Tate Valley Sexy Suspense Series (Books 1-3)

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Tate Valley Sexy Suspense Series (Books 1-3) Page 3

by Stacy-Deanne

  “Grant is a wonderful man.”

  “Ha!” Alexis threw her head back. “I’m sure you think so. You got the wool pulled over your eyes like everyone else around here. I bet you believe in the Easter Bunny, too.”

  Penelope nudged her. “Cool it.”

  “You don’t know a damn thing about Grant,” Kevin said. “He’s an honorable and admirable person.”

  “Oh please.” Alexis stuck her lips out.

  “He’s also a brilliant businessman,” Kevin said. “When Grant took over Copeland Enterprises, in less than ten years it became one of the most successful pharmaceutical companies in America. I admire that even if you don’t.”

  Alexis faked a yawn.

  Kevin scoffed. “I hope I’m half the man he is when I’m his age.”

  “So you wish to be half a snake?”

  “Lexi.” Penelope put her hand on Alexis’ thigh. “I apologize, Kevin.”

  Alexis pushed Penelope’s hand off her leg. “Don’t apologize for me. I’m not sorry at all.”

  “Lexi, you shouldn’t even be on this case with your prejudices against Grant,” Kevin said.

  “Are you insinuating that I won’t be able to separate personal feelings from my job?” she asked. “When did you get to be this much of an asshole or were you always one and I didn’t see it?”

  “Guys!” Penelope yelled. “Can we please get back to—”

  “No, I really wonder how she can be objective on this case when she hates Grant!”

  “You worry about yourself okay, Kevin?” Alexis said. “Don’t worry about me doing my job. I will always do my job right.”

  “I’m not convinced.”

  “And I don’t give a shit. This isn’t about me not liking Grant any damn way.”

  He leaned his head back, squinting at her. “Well what’s it about then?”

  “Brett Myers.” Alexis leaned toward the desk. “I think Grant killed him.”

  Chapter Four

  “God.” Kevin shook his head, chuckling.

  “It makes sense to me.” Alexis pointed at him. “Apparently Brett said he would expose Grant at the meeting. What did he mean by that?”

  “How the hell should I know what Brett meant?” Kevin sat back. “You’re wrong if you think Grant killed Brett. There’s no fuckin’ way.” He flung his arm. “Brett was probably just sprouting off. There wasn’t anything to know about Grant. The man is an open book.”


  Alexis gaped.

  Kevin frowned back at her. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Because I can’t believe you’re so naïve when it comes to Grant. You’ve been living in this town and have seen the way he operates, yet you take up for him?”

  “I admit when it comes to business, Grant is as ruthless as they come but that doesn’t make him a killer. Besides the stuff you go on about Grant comes from rumors. You don’t know it for sure.”

  “Wake up, Kevin!” Alexis had to hold herself back from smacking some sense into him. “Grant’s a monster who does anything he can to people to get what he wants.”

  “Get out!” He pointed to the door. “I’m sick of hearing this nonsense. You need counseling so you can finally move on with your life and stop obsessing over Grant.”

  “Fine, Kevin.” Alexis stood. “You wanna sleep with dogs then go right ahead. But don’t come whining to me when you realize what Grant’s really capable of.”

  “Trust me.” He sat back. “You’d be the last one I came ‘whining’ to for anything.”

  “I can’t believe this is you talking, Kevin. What happened to the boy who always had my back?” Alexis backed up from his desk while Penelope went to the door. “Who always trusted what I said?”

  He shrugged one shoulder. “He got his heart broken and since then he’s never been the same.”

  Alexis reflected on his stinging words then headed out the door.

  “Hey, Lexi?” he called for her.

  She reluctantly stopped at the door. “What?”

  “Did you ever talk to King Myers?”

  “Who?” Alexis asked.

  “That’s Brett’s youngest son,” Penelope said to Alexis then addressed Kevin. “We were going to speak to him but haven’t yet. Why?”

  “Did you know he had a big blowout with Brett a few weeks ago?” Kevin asked. “Brett told Grant about it and apparently it was so bad that King told him he hated him and wished he was dead.” He looked back and forth at them. “Carolyn didn’t tell you?”

