The Virgin Witch and The Vampire King: Book One: Weddings Bells Times Four (Vampire Witch and The Vampire Kin)

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The Virgin Witch and The Vampire King: Book One: Weddings Bells Times Four (Vampire Witch and The Vampire Kin) Page 3

by Trinity Blacio

  “Anyway, my father and mother found my brother in the basement with me tied down on an old table. I guess that was the last straw. He was 17 or 18, I’m not sure which.” She turned her arm over and held it out for them to see the long scar that ran from her elbow to her hand.

  “I was to be Brian’s sacrifice to the blood gods, but when my mother couldn’t find me…Well they knew something was wrong. To bring this nice story to a close, the house is protected. My mother and father left it for me, knowing it would keep me safe if my brother ever decided to pay me a visit.” She leaned her head against the window and smiled at Dred.

  “Once you walk into the door, you can feel the magic. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt. Hell even in the driveway, the magic seeps into your pores, welcoming you.” She sighed remembering the first time she’d walked into the house. The day after her parent’s death, Nora’s father had driven her to the house and placed the keys into her hand.

  “Your parents knew this day was coming. You’ll be safe here,” he had said before turning and leaving her standing at the door.

  “Have you heard from your brother at all since you’ve been at the castle?” Dred asked, sitting back and frowning, once more bringing her out of the past. “You should have informed Edward. Your brother could be anywhere,” he took out his cell phone. The sound of displeasure in his voice made her frown. Even now, she didn’t want to do anything that would make them angry at her.

  “No! Please don’t tell Edward over the phone. I’d know if my brother showed up. I can sense his kind of magic miles away. He’s tried to contact me a few years ago, but I ignored him. I sent his one hexed letter back to where it came.” She placed her hand over the phone.

  Dred squeezed her hand, but pulled the phone away from her. “I’m sorry my enchantress, but this cannot wait. I’ll see if he’ll meet us at your home so you can inform him, if that helps.” Dred stated dialing the number.

  “You’re right, it’s time, especially with the wedding coming up. He might show up and I don’t need that surprise.” Beth rolled down the window when they pulled into the driveway to her home. At once, the magic settled over her like a warm blanket.

  Rock gasped next to her. “Wow, that is some powerful stuff. It engulfs you, surrounds you and you can almost smell it. It’s old, but still as powerful as the same day it was performed. My wolf wants to roll in it.” He looked down at her and hugged her tightly to his body.

  “Yes, but it also works the other way. If you come here with evil intentions, tenfold will be thrown back at you.”

  She reached for the door handle, but Rock shook his head. “We always go first.”

  Snapping his phone closed, Dred opened the door and stepped outside. He scanned all around and sniffed the air. “It’s clear, and Edward is on his way. He just finished his last meeting.”

  “Good, maybe we can have supper here. I have the local store deliver groceries here all the time. Well, I used to.” She stepped out of the limo and took a deep breath.

  “Smell the lilacs. They’re my favorite. I had six trees planted all around the house just so I could smell them. They remind me so much of my mom.” She took both of their hands and pulled them up the sidewalk to the wooden wrap-around front porch. “After supper Nora and I would come out here and watch the sun set. It was beautiful and so peaceful.” Beth released their hands and stepped up to the front door, which opened on its own.

  Dred growled and stepped in front of her. “Relax. it’s the house welcoming me home.” She put her hand on his shoulder. “This is a magical place, Dred. You’ll see things that shouldn’t be. I learned later that as my father built this house, every aspect of it was laced with my parents’ magic. Touch the walls and you can hear it talking to you, telling you what has been going on around here.”

  She waited for him to step inside, and when he did Beth laughed. His eyes grew large and he snarled when the stereo turned on and candles lit all around. “I told you the house knows what I need.”

  Moving around Dred, Beth scanned around the living room. It was spotless. It was as if she’d never left. “There are six bedrooms, my office, family room, movie room, kitchen and three bathrooms. My favorite room is the kitchen. Come on.” She waved her hand as Beth kicked off her shoes and made her way into the solar powered room.

