Misery Doesn't Always Love Company

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Misery Doesn't Always Love Company Page 3

by Mark A. McDonald

  Aren’t you happy?

  O just shut up”


  This night

  The hue, the dark

  I do believe that I am the lowest

  Of this race

  Augment this body

  With this face

  I myself hate

  Awaiting some vicious demise

  Some awful fate

  I live

  I hate

  To die

  I wait

  Apathy, yes


  Surely you jest.

  “Isn’t it fascinating how we find ourselves falling back into old habits”


  I feel myself sinking

  This quicksand

  I can feel it

  Flowing into my esophagus

  It is overpowering

  What dire consequences!

  I’m rescued

  I’m grateful

  But I feel myself going back.

  It beckons to me

  This quicksand

  What dire consequences!

  But yet

  I jump right back in!

  Rescue me


  “As humans it seems we need to go through adversities, frustrations, etc.

  To get better, to get stronger

  Keyword: Through”


  When shall I give in

  To thou, creature within?

  To partake in thy thievery, thy lies

  To meddle in thy sin?

  To thou all my troubles tie

  Hopes, joys, dreams gone awry.

  What shall incur with innocence’s last breath?

  Separate from me this bed, in which I lie.

  I shall fight thee, creature within, to the death!

  Finally justifying all the tears I have wept

  O no! Easily thou will not win,

  Forever I will sustain this struggle I have kept.

  Die! Die! Creature within!

  Remove thyself from beneath my skin

  My history is now the past

  Allow me my life, my freedom begin.

  “It would be good if most people realize that

  We don’t have a choice of the shell we are given at birth

  Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful

  Don’t hate me because I’m not!”


  I peer into the black

  It has nothing to offer me,

  I am of no color, so I close my eyes

  But it’s only the black I see.

  I peer into the black

  Scarred by years of intense envy

  Scars, although shrouded by

  Unnecessary shadows

  Cry out “Heal me, Heal me’”

  “Do not, under mask of bigotry

  Attack me, conceal me!”

  In the black I see me

  And I lick my wounds.

  I peer into the black and

  Sharing its struggle against self-esteem

  Sharing the burden

  The pain

  Not knowing whether to feel proud

  Or ashamed.

  I stare and

  I feel

  I laugh in its joy

  I lament in its sorrow.

  Its shade begins to envelope me

  It’s marvelous tone, hue so right

  But then

  I stumble into the light . . .

  . . . Don’t step on me because I’m not white!

  “What do you do about that one that got away?

  Ok, that’s enough about spilt milk . . .”

  The Only One

  You are

  The only one left

  Who can stir what emotion

  Lies inside me.

  You are

  The only one who

  Captivates the imagination

  That my mind’s eyes see.

  What am I

  Supposed to do?

  I have no right

  To impose my feelings on you!

  I’ll just stay here

  In my own private hell

  Slowly becoming a cold

  Emotionless shell

  Everything heals with time?

  I guess only time will tell.


  I see the real me sometimes when I look inside,

  I have a problem when it and these other imposters collide.

  Inside, deep inside . . .

  “What kind of man was he?

  Did he love his family?

  Did he care for his friends?

  Did he give his all in all his endeavors?

  This will probably be the only time

  What others think will matter to me”


  In the advent of my possible death

  And we are all bound to die,

  I wound like to dispense of a terrible lie

  I lacked strength

  I was weak.

  I’m so tired

  Tired of trying

  Slowly dying


  The failure

  The deceitful demeanor

  The lies I have to tell.

  I can no longer distinguish what is true

  Oh well!

  We only live once

  But what a way to live!

  Aren’t you supposed to give of yourself

  Until there’s nothing left to give?

  And then receive your reward

  Come on, take it like a man

  But you won’t, will you


  “How can you love someone else

  If you don’t love yourself?”


  Tell me again

  Tell me you love me.

  You sit back and judge me

  Then you come close and indulge me.

  This only serves to confuse me

  You do not hesitate to abuse me.

  With your words and your tortuous lies

  You demon in your angel disguise!

  Tell me again

  Tell me you love me.

  Say it once more, it might convince me

  Which lost soul have you managed to fool since me?

  Am I the one you’re trying to persuade?

  Pretending to be savior, to be my aide?

  Sometime soon I will be better and know what to do

  I’ll develop the courage to stop listening to you.

  “Be yourself”


  I am






  All because of

  “Do unto others as you

  Would have them do

  Unto you”

  “Regret: A terrible thing

  I should have . . .

  I could have . . .

  Why didn’t I?”


  It’s now over

  I am certain

  Now sure

  Hell awaits me.

  I have to do it

  Not for me anymore

  For them?

  For the games I play?


  For my cat that went astray.

  “To develop friendship, you must first show your
self friendly

  But not too friendly”


  I’m devious

  Sometimes mischievous!

  I do not dare

  You’re unaware.

  Sneaky was once used to describe

  Silence was often prescribed.

  With a smile, with a compliment—let it begin!

  I wait patiently. I get under your skin.

  Days, weeks, months or even years then

  Finally getting to the end,

  You get me as a good friend.

  “I have forgiven

  I just wish I could forget”

  The Person I Knew

  I want you to know my name

  Know you’re not the one to blame

  I forgive you anyway

  Because my father would do the same.

  For your narrow mindedness and bigotry

  For the terrible way you treated me

  For the thoughts in my head, may God forgive me!

  After all, you’re blind, these things you don’t see.