  “No,” Alexis said. “She didn’t.”


  “I didn’t lie Detective Adams.” Carolyn stood on the veranda of her estate. “I just didn’t want you to think King was involved.”

  “Well if you didn’t lie then what the hell do you call it?” Alexis and Penelope sat in the chairs in front of the sliding glass door.

  “We specifically asked you if there was anyone other than Grant Copeland who might want to hurt your husband,” Penelope said. “I understand you want to protect your son, but if he’s innocent then you have nothing to worry about.”

  Carolyn leaned against the railing.

  “Honestly, the fact that you didn’t tell us about King and Brett does not look good at all. How are we to trust you?” Alexis asked.

  “I’m sorry but I didn’t want my son in trouble for something he didn’t do. I knew you would suspect him if I told.”

  “Our job is to find out who killed your husband. You can’t hide anything else from us,” Alexis said.

  Carolyn took out a tissue. “I’m sorry.” She wept. “This has been so hard for me.” She held the tissue to her nose. “I’m having all these emotions and my mind is in a million places. I should’ve told you the truth but I was scared. I didn’t want to get King in trouble.”

  “Is it true that King and Brett had a recent falling out?” Alexis asked.

  Carolyn nodded. “They had a horrible fight a few weeks ago because of King’s rock band. Brett’s always had strict expectations for the boys. Cecil, our oldest, just got out of medical school and has started practicing in Santa Monica. Morris is an architect in Seattle.” She smiled. “Wesley got an executive position with a huge oil company in Texas.” She looked down. “King’s the baby and he was Brett’s favorite. They used to be close when King was growing up. Brett had always wanted King to be an engineer but he dropped out of college last year to sing in his band, Morning’s Night.”

  “His band’s very good.” Penelope lit up. “I listen to them at the Tate Valley Lounge sometimes.”

  “He is good.” Carolyn pressed her hands together. “I’m proud of him and just wanted him to be happy but Brett had his heart set on King being an engineer and when King dropped out…they weren’t ever the same.”

  “So what caused the recent blowout?” Alexis got her pencil ready to write in her notepad.

  “King found out that Brett cut him out of his will.”

  Alexis looked up from jotting.

  “King was angrier than I’d ever seen him.” Carolyn cut her eyes to Alexis. “He asked Brett how he could do such a thing. I was shocked because I had no idea that Brett changed his will.” She looked up at the sky. “I felt so bad about it. The mother is supposed to be the one to hold things together and make things right.” She cried into her tissue. “I had no idea Brett would take it that far.”

  Alexis chewed on her pencil. “We heard King told Brett he wished he was dead.”

  “He did.” Carolyn held on to the railing. “He didn’t mean it. He was angry and hurt.” She wiped her nose. “My son wouldn’t hurt anyone. He loved his father. He just wanted to be accepted.”

  Alexis stared into Carolyn’s begging eyes, remembering the power of a mother’s love.

  She didn’t know why but something about Carolyn seemed so sincere.

  “Please don’t think he’s a bad person.” Carolyn lowered her head. “My son has a good heart. He didn’t kill his father.”

  Chapter Five

  “I loved my father.” King Myers set his guitar down and walked off the stage of the empty Tate Valley Lounge. “I would never hurt him.”

  “Would you mind clarifying some things for us please?” Alexis asked.

  “Hey guys?” King turned to his band. “Let’s take five.”

  His band mates broke off into their own conversations.

  “We didn’t mean to interrupt your practice,” Penelope said. “But I’m sure you find this more important.”

  They sat at the front table.

  Alexis looked at King and he seemed to hold the same sincerity as Carolyn, but this wouldn’t be the first time in her career that she misjudged a possible murderer.

  “I didn’t kill my father, okay?” King looked at his fingers. “Yes, we had a horrible argument. He cut me out of his will and I confronted him about it.”

  Alexis laid her arm on the table.

  “I was not so much mad but hurt, you know?” Tears formed in his eyes. “That he’d take such a drastic measure.” His voice cracked. “He even told me I wasn’t his son anymore.”