  The room had oak floors, wood panel cupboards, a fridge she could walk into, it was so large, and an island stood in the middle of the room that she loved to work at. Running her hand over the chocolate marble counter at the island, she turned and grinned at them. “Can I use your phone?”

  He laughed and handed her the phone. “She spun around and the cupboards opened up showing her what they contained, as Beth dialed the grocery store. “Hello, Dan, this is Beth. I’d like to place an order, and can you make it a rush order? I’ll pay extra.”

  She started rattling off the things she would need. Tonight, Beth would grill steaks, have twice baked potatoes, fresh green beans, and for dessert she’d order a Black Forest Cake from their bakery.

  “This place is amazing, Beth,” Rock said coming back into the kitchen after he and Dred had checked every room in the house.

  “I know. Do you understand why it’s so hard for me to let go of it?” She sat down, waiting for the delivery. “Don’t get me wrong, the castle is great and there’s lots of room, but it’s too crowded. Every time I turn the corner, someone is there. In Edward’s private hall there are others walking around. Even after a year, it’s hard for me to get used to it all. I’d think I’d like to use this place as a getaway for us. This will be the first time Edward’s been here. He had others come and pack the things I needed when we mated.”

  Chapter Four

  Edward stood in the hallway, listening to his woman express her concerns. He was furious at himself for not seeing how uncomfortable she’d been. After their one week escape to the Caribbean, one problem after another had kept him from knowing who she really was. It would stop today, he thought.

  “I didn’t realize you were so uncomfortable, my pet.” Edward stepped into the kitchen and looked around the room in awe. She was right about this place. It was amazing. Once he stepped onto the porch, the house seemed to talk to him, telling him all the secrets it held. “Beautiful, I’ve never seen a kitchen so homey. No wonder you love this place.”

  The front door bell chimed and Beth jumped up. “That will be the groceries.” She stopped before leaving the kitchen. “Crap! I don’t have my purse.” Beth looked up at Edward.

  Edward laughed and kissed the top of her head. “I’ll get them and then the four of us can discuss the things you’ve been keeping from me.” Throwing his jacket onto the couch in her living room, Edward withdrew his wallet and opened the door.

  A boy about 16 stood there with his arms loaded with groceries. He frowned upon seeing Edward. “Is Ms. Beth here?”

  “I’m right here, Andy.” She came up behind him and smiled at the boy. “It’s great to see you. And look at how tall you’ve gotten. Go put the bags on the kitchen counter for me, will you?” Beth stepped out of the way, as the boy made his way into the kitchen. She looked up at Edward, “Could you give him a big tip? I’ll pay you back. He helps support his mom and three little brothers. His father was killed over two years ago,” she whispered, making sure the teenager didn’t hear.

  “You have such a big heart, my pet.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her lightly. “How much do we owe you, Andy?” Edward asked, moving Beth to his side.

  “Sixty three dollars will cover it. Did you get married, Ms. Beth?” He glanced back and forth between them.

  She smiled and nodded. “This is my husband, Edward. Behind you is Rock and Dred. You’ll be seeing me with them from time to time.”

  He smiled. “I’m glad you have someone. I was worried when that man came in asking questions about you last month.” He took the money Edward handed him.

  “What man?” Edward asked as both Rock and Dred approached t
o the boy’s side and waited.

  “I don’t know who he is, but he knew that no one was home and wondered if we had a way to get in contact with you. I don’t even know how he found out about us being your store, but he had the information. Mr. Beads didn’t like him asking questions and told the man to get lost. He didn’t let anything slip.” The boy walked to the door and turned back to look at them.

  “He did drive one of those real expensive cars, Bugatti Veyron, a bright red one. You should have seen the kids staring at it.”

  Before the boy could leave, Edward stepped in front of him and stared down at him. His gaze held him. “You will show me what this man looks like.”

