Afghan Bound

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Afghan Bound Page 12

by Henry Morgan

‘It would surprise you how many men in the world are actually living such lives. I’ve seen much in my travels, and gained much experience.’

  ‘What sort of experience?’ Richard couldn’t hide his interest.

  David teased his two drooling colleagues by reminding them that the girls would be back soon, and that they’d better change the subject.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ said Craig eagerly. ‘They’ll be ages yet – you know what women are like once they get together in a bathroom.’

  David raised a quizzical eyebrow. Craig realised how his last statement must have sounded and blushed. ‘Oh, no, I didn’t mean that they’re…’ he loosened his tie. ‘They’re not that way inclined. No, I just meant, you know, when they get chatting, and doing their hair, and swapping perfumes, and—’

  David smiled at his flustered friend. ‘Don’t worry – I know what you meant.’

  He made a play of checking his watch and glancing at the door, as if expecting to see the girls coming back at any moment. The men were on the edge of their seats. He was enjoying this.

  He eventually relented and told his two eagerly listening colleagues a few of the events he had encountered. He told them about the Afghan beauty. He told them about Calsoom. The men devoured his every word. They were spellbound, like two boys listening to an exciting fairy tale. They stared as he concluded his description of the International Club and his encounter with Miss Haines.

  There was silence for some minutes.

  ‘I could live like that!’ Craig eventually exclaimed.

  ‘Me too,’ agreed Richard.

  ‘But there’s no way Stephanie would agree to it.’

  Richard shook his head. ‘Nor Kimberly.’

  David cut in impatiently. ‘Stop being so negative. You must make them do it. You must make them attend to your every wish, your every need, whatever they may be.’

  ‘But we’ve lived like this for a while now. It’s not so easy to change.’ Craig sighed.

  ‘It is easy. I’ll help you if you like. I’ll give you some tips and start you on your way.’ David hoped they would take him up on his invitation; the thought of teaching Stephanie and Kimberly was highly arousing.

  ‘How would you be able to help?’ asked Richard. ‘From what you’ve told us you’ve never actually trained a woman. Seems to me you were either watching or enjoying the end product.’

  David smiled as he remembered the awakening pleasure he felt from watching the Afghan being punished. ‘Believe me, I know,’ he said. It was time to close the deal. ‘I’ll start their first lesson as soon as they return from whatever they’re doing. Do they always take this long in the bathroom?’

  The two men looked at each other without speaking; each was waiting for the other to make the commitment. David knew he was close, so he adopted an assumptive air and outlined the training agenda. He told them they were not to interfere – no matter what occurred. They were to be his assistants, and were to do exactly as instructed.

  At that moment the girls returned. David cursed under his breath; he hadn’t quite got the final green light. He’d just have to take the lead and hope his judgement was right; he could be run out of the practice if he was reading these people incorrectly.

  He looked at the girls. They really were quite gorgeous in their nakedness. He took a deep breath – it was now or never.

  ‘Your husbands have told me of the levels of submissiveness to which you’ll both indulge.’

  The sisters looked at each other, and then back to David.

  ‘What do you mean?’ asked Kimberly.

  Stephanie threw her husband a questioning glare.

  ‘What I mean is that one minute you’re telling me you’re fully submissive and do your husbands’ bidding, and the next minute I find out you’re only submissive while it pleases you. Is that correct?’

  ‘No it isn’t,’ answered Stephanie. ‘We all decided together. It was a joint decision, wasn’t it.’ She looked confidently for her husband’s agreement.

  Craig looked down at the carpet and shuffled his feet.

  ‘What’s going on?’ she demanded. ‘And what’s it got to do with you?’ she turned on David. ‘How dare you?’

  ‘It has plenty to do with me. It’s quite clear that the training school you attended was far too lenient with you both, and that the money your husbands invested towards your training has been all but wasted.’

  ‘I don’t understand,’ said a bewildered Kimberly. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘What I mean is that Richard and Craig are not fully satisfied with your degree of submissiveness. They’ve asked me to further your education.’ He paused, waiting for an objection from one of the men. None came.

