Hunger of the Wolf

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Hunger of the Wolf Page 9

by Francene Carroll

  After the multiple shocks she had suffered that evening, Amber felt like she was on the verge of a collapse as she ran back along the path towards the cabin. Her breath came out in ragged sobs as she tried hard not to hyperventilate. She could hardly believe her eyes when she came into the clearing and saw a car parked in the driveway. She could make out the faint glow of a cigarette in the darkness, and she was overcome with relief when Chris stepped out of the shadows.

  “Amber, are you okay? I was just about to call the police. What the hell happened here?” She stumbled as she got near him and almost fell into his arms.

  “Do you have cell reception?” He nodded. “Call the police now and tell them to get to Jesse Davidson’s cabin immediately. He has a woman in there and I think it’s Kat. He’s hurting her very badly.”

  “What in God’s name are you talking about?”

  “Just do it now,” she screamed. “We don’t have time.”

  “Okay, calm down.” Amber leaned against the car as Chris called emergency and repeated what she had said. He listened for a moment and then put the phone back in his pocket.

  “They told us to stay put and not go anywhere near the cabin. There’s a patrol car in the area, and they should be here very soon.” Amber’s legs gave way underneath her when she heard these words, and she had to hold onto the car to stay upright. She quickly regained her strength as she realized that together they stood a chance of overpowering Jesse and saving Kat’s life.

  “We can’t wait. We have to go now.” She pulled on his arm but he didn’t seem to understand the urgency. “He’s killing her.”

  “Amber, it can’t be Kat up there. I just spoke to her about half an hour ago. She’s on her way here now. She’s been driving around all night trying to decide what to do. I know you told her everything that happened last night, and she’s very upset. Now what’s going on here? Why are all the windows broken?”

  “He could have taken her after that. Please, Chris, just do as I ask. We can’t afford to waste any time.

  “If you don’t believe me then call her yourself. She’s fine, I’m telling you.” He took his phone back out of his pocket and handed it to her.” She found Kat’s new number in his contacts and did as he instructed, but the line was completely dead. She checked the bars on the phone and saw there was no reception.

  “You’ve lost reception. We have to go now.” She pulled his arm again.

  “The police won’t be there because they’re not coming, Amber.” His voice suddenly sounded very cold.

  Icy fingers crept around Amber’s heart. “What do you mean?”

  “I never had cell reception.” The fingers tightened their grip. For the first time she noticed that Chris was dressed all in black. Things suddenly did not seem quite so clear cut, but she could not afford to think about the significance of this right now. The one thing she was sure of was that Jesse Davidson had a woman in his cabin, and she was sure it was Kat.

  “You can’t do this, Chris. Kat will die if we don’t call the police. You can’t let that happen to her. I’m begging you, please do something.”

  “I still have no idea what you’re talking about, but I can guarantee you it’s not Kat up there at Jesse’s cabin. It’s nice to hear you beg though.” He laughed cruelly and she smelt the alcohol on his breath. “Maybe you should start begging me for your own life while you’re at it. Do you know what you’ve done to me, Amber? You’ve destroyed my marriage and my reputation. Kat told me she never wants to see me again. She’s filing for divorce and I will be left with nothing, and all because you couldn’t handle a few drunken kisses. Most women would take it as a compliment, but not you, you had to blow it way out of proportion and ruin our lives. Well, now it’s your turn to lose everything. When I came here tonight I was just going to scare you a bit so you would drop the charges, but things have gone way too far now. It’s all over for you. Say goodbye, sweetheart.”

  She hadn’t noticed the rock concealed in his hand until he raised his arm. She flinched away from him just as he was about to strike her and her shoulder took the full impact of the blow, but the next time she wasn’t so lucky. He struck her directly on the skull and the pain was so intense that she felt like her head was going to crack open. She fell to the ground but she was still conscious as she saw him raise his arm again. She knew this blow would be the last.

  “Bitch,” he said as he brought the rock down again. He didn’t get a chance to finish the job because a furry form flew out from the darkness and launched itself at him. The rock fell from his hand as he rolled in the dirt next to her. Shadow had him around the throat and he couldn’t move.

  “It’s a wolf,” he screamed. “My God, it’s a wolf. Help me.”

  “Haven’t you heard, they’ve been pretty bad around here lately,” said Amber before lapsing into unconsciousness.


  When she opened her eyes again Amber thought that her whole ordeal from the previous night had been nothing but a terrible nightmare. Then she realized where she was. It seemed that it was a nightmare with no end because she was lying on the couch in Jesse Davidson’s cabin. How on earth had she ended up here, she wondered, and more importantly, how was she going to get away? She raised her head slowly and looked around but could not see Jesse anywhere. She tried to plan her escape but her head was hurting too much for her to think clearly, and then Jesse was leaning over her and she was staring into his blue eyes. He seemed to be saying something but she couldn’t make out the words. He still had some blood on his shirt, and she knew she didn’t stand a chance this time. Just before she blacked out again she thought she heard a high pitched crying coming from somewhere in the cabin. It sounded for all the world like a baby crying.

