Bad Boy Romance: Bad Marine (Bad Boy Military Romance) (Alpha Bad Boy New Adult Contemporary Male Stories)

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Bad Boy Romance: Bad Marine (Bad Boy Military Romance) (Alpha Bad Boy New Adult Contemporary Male Stories) Page 7

by Joyner, GP

  He shuddered with absolute delight as those tender, gentle hands fell beneath his waistline, the fingers curling around the shaft of his erect masculinity, seizing him in her grip, possessing him as he needed so desperately to be possessed. He tried to stare at her through the haze of his pleasure, to witness the sheer beauty of the woman now touching him, but it was as though the combined effect of her manual efforts and her immense, almost celestial glory were too much for him, and he was forced to close his eyes as she stroked him, shutting out the sensory overload, and subsisting on nothing but the absolute perfection of sexual pleasure.

  Her wrist worked and pushed and pumped, pushing the skin of his manhood up to his tip, and then pulling it back down to its base, holding it taut, and letting the sensation mount, burning, building, pulsing in a powerful, radiant glow through his body, only to be released once more, both cruelly and mercifully, because he knew that it would come back to him again in a moment, that the ebbing and flowing of pleasure and emptiness would soon result in something that was beyond beautiful.

  When at last her warm, soft hands ceased their manipulation, leaving him on the edge and then coming to a halt, he sighed heavily, opening his eyes to gaze once more at her beauty, now that the risk of being completely and totally overwhelmed was behind him. It was like seeing her for the first time all over again, gone for so long, too long out of his sight, and suddenly there once more, staring at him with those beautiful dark eyes, smiling at him with complete and utter knowledge of what lay within him, knowing him in a manner that no other human being alive could lay claim to.

  “Lie down,” she said softly, and immediately he obeyed, allowing his firm body to collapse onto the crackling bed of leaves beneath him, crunching and splitting beneath his weight, his chest heaving as he stared up at her, waiting endlessly for her return to him.

  She lowered her body down onto him, straddling his waist, her heat descending onto him like a gift from the heavens. He sighed as she slid him into her, the warmth and comfort of her body the final stage of restoring him to something resembling humanity once more, the union of their loins an exquisite and unutterably glorious thing. Her muscles tightened around him, and her interior walls pulsed as though with a heartbeat, source of all things perfect in life in the world, the fact that this was his sanctuary a thought almost too amazing to comprehend.

  Her hands on his heaving chest, she smiled down at him, and he smiled back, and it was impossible not to notice the lily in her hair, present always, his focal point through all the hell and high water of his existence, and even now, as she began to dance like a swaying palm leaf atop his body. His eyes followed the flower as it bobbed through the air, as her body writhed and rocked and squirmed atop his trembling form, her breasts swaying with each thrust, her pelvis scraping tenderly across his loins, working him deep into an unfathomable pleasure. She bounced and pulsed and gyrated, and the moans soared from her open mouth in streams, music to his ears, once again forcing him to close his eyes lest the playing of so many beautiful factors together overwhelm him, and simply take in the sweet, sweet sensation.

  When he opened them again, her hands were on her breasts, pressing them together, and her moans were culminating to their apex, “Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...”

  He could feel the ripples of sensation pulsating through her writhing body, the orgasm dismembering her in waves, and the sweetness of the moment was far too much for him to endure. He pulled her so deeply into him that it almost became physically painful, and allowed his body to release its pent up fury. His seed spilled into the vessel of her perfect body in long, hot torrents, their loins melting together into a perfect, simmering alloy, her screams of agonized pleasure so great and so intense that they echoed through the treetops, startling birds from their nesting places and into the open air.

  At last, the unrefined glory of the moment resided, and Lily's body collapsed on top of him like a stack of cards, her slick heat covering him like a blanket, the two of their heaving chests grinding against one another as they struggled to re-enter the world of reality.

