Tate Valley Sexy Suspense Series (Books 1-3)

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Tate Valley Sexy Suspense Series (Books 1-3) Page 8

by Stacy-Deanne

  The man pinned the woman down and kissed her.

  Alexis closed her eyes, remembering the first time she and Kevin experienced each other’s bodies on this very beach. She kept thinking about the encounter in his office earlier. She’d barely gotten any work done at the station while thinking about what could’ve happened.

  She wiggled her toes.

  “Hey.” Kevin walked from behind the rock in snug jeans and a white shirt that hugged his pronounced pecks.

  “Kevin?” Her long hair blew across her face. “What are you doing here?”

  “You stood me up.” He stood in front of her. “You were supposed to make me dinner an hour ago.”

  “Damn.” She checked her watch. “I came out here for a quick stroll and I guess the time got away. I’m sorry.” She jumped off the rock. “We can go now—”

  “No, it’s okay.” He touched her arm. “I’d like to stay out here for a while. It’s so beautiful tonight.”

  She scooted back on the rock.

  “Let me guess,” he said. “You got a lot on your mind?”

  “No.” She brushed a gnat off her dress. “I just like being out here.”

  “So you didn’t have anything you needed to think about?” He rocked his head. “Like maybe what happened between us earlier? I know it’s all I’ve been thinking about.”

  “You know we had no business acting that way.” She held her dress down when the wind swept through. “Especially not in your office. I don’t do stuff like that.”

  “I don’t usually throw women on my desk and start to disrobe them either but that’s what happened.”

  “How did you know I was out here?”

  “I was driving from your place and saw your car.” He pointed to the Toyota at the entrance to the beach. “I still can’t believe you barged into Copeland Enterprises like that. Oddly, Grant found it cute.”

  She grimaced. “I don’t want to talk about Grant.”

  “Me either.” He pulled on her big toe. “About time we focus on us.” He inhaled. “I love the smell of the ocean. If I lived this close to the beach I’d never go home.”

  “Do you like Tate Valley?” She flicked her hair off her arms. “I’m talking about how things are around here.”

  “I think a lot could be improved.” He scooped up sand in his hand. “No place is perfect, Lexi.”

  Her heart fluttered at the way he said her name. “You take up for Grant which means you tolerate what he does.”

  “What exactly does he do? Yes, he’s a ruthless businessman but he does a lot of good things for this town.”

  “So that outranks the bad?”

  “What bad?” He picked up more sand. “You get ticked off that I defend Grant yet you don’t have anything solid to back up your claims. Maybe I was right when I told you that you don’t know Grant like you think you do.”

  “Uh-uh.” She moved hair from her face. “He’s a murderer and I’m the only one who sees that.”

  “Please.” He dumped the sand. “Besides, didn’t you just say you don’t want to talk about Grant?”

  “You’re right.” Strands of hair blew across her face. “Maybe I am obsessed. I can’t get him off my mind for one second.”

  “I can relate to obsession.” He brought his face close to hers but didn’t kiss her. “I haven’t stopped thinking about you all this time.”

  She smiled.

  He bent down and picked up a seashell. “So tell me about that guy you were in a relationship with. Mario.”

  She pulled her dress down, surprised he remembered Mario’s name. “It’s hard to talk about him.” She looked up at the sky as a tear formed in the corner of her eye. “We clicked immediately. We got along so well that it was like we were meant for each other.”

  He frowned, turning the seashell upside down.

  “Does that bother you?”

  He shrugged one shoulder like a kid would if you caught him in a lie.

  “Just like you I have had a life all these years.”

  “I understand.” He studied the seashell. “Besides I asked, right? How did he die? You said he got killed during a case or something?”

  “He was an undercover vice cop so he would pose as a dealer or addict, or whoever he needed to be.”

  Kevin looked at her.