  Chapter 12

  “Amber, are you awake?” It was Kat’s voice. “Open your eyes, sweetie.” The hospital room was flooded with light and there were flowers in a vase beside her bed. “Thank God. I was beginning to think you’d never wake up.”

  Her head throbbed painfully, and when she put her hand to her forehead she felt a thick bandage there. The events of the night came flooding back. “What’s going on? How did I get here? Are you okay?”

  “So many questions! First I have to let the nurse know you’re awake and then there’s someone who will be able to tell you everything.” She pressed the buzzer near the bed and a nurse came bustling in.

  “I’m glad you’ve decided to join us in the land of the living. We were getting a bit concerned.” She checked the bandage and took Amber’s blood pressure. “That was quite a blow to the head you took. We will have to keep you here for at least a few days. The doctor will be doing rounds this afternoon, and she can give you a better idea of when you will be able to go home.” While the nurse was fussing around her, Kat stood up.

  “I’ll be back soon,” she promised as she walked out the door. It wasn’t Kat who returned a few moments later, but Jesse Davidson carrying a bunch of flowers in his hand. Amber looked from him to the nurse, but she didn’t seem in the least perturbed by his presence.

  “How are you holding up?” the nurse asked Jesse. “From what I’ve heard it was a pretty traumatic night for everyone involved.”

  “It sure was. It looks like everything is going to be okay. I’m just glad it’s all over.”

  “I know you’re probably going to cop a fair bit of grief from some sections of the community. For what it’s worth, I know you were only trying to do the right thing.”

  “Thanks.” Amber had absolutely no idea what they were talking about, and Jesse saw the confusion on her face.

  “Don’t worry, Amber, I’m here to explain everything.” He sat on the chair next to her bed and the nurse left the room. “I hope you don’t mind but I asked Kat if I could be the one to talk to you first about what happened last night. It’s the least I can do.”

  Amber could only nod her head.

  “I guess I should start at the beginning.” He took a deep breath. “When I told you I
had nothing to do with Tehya Gordon’s disappearance, I lied. I was the one responsible.” Amber was now convinced that she was dreaming because it was the only thing that could explain this bizarre turn of events. Jesse continued to talk.

  “Tehya came to me for help a couple of days before the party. She had just found out she was three months pregnant. Her family had always told her that if she got pregnant when she was too young she would have to give the baby up for adoption or be disowned by them. She was desperate and asked me to take her somewhere she could have the baby. I refused because I knew it was not a good idea to get involved, but I told her I would go with her to tell her family if she wanted me to. I saw her again at the party and she was in a bad way. Is this making sense?”

  Amber nodded again.

  “Tehya still hadn’t told her family. She was drinking quite a bit, and when she left I followed her because I was worried about what she was going to do. She was walking towards the woods when I caught up with her and she said she couldn’t handle the pain any longer and she was going to kill herself. That’s when I made the snap decision to take her back to my place for a while so we could work out what to do. It was only meant to be for a day or two, but she refused to leave. Then the police became involved and I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.”

  “In hindsight I should have just called the police and told them everything, but Tehya seemed so happy at my place and I knew while she was with me she was eating well and taking care of the baby. That was my main concern and I decided to just wait it out. The plan was to tell people she’d been staying with a friend and leave me out of it. She was going to return to town when she’d had the baby and hope everything would be forgiven. I had been taking her to a clinic in the city for people without medical insurance under a fake name. I was going to drop her at the hospital there just before the baby was due, but the baby had other ideas and decided to come early. That’s where you come into it.”

  Amber was still dazed from the blow to the head, and it took her a while to digest what he was saying. “So when I looked in your window and saw you covered in blood it was because you were delivering a baby, not murdering someone?” He nodded. “But what about that short story Hunger of the Wolf, in the book you leant me? How could it describe the young girl’s disappearance so closely?”

  “Remember when I told you about the rumours that my grandfather was a werewolf? He was blamed when a couple of girls went missing from Fernvale years ago, and that’s what my story was based on. That’s why I gave you that book.”

  “Oh. I forgot all about that.”

  “So I guess I should continue with the story of last night if you’re up to it.”

  “Yes, please tell me everything.” She had barely had time to wonder what had happened to Chris, but now she urgently needed to know.

  “I had just finished delivering the baby when I heard Shadow barking outside. He normally doesn’t bark much at all so I thought it was very surprising and went to have a look. He had blood on his coat and he was acting very strangely. He kept running towards the path leading to your cabin as if he wanted me to follow him, so I did. The first thing I noticed were the smashed windows, then I saw you lying on the path bleeding badly. I picked you up and took you back to my cabin and called the police. The rest is history, as they say.”

  “What about Chris?”

  “He didn’t get very far. He was caught by the police before he even got off the mountain. At first he tried to deny everything, but even he realized it was pointless when he had your blood on him and Shadow’s teeth marks around his neck. He made a full confession this morning.”

  “So it really is all over?”

  “That’s right. I’ll let you get some rest now.” He got up to leave.

  “Wait, Jesse,” she called before he could step out the door. “Thank you, you saved my life.”