  He brought her face back into his own, still desperate for subsistence as the world faded gradually around them. They kissed, and he pulled her as tight as he could into the powerful grip of his arms, holding her pinned forever to his body, the rhythm of her heartbeat like a metronome, gradually lulling him to sleep, and slumber overtaking the two entwined lovers in the middle of the forest floor.

  He'd had no reason whatsoever to expect that it would be the last time that he would hold that tender body of hers, the last time her embrace would pacify his vicious, monstrous thoughts, the last time in his life he would ever see that precious lily of hers dance as it did.

  One morning he awoke, and the lily was all that remained.

  The woman for whom it was a namesake had vanished, without a word of explanation, and the fact of the matter unquestionable. The flower left behind in her wake was all that he needed by way of proof or explanation, undeniable evidence that the girl he loved, and the one consolation he had in this life, was gone from his existence forever.

  Eventually, he had learned that the reason for Lily's leaving him was infidelity, impure and simple. She'd happened to come across the alpha of a nearby werewolf pack when the two of them were separated, presumably a man more powerful and desirable than himself. Such was the way of the world he supposed, but that did little to assuage his shattering heart, and the vitriol that rose in his chest at the thought of another man being inside the woman he loved, and even worse a better man than himself, or so he was certain.

  For now he had nothing.

  He was convinced, quite thoroughly, that Lily had been the final straw in his life. The last thing that he could lose, corrupting him forevermore. There was no longer a possibility for love as far as he was concerned, no hope, no daylight, no end to his suffering.

  And it was with this mindset that the intrusion of a female human now deeply disturbed his canine brain, making him surge with rage at the fact, making him bristle with dashed pride and fury, causing him to growl fiendishly in the direction of the foreign scent.

  It was pure impulse that drove him to her.

  No human grip over his senses, but simply his familiar and terrible animal instinct to go, to confront, quite possibly to kill.

  And it was nothing but instinct that pulled together the two disparate stories of the girl and the wolf, changing both of their lives forever...


  Jessica was trembling now.

  The forest was dark and looming and impossible to navigate, the night growing frigid, her breath a series of frozen white clouds, her blood struggling to power the relentless pounding of her heart in her fright. Any moment she was certain that the creatures of the forest would stretch out their claws from the shadows and devour her, tear her absolutely to shreds, with a strong possibility that her mangled body would never be recovered.

  God, oh God, oh God, she felt so terrified, so vastly alone, wishing so desperately that her life was different, that the world could be different, that no one should have to suffer this swirling cocktail of emotions.

  And that's when the eyes flashed at her from the darkness.

  Instantly, she felt her heart surge up into her throat, and just as instantly she knew that the beast she'd heard howling at the moonlight was upon her, closing in, presumably for the kill, and that it was impossible to know whether or not her remains would ever be found.

  The wolf stepped out into a swath of moonlight, its fur standing practically on end, its nostrils flaring, and its ears piqued. It let out a low, vicious rumble of a growl, its teeth bared and sharp as razor blades, and its eyes glowed, Jessica was certain, with an unquenchable thirst for blood, the hunger of the wolf, to be satisfied by the exquisite flavor of her soft, delectable flesh.

  She braced herself, whimpering as she shut her eyes and simply waited for the end to fall upon her, her body shaking, anticipating the sinking of fangs into meat, hitting bon
e, rending apart limbs...

  It was an endless, expansive moment, unlike any, she felt certain, in all of human history.

  For as she sat there, hunkered down and shivering with what she knew were the final pangs of fright in the course of her sad existence, something changed in the demeanor of her would be attacker.

  He could by no means identify what it was that was changing in him, as it was something that had never really occurred to him at any point in the past- or at any rate, not like this. It was as though the feeling of the waning full moon, the relief that tended to wash over him, the return to safety and sanity that he always felt during the close of his transformations, was upon him here and now, even as the opalescent beams of light rained down upon him, a clear contradiction of the magical transition taking place deep inside.

  His body began to mutate.

