Dungeon Spawned: Dark Dungeon 01

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Dungeon Spawned: Dark Dungeon 01 Page 12

by D. R. Rosier

  Ebony cast a spell and sent it that way, it disappeared into the stone wall like a pebble dropped in a pond.

  Ebony said, “Gnomes. They’re a dark race, but mostly peaceful if others leave them alone. They love to build complex and very large inventions. Including traps and puzzles. Maybe they felt you and decided to join forces?”

  She hadn’t sounded all that sure, but right around that time most of them stopped, and only two of the gnomes continued forward, with some sort of device that was drilling through the rock and dirt. I summoned two demon warriors, and a mage, just in case. I supposed I’d find out what they wanted when they got here. Still, I thought leaving most of their population behind was a good sign.

  “Thanks sexy, they’ll be here soon, only two are coming now. I guess we’ll talk to them.”

  Ebony arched her back and stretched, and almost had a wardrobe malfunction. Almost.

  “Oh, I really like the new dress, your stunning. I noticed it earlier but with the gnomes on our doorstep…” I trailed off. Leave it to my dungeon imp to fish for compliments, and look damned sexy doing it.

  Ebony smiled coquettishly, “You think so?”

  If I had eyes, I’d have rolled them.

  “Think what?” I teased.

  She blew out a breath, and glared at me. Or, you know, down at the stone lid of the crypt where my crystal was.

  “Stunning you mean? Absolutely.”

  She preened, “Thanks.”

  My focus turned at the loud grinding and sharp retort of the wall being drilled through. It looked like some kind of circular thing with thousands of sharp sword blades, some small, some large, some long, some short. I’d never seen anything like it, and it was packed with magic, including elementals stones of earth, air, water, and fire. Strangely, I got the idea that it had a very crude awareness. It trundled forward a little further, but kept its distance from the demon guards I’d summoned, and a couple of gnomes came out.

  The gnomes bowed to the crypt, and the little demoness on top. They were about three feet tall, and had ugly cragged faces. One was in a simple robe, the other one who must have been the leader, wore multicolored robes, and a strange little hat that gave off magic.

  “Greetings great dungeon, we would like to parley a deal.”

  “What brings you here?” I asked.

  “I am gnome chieftain. We had to flee from our old home from dark elves,” he paused to spit at the ground, “We seek an alliance.”

  I replied, “I see, what do you seek, and what do you offer in return?”

  “A level of your dungeon for our town, including water, air, and a place to grow food. In return for your guardianship and protection, we will teach you how to make real traps, contraptions, puzzles, and devices. You need only watch us build them right?”

  Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting, but I suppose a three foot tall wrinkled person wouldn’t be much of a fight. But if they could teach me all that, it might even be worth it. Deadly traps and puzzles appealed to me, and I was pretty sure that device over there was a golem of some kind. I’d probably do it just to learn how to make one of those myself.

  “If I agree, you will stay out of the dungeon proper, and never drill into it again. I will summon demons to assist in your protection, and provide what you asked for, but you must also help protect yourselves, and build golems.”

  The chieftain said, “Hard, need supplies don’t have. Elemental stones rare, dark elves steal.”

  Well shit.

  “I can make you some of those. But you would supply the magic to fill them.”

  I’d been building my layers a long time, and it was a painstaking process because I was stuck inside of it, and there was a lot of magic stored. If I made a mistake while adding a layer of crystallization I could blow up myself, and the whole dungeon. I had made a lot of progress though, I was almost a half a centimeter thicker than when I started.

  However, building a complete stone crystal lattice, when there was no magic in it yet would be child’s play, and go very quickly.

  The chieftain didn’t look convinced, so I spun one up right there, a marble sized elemental stone, that could hold all six elements. Something I knew was supposed to be impossible according to that master Ember woman. Then I lightly tossed it to him with a tiny earth spell.

  He caught it and his eyes widened.

