His Sloe Screw: The Cocktail Girls

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His Sloe Screw: The Cocktail Girls Page 4

by Alexandria Hunt


  Man I loved watching him walk away, but only because of the way his jeans clung to his tight ass and moved with him as he sauntered out of the club.

  It was ridiculous, as much as I did believe he was cheating with our little bet, I loved that he was going to guess until he won.

  The truth was that I didn’t have a favorite cocktail. I wasn’t much of a drinker, but when I did drink, I stuck to beer or wine, nothing fancy like the concoctions we served.

  So he could guess all day but until he dialed it back and went with something simple and old fashioned, he would be wrong.

  If I wasn’t so competitive I might let him win, but damn my stubborn streak, I wanted to win.

  I finished up the books for the week and put them back in Max’s office. We were doing well, or should I say he was doing well, but I suspected he was still cleaning dirty money for my dad somehow. Not that I wanted to know though, not knowing what my father was up to made it easier to handle him.

  “So that’s the guy you chose?” Uncle Max said as I turned to leave. He’d snuck up on me and I yelped out of surprise.

  “Warn me next time, for such a big guy you sure are quiet on your feet.”

  “It comes in handy when you’re checking up on your employees.”

  “I’m not exactly one you have to check up on. And yeah, that’s the guy I chose. He came highly recommended.”

  “He looks like a biker. I don’t like bikers.”

  “I think he drives a truck.”

  “How do you know he drives a truck? Are you seeing him outside of the club? You know how much your father would love that.”

  “You don’t have to tell him,” I said, knowing the moment I told him that he would rush off to tell my father. Max was always the nosy little brother trying to impress his older brother, my father.

  “I can’t promise anything. Not telling him feels like lying and you know how your father feels about lying.”

  “I know, he’s all about loyalty and yada yada yada.”

  “You’d do well for yourself to remember that. Family loyalty above all, even when the guy you hire is a big, tough looking biker dude.”

  “I’m serious, I hired him because he’s good at what he does, not because I have a thing for biker types.”

  “So you admit he’s a biker type,” Max chuckled with his wheezy laugh and walked past me to sit at his desk. “Thanks for doing the books for me, now I need some privacy to go over them.”

  I said my goodbyes and headed upstairs for a swim and a good sleep. I wondered what he meant by needing privacy, but decided it was best yet again to not know.

  I didn’t get to bed until way too late, as usual, but found my dreams haunted by a tall and muscled biker type with soulful eyes and lips that were made for kissing.

  The next morning my father was already up and having breakfast at our dining table. Since we lived in a hotel suite, it was fairly rare for us to eat together, and even more rare for just two of us to be at the table. He didn’t even have one of his vapid idiotic blondes hanging off his arm.

  “Kitty, come, we need to talk,” he said and patted the chair closest to him. “I had them bring up a selection of your favorites, but I must confess, I can’t remember if you’re eating carbs or not eating carbs or if protein is your thing right now. I can never keep up with your fad diets.”

  “I’m eating healthy, but I’ll take some of this French toast, a couple eggs, and a bunch of this bacon,” I told him and loaded up my plate.

  Diet and healthy eating be damned, I was going to gorge on sweets and fat while I listened to my father’s lecture.

  I knew he was going to lecture me on something, he had that look on his face.

  His eyes widened as he looked at my plate, but he knew better than to say anything about that.

  I sat in a seat a couple away from him and started to shovel food into my mouth to avoid speaking. I could feel his eyes on me, heavy and judgmental.

  “Your Uncle Max tells me you have a new hire at the club,” he said, his tone even and seemingly uninterested. I didn’t respond, I was too busy eating and pretending not to hear him. “Tell me about this new guy.”

  “He’s not really a hire, he’s doing a quick job. The new bar top.”

  “That’s all?”

  “Yup, sorry to disappoint you.”

  “Max said he was bad news. A biker type. You know how I feel about bikers.”

  “Actually I don’t, why don’t you enlighten me?”

  “No need to be sarcastic, I’m just looking out for you. You’re my only daughter and I’ll kill anyone who hurts you.”

  “Simmer down, daddy-o,” I laughed. “He’s literally just putting in the bar countertop. Although he is pretty tall and beefy.”

  My father’s eyes narrowed and he locked on me with a steely glare. “That’s not funny to joke about. I wouldn’t want him to wind up disappearing simply because you decided to make a joke.”

  I would have laughed at him over this, but unfortunately I knew my dad was deadly serious. I couldn’t tease him like this, so I backed off a little. I could make him angry closer to the time Hatch was finished the job. It would be safer for him that way.

  “I’m a grown woman, dad, you don’t need to watch over me. I promise, I’m safe and I won’t do anything stupid.”

  “There’s nothing more stupid than falling in love, remember that,” he glowered. “I have plans for you, Kitty, and they don’t include you running off with some bike gang reject.”

  “Seriously, calm down. I’m not one of your stupid goons, you can’t order me around like you’re some big thug for god’s sake!”

  I was tired of him nagging me, so I wolfed down the last of my breakfast and stood abruptly, rattling the silverware on the table.

