A Perfect Ten

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A Perfect Ten Page 4

by Linda Kage

Pantyless, I stopped in front of his door and lifted my palm, but instead of knocking, I set my fingers against the wood. He was on the other side of this door, waiting for me.

  Okay, fine, waiting for some other girl. But if I knocked and went inside, it’d be me he took.

  A thrill raced up my spine, and butterflies danced in my stomach.

  I knocked.

  Oh my God. I’d just knocked on Oren’s bedroom door. What the hell was I doing?

  Without waiting for an answer, I reached for the doorknob and turned it. It was also unlocked. The hallway was dark, so he wouldn’t be able to see me as I entered. And just as the girls in the bathroom had gossiped, his bedroom was unlit too.

  They’d been spot-on about the spooky yet thrilling aspect of it all. I was half scared out of my mind and yet completely turned on all in the same breath. Tense with anticipation and fear, I waited for him to accost me.

  Gah, this was going to kill me.

  No, no, it was going to be like walking a tightrope, I told myself, with a nice safety net under it. Yeah, because if I changed my mind, I could just tell him who I was, and he’d stop. Instantly. There was no doubt in my mind he’d stop. His best friend was my big brother. If he didn’t want to be murdered, he’d definitely stop.

  But I was sure I didn’t want him to stop, so I’d have to be very careful not to let him figure out who I was. Still, that security of knowing I could halt this at any time was a nice benefit in case I did chicken out at the last moment.

  “Hello?” I kept my tone low and husky, hoping he wouldn’t recognize my voice.

  “You’re early.”

  I jumped like a startled mare before silently cursing myself. Damn, I hadn’t expected him to be so close already.

  Thank God it was pitch black. He couldn’t see how flighty I was.

  Accusation laced through his words and made me start to say, “sorry,” but I stopped myself at the last second, not wanting to sound like a complete pushover. Only the s sound leaked out, making an adept impersonation of a deflating tire.

  “What was that?” he asked, his voice even closer now. It moved through me and made my nipples bead.

  I cleared my throat as silently as possible, and pulled forth all the courage I could muster. Then I lifted my chin. “I think you’re the only one here we have to worry about coming too early.”

  He chuckled in my ear, making my nerves wrench once again because I hadn’t sensed him getting quite that close. I could actually feel his breath in my hair.

  “So you’re going to be a smart-ass tonight, huh?” His voice held approval. “You know what I do to smart-asses, little girl?”

  I didn’t move but to turn my face his way. His breath shifted to my cheek, and his unique minty yet musky scent wafted up my nostrils. My belly fluttered with excitement as the cloth of his shirt brushed my bare arm. Oh...God. Maybe we did have to worry about me coming too early. Was it possible for girls to prematurely ejaculate?

  Shivering, I nodded to myself, bolstering my nerve. Trying to lower the pitch of my voice to disguise it and maybe make it more sensual, I said, “Why don’t you just show me what you do to them?”

  It took him a second to respond. Damn, my fake voice had sounded terrible and way too much like my own. Positive he’d figured me out, I froze and waited, bracing for him to flip on the light and expose me, ruining the entire charade. My heartbeat pounded through my ears.

  But then he murmured, “You got it, honey.” Warm fingers, strong and confident, grasped my elbow. “This way.” He nudged me to walk in front of him, not deeper into the room toward the bed, but off to the side toward...who-knew-what.

  When I bumped into something, I huffed out a startled breath and stuck out my hands, blindly checking things out until I realized what we’d encountered.

  “Table,” I cautioned, thinking he’d direct me around it.

  But, no. He bent me over it. “Good. Brace your hands and spread your legs.”

  A lightning bolt of heat spread through me, and something deep in my womb clenched tight, aching to feel him there.

  “So, it’s true then?” I gasped, gripping the table for dear life as I widened my stance. I didn’t have to do anything to alter my voice that time. It went high all on its own, because oh my God, I was opening my legs for Oren. “You really do like it in the dark and from behind.”

  As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized I’d messed up. The girl meeting him tonight had already been with him, meaning I should already know about such inclinations.