  The fur began to recede into his skin, and his limbs shifted position. The evil fell from his gaze, the taste for blood dissolved from his tongue, and he began to upright himself, the burden of his ferocity no longer doubling him down onto all fours.

  For the first time since his days as a teenager, he was a human again despite the rays of the full moon.

  And seeing Jessica, balled over as she was, cowering in fright, yet still somehow so absolutely beautiful, he understood almost instantly what it was that had taken place.

  His heart swooned, and beat just a little bit faster at the sight of her; the effect of her presence more calming than anything in his life had been since the day that Lily had left him.

  It was her beauty, he understood, and without a doubt, that was responsible for the execution of the impossible, for saving him from himself.

  He couldn't believe how close he had come to destroying this perfect splendor, this utter beauty, and how utterly far away the urge to ever commit such harm to another living being now felt in her presence.

  Carefully, he reached out a hand to her, hoping and praying he would be able to comfort her.

  She started at his touch, but took note of the fact that it was soft, warm flesh and not the sharp claws of a beast, and when she looked up, it was to the sight of a nude male body, firm and muscular and unabashedly aroused- a sight which might otherwise have held her attention indefinitely, until she looked further up and their eyes locked on one another.

  The same calm that had washed over him now seeped through her being, putting her heart at ease, yet lighting it up in a way that she had never before experienced, the feeling of love, the knowledge of affection, deep and powerful and unquestionably pure.

  She allowed herself to be taken by the hand, and lifted from her spot on the ground into the air, to stare for a long, endless moment into the stranger's face. There was so much pain written in the lines and the contours of his expression, but only the remnants thereof, the hurt itself now washed away and diminished, glowing beneath the skin as an after effect, but no longer displaying any overt presence, no continued life or meaning. Two tears formed in her eyes at the knowledge that she had been the one responsible for its removal, trickling down along her cheeks, rapidly approaching the corners of her mouths, leading her to the expectation of the warm, salty flavor, until they were swept away with a brush of the stranger's fingers, a reciprocation for alleviating his own sweet pain.

  “I'm... I'm Alex,” he said nervously, feeling overpowered with feelings toward a girl for whom this was normally the case herself.

  “I'm Jessica,” she replied, her voice as calm and as still as the undisturbed surface of a pond, a total change from her typical demeanor, but one which seemed as normal and as natural to one another in this moment as nearly anything in the world.

  Once more, as was becoming a custom to them at this point, the two of them stared for a long, endless moment into one another's eyes, wordless, but words unnecessary, the entirety of their silent dialogue mutually understood and appreciated, their hearts beating as one, thinking and feeling the precise same things, inexplicable, yet somehow as fundamentally true as anything to be found in life.

  And their faces were drawn to one another, as though pulled by a magnet, defying any reason or sense, or any sort of conventional wisdom that told you that you had only known a person for less than a moment, all of which seemed secondary to the intensity of the feelings now being shared between the two of them.

  And suddenly their lips were on one another.

  The taste and the flavor scorched through their mouths like an electric current, sending pulses of sensations coursing through their bodies. Their lips melted and dissolved and became as one, so that it became impossible to tell where one of them ended and the other began. Their tongues raged, lapping, licking, swirling, flowing into one another's mouths like an exchange of liquids, the constant stream of their breath blowing into one another causing them to grow lightheaded, dizzy with arousal and the exquisite pleasure being exchanged between the two of them.

  It was the first time in her life that Jessica had ever been kissed, had ever tasted the lips of another human being on her own, yet it felt as intuitive and as overwhelmingly powerful as she'd always hoped and expected it would, sweet and beautiful and unlike anything else in the world.

  When they pulled apart, their breath was intense and unfettered, their eyelashes fluttering, their bodies radiating with warmth and yet, at the same time, with the unbearable chill of their sudden separation.