  “Kitty Erica Donatello, you sit your ass back down right now!” he bellowed as I walked away.

  That was one thing my father was not used to, people walking away from him.

  I ignored him though, I was over his attitude. And unlike most other people in the world, I knew I was completely safe from his wrath.

  As mad as I could make him, he could never hurt me…and that made me smile as I heard him sputter and slam things on the table but I didn’t look back.

  I had a hot biker to chat up, and without putting his life in danger, to use in order to piss my father off enough that he sent me to Paris to keep me away from the dangers of Vegas.

  Although it might be nice if I had a sexy biker along for the trip, but that was too crazy to think about and I felt light headed even allowing myself to go there.



  I decided that I was going to fuck Kitty Donatello if it was the last thing I did.

  She spent the entire second day on the job teasing me mercilessly and I could hardly keep it in my pants. I wanted her so fucking bad I thought I was going to lose my fucking mind.

  I got into the club after working for Jorge all day, and she was waiting for me, ready to pounce.

  “How close are you to being done?” she asked, leaning up against the door jamb of the back room where I was working on the cedar.

  “I’m close,” I replied, stopped sanding the surface of the wood and stood up straight to look at her. “Tequila Sunrise.”

  She grinned, she knew what I was up to, I’d been guessing all day yesterday and would keep going all day today. “Not even close.”

  I walked around the cedar and bent down, looked up the flat plain of the surface and admired the grain. I felt her eyes boring into me and wondered how much she was enjoying the view.


  She snickered and I saw her shake her head out of the corner of my eye. “This isn’t some lady’s television drama, that drink hasn’t been popular in a decade.”

  I stood up again, turned to face her. She was still leaning casually against the door jamb, her tight black dress as snug as they could get. I wondered how she fit into the
garment, it looked like rubber and I wondered if she would slide out of it easily.

  “So that’s a no?”

  “No,” she smirked. I loved how confident she was at that moment, it would make it so much sweeter to have her begging for my cock later when I took her home. “Not even close.”

  I took a couple steps and crossed the room, stood in front of her and looked down. I noticed her breasts heaved as she inhaled a sharp breath and saw her part her lips just enough for me to catch a glimpse of her little pink tongue.

  “Are you going to keep on guessing?” Her eyes widened as I leaned closer, leaving only a couple inches between us. We were so close I could feel the heat radiating off her body and I was certain she noticed mine.

  “Yes, I’ll keep going until I get that dinner.”

  “And you’ll keep being wrong.”

  “Will I?” I reached up and stroked her cheek with the back of my finger and noted her breath speeding up, her breasts raising and falling rapidly. I dipped closer, my face close enough to kiss her then, looked her right into her beautiful blue eyes and said, “I’ll bet you’d love a Sloe Screw.”

  Her eyelashes fluttered and she licked her lips. I didn’t think I had hit the mark, but I also didn’t think she was going to deny it at that point.

  The tension between us was so apparent it was almost a physical presence. A limb that connected our bodies, something separate from each of us but joining us together.

  “Yes,” she said at last and exhaled a long, shaky breath. “You got it. I owe you dinner.”

  At that moment I knew exactly what would tame my Kitty, a nice slow screw followed by a lifetime of making her mine. I decided to push my luck.

  “And a kiss,” I added.

  “I don’t remember talking about a kiss.”

  “Are you sure of that?”


  We were close enough at that point that I could feel her breath on my cheek and could see light green flecks of color in her eyes, a pattern of stars against the blue.

  “I seem to recall a promise of a kiss…”

  She licked her lips again and did it, I kissed her at last.

  My mouth crushed hers, I didn’t mean for it to be so completely over the top passionate, but I couldn’t be gentle just then. Every cell in my body screamed at me to claim her, to make her mine, and there was nothing slow and careful about that.

  Her hands lifted and she wrapped them around the back of my neck, her touch sending almost electric shocks through my nerve endings from there to the base of my spine.

  My cock hardened and strained against my jeans, aching to be released, to find her and plunge into her sweet, waiting cunt.

  I let my hands fall to the side and put them around her waist. I could almost span them with the width of my fingers, she was so delicate in my grasp. I pulled her tight against the length of my body and kissed her deeper, our tongues slipping and sliding together in an almost endless swirl of sensation.

  I reached up and tangled my fingers in her hair, letting her fragrant, soft locks tickle my flesh, exciting every one of my senses.

  She emitted a little moan, it was almost undetectable, the smallest sound, but it was powerful. It was submissive, it was the sound of her giving in to me.

  I had her and knowing that made it all so much more pleasurable.

  The anticipation of where this was going to end was almost as exciting as the inevitable conclusion.

  The moment I finally slid into her gorgeous, tight pussy and claimed her body, heart and soul.

  This lead up, this building of tension and eager desire between the two of us…it was fucking exquisite.

  I broke away from her, cupped her face in my hands and stared at her, hard, examining the smallest details on her face, a tiny freckle on her cheek under her right eye, a short scar on her chin, and her beautiful red full lips.

  “Why did you stop?” she asked, her voice barely more than a breath of air.