  “You have deal, if you agree. Will take time though, golems take much time build. Traps and other things complex but we can do faster to teach. Need two stones each golem, make four golems protect village?”

  I laughed, he was being greedy but I didn’t mind, I really wanted to know how to make them, that would be a kick ass level when I expanded. I had a feeling though it would be months, if not years before they finished even one.

  “Alright, you have a deal. I’ll make seven more elemental stones when you need them.”

  He agreed, and a bond formed.

  “Please wait, this shouldn’t take all that long.”

  Maybe an hour or two.

  The succubus was holding about two life forces right now, and I was at about forty percent on my magic saturation. I decided to use what she had and built a level seven, one that wasn’t connected to the dungeon at all, yet was part of my domain. I built a lot of small rooms for dens, and many medium sized rooms for workshops, and a very large room for fields.

  I figured that was good enough for digging out the level, the gnomes worked well with stone so could add the finishing touches or change things up for themselves. I used several air enchantments to keep the air fresh, and used earth magic to make the field room fertile soil instead of sand and rock. I also dug a well of sorts and used a water enchantment to generate water and keep it full.

  I pondered for a moment, that seemed like it would work.

  “Okay, you can go now, twenty feet straight down. If you need to talk to me, just call for me out loud.”

  The chieftain bowed, and they left by the hole they came in at. I waited until they tunneled down to their new home, and brought the rest of their tribe, and then I resealed the wall, and collapsed all the tunnels they’d made as far out as I could reach. Hopefully that would be enough to dissuade any dark elves from following. I used a very small part of myself to focus on all they did, to watch and learn, and then focused back on the dungeon.

  On a whim, I casted an air spell and pinched Ebony’s ass.

  Ebony shrieked and jumped up, while I chuckled.

  Ebony said, “What was that for?”

  I replied, “An ass that perfect is just begging for attention.”

  She blushed… and Lila snorted.

  Lila said, “Just get it over with.”

  “Get what over with?”

  Lila sighed, “I’m in your mind remember. Demons are many things, but jealous isn’t one of them. If you want to use that spell on her, go for it. She really does have a nice ass, doesn’t she?”

  I ignored that last comment and asked, “Do you think she really wants me too?”

  Lila snickered, “Oh yes, trust me. She loves you, at least as much as my kind are capable of it. I think she’s more capable than most, she’s really disgustingly sweet. Still, it would be a good idea to ask first.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  Lila was silent for a few moments, and then asked with an edge of lust in her voice, “Can I watch?”

  Chapter Eighteen

  She’d said yes. The wings were a problem at first, until she’d solved the problem and pushed me onto the bed and straddled my lap. Her leather wings were much softer than I’d thought they’d be, as they wrapped around me, as her legs straddled my thighs, and her arms were around my neck with her hands entwined with my hair. She was bouncing up and down, with her very soft yet firm breasts bouncing in my face. She was… exuberant, sinfully sexy and sweet, and her heat around my sensitive flesh was heavenly bliss.

  My arms were wrapped around her thin waist, and my hands held her perfectly firm and ro
unded ass for stability as she rode me hard and fast from above. I used my mouth on her breasts, and she gasped out and went even faster. The soft warm liquid velvet friction was too much, and I struggled to hold on long enough for her to reach her height.

  She said softly, “Nurien, kiss me,” as she slowed down, and started to ride me more sensuously.

  I looked up startled once again at her ethereally beautiful face, and the warmth, and dare I say it, love and worship in her red tinged soft brown eyes. I kissed her softly as she ground us together in short little circles and thrusts, her sex pulsating and massaging my length in a way no human woman’s ever could.

  She smiled as she broke the kiss, and there was a transcendent joy in her eyes.

  As for me, I was awed by both her aggressiveness and her softness, both of heart and body as we slowly rose toward ecstasy together.

  She smirked, “I’m really glad you aren’t a proper dungeon. They couldn’t, or wouldn’t, do this with me.”