  ‘Bend over – both of you.’

  ‘I beg your pardon—?’

  ‘I want to look at your arses again. They tell me you don’t accept anal sex.’

  ‘We will not bend over!’ blurted Kimberly.

  ‘And no, we don’t,’ snarled Stephanie. ‘It’s disgusting!’

  Their belligerence surprised David. Perhaps this training thing wasn’t as straightforward as he’d thought. Perhaps he wasn’t cut out for it after all. He shifted a little uncomfortably. He must not let them detect his doubt. If that happened he was lost. He noticed the girls were strong together; divide and conquer – that was the key.

  ‘You will do as I tell you!’ he said as positively as he could. ‘Kimberly!’

  She didn’t move. This wasn’t going well. He looked at Richard. ‘If you would kindly inform your wife that for the duration of this session she is to obey orders from me – and me alone.’ This was his last throw of the dice. Humiliation beckoned.

  Richard nodded to Kimberly, and to David’s huge relief she turned, bent forward, and placed her hands on her knees. Stephanie immediately did the same. David expelled a long quiet sigh. Now the initial resistance was broken he could proceed in a professional manner.

  ‘I also understand that you refuse to have sex with or fellate other men.’

  ‘That’s right,’ whispered Kimberly over her shoulder. ‘Richard wouldn’t like it.’

  ‘Nor would Craig,’ Stephanie supported her sister. She looked at her husband for confirmation, but it was not in his eyes.

  David decided it was time to turn the screw. ‘Now, both of you look to your front, and remain totally still and quiet. Understand?’

  Both girls nodded.

  He removed his leather belt from his trousers and stood behind the two gloriously exposed bottoms. He took a long back-swing, and then brought the belt whistling down upon Stephanie’s soft flesh. She screamed and a red welt rose immediately, but she bravely stood her ground. Kimberly trembled in fearful expectation, and then mirrored her sister’s outcry as the leather cracked into her buttocks. She whimpered a little, but otherwise remained obediently silent.

  ‘Now, I’m giving the belt to the men, who have my permission to strike again should you do anything to my disliking.’ He handed the belt to Craig, whose eyes were glued to the welt darkening on his wife’s bottom. ‘I’ll be back in a few minutes.’

  He went upstairs to the master bedroom and collected a few required articles. On his way back down to his hosts he wandered into the kitchens. Two catering assistants didn’t hear him enter.

  ‘I know what I’d give ’em,’ one was saying. ‘I’ve always fancied shaggin’ an upper class bitch. I’d give ’em both what for.’

  David stood in the shadows and listened to the two teenagers.

  ‘You reckon?’ said the other. ‘They’d eat you up and spit you out in little pieces. You couldn’t handle birds like that.’

  ‘Oh yeah? And you could I s’pose?’

  ‘Fuckin’ right.’


  They fell silent and carried on with their pretty meaningless tasks, both sl
ightly indignant at the other’s insult.

  ‘Anyway,’ said the first lad with renewed optimism. ‘I’d make sure they did eat me up. They wouldn’t spit me out though,’ he leered and his freckled cheeks shone. ‘I’d make sure they swallowed the lot.’

  ‘Cor…’ his mate grinned, his face a picture of bliss as he clearly imagined the enticing prospect. ‘Bloody ’ell yeah…!’

  ‘They might just like that idea,’ said David as he stepped forward. Without another word he collected what he needed and walked from the kitchen, leaving behind him to gawking young caterers.

  He returned to the drawing room, where he was pleased to find the girls as he’d left them.

  ‘Richard, Craig, would you please bring the girls into the dining room.’ He smiled, knowing the four were obediently following. He was pleased to see the large table had been cleared. He placed the ties and the belt he’d taken from the bedroom on the highly polished surface. He turned and looked at the two sisters; their husbands holding them by their upper arms.

  ‘Now, there is no going back from this point.’ Nobody spoke. ‘Very well, bring them over here please.’ David was now confident, and felt his performance was blossoming.