  “I need to get back to work,” I replied, dropping my hands to my side. I grinned inside at the look of devastated confusion that crossed over her face. Of course I didn’t want to stop, but I wanted her to want me. A woman like Kitty was used to men wanting her, but was she used to wanting a man she couldn’t have at her will?

  I would soon find out.

  “You can take a break.”

  “Not on this. I have to get a second coat of sealant on the surface. Sorry, kitten.”

  “Sorry? For what? For crossing the line and kissing me or for turning me down?”

  “For turning you down.”

  “Then don’t.”

  “I have to get back to work. Not only do I have to get that coat of sealant on, but I need to be finished in time to take you for dinner.”


  “The Sloe Screw. I guessed your favorite drink, you owe me a dinner.”

  “Oh that’s right…dinner…okay. I’ll let you get back to work.”

  She didn’t seem happy though, her back stiffened and she tensed up. I could see a visible tic in the muscle on her cheek, I made a mental note to remember that. She developed a twitch when I pissed her off.

  “Thanks, kitten. I’ll see you later. Wear something nice.”

  She glared at me, turned on her heel and strode out. The angry click clack of her shoes hitting the hard floor in the hallway making me smile as she left my sight.

  She was on the hook and soon…she would be mine.

  I lifted my finger to my lips and touched the spot where her mouth had been, relished the scent of her still on my hands, and wondered how long we’d have to wait before our clothes were torn off and we were naked in each other’s arms.



  I dug my fingernails into the palm of my hands and silenced the scream that was building in my chest.


  Hatch Malone. Fuck him and his stupid delectable lips. And his incredible probing tongue.

  Fuck him for getting me hot and bothered and denying me any release.

  I stormed back to the bar and almost shattered the glassware as I wiped it dry and put it away in my angry state.

  “Simmer down there, sweetcheeks,” a gravelly male voice said from behind me. “You keep that up and you’re gonna break half the glasses you’ve got back there.”

  “You keep telling me to simmer down and calling me sweetcheeks and I’ll smash them all,” I snapped and whipped around.

  He must have seen the fire crackling in my eyes because he actually recoiled in nervous laughter. “Whoa, leave me out of it. I was just making an observation.”

  He was probably seventy and frail in appearance, with water blue eyes and thin white hair. He could have been my grandpa and there I was freaking out on him like I was a crazy woman.

  “I’m sorry, I’m just having one of those days. Now what can I get you?”

  “How about a smile?”

  “That’s pushing your luck.”

  “I’d hate to be the fellow who put you in such a bad mood,” he chuckled.

  “How did you know?”

  “Because there’s nothing else in the world who would make a pretty girl like you frown like that. Risk all those frown lines and such.”

  I rolled my eyes and sighed dramatically. “I don’t care about frown lines, now what do you want?”

  “Give me a beer, whatever you’ve got on tap,” he replied, watching me carefully. “And remember not all men are the same, so don’t poison it or anything because you’re angry with your fellow.”

  I shot him the flash of a smile and slid his mug of brew across the bar, hating how it almost got caught up in the grooves and pits of the surface. We really did need a new, smooth one.

  “Was that smile for me? No? Oh well, I’ll take it,” he replied and gave me his own smile before he stood up and walked across the club to a table in the corner.

  I felt bad, taking my sullen mood out on an old guy and a customer, but I couldn’t h
elp myself. Hatch just got under my skin somehow. His infuriating cockiness and sexy confidence. His smile. His dark, sultry stare when he watched me work.

  God he was insanely hot and frustrating because he seemed to know it, and completely understood the effect he had on me.

  But those lips, my goodness, damn. Those lips.

  On mine.

  I resisted the urge to lift my finger to touch the places he’d been, where his mouth had covered mine, where his tongue had snaked around mine.

  I resisted the urge to moan softly and sigh loudly and tell everyone how great I felt after Hatch Malone kissed me.

  And that’s all he’d done, kissed me. I’d been kissed many times, by many men from different backgrounds, but I’d never been kissed like that.

  Never ever like that.

  “Hey, what’s going on with you?” Lucy, one of the cocktail waitresses voice broke into my daydream fantasy about Hatch.

  I turned around and laughed. “Just some things in the family,” I said, “You know the fun of working for your uncle with your dad living right upstairs.”

  “I can’t even imagine. My parents would drive me insane if I worked for them, you have the patience of a saint. Now, I need three Old Fashioneds, there’s a rowdy group of out of town businessmen starting their nighttime festivities at our fine establishment.”

  She was so sincere and such an innocent girl I felt guilty lying to her, but what the hell else could I say? I was having dirty, dirty thoughts about the sexy biker dude in the back room? That I’d suddenly switched my vote for my favorite drink to a Sloe Screw because of the way Hatch had said it. And the way screw had rolled off his lips and the way my imagination had kicked in the moment he’d said it.

  Him screwing me. There, that’s what did it. That’s what drove me mad with lust.

  “That’s good, those are the kinds of guys we need in here,” I replied and mixed her drinks and slid them across the pitted bar towards her.

  She smiled, held her tray out in front of her with the drinks carefully balanced and made her job seem like it was easy. And it wasn’t. That’s what I admired about the waitresses in the club, they made it all look so easy.


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