  “They set up a sting to get this street gang for selling crack. Mario had gotten in with the gang so he could witness the operation.” She scratched her foot and looked down. “Someone must’ve found out Mario was a cop because after he was missing for a few days…” Her heart pounded as tears clouded her vision. “He was found in an abandoned house with a gunshot wound to the back of the head.”

  “What?” He batted his eyes.

  She nodded.

  “Lexi, I’m so sorry.” He hugged her. “Did they ever find out who did it?”

  “We knew it was the gang he went undercover with but couldn’t prove it.”

  He rubbed her arm. “I can’t imagine how it felt to lose someone you care about in such a horrific way.”

  “Hey, it’s part of the job right?” She wiped tears with her hands. “We knew it could happen to either one of us but you still think you’re invincible. You forget how dangerous this job can be.”

  He clasped her hand. “I really am sorry.”

  “It hurts to talk about but it’s good to be able to confide in someone about it.” She brushed her hair from her face. “Thanks for listening.”

  He smiled. “I’d listen to you for the rest of my life.”

  “What’s going on between us, Kevin?” She shivered as she stared into his sexy eyes. “Do you want us to start over or—”

  “I hope that’s still what you want.” He looked out into the ocean.

  “I admit I’m having some reservations but when it comes to my heart I’ve never wanted any man the way I want you.”

  “Good.” He blushed. “This is a special place for us.”

  Her heart pounded more. “Yes it is.”

  “When you first left I came here all the time.” He stuffed the tip of his foot into the sand. “I still remember how you felt when me made love. You were trembling all over and I was struggling to get you to relax.”

  She smiled, her face becoming warm from embarrassment. “I wasn’t trembling because I was nervous. I was trembling because I wanted you so much.”

  “Being teenagers…” He shook his head. “We were so inexperienced but it was still wonderful. I wonder how great it would be now.”

  She turned from his intense gaze.

  He dropped the shell. “You wanna take a walk around with me?” He pointed toward the ocean. “I bet you can’t remember the exact spot we made love in.”

  “Oh trust me.” She got off the rock, fixing her dress. “It’s one of few things that will forever be etched in my mind.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Alexis finished the story of when she cracked her first case as they finished their walk along the shore. “Okay, enough cop stories.” She sat down near the water.

  “I could listen all night.” Kevin lounged in the damp sand beside her. “Being a cop sounds as exciting as they make it seem on television.”

  “I don’t know about that.” She propped her knees up. “I only told the interesting parts. People don’t realize that cop work is mainly research and paperwork. It isn’t until you find something substantial that you start chasing leads.” She ran her hand through her hair.

  “I’m just surprised.”

  “At what?”

  “That you became a cop. I never would’ve guessed that. When we were growing up you wanted to be a teacher.”

  “Trust me, I was surprised when I first got the urge but something hit me and I knew being in law enforcement was what I wanted to do.” The breeze whipped a strand of hair in her face. “I didn’t want to be a lawyer or some forensics worker. I wanted to get deep and personal with what was going on in the world. What better way to get down and dirty with the actual
process than to be in homicide?”

  He propped his knees up. “You couldn’t even stand the sight of blood back then.”

  “Now I can go to a crime scene while chomping on a ham and cheese sandwich.” She laughed.

  “Gross.” He frowned. “All that blood and gore doesn’t bother you?”

  “I hate seeing anyone dead or hurt of course but as for the actual scene, I get in my zone. I’m more concerned with catching the bad guy than anything else.”

  “Come to think of it you did have a small interest in cops when we were kids.” He snapped his fingers. “Twenty-one Jumpstreet was your favorite show, remember?” He laughed. “You used to pretend you were Holly Robinson.”

  “Oh!” She laughed so hard that she almost choked. “I wanted to be on that show so bad!” She hit the sand. “Remember you used to pretend you were Johnny Depp.”

  He leaned his head back, guffawing. “Remember those paper badges we made?” He snapped his fingers. “We went to school with them on one day and pretended to be Hoffs and Hanson.”

  “God!” She laughed. “And Penelope was Ioki.”

  “Oh right!” He laid back, kicking his feet in the sand as he laughed. “Man that was fun.”

