Woman of the House Volume 1 (Taboo Erotica Five Book Bundle)

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Woman of the House Volume 1 (Taboo Erotica Five Book Bundle) Page 11

by Anya Merchant

  He felt his cock begin to tingle as he remembered the sex. It had been so passionate and primal, as though their hormones had taken over and fucking had just been the natural destination. Julius was rubbing soap all over his body, and reached down and coated his dick with a layer of wet, soapy bubbles.

  It felt awesome, and he couldn’t resist stroking himself for a moment. His member was incredibly sensitive, and seemed to almost have a physical memory of the experience from early in the day. Before he knew it, he was pumping it with a building intensity, feeling his mind fog over with the desire to cum.

  Julius heard a noise, and out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the bathroom door had been opened a crack. The shower curtain was clear, and even though it was fogged over, it was still easy enough to see through either way.

  He didn’t slow down his pace. He expected his mom to walk in, but she never did, not even after several minutes. He was still jerking himself off, when he noticed a small movement off the edge of the doorframe. Julius realized that his mom was watching him. The thought made him feel ashamed, and uncomfortable and strangely, somehow aroused.

  His hand was sliding up and down his dick faster, and faster. It felt harder than it had ever been before. He was facing the hallway, and exposing himself clearly for his mother to see. The sound of each stroke made a lewd noise, and he began to feel his own deeply rooted sexual impulses take over.

  “Julius honey? I brought you a towel.” His mom finally spoke up, and walked into the room. She tried to act as though she had just arrived on the scene, even modestly averting her gaze, but he knew better.

  “Oh, thanks mom,” he replied. Julius grabbed the shower curtain with his hand and slid it open just enough to see out, and just enough for his hard cock and what he was doing to it to be visible to his mom. His pace intensified, and as she turned to place the towel on the rack, he caught her eyes locking on to his exposed member.

  That was it for Julius. He exploded, spurting out long streams of white hot cum onto the shower floor. His mom watched on for a moment, her cheeks flushed red and her mouth slightly agape, before tossing the towel down and slowly turning to leave.

  “I’ll be in the kitchen honey,” she said. “Enjoy your shower.”

  He finished cleaning himself off, feeling a wave of guilt and shame flood into him. That had been one of the most strange and perverted things he had ever done, but somehow, his mind was able to rationalize it away. It was a very bizarre and unexplainable world that he lived in now, and Julius almost felt as though he couldn’t be held accountable for his actions.

  After turning off the water, he dried himself off and made his way to his room, quickly getting dressed and grabbing his phone and wallet. He walked downstairs into the living room and found that the TV was on. A special broadcast seemed to airing, with the President, who according to the announcer was the woman that Julius remembered as the Secretary of Education, taking the podium

  “Good afternoon, my fellow Americans,” began the president. She was an attractive woman in her early forties, with nice breasts and a very nice figure, even if it was hidden by her clothing.

  “The tragedies we have experienced over the past two weeks cannot be understated. Unfortunately, it seems as though things will continue to be difficult in the coming days.” She pushed back a couple strands of her hair, and then continued.

  “Many of you may have heard, either through legitimate or illegitimate sources, that the government had begun a quarantine program for men alive who were not showing severe symptoms. This is true.”

  “However, it does not seem as though even the most contained and controlled environments have been spared from this terrible, unknown. Our efforts have proven ineffective, and as far as we know, there are not any men left alive in our country. The situation is still being assessed abroad, but this is likely to be the case worldwide.”

  “I apologize for having to deliver such somber news, but we have survived the past few days, we will continue to survive, and create a better society for all of us. Thank you.”

  The audience the President was addressing broke into applause. Julius felt light headed. He grabbed the remote and turned the screen off, feeling his heart begin to pound in his chest as the reality of the situation took hold. He was the only man left, as far as he, or anybody else knew. What did that mean for him? What did that mean for the world?

  Julius felt a growing need to assess the situation on his own, outside. The idea of it gave him pause, however. There was no predicting how the people left, the women left, would react to still seeing him alive.

  He headed back upstairs, and into his parent’s room. Crouching own on his knees, he pulled a box out from under the bed. It was something that his father had bought a long time ago, and thankfully, never used. He clicked the metal clasp open and lifted up the lid, and lifted the pistol that was inside up with his hand.

  It was heavier than he would have expected. He played around with it for a minute, figuring out what he needed to hit to release the clip, clear the chamber, and toggle the safety. It was already loaded, but there was no bullet in the chamber. His father also had a shoulder harness in the box, and he put it on underneath his windbreaker, and slid the gun into it.

  Julius put everything away and walked back downstairs. His mom was in the kitchen, and he found himself feeling slightly embarrassed as he remembered what had happened in the shower.

  “Uh, hey mom,” he said. “I’m going to go take a look at the town. I know it’s rough out there, but I will be careful.”

  His mom smiled at him. It didn’t seem like she was taking the bathroom incident too seriously, which he found himself incredibly grateful for.

  “Call me if anything happens, and be careful,” said Laura. “And Julius?”

  “Yeah mom?”