  They began to touch one another, pressing, feeling, exploring, rubbing their hands on one another's faces in desperation, as though kindling a fire in order to keep one another from freezing. They leaned in and kissed again, then continued to explore, as though somehow their sight had been taken away from them, and touch was the only possible sense to convey what each of them were to one another.

  Alex's hands trickled down along the front of her shirt, falling from her face to her neck to her clavicle, and then cupping around the warm hills of her breasts through the fabric, squeezing them tightly, pushing them around and around on her chest, causing her to whimper with passion. From here, the hands slid further down to the hem of her shirt, the fingers hooking beneath the fabric, and she raised her arms, allowing herself to be peeled out of the oppressive garment, her breasts now clad in nothing but the black cups of her bra, pulsing with feeling, and longing for his touch.

  He cupped them once again, his fingers now pressing directly against the warmth of her body, her heart pulsing against his palms, satisfying him immensely. And as he continued to feel and to clasp onto her body for dear life, she reached across, putting aside all reservations, and seized hold of his erection, again a completely alien sensation to her, its warmth singeing her in her grip, but the pulsing of his shaft inviting and comfortable once she accustomed herself to its touch. She began to pull on the flesh, knowing instinctively what to do, savoring his sighs of satisfaction as up above he continued to touch and to caress, sliding the cups of her bra down just below her breasts, exposing the nipples, and savoring these as well, tugging on them gently, causing them to grow erect and to burn with the immense sensation.

  After some time of him stroking her, they exchanged another glance, then a kiss, and they both knew that their bodies were heated to the point of boiling over. Desperately she reached down for the fly of her jeans, fumbling to unbutton and unzip herself, and once this was accomplished, he assisted her in wriggling out of the fabric, kicking the article to the side, so that now she stood in nothing but her displaced bra and panties.

  He leaned back into her, and showered her body with kisses, sliding down, down, down along the sweet, hot, sticky planes of her curvature, from her lips to her neck, to her shoulders, returning to her breasts with his mouth this time, and running his tongue around each delicate nipple as though suckling upon her for much-needed nourishment. She moaned with satisfaction, and as he sucked he slid his fingers through the fabric of her panties, removing them from their enviable spot on her body, peeling them down along her thighs, to her knees, down to around her ankles.
  She braced herself as his kisses continued to migrate south, from one last peck on the nipple to her abdomen, stopping at her navel to run in sweet, soft circles around her belly button, and then down, down, down along the neatly trimmed swath of her pubic triangle- until at last her eyes went wide.

  She felt him devour her, as hungry as she'd originally diagnosed him, eating her with perfect oral acuteness, discovering every hidden place, every secret fold, every last pleasure center in her sweet, sensitized, virginal body, making her feel more strongly than she'd ever felt before in so many ways, causing her to moan with pleasure, “Oh, oh, oh, oh God, oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oh yesssss,” her own agonized version of howling at the moon.

  She hit a soft climax, her body ringing with sensation, her eyes staring wide at the sky, and her hands instinctively on the back of Alex's head, pulling him deeper and deeper into herself, as though to sustain the coursing of sensations for as long as humanly possible. Her knees began to shake with the last few vicious pangs of sweet, sweet nerves, and at last she released him, his face drifting back with a heavy gasp, and the lust in his eyes as he reached back up to full height keeping her pressed to the edge of arousal.

  He escorted her down, slowly down to the ground, the leaves crackling beneath her weight as she touched down, her hair pooling up around her, and her breasts heaving slightly into the air as she struggled to maintain herself. He knelt down toward her, and she spread her thighs to receive him, beckoning her lover toward her, and bracing herself as he descended from the sky to adorn her.

  She moaned loudly as he felt him inter her, her body shaking insanely as he pressed apart its folds, settling gently, gently, gently inside, painful due to her lack of experience, but warm and luscious and comforting, and the pleasure quickly overpowering the slight, initial discomfort. His heat fell onto her like a second skin, along with his considerable weight, perhaps twice her own, but oh so wonderful.


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