  “Can you tell us where you were last night between nine and midnight?” Penelope asked.

  “I was with Pete.” He turned and pointed to the skinny guitarist with the blonde mohawk. “Pete?”

  Pete looked up.

  “I stayed at your place last night, right?”

  Pete stared at Penelope and Alexis then nodded. “Yeah.” He set the guitar down and slipped his hands in the pockets of his faded jeans. “We watched movies and chilled all night at my place.”

  “Okay, we’ll verify that.” Alexis jotted the information. “Do you know of anyone who would want to hurt your father? Anyone with any grudges?”

  King scoffed. “Besides Grant Copeland and Kevin Reed? No.”

  “Kevin Reed?” Alexis grimaced. “Are you saying this because Kevin and Brett didn’t get along?”

  “Oh man, you don’t know?” King stared at them. “Have you spoken to Kevin yet?”

  Penelope nodded. “We know that he and your father didn’t always see eye-to-eye. Kevin made it seem like it wasn’t a big deal.”

  “Oh yeah? Would you think it was a big deal if someone screwed up your engagement?”

  Alexis raised her eyebrows. “Say what?”

  Penelope’s face twisted. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about Cynthia Morales. Kevin’s ex-fiancée.”

  “Wait a minute.” Alexis glanced at Penelope who fidgeted as if she sensed how Alexis felt to learn this news. “Kevin was engaged to Cynthia Morales and you didn’t tell me?”

  “What difference does it make?” Penelope shrugged it off as if it weren’t a big deal. “You’ve been gone twenty years. Did you expect Kevin to stand still and not have a relationship?”

  “He’s had many relationships,” King said. “Cynthia was the only one he ever got engaged to though. He’s dated almost every woman in this town except for the ones in his family.”

  Alexis focused on Penelope.

  “No, wait.” She waved her finger. “Kevin and I are and will always only be friends. I’d never betray you like that, Lexi.”

  King gaped at Alexis. “I take it you and Kevin have a history.”

  Alexis held her head up, shaking off her jealousy. “Kevin and I have nothing anymore and haven’t for a long time.”

  “What does Cynthia have to do with Brett?” Penelope asked King.

  “My dad was the reason Cynthia dumped Kevin and called off the engagement. He knew Kevin had an affair with Faye Ramsey.”

  “Faye Ramsey?” Penelope’s mouth dropped.

  “Who is Faye Ramsey?” Alexis asked.

  “She’s from San Diego,” Penelope said. “Moved here a few years ago.”

  “She was a secretary at Copeland Enterprises,” King said. “My dad found out Faye and Kevin slept together, told Cynthia, and Cynthia called off her engagement to Kevin. Kevin has hated my dad ever since.”

  “Penelope, did you know all of this?” Alexis asked.

  “Hell no.” She wiggled in her chair. “Everyone knew Cynthia broke up with Kevin but I had no idea why. I can’t believe he didn’t tell us. He knows he shouldn’t have hidden anything this crucial.”

  “I just…I’m getting surprise after surprise today aren’t I?” Alexis gripped her notepad.

  She wasn’t sure what shocked her the most, that no one told her about Kevin and Cynthia or that they’d been engaged in the first place.

  “Are you all right, Detective Adams?” King asked.

  “I’m…I’m fine.” She got up from her seat. “Thanks for your cooperation…oh.” Her small, gold loop clip-on fell off her ear. “Shoot.”

  “Here you go.” King got it and passed it to her. “Looks like you’re already missing the other one.”

  “What?” She touched her other ear. “Damn I hadn’t even realized it fell off.”

  King nodded. “Get the feeling you’re not having the best day. Welcome to my world.”

  * * * *

  “I still can’t believe she’s back.” Grant stood in his massive living room and filled a square glass with scotch. “I bet she shocked the hell out of you, huh?” He slowly sipped from the glass.

  Kevin sat at Grant’s baby grand piano, trying his best to keep his mind off Alexis but he hadn’t been able to since she left his office so how could he expect to now?

  “She’s a little firecracker.” Grant turned the glass around in his large hand. “She is something else too. Looks just like her mother. Are you glad she’s back?”