  The image of the man appeared in the boy’s head and Edward now knew what he looked like. Being over 122 years old, Edward was in his prime and his powers were kept hidden from many. Scanning the boy’s mind for any other information, Edward could also see clearly that the boy was terrified for his family.

  Taking the boy’s hand, he shook it, breaking the trance. “Thank you for bringing the groceries and for looking out for our Beth. If you ever need any help, please don’t hesitate to come to us. You would be surprised by what we can do for you.” He hoped Andy would come to him if he felt threatened, but just in case, he’d have Dred check out this new pack that was moving into the neighborhood.

  “What do you think you were doing?” Beth glared at him. “That boy has been nothing but kind to me. How could you invade his privacy?”

  Closing the door, Edward turned to her. “As long as your life is on the line, I will take every measure to protect you. I didn’t hurt him. I could have created a blood bond, but I thought of you.” He looked at Dred. “There is a new pack moving into the area. From what I could see in the boy’s mind, they’ve been terrorizing the neighborhood. He’s worried about his family.”

  “No one is supposed to be in this area. It’s too close to ours.” Dred made his way into the family area, while he escorted Beth into the kitchen.

  “I’m sorry I snapped, but the people at that local store have always been good to me. Mr. Beads knew my parents. He made a point to check on me after their deaths. So what did this man look like?” She stepped up to the counter as Beth asked. Pulling out the food from the bag, the items flew to their proper places in the cupboard.

  He sat down on one of the stools at the island and watched as she unwrapped the steaks, placing them on a platter, along with the seasoning and a large fork. “I’ll ask you guys to start the grill in a few.” Going to the kitchen sink, Beth rinsed off the potatoes before putting them into a pan with water covering them.

  “It was your brother.” He reached for the pan of potatoes in Beth’s hand before she could drop it. She spun around to look at him. Her face was pale.

  “You knew? Wait, my brother?” She rubbed her arms. The bottom of her jaw started to shake just before Beth turned away from them.

  “You’re still scared of him. He won’t hurt you, Beth. We won’t let him,” Edward placed the pan on the stove, before he wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head. “I know what your brother did to you. Your father informed me a few months ago of what had happened. I promise you he won’t get to you.” He kissed the side of her neck, but she still trembled in his arms.

  “You don’t understand, it’s not me I’m worried about. He can’t hurt me physically anymore, but he can hurt those around me. I’ve made sure to keep to myself, afraid he’d come for anyone who was close to me.” She turned around and looked into his face. “He’s the one who killed our parents.”


  After Beth had dropped her bombshell, Edward and Rock went outside to start the steaks and make a few calls, while she worked with the salad and potatoes. Oh, she could handle her brother, she’d done it twice already after her parents’ death, but there had been a few deaths the second time she confronted him. The thought of innocents dying again because of her brother pissed her off.

  “Where are you, Nora?” she whispered, looking out at the flower garden her Mother and she had started before her death. Something was not right.

  Dred’s scent reached her before he walked in front of the kitchen window while talking on the phone. “What do you mean Nora has disappeared? You were to keep her guarded.”

  The words stopped Beth’s movements and she shut the water off, listening closer. Why would they need to guard Nora?

  “Damn it, Turk we told you that Nora was cunning. Hell, she crawled into bed with Rock two weeks ago trying to mate with him just to cause trouble with our mate,” he snarled.

  “No, we’re going to try and explain to her tonight about Nora. Just keep us posted. I don’t need her showing up here and trying to hurt Beth. It would devastate her. Don’t forget to let me know about the pack moving in around here.” With that Dred shut the phone and disappeared around the house leaving her totally confused and furious.

  Why hadn’t they told her Nora was causing problems? Beth could have helped. Nora was like a sister and her best friend. “This can’t be right.” She threw open the oven with a bang unaware of movement behind her.

  She jumped and spun around when Dred tried to wrap his arms around her.

  “What’s wrong? You’re angry about something?” He scanned around the kitchen, then glanced back at her.