  “You’re the man of the house now. Please, don’t do anything that will make a scene. You need to come back to me, honey, no matter what.” Laura had a loving, caring look on her face that made Julius feel a little strange. It almost seemed to go beyond the love of a typical mother, into further territory.

  “I will mom, don’t worry,” he said.

  She smiled at him, and then Julius walked out of the house.


  Physically, the town was the same. Everything was right where Julius remembered, and there didn’t even see to be any signs of carnage or the mass death that had taken place. But from the moment he stepped out onto the sidewalk, he could somehow feel a difference, a difference that had occurred deep under the surface.

  He was walking towards main street, where most of the stores and attractions were. His home town was not very big, a small, average American town. It didn’t have a lot of people or things to do, and this combined with what had happened left the streets with an almost ghost like feel.

  He did, eventually, pass a woman on the sidewalk. She said nothing to him, and Julius wondered at first if she had even seen him. When he made his way by, however, she did a double take, and then just stopped and stared, mouth agape.

  Julius wasn’t sure what to say, so he just kept walking. There was a store up ahead that he used to work at, a coffee shop. From afar, it looked the same as it had always been. Up close, he realized that the door was closed and locked.

  There were more people on the sidewalk now, and as expected, they were all women. They kept their distance from him, but even without looking he could feel that their eyes were locked on, almost like spot lights tracking an escaped prisoner from the sky.

  He just smiled, and kept walking, figuring that there wasn’t much he could do or really even say to explain why he was still around. Up ahead there was a store that did happen to open, and outside was a big sign that said “Men’s Clothing – 50% off”.

  Julius laughed to himself. Maybe there were a couple of perks to being the last man standing, after all. He made his way inside the store, feeling several of the women outside still watching him.

; The shop was brightly lit, with racks of clothes taking up most of the floor space. Behind the counter was an attractive woman in her early twenties chewing gum and flipping through a magazine. Julius didn’t recognize her, but that was okay.

  “Hello,” he said as he walked forward, figuring that there was no point in trying to be subtle if she was the only other one in the store.

  “Welcome, let me know if I can help with…” The woman’s words trailed off as she looked up and saw Julius. “…anything?”

  “I’m just here to take advantage of all the cheap men’s clothes,” he said. “Don’t mind me.”

  He stood up and walked over to the men’s section, which had actually been slid off into one tightly packed corner in the back. The clerk followed him, keeping a small distance away but clearly fascinated.

  “You…are you really a man?” she asked.

  Julius nodded to her, and then turned back to the clothes.

  “I am. Though to be honest, I really can’t explain how I’m still alive,” he said.

  “Oh my god, oh my god!” The woman began to laugh, and jumped into the air a couple of times clapping her hands. She ran over to Julius and stood right next to him, infringing on his personal space in an almost adorable way.

  “My name’s Jenny,” she said. “I…I can’t believe this,”

  “Nice to meet you Jenny, I’m Julius.” He smiled at her, and reached out to shake his hand. She grabbed it, and almost flinched as they made contact. She seemed nervous, and he noticed that she was blushing and unable to meet his eyes.

  “Oh, come on, I might be the last guy around, but I’m just like everyone else,” he said. “Don’t be shy.”

  The woman cupped her hands over her mouth and then blushed even harder.

  “No, it’s not that,” she said, stepping even closer to him. Julius saw her up close and realized that she was even more beautiful than he had initially realized. She put her hand on his chest, and it felt as though electricity was shooting through him.

  “Please Julius, I want you to…” she said. “Well, if you really are the last man, then…”

  Jenny took her hand and rubbed it on his crotch. She was bright red at this point, and Julius was surprised, but also found it to be endearing. It was almost like the roles had been reversed, and now this attractive woman was coming onto him with all of the grace and finesse of a 15 year old boy.

  “Come on,” he said. “Follow me.”

  He took her hand and led her towards the dressing room, feeling himself becoming more and more excited. This was a bonus that he hadn’t really considered, and though it felt a little wrong to take advantage of it, they were living in new, desperate times.

  They slipped through the curtain, into the tiny, mirrored changing room. Jenny was close to him, and a powerful sexual tension seemed to descend on the situation as their lips began to draw closer. They kissed, and it was almost as though a deluge had broken through a dam.

  Jenny’s hands shot immediately down to his waist, unbuckling his belt and getting his pants off him in a frantic rush. Julius unclasped her bra and pulled her shirt up and over her head. Both of them were rushing to undress each other to such a degree that it set an uncontrolled, rough tone to the encounter.

  He pushed her back against the wall of the tiny room and began kissing her neck, and then her bare breasts. They were large, nicely formed, and incredibly compelling. His cock had jumped straight to a state of rock hardness, and his mind began to run wild with ideas of all the fun he could have with this woman.

  “Here,” said Jenny. “Let me make you feel good…”

  She ran her hands down his chest as she slowly dropped down to her knees, pushing her lips up against his cock. She nuzzled with it for a moment, and Julius could feel her cheeks and face wiping off the tiny pearls of precum that had already formed on the head of his dick.