  Kevin took off his blazer and laid it in his lap. “No.”

  “My boy.” Grant pointed at him. “You know you can’t pull anything on me. You’ve missed Alexis all these years. Don’t tell me you aren’t happy to get at least one more chance at love. ”

  “Love?” Kevin propped his right leg on his left. “I haven’t seen Alexis since I was sixteen and the only thing I feel for her is contempt. I can’t believe she just walked into my office like nothing happened. Like her ass hasn’t been gone all this time. Who does she think she is?”

  Grant sighed. “I can’t believe Elizabeth is dead. I made so many mistakes with that, Kevin.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I loved Elizabeth more than I ever loved any woman.” Grant walked across the hardwood floor and sat at his desk. “I wanted to marry her but how could I? I never meant for her to go through the hell she did. I never wanted to break up her marriage.”

  “Alexis doesn’t think so. Besides, you were having an affair with her. You knew that would eventually ruin her marriage.”

  “We thought we were being careful.” Grant rubbed his hand.

  “Alexis hates you, man.” Kevin shook his head. “She hasn’t forgiven you in all these years.”

  “She doesn’t understand the truth. She only sees me as the man who broke up her parents’ marriage.” He sipped from his glass. “She’d be crushed to know how Elizabeth really felt.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “She loved me.” Grant looked him in the eyes and usually when Grant looked someone in the eyes, he was telling the truth. “Elizabeth planned to leave Stossel for me.”

  Kevin’s mouth hung open. “You’re shitting.”

  “It’s the truth. She’d planned to tell Stossel a few days before he found out. Maybe if Alexis knew that then she wouldn’t hate me so much.”

  “It would kill her and she’d end up hating her mother. Elizabeth’s dead so just leave it alone. Like I told Lexi it’s time to let go of all this shit. What good is it to keep harping on the past?”

  “You’re fooling yourself if you think you can forget the past, Kevin. Especially since Alexis is back. I know you still care about her. You have the same look in your eyes I used to have whenever I thought of Elizabeth.”

  “Leave it alone.”

  Grant pointed to him. “You can tr
y to be mad at her all you want but one day you’re gonna be forced to face those feelings you’ve hidden all this time.”

  “It’s more important things at hand than me and Alexis.” Kevin walked up to the desk. “She thinks you killed Brett because he knew a secret about you. Was Brett telling the truth?”

  Grant slipped on his reading glasses and looked through papers. “About what?”

  “Did he know something about you? I know you didn’t kill anyone but if there’s some secret—”

  “Kevin.” Grant took off his glasses. “There’s nothing to know and I don’t know where Alexis got this ‘secret’ stuff from. Don’t you believe me?”

  “You’re capable of a lot of things, Grant.” Kevin put his hand on his waist. “But murder is not one of them.”

  “Yeah well do me a favor and make sure Alexis understands that, will you?” Grant pulled his computer closer and logged on to the Internet. “The last thing I need are rumors going around that I’m a killer.”

  Chapter Six

  Relaxing in the rocking chair on her Nantucket-style beach house porch, Alexis took a hit of her cigarette.

  She definitely wasn’t used to this carefree living, but being Stossel Adams’ daughter had its perks. Everyone in Tate Valley loved Stossel and the few who knew she had returned pulled out the welcome mat. She’d gotten a decent deal on this house down from the beach. Lord knows she wouldn’t be able to live in this upper class area if it hadn’t been for Stossel’s real estate friend. Funny how much she could love sitting on this porch yet hate everything Tate Valley stood for.

  Yet this small, southern California town was her home, bumps and all. She could go to Mars, but this would always be her home. Even if Grant Copeland still lived in it.

  “Shit.” She puffed on the cigarette. “Home sweet home, my ass.”

  Her blood boiled whenever she thought of being back in the same town as Grant, but images of Kevin would always pop into her head and she’d immediately calm down.

  Would he ever forgive me for leaving?

  Sure she expected him to hold a grudge for not contacting him all these years, but she hadn’t expected such a cold response. While she and Kevin had bumped heads about him working for Grant, Alexis couldn’t ignore the fire he brewed inside of her.


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