  He pulled her tight against his body and kissed the tip of her nose. “Now tell me what’s wrong? You’re all tense and the anger around you is driving my wolf crazy.”

  “Maybe you should have told me about Nora instead of letting me hear you talk to your friend on the phone” she snapped, and pushed her way out of his arms. “Why the hell wasn’t I informed Nora was having a rough time? She’s family, damn it!” Beth spun around and glared at Dred just as Edward and Rock came into the room.

  They both looked from her to Dred. “What’s going on?” Edward asked and tried to take her hand, but she yanked it away from him.

  “You knew about Nora, didn’t you?” she accused Edward, who looked at Dred.

  “Don’t! He didn’t say a word to me. I heard his conversation on the phone. I could have helped her, but no! You kept her away from me when you all of you knew how much she meant to me.” Big ugly tears rolled down her cheeks. Beth hated when she cried, but right now she was hurt beyond anything she’d ever felt. All three of them had lied to her.

  The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as Beth grabbed the counter. Below her the house shook as it closed every window, shutter and door. Locking everything down around them, Beth knew only one thing that would make her home act this way. “Brian.”

  Not waiting or explaining anything, Beth ran out of the kitchen and up the back stairs to the balcony where she could see everything for miles. “Open!” She ordered and the doors swung open, but the house magic surrounded her as she stepped out onto the terrace.

  She didn’t even have to circle around to find him. Her brother stood at the end of the property looking right at her. Even though over two acres of woods surrounded her house, Brian floated in the air, glaring at her.

  But what surprised her and hurt her was seeing Nora curled up around him. She turned her big brown eyes on her and Beth flinched, seeing the hate in her eyes. “Why?” she whispered.

  Behind her, all three of her men were coming up the stairs, drawing her attention away for a matter of seconds when Beth felt the first attack come. The death magic slammed against the shields of the house, shaking the whole foundation.

  The attack was the same as the last time, but different. “No!” She yelled and started to weave the pattern with her hands, but she knew it was already too late. Nora had exposed the one weakness her parents hadn’t thought of and now she would pay the price.

  “I love you Edward, Dred, Rock.” She sent the message telepathically to them, before enclosing them into a protective bubble. Her legs and arms grew heavy and she didn’t have much time before Beth fell to the floor.

  “Spell, Aunt Melody help!”” Be
th said, before sending one of her own spells at her brother. It was one that would bind him from using his magic, but the only problem it was that it would keep him bound till she woke. Once she woke, he would be free too, but at least he wouldn’t be able to hurt those she loved. The only ones she now had… “Edward, Dred, Rock…”

  Chapter Five

  Edward stared out the terrace window on this day his life had come to a grinding halt. Behind him, on the super-sized king bed, lay his wife and soul mate with tubes sticking out of her, feeding her. Her Aunt Melody walked around the bed, words and symbols flew in the air as the ritual took place.

  On the ground below, many of Dred’s pack paced around waiting for the inevitable attack that was coming. In his long life, Edward had never been so furious as he was that day his Beth almost lost her life. Looking back over the last year, he’d come to the conclusion he’d been too lenient with her and he’d also taken her for granted.

  Sure he’d given her a week of love, but as soon as they’d stepped back into his domain, Edward had just assumed his Beth would fit right in, but she hadn’t. Oh, she’d tried, smiling and standing next to him when he needed her, but on the inside he now knew she had kept much hidden.

  It was one week away from what the humans called Thanksgiving. Two months of hoping and praying. Dred and Rock were now fully his mates. Their pack had slowly moved into the small town that Beth loved, bound to protect those within the city’s limits that their woman loved.

  When he’d watched Beth fall to the floor in front of him, his heart had seemed to stop. Enclosed in some stupid spell, none of them had been able to reach her. It had been the house, the magic her family had created, and that picked her up, and brought her back inside. It had closed every possible avenue for leaving or for anything else to hurt her.


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