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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The Big, Bad Wolves [Mischievous Fairy Tales 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 17

by James, Honor

  There was a loud creak and a low growl. “You may kill me at this rate,” he muttered. His head was back, and she didn’t know where his eyes were focused, but he was all there in the moment. “Do whatever feels right to you, Rissa. You’ve never harmed me before, and I doubt you ever will.”

  “Good.” It was all Rissa said before she moved her hands from the bed to his thighs. She then began to move her head up and down, her mouth closing over the head of his cock, and she slowly began to take him in and out of her mouth, going on pure instinct and using his body cues to get the reaction she wanted and needed from him.

  His back arched up, lifting from the bed as the creak sounded again, louder. A slow hiss sounded before Michael spread his legs a little and thrust slightly. “Gods that feels so good,” he growled at her.

  “Quite the view,” Raphael’s voice sounded behind her.

  Shooting a look over her shoulder she smiled. He was naked and stroking his cock. He was hard all over, just like Gabriel and Michael, and yet infinitely tender with her.

  She smiled as he turned back to Michael and, looking up his body at him, did it again, watching the play of emotions on his face as she did so. Her tongue darted out and swirled around the head of his cock. She was determined that he enjoy this every bit as much as she was, and boy was she ever!

  “You’re killing me.” His words came through his teeth. His jaw clenched so tight she could see the tendons of his neck standing out sharply. His hips were jerking, pushing his cock into her mouth ever so slightly.

  Smiling, she drew off slowly, teasing him. Throwing a look over her shoulder, she tipped her head. “Are you planning on joining us, Raphael?”

  “If that is your desire, Princess,” he said. His voice held a low growl to it.

  Turning to look at Michael, she nodded at the question in his eyes.

  “I think it’s time,” Michael said, sitting up slightly. “Join us, Raphael.” Pulling her up he turned her to face Raphael as he stalked to the bed.

  Licking her lips, she panted softly, her eyes on Raphael’s cock as he continued to stroke the length. Leaning forward as he got on the bed, Rissa swiped her tongue over the head and caught the bead of moisture there. “Mm,” she hummed, her pussy clenching. “Salty and so very different from Michael, yet delicious.”

  Raphael let out a groan as she licked her lips. She was quickly discovering just the power she held over these men, her men.

  “Tell me what to do,” she demanded of them both.

  Raphael looked beyond her and then back to her. “Michael is going to take your ass.”

  A shiver worked down her spine. They’d been stroking her there with their fingers, stretching her and preparing her, but had yet to slide their cocks in. Her pussy clenched as her body let another rush of liquid loose. “All right,” she breathed out.

  The bed moved and she felt Michael shifting around behind her, getting into position.

  “I’ll slide into your pussy to wet my cock and then I’ll take your sweet little ass.” Michael’s rough words only turned her on more. Her body practically vibrating with need as he gripped her hips. “Relax for my, Rissa,” he said softly.

  Doing her best she leaned into Raphael and stared in his eyes as Michael pressed his cock deep into her pussy. Whimpering, she rocked back against him, heat rising through her body as he pumped in and out of her before withdrawing. A moment later, she felt the head of his cock at her ass. Instinct had her clenching.

  “Relax,” Michael said again. He stroked his hands over her ass and spread her cheeks. “Keep your eyes on, Raphael, and just let your body ease up to let me in.”

  Nodding she took Raphael’s hands as he offered them to her. Lacing her fingers with his she held on and moaned as she felt the pressure increasing at her back hole. Panting softly she forced herself to relax, as Michael had asked. She was soon rewarded when she felt the head of his cock invade her. But she couldn’t fight the instinct to clamp down on the intrusion,

  “Fuck,” Michael snapped out.

  She felt him slide one of his hands around and then he was stroking her clit. Moaning she went limp in his hold and then he was pressing in. Her eyes went wide and then began to roll back in her head as he filled her. It was a tight fit and yet, while there was a little bite of pain, the pleasure outweighed any hurt.