  He didn’t call me on it, though, which made me frown in confusion after a second of petrified horror, waiting for him to figure it out. He merely leaned in to smell my hair. “Since you still showed up, I’m guessing that idea doesn’t totally disgust you.”

  Unable to help myself, I jumped when he set his palm on my hip. The heat from his fingers scorched viciously through my dress until it had my already hard nipples tightening into oversensitive nubs.

  He paused. And I knew—just knew—he was going to figure me out, turn on the light and force Noel’s misbehaving little sister from his room. But an unimaginably long breath later, he shifted his hand, sliding it around to the front of my abdomen.

  “What’re you so jumpy about, honey?” His chest pressed lightly into my back, urging me to bend over the table some more. Moving naturally with him, I shifted my legs farther apart and rested my elbows on the smooth wooden top. My palms were damp and slipped a little across the surface until I found a nice sturdy grip around the beveled edge.

  “Not scared,” I answered. “Worried...just worried you’re not going to be able to get me off. I’m kind of a hard nut to crack.” Sander had only managed to make me come once, and that had been with tongue and fingers, never his cock.

  That was so not what I was worried about with Oren, though. But it made me sound a lot less unsure about this entire thing than I felt. Made me sound confident, sexy, in charge.

  I was Caroline. Hear me roar.

  “Oh, I’ll get you off, sweetness. You don’t need to worry about that.”

  He gathered my skirt up to my waist. And ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod, this was really happening. A light breeze wafted between my bare thighs. My head went light from freaking myself into a dizzy mess!

  Should I stop him?

  I should totally stop him.

  Oh God. I didn’t stop him.

  Warm, slightly roughened hands gripped my legs and slid up, and yeah...we definitely wouldn’t have to worry about him not being able to get me off.

  “Oren,” I moaned, bowing my head down and biting my lip. My eager thighs quivered in delight under his caress.

  Until he stopped moving. Damn it! I really need to remember to check my voice.

  But he didn’t mention that. Instead, he muttered, “It’s just Ten.”

  “What?” I blinked my eyes open and lifted my face, even though I still couldn’t see a damn thing, and I wouldn’t have seen him even if a light had been on since he was behind me.

  “Just call me Ten.”

  Crinkling my brow, I said, “I like Oren better.”

  His hands left me completely. “Well, tough shit. I hate that fucking name. Only family is allowed to call me that.”

  Huh. Really? He didn’t seem to mind when Caroline called him Oren. Did that mean he considered me family? Because I’d never called him anything but that, and he’d never once corrected me.

  I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe he only saw me as a sister figure. That was creepy. If he ever found out about tonight, he’d be disgusted, thinking he’d done his surrogate sister.

  “Fine.” I straightened, refusing to voice my disappointment. “I guess I’ll go, then.” It’d been stupid to think we could be anything more anyway.

  What the hell had I been trying to accomplish? Even if I’d been able to sleep with him, I’d still never have him, have him. Going through with this would’ve led to nothing but heartbreak.
r />   I pushed away from him, and he fell back a step, letting me go. Angry at myself for being a complete idiot and angry at him for letting me leave so easily, I stumbled through the dark until I rammed my fingers into the door. With a pained curse, I fumbled for the knob, but when I couldn’t find it within two seconds I growled out more of my frustration and flopped onto the floor in defeat, sitting with my back to the door as I cradled my head in my hands.

  “What’s such a big deal about saying Oren, anyway?” I felt sulky and yet heartbroken, realizing I still wasn’t going to get the one thing I wanted most. Him.

  “Because,” he mumbled, sounding reluctant. “It’s the last word to leave my sister’s bloody lips before she died in my arms.”

  “Oh.” I shuddered, my voice barely a whisper. “Oh, hell.”

  “Yeah,” he murmured.

  Gulping with unease and sorrow, and shame, I wondered what I was supposed to do now. I blew out a breath and tried to control the sudden shaking in my entire frame. But what the hell? Why did he have to go and confess something like that to me? I hadn’t even known he’d had a sister. Shit, I didn’t know he had family at all. As far as I was concerned, he could’ve sprouted fully horny out the side of some Zeus dude’s head.