  I laughed, and she giggled which did interesting things down below and made me moan.

  She started to pick up speed again slowly, and this time I couldn’t tear my eyes away from hers, and the intimate connection we’d formed. No matter how big, or wonderful her firm bouncing tits in my face was, I just couldn’t look away from those brown eyes. I was very glad my will was vast enough to pay attention to the dungeon, and the gnomes, while most of my attention was right here with her.

  She whispered, “Nurien,” and gasped in delight as her rhythm faltered, and then I held her tightly as she came undone above me. It was with relief that I let my own control go, and I exploded up inside of her, pulsing into her convulsing warmth, and I flooded her with my essence.

  I kissed her softly, and then said, “You seem different from most demons. I was wondering…”

  She grinned, “Why that was?”

  I just nodded.

  She kissed me again and groaned, and then buried her face in my neck.

  “Dungeon imps are a different breed. We want power and knowledge just as much as other demons, that way we’re more likely to help our partners. But since it’s a partnership, most of the cruelty and hate that lives in other demons were… bred out of us. It’s why I’m not tempted to go out in the dungeon and take part, and more than willing to just be a servant, and help you. When your power grows, mine does too, which satisfies my needs. A normal demon would be constantly plotting to usurp your power.”

  I supposed that made sense.

  She whispered a little desperately as she asked, “Will we do this again?”

  I kissed her neck, her scent was delicious, “As much as you want I think, within reason.”

  She sat back and stared at me with smoldering eyes, “What if I want to be unreasonable?”

  I laughed, “I’m rather attached to you sexy, I don’t think it will be an issue.”

  I also had a sudden thought, if I could split my mind, couldn’t I have them both separately at the same time?

  “Pervert,” Lila whispered in my mind.

  Of course, she was there watching just as she’d asked, she was always in my head after all. I focused back on Ebony, and figured doggie style would work just as well with the wings. Really, only missionary seemed to be out, or anything that put her on her back. It was definitely time to find out…

  Over the next week, I learned a few simple Gnomish traps, and added them to the dungeon. I say simple gnomish, but that meant about the same as human very complicated. Gnomes took deviousness in construction to a whole new level. It would be a long time still before the whole room puzzles and traps they were showing me were finished, and of course, much longer on the golems.

  From what I could tell, when they were done there would be over a thousand tiny enchantments to control one, all working in harmony and powered from the elemental stones. I was looking forward to that, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

  I also discovered the gnomes imbued the rock around them with earth magic just by being there, which meant my earth magic absorption rate went up to about the same as my water magic absorption rate from the underground river. Now if I could only find an enhanced source of air, or any source of fire, I’d be set. For now, I still needed to transmute life force to get any fire magic, which is why I didn’t use it a lot.

  My work with magic progressed, and I knew I was close to a breakthrough of a new kind. Ebony had told me a lot of different ways to add more mob types. The two I’d settled on had been to use animals and imbue them with magic to make them monsters, or wait until a dark creature came along and wanted to bond with me for a time.

  Of course, I was now working on two other ways that were never mentioned. First the golems which would take a long time, and the second was what my coming magical breakthrough was about. I was very close to being able to summon and bind elementals. I had a feeling I’d be adding elemental floors much sooner than the golem floors.

  That meant I’d be creating more elemental stones, but not the multi-kind, I wanted to keep that little impossibility to myself, and the denizens of my dungeon. Elementals generated magic, and while I couldn’t steal it from them based on summoning contracts, in other words I couldn’t use them as magical sources, they’d still radiate the magic of their elemental type out into the dungeon, raising the magical levels which stones could absorb.

  They’d be perfect rewards, for mages and warriors alike. Elemental stones could be bound into weapons and armor, as well as be a separate power source for mage spells. I also thought it would attract stronger adventurers, which would lead to even higher types of magic and enchantments from the better equipment and spell books they entered my dungeon with.