  I forgive you Mark Anthony McDonald

  It’s all I can do

  I will be praying too.

  Praying for your salvation, may God have mercy on you.

  “Life has an uncanny way of rewarding us in the present

  From seeds we had sown in the past

  Good or bad”

  My Fire

  Innocence denied from a soul lost

  Still above the waves though thrown and tossed.

  A heart more cold than winter’s coldest frost

  The fire awaits, the fire awaits.

  The truth in the eyes of the beholder is seldom true

  The skeletons in your closet are speaking to you.

  Eat this drink that, telling you what to do

  The fire awaits!

  The fire awaits, your flesh to burn.

  Do not deny it, soon it will be your turn!

  This life of yours is no longer your concern

  The fire awaits.

  But what’s that over the horizon I see?

  A second, no, a third chance beckoning to me!

  What do I do now, what will become of me?

  “I want to be

  All I was created to be

  Better, smarter, wiser

  Isn’t there a pill I can buy for that?

  No? Oh well”


  What makes a person average?

  Is it a lack of ambition?

  Lack of a clear cut mission?

  No real commitment to anything

  No conviction?

  I think not giving your all, in whichever endeavor

  Reinforces a certain behavior.

  Then one becomes average

  Then begins the irreparable damage

  But we don’t know, so we

  Don’t care!

  But I know too much already I fear.

  Et Al

  And elsewhere . . .

  “Each of us deserves a second chance

  Sometimes even a third”

  Left, Right, Wrong?

  A man left

  With nothing to lose.

  Left with no choices

  From which to choose

  A man right

  After a life of knowing only wrong.

  Right about the only thing

  That might allow him to belong

  He’s dead!

  Inside, may as well be without!

  He has nothing left

  To care about.

  Has nothing right

  To be faithfully devout.

  A prisoner in his own life,

  All because of a wife

  The source of his strife?

  Should that man be left up

  To his own ingenuity?

  Would it be right to

  Let him loose upon society?

  How Can You, Mozart?

  How can you, Mozart

  With works worthy of praise

  Be so childish in all your ways ?

  Your passions, dedication

  Towards music I see

  But at what cost: your commerce

  Your health, your humanity ?

  O, how early you started

  Indeed all too well

  Of your life, young Mozart

  There are wondrous stories to tell!

  Concerto at age four

  First opera at age twelve

  Was not pride instilled within yourself?

  So what about the quality of your life, Mozart

  The nature, the principle, the mere essence?

  But what IS quality?

  Distinguishing characteristics, degree of excellence

  The quality of your life, if one should ask

  Is one of quite a low middle class

  You could have lived better!

  No avail

  Only composing, writing

  Your work must entail

  You’re not even concerned

  With bare necessities

  Yet you drink much wine, frolic with women

  Attend many parties

  You love your work

  Yes this I can see

  But I think you should

  Review your priorities!

  How can you, Mozart

  Make this clear to me

  Your name is renowned

  Yet a pauper you be?

  Where is the love?

  Where is the care?

  Do you think this

  To your family is fair?

  O Mozart!

  You work and you slave

  All your life to music you gave!

  For what?

  To be buried in an unmarked grave!

  But from all this at least one thing can be found

  Your work, your music, is known the world around

  So the quality of your life, Mozart?

  Your life is sheer genius

  Your life is art!

  “Me, me, me!

  Always look out for number one!



  What Would You Say

  Tell me what you’d say

  If on a particular day

  I said I hated you.

  Jump to a conclusion? You’d probably delay

  Because you’d know I wasn’t that way

  And what I said was not true.

  ANYWAY . . .

  Tell me what you’d say

  If free drugs they gave away

  COCAINE, crack, heroin even

  On what foundation would society’s conscience lay


  What new label would moral be given?


  Solve society’s problems, I won’t even try

  I have problems of my own to get me by

  And this might seem cruel, thoughtless I know

  But not lend a hand to someone who might even die!

  Believing it’s their problem, none of my business—A LIE


  BUT . . .

  A lot of us this way we behave

  For ourselves we work, we slave

  And why not? Who’s gonna take care of No. 1 if not me?

  But if just for a moment you stopped pursuing what you crave

  And to someone less fortunate a gift of love, even life
you gave

  You might enjoy that feeling—to know that YOU made a change—you’ll see

  SO . . .

  Tell me what you’d say

  If from that selfish mentality I stay

  And said I was willing to make a change?

  I’m going to start right now, today

  This voice deep inside me I’ll obey

  In these acts of fulfillment, unselfishness I’ll engage

  I don’t know what you’d say, but I’d say Good for you!

  “Good friends are hard to find

  Fight to keep them”


  Imagine the way life is

  With its twists and turns:

  This road of life one must take

  Some things stand fast—the ones you love

  The friends you make.

  You never know what’s around the next corner

  Each bad experience you try to endure

  All the good ones, like treasure

  You secure.

  Imagine the way life is

  How intricate, how profound:

  Just like a piece of fine china

  Crashing to the ground.

  The nature of life

  Is so fragile, I’ve found

  Snuffed out here

  Created there

  For those who take it for granted

  Please beware!

  Imagine the way life is

  With its twists and turns

  With all its losses

  And happy returns.

  It exists, we humans, to confound

  Imagine the way life is

  How intricate, how profound.

  “A relationship is an exercise in give and take

  Perfection is nonexistent

  Love at first sight?—I wish”


  Love sometimes leaves a distaste,

  In your mouth

  In your heart.

  It often seems like such a waste


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