  “You surprised me with your career choice more than anything.” She nudged him. “Not just that you’re working for Grant but that you became an executive.” She scrunched up her nose. “You always said white collar people were stuck up pricks and now you’re one of them.” She grinned.

  Kevin cupped soggy sand in his hand. “I can’t say I always wanted to be an executive but I always wanted to be rich.”

  “Who doesn’t?”

  “But there’s a difference in men and women when it comes to career choices. Girls seem to pick careers that make them happy and fulfill them. The amount of money or status is secondary. With men, we’re pressured from the time we’re boys to go for the job that’s going to give you the most money or get the most women on your arm.” He shrugged. “It wasn’t until you talked about how happy you are being a cop that I wondered if I was happy in my career. I’m doing pretty well for myself but I keep wondering if there’s more to life.” He started grinning. “There’s something I never, ever told you.”


  He opened his mouth as if he’d speak then shook his head. “Forget it. No way am I telling you.” He stuck his hand in the sand. “I’m taking this one to the grave.”

  “What’s it about?”

  “Something I always wanted to be.”

  He looked so sexy when he was toying with her.

  “Tell me.”

  “Nope.” He chuckled. “Uh-uh.”

  “Tell me.” She lifted a handful of sand. “Or I’ll throw this at you.”

  “You better not.” He got on his knees. “I’m not playing, Lexi!” He held his arms out.

  “You better tell me then.” She got in pitching position. “What did you always wanna be?”

  “God, I swear I’d never tell anyone else this.” He looked up toward the moonlight. “I wanted to be a dancer.”

  “That’s it?” She put the sand down. “What’s wrong with being a dancer?”

  He squinted as if he were bracing for someone to hit him. “A ballet dancer.”

  “A ballet…” She fell on her back in laughter. “A ballet dancer? Oh, God!” She kicked up her legs. “Oh, Jesus!”

  “It’s not that funny.”

  “No wonder you didn’t wanna tell me!” She sat up. “Seriously? You wanted to be a ballet dancer?”

  “I used to watch those ballet performances on television. I was a huge fan of Mikhail Baryshnikov.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  “And you see why I never told you.” He rolled his eyes, snickering. “I’d planned to take that secret to the grave. You know the shit I would’ve gotten if the guys from the trailers ever found out I wanted to be a dancer? If they’d known that I wouldn’t be here today.”

  “Wow.” She slapped her hands on her cheeks, giggling. “I…I never would’ve guessed that especially since you can’t even dance.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Kevin, I’ve seen corpses with better rhythm than you had. Unless that’s another thing that’s changed I’m sure you still stink.” She laughed.

  “I might not have rhythm on the dancefloor but I got rhythm in the bedroom.”

  “Yeah right,” she teased.

  “You think it’s funny?” He jumped up and kicked water on her. “How about that? Is that funny?”

  “Watch my hair!” She ran into the ocean and slung water on him. “Oh!”

  “Ahh…” He shook like a wet dog, patting his pocket. “My phone!” He got it out. “If this thing’s wet I’m gonna kill you.”

  “What about my hair?” She ran her fingers through it. “Now it’s all frizzy!”

  He turned on his phone. “It’s working.” He put it back in his pocket. “You’re lucky.” He grinned.

  “Am I?” She slung more water on him.

  “Come here.” He chased her farther into the water, picked her up, and spun her around.

  “Stop!” She laughed. “Kevin!” She held on to him.

  He threw her into the water and dashed back on the sand. “Now who’s laughing?”

  “Oh—” She spit salty water from her mouth as she got out of the water. “I’m soaked.”

  He stared at her as if he’d never seen a woman before.

  “What?” She looked down. The outline of her bra and panties showed underneath her drenched dress. She turned around, embarrassed, but more turned on than she had been since the last time she made love to him.

  Before she realized it, he pulled her close from behind and cupped her quivering shoulders in his large hands.