  I covered my mouth with a shaky hand. How could I not already know about this? I’d made it a point to know everything there was to know about him. I doubt Noel even knew, because my brother would’ve mentioned it at some point. Right?

  Discovering it now, though, told me how much it had left him traumatized. He hadn’t told anyone in our group, or I’d know. That meant he still couldn’t talk about it, was repressing the pain. I wondered how long ago—

  “So...” he said in a conversational tone that I swear was laced with worry. Did he regret telling me what he’d just told me? “I can’t help but notice you’re still here.”

  I sniffed and wiped my face, even though I wasn’t crying. I just wanted to cry. A lot. “Sorry,” I mumbled. “I’ll go.”

  But as soon as I put my hands down on the floor to push myself up, he said, “I didn’t say you had to go.”

  Shuffling in the dark told me he was coming closer. And then I swear he knelt in front of me. “Shit. You’re not crying, are you?”

  “No.” My face heated with shame, horrified he even knew I wanted to. I felt so stupid...and small. “But I am sorry. About your sister. I didn’t know.”

  “Well, no one knew, so...” He trailed off as if he was shrugging.

  “Why didn’t you ever tell anyone about it?”

  “Because I didn’t want to talk about it. Why are you still here, not-crying on my bedroom floor?”

  “I don’t know,” I mumbled. “Because I feel like a big, stupid failure, I guess. This was my one and only chance to be with you, and I...I royally fucked it up.”

  I caught my breath, realizing I’d slipped again. This wasn’t the one and only chance Kelly—who I was still supposed to be—had gotten to be with him. Why did I keep butchering this?

  And why wasn’t he catching any of my mistakes?

  “I wouldn’t say royally.” His voice seemed to move closer, seemingly clueless about my failed impersonation. “I mean, I’m still here. You’re still here. And I’m not exactly hard to get.”

  I snorted. Yeah, he was so easy. This was only my third failed attempt to get into his pants.

  “Damn. You really wanted me tonight, didn’t you?” The idea seemed to amaze him.

  With a roll of my eyes, I sighed. He seriously couldn’t be so oblivious about how much women wanted him, could he? “If you could feel how wet I am, you wouldn’t even have to ask that.”

  “Well...okay.” He sounded as if he’d just accepted an invitation. When his hand landed on my ankle, I jumped out of my skin with a started yelp.

  “What the hell? What’re you doing?”

  His fingers stole up my calf. “You just told me to feel how wet you are. Invitation accepted.”

  “No, I didn’t. You know what I meant. Oren!”

  “Shh,” he warned, reminding me I wasn’t supposed to call him that. “You know you want this.”

  “Oh, good Lord.” I groaned and slapped a hand to my forehead. “Of all the corny things to—”

  I broke off with a gasp when Oren discovered just how wet I was.

  “Holy fucking shit. You’re not wearing any panties.” His fingers were sure but gentle as they moved between my legs, swiping through the moisture before finding my clit.

  “Wait. You can’t...” I grabbed his wrist but didn’t stop him. I didn’t want him to stop.

  “I can’t what?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.” I panted, my legs loosening as his thumb rolled over the most sensitive little muscle in my entire body with a merciless precision. “Was I talking?”

  He chuckled. “You really are this wet just for me, aren’t you?”

  “Who else?” I moaned and arched up my hips. That’s why I was here, why I was risking everything to be here. Learning about his sister only made me feel closer to him. I wanted to soothe his soul, tame the poor, wild, hurting boy, and experience every physical intimacy with him while I was at it.

  Even if he was only here to get off in some random chick— Wait. Thinking of it that way didn’t help anything.

  I squeezed my eyes closed. Could I be any more of an idiot than I was now?

  “Damn,” he breathed. He pressed at least two fingers inside me and we both sucked in a breath. My eyes flew open as I panted through the pleasure and ground against his hand, needing more.

  He groaned. “I want to smell it.” Abandoning my pussy to grip my hips, he tugged me away from the door and toward him. “Slide this way, will you, sweetness?”