  Jenny licked his shaft from the base to the tip, and then carefully began to take him into her mouth. It felt amazing. Her cheeks were soft, warm, and inviting. She sucked with a force that made even more blood rush into his member, making him ache for release.

  From the way she had been dressed, Julius was not incredibly surprised that the girl knew the ins and outs of sucking a cock properly. In the old world, Jenny had definitely been the type of girl that was open to this sort of thing. But now, all of the women in the world were the same. She was in the same boat as a virgin, or a nun, and the way she took to working his shaft was beautiful in its effectiveness.

  His hands meandered to the back of her head, and he watched in the mirror as he began to pump his hips and push his cock further into the back of her throat. She didn’t object to being used this way. Julius took it up a notch, and began face fucking her with raw, unbridled passion. Lewd sex sounds were audible in the air, and Julius felt himself reaching his limit.

  “Come out now!” called a voice. “I’m taking you into custody!”

  The curtain was thrown open just as Julius’s dick began to blast out its seed. He pulled out of Jenny’s mouth and strings of white hot cum sprayed onto her face, smudging her expertly applied make up. A female police officer was standing outside, gun drawn, and eyes glued to what was the center of attention in the moment, Julius’s ejaculating cock.


  “You’re…you’re under arrest!”

  It was almost comical to Julius to see this woman pointing her gun at him in such an aggressive manner. His cock still out, and it was rock hard and dripping with sex fluid. The officer’s eyes were locked onto it as though it were a weapon. He remembered the gun that was strapped to his chest and slowly raised his hands into the air.

  “I don’t mean any harm, officer,” he said. “I do have a weapon, but I’m not looking to resist.”

  The police woman darted her eyes to Jenny, who had a scared expression on her face along with a good deal of cum. She also raised her hands timidly, with much more fear than Julius himself felt.

  There was no chance of the officer shooting him, this he knew to be true. Still, there was no real reason for him not to go play nice. If he tried to make a break for it, there would be no way he could go home, and on his own, the survival odds long term would be abysmal.

  The officer stepped forward and began patting him down for a weapon. She started with his shoulders, and quickly found his holster and slipped the pistol out of it. She continued down, dropping to her knees in front of Julius. For a moment her face was right in front of his cock, and he found himself getting incredibly excited all over again.

  “Alright, turn around and put your hands behind your back!” the officer yelled.

  “Is this really necessary?” he asked. “Can you at least pull my pants up, Officer…”

  “My name is Kendra,” she said. “I mean, Officer Kendra Kelley, acting police chief of this town.”

  Her mood seemed to soften slightly, and she obliged him, grabbing the waist band of his pants and pulling them up. His cock was still stiff, and she had to carefully work it into his pants with her fingertips.

  Her touch was much more arousing to Julius than he expected it to be, and he found himself wanting to go along with her, to jail or wherever she would bring him. She slapped a pair of handcuffs on him and then pulled him out through the dressing room curtain.

  “Alright, I’m bringing you into custody until we can get the situation here sorted out,” said Officer Kelley. “You’ll be safe in my care.”

  “Of that, I’m sure,” said Julius. “Let’s go. See you later Jenny!”

  Jenny just sat there on the floor, observing the situation as though it were a hallucinogenic drug episode. Officer Kelley led Julius through the store and then outside, keeping his head pushed low and out of sight as she brought him to her police cruiser.

  She pushed him into the backseat of the car. Julius found it hard to find a comfortable position to sit in. The cuffs were tight on his wrists and he could feel them limiting his blood circulation. She was serious,
he realized.

  Officer Kelley climbed into the front seat and started the car. Before driving forward, she turned and looked back at him. Her eyes scanned him from top to bottom, almost as though she was reconfirming that he actually existed, and wasn’t a figment of her imagination.

  “You really are a man, aren’t you?” she asked.

  “Yeah, obviously,” he said. “Why would you even ask that? You came in on us at just the right time to get the proof you needed.”

  She glared at him, and then shifted the car into gear and pulled onto the road. The town police station was only about a five minute drive. Julius didn’t see any lights shining through the inside windows. It was as if the place was abandoned, and given that most of the police force was taken out by the plague, it might as well have been.

  Officer Kelley led him inside by the wrists. Julius knew that he was innocent of any crime, but he didn’t resist. There was no point. This was a different world from the one in which he had formed all of his opinions on the rights of the state and law enforcement. He wasn’t sure what the standard was, now.

  Julius was brought forward, past rows of empty rooms with empty desks. There was a small jail cell in the back of the building, and Officer Kelly pushed him into it. He was surprised when she also stepped in, and then closed the door behind her. She took off his cuffs, and then leaned against the bars, looking at him and saying nothing for a moment.

  “What’s your name?” she finally asked.

  He looked at her for a second before answering. He couldn’t see any malice or ill will in her expression. Still, it was hard for him to get a sense of anyone’s motivations any more. The world had stopped making sense from the time he had stepped out of the woods.

  “Julius,” he said. “And to answer your next question, no, I have no idea why I am still alive.”

  “You must know something,” said Officer Kelley. “Did you experience symptoms? Were you just not affected to begin with, or did you get sick and then survive?”


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