  “Anytime. As I told you before I’m always happy to help a damsel in distress.” He certainly was, thought Amber after he’d left. He’d gone above and beyond the call of duty to help Tehya Gordon and her baby when most people would have turned their backs. She knew many would disagree with his actions, but she admired him for having the courage to do what he believed was right, even if it could have landed him in a great deal of trouble. He had put the welfare of Tehya and her unborn child ahead of his own, and in her books that made him pretty special.


  Amber slept for a few hours, and then she was kept awake by a stream of visitors. First there was Kat who anxiously hovered over her and kept asking if she needed anything until she was called away by the police to give a statement. The reality of what had taken place still had not really sunk in for her friend, and Amber knew when it did, it would hit her hard. She would need every ounce of strength she possessed to pull through it, and Amber was determined to be there for her each step of the way. She had been surprised when Kat asked her if she would stay at the cabin with her for a while after she was released from hospital so she could pull herself together. She agreed to it immediately because she knew the mountains would help her friend heal and give her courage to face what lay ahead.

  Then there was Tehya Gordon who brought the baby in for Amber to hold after the doctor finished doing rounds. She talked excitedly about her and the baby’s future, and she was full of praise for Jesse. Amber could hardly believe she had given birth twelve hours ago.

  “Mom and Dad were too happy to see me safe to stay angry for long. When they saw the baby they couldn’t resist him, and they’ve told me we can live with them while I finish school.”

  “I’m so glad to hear that. And what about Jesse, is he in trouble with the police?”

  Her smile faded. “Well, yes and no. They have to charge him for hiding me out there when they were looking for me, but they are going to try to find some way to get out of it. I would hate it if he ended up with a criminal record because of me.” While Tehya was visiting in Amber’s room her Uncle Tom and Aunt Bonita dropped in to see the baby. They also came bearing flowers for Amber.

  “These are for you,” said Bonita, kissing her on the cheek. “We heard the whole story. It’s really shocking. Are you okay?”

  “I will be. Luckily I was wearing the charm you gave me for protection or things might not have turned out so well.” She held up her arm to show Bonita the tiny arrow.

  “I wish it had stopped you from getting that knock on the head, but it really could have been much worse.” They were all still there half an hour later when Amber got some more unexpected visitors. She could barely believe her eyes when Sharon and Bob appeared in the doorway. At the sight of all the people in her room they stopped abruptly, and the conversation faltered. The tension was palpable.

  “We just came by to give you these.” Sharon held out yet another bunch of flowers for her. “We’ll just leave them and be on our way. I’m glad you’re okay.” She handed them to Amber and was about to leave when Tehya stood up and offered the baby to her.

  “Why don’t you have a nurse of the baby before you go?” Sharon looked at her before looking back down at the baby, and her face softened.

  “Well, I don’t mind if I do. You are a cute little thing aren’t you.” she cooed. “What’s his name?”

  Dakota. It means friends. I hope he’s always surrounded by people who love and cherish him.”

  “That’s a very nice name isn’t it, Dakota. You are a lucky boy.”

  It did the trick because suddenly the tension eased and everyone began talking again. Amber was glad everything had worked out and so many people cared about her, but the only person she really wanted to see right now was Jesse. Finally he walked in the door.

  “You had quite a busy night last night, I hear,” said Tom, patting him on the back.

  “I sure did. But it really pales in comparison with what Amber went through.”

  “Delivering a baby on my own is an experience I’m not sure I’d be up to,” she replied.

  “Forget deli
vering a baby, try having one,” broke in Tehya and everyone laughed.

  “We haven’t forgotten about you Tehya, but seriously Jesse thanks for what you’ve done for our family. It was controversial but I’m glad you took care of our girl here,” said Tom. “I know she was in safe hands with you, and you were just trying to do the right thing.”

  After a while the visitors began to drift away, and Amber was very pleased when she heard Sharon offer to knit some booties for the baby. It seemed something good may have come out of her ordeal. Jesse was the last person left in the room, and he looked at her awkwardly before turning to leave, but Amber called him back.

  “Don’t go yet. Please stay and keep me company.”

  “I guess you’ll be heading back to the city as soon as you’re released. Poor Kat, she really looked terrible when I saw her at the station before I came here.” he said.

  “This might surprise you but Kat and I have decided to stick around here for a while. Kat needs some time to get over things before she goes home, and I’ve offered to stay with her as long as she needs me. And now that I know you’re not a werewolf or a serial killer I might be able to relax a little. Besides that, I have to thank Shadow for saving me twice. He led me back to your cabin and then jumped on Chris when he attacked me. At first I thought he was a wolf.”

  “Shadow is a wolf-dog cross and that’s why he is often mistaken for one. He has many traits of a wolf. I have to be really careful with him because he can be a bit unpredictable with people, but he’s taken a real shine to you.”

  “What’s with the breathing?”

  “He got into a fight with a wolf when he was just a pup and it damaged his airways. He’s breathed like that ever since. They wanted to put him down because he doesn’t fit in with other dogs, and he obviously can’t live with wolves. He’s kind of caught between two worlds. I took pity on him because I guess I understand what it’s like to be a misfit.”


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