  Elementals were generally neutral in type, neither good nor evil. Or at least fire, earth, water, and air elementals. The summoning and bonds were far different than a demonic summoning ritual, so it was taking time to figure it out. I could already form the spell to summon one, but I wasn’t sure how to set the bindings yet so it would protect an area, and attack adventurers, yet not wander off. I was also sure that trying to bind an elemental of light or dark magic would be folly, they were higher beings and could attract the wrong type of attention, which I didn’t need. So, I wasn’t even going to try.

  Elementals were also like demons in that they were spirit. If the elemental body died on this mortal plane, their essence would return to their elemental plane and I could simply re-summon them.

  I never took my eyes off the goal, to regain my freedom. But… life was good. I was having a blast learning magic, challenging the crazy humans, gaining power, and spending time with my two personal demons. They were both mine, in word, deed, and magical bond. Yet, the idea of treating them as less seemed wrong to me, so I simply didn’t.

  When I finally met my enemies, it would be a different story altogether.

  It was just as well I was enjoying this existence, because I knew I had a long way to go, and a lot more to learn…

  Catalina grinned back at Sienna and then giggled. That last fight had been crazy. The last week had been fun as hell, and she already felt more confidence and control in her spellcasting. She’d been having a great time with her cousin Jerrold, Suzy, and especially Sienna.

  The only problem was her primary mission so far had been a bust. The last week they’d been able to get through four and five, and while sometimes beat up, sometimes not, once they killed the level five boss chamber one or more of them would be out magic or stamina and need a rest, so they wound up leaving by the exit stairs and coming back to try the next day after some partying and resting. She hadn’t forgotten her mission to investigate the core of the dungeon, but she couldn’t do that if she couldn’t even get there.

  Her father showed understanding at her reports, but she could tell he was getting impatient.

  She didn’t think it would be any different today, both Sienna’s and Suzy’s aura of magic was about a quarter of what it should be, and Jerrold looked a little fatigued, but still s
trong enough for at least the next fight. Her? Well she still had over three quarters of her magic left, naturally having so much of it. It was no mystery where she got it from, her mother had been very powerful as well, and her father was at least a typical master.

  Jerrold said, “Okay, boss room the same as last time, that seemed to work better than anything else we’ve tried.”

  Sienna winked, “Don’t worry tough guy, we’ll take out those mean warriors for you.”

  Suzy erupted in a giggle and then covered her mouth, giving her man an apologetic look.

  She snorted, “Be nice.”

  It was a weird discovery, they found her and Sienna could take out warriors easier than Jerrold, so now he went after the two mages, which were only protected by dark spells. Dark spells that his holy sword cut through very quickly.

  Sienna curtseyed in mock humility, “Your will princess.”

  She rolled her eyes, but truthfully, she loved it. Not many people had the guts to mock the next ruler, and admittedly turn her on by doing so. They hadn’t spent a night apart since that first night, and she wasn’t quite sure what their relationship was now. At first, she’d been surprised by her attraction, it wasn’t that she didn’t like women before, she’d just never even considered the idea. But now… it seemed like much more than simply sharing and quenching their base needs after a day filled with adrenaline and magic.

  She just wasn’t sure how much more, it was all a blur in her mind, the true affection she felt for Sienna, and the lust generated by life and death struggle, channeling so much magic, and the adrenaline rush. Not to mention the pleasure, the never ending pleasure under her lover’s fingertips.

  She shook her head to dismiss the haze of lust. That was the problem, she couldn’t really judge where things stood in her own heart when her body was a hot mess.

  Her cousin Jerrold took the teasing very well, he understood it was just a way to blow off steam after a particularly crazy encounter. The fifth floor, mostly one large room, seemed to change configuration every night, so no plan worked twice. It kept them on their toes, that was for sure. In fact, the final boss fight was the only predictable part of the level.


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