  Richard and Craig guided their wives to the table. David told them to stand one at each end and bend them forward, so their breasts were flat on the top. He took the ties and nudged Stephanie’s feet apart with his toe. He then stooped and tied each shapely ankle to an ornately carved leg. The atmosphere was electric as he did exactly the same to Kimberly. The table was fairly long, but he managed to stretch their arms and tie them to each other at the wrist. Both girls lay quietly with their cheeks pressed to the mahogany, their eyes closed. Their legs trembled from the tension, and their silk stockings shimmered in the soft lighting. Their smooth buttocks arched invitingly over the table-edge.

  The three men stood back to admire David’s ingenuity.

  ‘Now girls – are you prepared to have sex with other men in future, while your husband’s watch?’ David spoke evenly. ‘And are you prepared to have anal sex if they so wish?’

  ‘No,’ both girls whispered in unison.

  ‘Very well. Richard, Craig, make yourselves comfortable.’

  As the two men sat David took the supple belt and wrapped it tightly around his fist. He took up position behind Stephanie. He heard her whimper for mercy, and then brought the leather swiping down into her fleshy buttocks. They wobbled slightly under the impact. She shrieked and wrenched on her bonds. Another red welt rose just beneath the first. He hit her again. The ties held her ankles firm. Her sister stroked her hands and whispered encouragement. The two onlookers leaned forward, their elbows on their knees. David lashed her a third time.

  ‘Will you do exactly as you’re told, Stephanie?’ David asked firmly, panting very slightly from the effort.

  Stephanie shuddered, and her bottom squirmed under the heat of the belt. Her back was glossed with perspiration. ‘Yes,’ she whispered softly.

  ‘I beg your pardon, Stephanie?’ David persisted cruelly. ‘I don’t think we all heard that.’

  ‘I said yes,’ she mumbled into her shoulder. ‘I’ll do anything Craig wants… I promise.’

  ‘Good girl. That wasn’t so hard, now was it?’ He patted her glowing bottom and moved around the table to Kimberly, aware of the huge erection stretching the front of his trousers. ‘And you, my dear – will you do exactly as you’re told?’

  ‘Go to hell.’

  ‘Now that’s no way to talk.’ He cupped a buttock in his free hand and squeezed its silkiness. ‘You need to show me a little respect – like your sister.’

  ‘Go to hell,’ she repeated.

  David saw the two men lean even closer from the corner of his eye. This was the moment when he really had to display his superiority.

  He slowly wormed his hand into the shadowy valley between her buttocks. He pressed the tip of his index finger against her tiny opening. Her whole body tensed. He paused, building the tension. She knew what was coming, but she uttered no more words of descent. David pressed forward. Her muscle yielded, and his finger slid into her gripping passage. Kimberly groaned and arched her back as much as the bonds would allow. He continued pressing until his palm cupped her warm flesh. She felt wonderful; victory felt wonderful.

  Stephanie watched her sister with awe-filled eyes; she couldn’t see, but she knew what was being done to her.

  David looked down upon Kimberly’s trussed body. He savoured the way the basque pinched her narrow waist above the curve of her buttocks, and the strained muscles in her shoulders and arms. He watched the profile of her face; her fluttering eyelashes, the slight tremble of her lips, her damp blonde hair stuck to her forehead and flushed cheek. He loved the way her bottom ground secretively against his hand. The temptation to open his trouser and replace his finger with his aching cock was almost unbearable. He knew now that she wanted it, and he knew that Richard wouldn’t object; that’s exactly what he wanted to see. But David also knew that professionalism was required here; he had to remain in control of himself, as well as the girls.

  He stepped back and withdrew his finger. Kimberly groaned softly; a groan of disappointment. He lifted the belt and lashed her six times in quick succession.

  ‘Three brandies please Richard.’ David intentionally broke the spell that hung over the room and sat down next to Craig. He unwound the belt and dropped it to the floor. ‘Tell me about this school.’ he said.

  Richard gathered himself and went to the drinks cabinet.

  Craig coughed and loosened his tie a little more. ‘We, um – we don’t know that much about it really, only that they train women to be submissive.’