  “So, tight,” he said in a gruff voice.

  Panting, she let him pull her back to his chest. She could feel his cock throbbing in her ass. Whimpering slightly she pulled Raphael with her. “Please, need you now. I’m not going to last,” she said.

  Raphael moved in closer, his cock brushing over her clit and then he was pressing it to her pussy. Staring her deep in her eyes, he pressed in. It was impossibly tight and there was no way both were going to fit inside. They were practically splitting her in half.

  “No, it’s too much,” she whimpered, struggling a little.

  “Rissa,” Raphael said.

  Her eyes snapped to meet his.

  “Breathe,” he whispered. Leaning closer, he feathered kisses over her lips, cheeks and eyelids. The gentle touch loosening her body and, before she realized it had been his intent all along, he pressed his cock home inside of her.

  “Oh!” She blinked rapidly as her body clenched around them both.

  She could feel Michael’s body shaking behind her and Raphael’s chest rising and falling with each harsh breath they took. Licking her lips, she relaxed and then squeezed again, this time with a low and needy moan.

  She thought she knew it all then, every feeling and emotion involved with being with her mates. But then they began to move and the level of sensation kicked up and she realized she was just beginning to understand what it meant to be mated to her wolves.

  They took it slowly at first, thrusting in and drawing out. But as their growls, and likely their need, increased, so did their movements. Having both their cocks filling her over and over was too much and soon she was clenching on them, screaming in orgasm. But they didn’t stop, even when she pleaded and begged, they didn’t stop.

  Harder and faster, their cocks slammed into her body, pushing her through one orgasm and impossibly to a second. Thrashing her head back and forth, she pleaded again for them to stop. Then it was too late and she came with a keening scream of pure need.

  And they were right there with her, their cocks pressed impossibly deeper into her pussy and ass, throbbing and releasing their seed in long streams. Another orgasm caught her by surprise but she didn’t have anything left to scream, her voice too hoarse from the last two.

  Hanging limp between them she let them move her. She didn’t have the energy to care what they were doing just then. But all they did was settle their bodies, and hers, to the bed and hold her close.

  “Rissa,” Michael’s voice was in her ear, pulling her from the light doze she’d fallen into.

  “Mm,” she hummed, her body clenching on their softening cocks.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, worry clear in his voice.

  “Oh, very much so,” she whispered with a smile.

  Raphael let out a chuckle, the vibrations sending little shocks through her body. “Good to hear,” he said.

  Opening her eyes, she saw him smiling down at her. Turning her head, she saw the worry in Michael’s eyes and lifted a hand to touch his cheek. “I’m fine, Michael,” she whispered. “But I do have a question.”

  He lifted a brow and smiled a little. “What would that be, Princess?”

  Licking her lips, she shot Raphael a grin and then looked back to Michael. “When can we do this again?”

  Both men burst out laughing at that and hugged her closer.

  “Soon enough, Princess, soon enough,” he told her.

  “Good,” she nodded. Yawning, she stretched a little before curling back into their head. “That is very, very good.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Another two hours and we’ll be back at the palace,” he told her softly as
he let the curtains fall back over the window of the carriage. “You ready?” The banns had been posted that morning so they weren’t sure if anything would come of it. Raphael’s messengers had all made it to the palace and their designated people. No one knew what to expect, and they were all on edge, except apparently Michael, who actually looked bored.

  “I’m as ready as I’m going to get.” Rissa looked over at Michael and took solace from his calm and collected appearance. “We will get through this, won’t we?” she asked very softly, not sure who might be too close to the carriage doors. “We will find whoever it is so that we can have a good life together?”

  “Absolutely.” He nodded with a lazy stretch and a yawn. “When I find the one that has been after you, I plan on eviscerating him slowly. Ensuring that whoever he or she is suffers for all you’ve had to suffer through of late.”