  “You’re trembling.” He panted. “Just like you were when we first made love.” He turned her around. “Is it still because of how much you want me?”

  She took his hand and pressed it against her breast as her erect nipple poked the fabric of her bra. “What do you think?”

  Water dribbled down his face but like her, he didn’t seem to care.

  She lifted her damp dress, shivering even more. “It’s yours, Kevin.” She took his hand and pushed it between her legs, on the seat of her wet panties. “It’s always been yours. Claim it.” She rubbed her breast. “Please.”

  “Hmm.” He licked his lips, looking at her as if she were naked on a plate. “You sure you know what you’re asking for, huh?” He got on his knees in front of her. Holding her dress up, he snatched her panties down.

  “Yes.” She arched her back. “That’s what I want.”

  “What you want, huh?” He wiggled the tip of his long, thick tongue. “You want this tongue on your pussy? Is that what you want?”

  “Oh yes.” She played with her nipple through her dress. “Stick it all the way up my pussy, please.”

  He propped her leg over his shoulder and licked up and down the inside of her thighs.

  “Oh, Kevin.” She grabbed the top of his head.

  “Umm mmm.” He kissed up her thighs and stuffed his head in between her legs. He angled his head into position and applied long, quick strokes to her throbbing slit.

  “Oh yes that feels so good, Kevin.”

  His head gyrated as he moved his tongue up and down.

  “God.” She leaned over on him for leverage to keep from falling due to her weak knees. “It feels so good. I’m getting dizzy.” Her vision actually became blurry for a few seconds.

  She’d had her pussy eaten many times and not once had she almost lost her sight from it.

  “Ooh wee!” she squealed, uncontrollably. “The more you suck the wetter I get.”

  He locked his lips on her hole like a suction cup, making loud, slurping noises as he sucked.

  “Damn it, boy.” A forceful orgasm burrowed its way through her pussy. “I’m gonna come.”

  “Yeah, come,” he mumbled as he sucked. “Your pussy tastes s
o good, Lexi.” He looked up at her with his lips glistening from her moisture. “I could eat you all night long. I’ll never get enough.”

  “Don’t stop.” She shoved his head back to the magic spot. “Keep sucking me just like that! Ooh!” She squinted, clenching every muscle in her body. “I’m gonna…I’m gonna…”

  “Yeah,” he mumbled. “Come on, baby.”

  “Ah…ah!” She came, surprised she hadn’t flooded them both in the process.

  Kevin leaned back, huffing and puffing. “I want my dick inside you so bad.”

  “Yes,” Alexis groaned, still shaking from the fantastic orgasm. “I’m yours however you want me.”

  “We can do anything out here.” He pulled her down in the sand. “Right here is where I made love to you nineteen years ago and right here I’m gonna show you why you never should’ve left.”


  He laid her down in the sand and pushed her dress up. “That beautiful pussy.” He kissed the outside of it and undid his belt and zipper.

  Alexis closed her eyes, waiting for the moment she’d wished for all these years. Then the fact that she had been waiting so long for Kevin to be inside her made her want to open her eyes. She wanted to see him on top of her, thrusting like he owned every bit of her pussy because to her he did.

  “Whose pussy is this, hmm?” He pulled his pants down, his hair blowing from the sandy, night wind.

  “Yours.” She bit her lip. “It’s always been yours.”

  He spread her legs and positioned himself in between her.

  “Umm.” Alexis’ breath caught in her throat because she’d been caught off guard at how much bigger he’d gotten over the years. “Wow.” She gaped, looking straight at the stars.

  “What?” He chuckled. “I’m not even inside you yet.”

  “I don’t know…” She panted, her body automatically clenching. “I don’t know if I can take all of you. You’re so big.”

  “You can take it.” He gave her a hot, feverish kiss that reminded her how much she’d longed for every part of him. “Hold on.” He stopped with his tip lightly nudged in her folds. “You want to use something? I got something.”

  “No.” She put her arms around his shoulders. “I want to feel you inside me. Only you.”


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