  Richard returned with the drinks, sat down heavily, and took a long swig from his glass. He looked at the two wives lying motionless on the table. ‘I think Kimberly should go back again, Craig. I’m going to book it in the morning.’

  Craig drained his own glass in one. ‘Better book two places then.’

  ‘This school,’ said David. ‘You say it’s the only one you know of in the country.’

  Both men nodded.

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Well,’ said Craig, ‘we’ve never heard of another one, and we made plenty of enquiries.’

  ‘Then why don’t we open one of our own?’ said David enthusiastically.

  ‘What?’ both men spoke in unison.

  ‘We could do it. We could set up our own business. That club you go to, it’s for like-minded people isn’t it? We could start with a few clients from there.’

  Both men shook their heads. ‘There’s an art to it,’ said Craig. ‘It’s a skill.’

  ‘And we have our practice to run,’ Richard pointed out. ‘We’d be foolish to give that up.’

  ‘But from what you tell me there’s a fortune to be made with a school; you said this one you know of is expensive and well booked,’ urged David. ‘And regarding the skills required – I’m almost a qualified instructor. It’s simply a matter of experience.’ He looked at the two gorgeous women spread over the table. It would be a terrible shame to waste the knowledge he had acquired whilst abroad. There was obviously a demand for trainers in this part of the world, and he recognised his desire to fulfil that demand.

  Richard went back to the cabinet and refilled all three glasses. ‘I don’t know,’ he said. ‘This needs some thinking about.’

  ‘Of course it does,’ said David. ‘I’ll tell you what; while you’re thinking about it, I’ve a little show for you both to enjoy.’

  ‘A show?’ said Craig as he took his fresh brandy from Richard.

  ‘Yeah. Perhaps that will convince you of my ability when it comes to training women. Wait here.’

  David left the room for a few moments, and when he returned the two teenage caterers followed clumsily behind. Their bulging eyes were glued on Ki
mberly and Stephanie.

  ‘Bloody hell,’ mumbled Richard as he lowered himself slowly into his chair.

  ‘Oh no,’ whispered Stephanie as she saw the goggle-eyed teenagers. ‘Not them. Please not them.’

  David moved to her side and gently stroked her hair. ‘And why not them, Stephanie?’

  ‘Because… because…’

  ‘Because they’re hired staff,’ Kimberly finished for her.

  Richard wiped a little sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. ‘She’s got a point, David – don’t you think? We told you the girls are from good stock.’

  ‘But I thought this is exactly what you wanted, Richard.’ David felt in total control of them all now – not just the women.

  ‘Yes, I do – you know I do. It’s only that—’

  ‘So are you saying these lads aren’t good enough to have sex with your wife?’

  ‘No, I—’

  ‘You’re not a bunch of snobs – surely?’ The girls were quiet again now. He sensed there would be no further resistance from them. ‘Craig?’

  ‘No David, we’re not snobs… I think the lads should go ahead.’

  David saw the two teenagers grin sheepishly at each other. He knew that bragging in the safety of the kitchen was one thing, but the reality of this situation would be somewhat daunting for them. Even so, their stretched trousers told him they were both sporting huge erections, and they certainly had plenty of youthful enthusiasm. They would give it their best efforts.

  ‘Richard? How about you?’

  Richard nodded, and slowly smiled. ‘Okay David, go ahead.’

  David whispered to the teenagers in a huddle, like a basketball coach talking tactics to his team during a time-out. ‘What are your names?’

  ‘Charlie,’ said the one with freckles and round cheeks. His voice nearly cracked with tension.

  ‘I’m Kev,’ said the other.

  ‘Okay. Charlie, Kev, I want you both to have some fun. Remember what you were saying about these two in the kitchen.’ From his pocket David took the butter wrapper he’d earlier taken from the fridge. He’d known he would find it there; it was the sort of thing cooks used to grease their baking-trays. He slipped it into Kev’s hand and whispered instructions. He then led them to the large sideboard and gave them each a crisply laundered napkin. More whispered instructions, during which the lads’ eyes bulged even further, and then he left them and returned to his seat next to Craig. Once comfortable he nodded. ‘Okay lads – enjoy yourselves.’


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