  Once he had me where he wanted me, he gathered my skirt up to my waist, split my legs open wider, and then gripped my ass cheeks to lift me a couple inches off the floor. A second later, his breath heated me there.

  I damn near came. “Oh God. Oh God.”

  “Fuck,” he gasped. “You smell good. Makes me want to...taste.”

  The mere word had my eyes rolling into the back of my head. But then a wet heat touched me. Knowing it was his tongue—him—I couldn’t take it. I came hard, gasping and grabbing his hair, quivering out of control.

  What? It’d been a freaking year since a male had been anywhere near there. I couldn’t help it. And knowing it was Oren made it...yeah. No way was I holding that baby back.

  So, I didn’t.

  And Oren lapped it up until I was an exhausted, panting mess under him. “Christ, woman. You’re fucking sensitive. Too sensitive. I was kind of hoping to feel you go off around me, let these sweet, tight walls here milk my cock while I thrust inside you.”

  When he lightly circled the opening of my pussy, I gritted my teeth and bowed up, taut and ready again.

  The movement of his finger slowed. “Holy shit. Are you...?” As if experimenting, he slid two fingers in me. I gasped and squeezed my thighs around his wrist. “Goddamn.” He sounded amazed. “You are ready again?”

  “I... I...” I wasn’t sure. I was still riding the last orgasm he’d given me, but I also felt like a live wire. If his cock wasn’t in me within thirty seconds—

  His fingers jerked free, and I cried out from the loss. “No.”

  “Just...hold on. I’m...damn. Fuck. Where did I put the condom?”

  “What?” I sobbed, nearly in tears. If he lost his condom, I was going to hurt him. No one had riled me up like this before. I was so turned on I felt like a hair trigger. Just one more touch and I could blow...again.

  “Oh yeah. I had it on the table.” A split second later, arms were lifting me. I was carried a few feet to the table he’d bent me over before. He didn’t have to say anything this time; I just slumped over it and hiked my ass into the air, beyond ready.

  The sound of his zipper lowering made me jerk. I had no idea even a sound could set things off. But when you were as turned on as I was, he could pro
bably exhale right about now, and I’d likely come. The rasp of tearing foil and the hiss of his breath as he rolled latex over his length made my thighs tremble. I bet he had his hand around himself right now. He had to be hard and pulsing, ready to enter me.

  I swallowed, unable to believe this was happening. Oren was going to put his cock inside me.


  I shuddered, a full-body shiver from head to toe...toes that were already curling because they tingled so badly. “Okay,” I chanted, boosting and trying to calm myself from the anticipation, all in one word. “Okay.”

  “Okay,” he echoed. He almost sounded as eager and nervous as I felt, which only synched me in with him more. So when he touched me there with the blunt head of his cock, I whimpered.

  “Oh God. Please.”

  The head entered me and I sucked in a breath, bowing my face as I soaked in the sensation. He slowly applied pressure, filling me and stretching my womb to accommodate himself. I felt every freaking centimeter.

  “Holy...fuck,” he gritted out, gripping my waist hard enough that his fingers bit into my skin. “You’re so...damn...tight.” He blew out a breath as he seated himself completely, all of him in all of me.

  I couldn’t remember ever feeling this full with Sander. Not that I was thinking about him, but he was my only other point of reference, and I had definitely never experienced this much stretching before. Oren felt so...I don’t know, huge, maybe. He was crammed in almost too tight, as if there was no room for anything else. All I could feel was him, and it was delicious and perfect and—

  “Oh God!” I yelped as he shifted ever so slightly, hitting something that shot off a spasm that consumed me entirely. “Right there. Right there. You found it. Don’t move.” I wanted to freeze this moment in all eternity and memorize the feel of him lodged deep, filling me, and consuming me. I just needed a second to appreciate the wonder—

  “Don’t move?” he yelped, repeating my instructions. “Are you insane? You can’t let a guy into pussy heaven and then tell him not to move.”

  So, of course, he moved, sliding most of the way out, until I was gasping and clutching the table harder, pressing my forehead to the flat wooden surface. And then he shoved right back in.


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