  “I know that a proper lady would shudder and ask you to never speak to me like that, but I’m not a proper lady and all I can say is, stand in line. I want to watch. I have to see him die so that I know that we will all be free and we will be able to live our lives and have babies and just simply live.”

  Michael chuckled quietly. “You always were a vindictive little thing. Shy until you needed to right a wrong, and then, look out world. Something else I love about you. You don’t shy from doing what’s necessary even if it’s not always popular or what society deems proper.”

  “Because I had three amazing men telling me that the world was mine, I simply had to grasp it. And yes, I will do whatever is necessary in order to ensure that we get our happiness and our people never fall into the hands of someone that killed my parents. Never, Michael.”

  “We may have had a little to do with it,” he agreed. “But the majority of that was your own belief and the guidance you received from your parents. We just never let you believe otherwise, Rissa. Even when those little brats tried to break you down.”

  Rissa frowned and shook her head. “They still try,” she admitted. “Just because we have gotten older doesn’t mean that they have stopped trying to make my life as horrible as they can. Even with me being the Princess, they still would use every opportunity possible to showcase my failings to my parents.” The children that fostered with her family, other Princes, Princesses, Knights, Ladies and so on had made her life a living hell as a child and continued even as she grew up.

  “Well, that will not be tolerated while I’m around. It wasn’t before and it won’t be again,” he told her. Then he moved so he was sitting next to her again and wrapped his arms around her. “No one picks on the Princess, unless it’s me that is doing it.”

  Looking up at him, Rissa smiled, “I do so love when you pick on me, Michael. It makes me ever so very happy to have you picking on me,” she teased him. “Have I told you today that I love you? If not, I do. You know that, right?”

  “You tell me every day, several times so that I may never forget it, little mate. I am ever grateful to hear you speak of your love. It does my heart and soul good to see that love in your eyes whenever you look my way.” He looked down into her eyes. “I may never truly deserve such love, but I swear that I will try each and every single day.”

  “That’s all that I can ask for,” she told him with a nod. “And I see yours as well. I see it in how you look at me, how you care for me. I see it in everything that you do, and it makes me happier than I could ever possibly be able to tell you.”

  “As long as you are happy, that’s all I care of, not the words. But should you be unhappy, I expect you to speak up and tell me the reason behind it. I might be able to read your expressions but I cannot read your mind, no matter how close we are or how well I think I know you.”

  “Don’t you worry, honey, I will always, always tell you exactly what I think and when I think it. You are my rock. If I can’t get to you then I will get to one of the other boys, but I will always come to you. You know that, right?”

  “You’d better,” he said quietly, brushing a kiss to her cheek. Michael squeezed her close to him before leaning back. “I find out you’re hiding things from me, I’ll be even less pleased than the time you used my dress shirt for a towel.”

  “Good.” She snickered and shook her head. “Oh come on now, it was right there. I can’t help that it was right there and it was big enough to use to get dried off. Besides, I gave it back.” It was muddy and wet, but she had given it back, that’s what should count, right?

  “It was never white again,” he said, his tone flat. He had no expression at all, either, just stared at her. “Do you know the lengths the laundress went to trying to get it white again? It was impossible. She gave up and told me to take better care with such things. I never did tell another soul just who destroyed it, or how.”

  “And yet I would wager that you still have it, don’t you? I would almost bet that if I looked in your pack I would find it in there. That’s one of the many reasons that I love you, darling, how much you love me.”

  “Actually, you’d be wrong,” he said softly. “It’s still in the palace. I put it in your room the night I left. I would have thought you’d have found it by now actually. I didn’t exactly hide it. Though one of your maids probably tossed it, now that I think about it more.”

  She frowned and shook her head. “I certainly didn’t find it. If I had, I would still have it.” She kept everything that he had left for her, no matter what it was she kept it. “Well darn, now I have to destroy another of your shirts so that I can have it.”

  “You don’t need to destroy a shirt to have one, you know. Besides, I don’t even know if any of the dress shirts are still in the palace. I left it all behind, Rissa. More than likely your parents had my rooms emptied and stripped down.”

  “They would have kept them.” Of that, Rissa was certain. “If not, we will create you new clothing. You deserve everything. You are mine, and after you have worn a shirt a time or two, I will adopt it from you.”

  “You mean steal, right?” he asked, shaking his head. “That’s fine. If they tossed it, I don’t care. I don’t really need much. Though, I suppose I may have to get something made for the wedding and the various official functions.” His lip curled up at that, and he made a face in her direction. “I hate official functions.”

  “Yes, I mean steal,” she told him with a smile. “And yes, you will need to get something made for the wedding. I hate them as well, but we will get through them together. Somehow and some way, we will get through all of this together, babe.”

  “As long as you don’t abandon me to a group of those females, the ones that giggle and smack me, I’ll stay put with you. But just once you pull that and I’m never attending another one, no matter how much you kick and scream,” Michael told her.

  “If they even dare try I will remove their hands,” she said suddenly, a low growl escaping her lips as she spoke. “I mean it. I will kill them if they dare touch you. You are mine, no one else’s. Mine.”

  A smile lit up his face, slowly curving his lips until he gave a chuckle. “You are a very possessive little thing, aren’t you? And I do so love to hear you growl like that, incredibly sexy I must say. Speaks to the beast inside and gets his attention.”

  She grinned and shook her head. “Yes, I am very possessive, but would you really have me any other way? You love just how possessive that I am. Admit it, honey.” She knew that he loved her just as she was, that he loved how possessive she could be.

  “I love you for who you are. The fact you are possessive makes me feel less an animal when I am possessive of you. We are well matched, Princess, though I do worry you may not always feel such. Especially later in our lives,” he admitted quietly.

  “Have I mentioned to you just how very, very much that I love when you are that possessive of me? I love knowing that you want and you need me every bit as much as I want and I need you. It makes me feel good. Very, very good actually.”

  He reached over and squeezed her hand. “You need to remember,
little mate. If I ever go too far or push the boundaries too much, you need to say something. I try to keep myself reined in but—” He shook his head slightly. “With you I seem to occasionally have blinders on and can’t always see the mess I’m making.”

  She moved so that she could cup his face in her hands and shook her head. “Michael.” She leaned into him and brushed her nose to his. “I happen to really and truly love having you being as you are. I happen to very, very much love you and your possessive self, darling.”

  “I just don’t want you feeling trapped, love,” he said, pulling her onto his lap. “I wasn’t kidding when I said you may need to rein me in. I’m not Prime Alpha for no reason, but being such also can make me an unbearable ass at times.”

  “Don’t worry. If you ever do something that I don’t like or something that bothers me, I will tell you. As it is, I really and truly do happen to love every single moment in time that I have with you. I happen to really think that we are going to have a good life together. Period.”

  “I do so hope you are right, Princess. You deserve nothing but the very best we can give you, that I can give you. Doesn’t mean that I’m not going to worry that I’m not providing that,” he said, running a finger over the back of her hand.

  “And you will give me the best. I have absolute trust in that. I know that you would only do things that would make me happy, that would cause me happiness. I love that about you, so very much. Don’t worry, though, I will tell you if you bother me.”

  Nodding, he pulled her in closer, tucking her head under his chin. He didn’t say anything after that, just held her to him tight. He was tense, though. Something else was bothering him, but he didn’t speak on it.

  Shaking her head, Rissa rubbed her cheek to his. “I love you, Michael. I really do. But you need to talk to me. I tell you everything. I tell you anything and everything that might bother me, and I ask for the same from you, please?”

  He gave a sigh before rubbing a hand to his face. “I’m just worrying about what we’re going to find when we arrive. With the letters Raphael sent, we could be walking into anything. I just don’t want you being hurt, little mate.”


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