The Virgin Witch and The Vampire King: Book One: Weddings Bells Times Four (Vampire Witch and The Vampire Kin)

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The Virgin Witch and The Vampire King: Book One: Weddings Bells Times Four (Vampire Witch and The Vampire Kin) Page 12

by Trinity Blacio

  “I take it you want me to be like you too?” She asked Dred and Rock, and they nodded.

  “I believe if you carry both sets of our DNA, it will make you twice as strong. I’ve also want Rock and Dred to embrace my world, as I would do theirs.”

  “You want to do that all tonight?” she squeaked, and he laughed.

  “No, Little Witch. Tonight I would like to change the three of you. At least then I know you all will be safer.” Edward watched the play of emotions on Dred’s face.

  “How long would I be out of it? I really don’t like the idea of losing the connection to the pack with this,” Dred said, as he scooped up Beth and held her tight, kissing his mark on her neck.

  “I believe you’d be able to handle the change without losing the connection to the pack for any amount of time. I asked Avril about it the other day and there were over 200 cases were the wolves didn’t even pass out from the change.” Edward slid in the middle of the bed after he stripped his clothes off.

  “I say we do it. I have a feeling we’re going to need all the help we can get,” Rock said and leaned over Edward, squeezing Beth’s hand. “I never want to feel like that again. One minute I was buried deep into you…” Rock snarled and Edward rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Beth?” he asked, looking down at her.

  “You’re right. It’s not like I go to the beach anyway. Plus, I do have that little pool down the hall.” She kissed Dred’s chest before scooting over to his lap. “Go ahead, do it, since I know I’ll be out anyway. Just make sure someone is here when I wake up.” She ran her hands up her arms. “I don’t want to be alone right now.”

  Edward pulled her hair away from her neck and placed little kisses from her ear to her vein. “I promise one of us will be holding you when you wake, Little Witch,” he said and sank his fangs into her.

  Her blood always packed a punch when it first hit his system. One thing he had learned from feeding from her was that once was enough to last him for the night and tonight he would take a little more for the exchange. Edward’s cock grew hard and she giggled.

  “I’m afraid that will have to wait till tomorrow, my King,” she mumbled into his chest as he swiped his tongue across the holes in her neck.

  “I’ll be fine. Feed Beth, and sleep, knowing we’ll hold you tight in our arms till you wake.” Edward opened up a vein in his chest and pushed her head towards the blood. “Become one with us,” he whispered, moaning the last part as she licked, then began to suck his essence into her.

  Both Rock and Dred caressed her arms and legs, careful of her shoulder. When she’d taken enough, Edward closed the holes and held her tight till Beth’s eyes closed. She would now sleep for a good couple of hours while her body changed.

  Looking at Dred, Edward placed his hand on his shoulder. “Are you ready?”

  Rock leaned over and took a sleeping Beth into his arms while he turned his full attention on Dred. “Do you accept my gift?” Edward asked, making sure Dred knew there would be no going back.

  Dred snorted and bared his neck for him, knowing Edward preferred the neck to drink from. “You honor me. Thank you.” Cupping the back of his head, Edward leaned over placing a small kiss on the side of his neck before sinking his fangs into his skin.

  Where Beth’s blood was like being zapped from a wall socket the amount of energy coming off of it. The brothers’ blood had enough power to kick start a dead person. Taking enough for the change, Edward closed the holes and bent to rip open his wrist, but Dred covered his wrist, stopping him.

  “No. I will feed where she fed from. Over your heart,” Dred wrapped his arm around him and followed him down onto the bed as he opened the vein over his heart.

  He didn’t waist one minute. Dred’s mouth covered the hole and he drank at the same time he reached down and stroked Edward’s cock.

  “Dred,” was all he said, but he continued the strokes until Edward bucked and released his seed over his own stomach. “You’ve had enough, Dred.” Edward grabbed Dred’s head with both hands as he sat up and covered his mouth with his.

  Their kisses always ended up with one of them fighting for dominance, but this time there was nothing but love. Edward poured his love into this one kiss, showing Dred how much he meant to him. He broke the kiss knowing soon his lover and mate would be going through the change. Staying awake during the change meant there would be pain and, for once, Edward wished he could spare each of them this part.

  “We knew what would happen and we will get through it. You are worth it. Now give me Beth while I can hold onto her, so you can change Rock,” Dred said, as he took the towel from the stand and cleaned Edwards’s stomach.

  Sitting up, Dred handed a sleeping Beth over to Rock while he turned to his brother. “Do you accept my gift, Rock?”

  Rock wasn’t shy about anything. He pulled Edward down onto him, baring his neck for him. “I’m yours, you know it, and you are mine.”

  Not wasting time, Edward and Rock exchanged blood. At the end, he kissed Rock softly on the lips. “Thank you, Rest now. I’ll keep Beth safe.”

  As Edward took Beth into his arms, both men curled up next to him as they waited. They didn’t have long to wait.

  Dred was first to grab his stomach and moan as beads of red blood popped up on his forehead. While Beth was in his arms, he could feel the sweat radiating off of her, but she felt nothing, where the brothers moaned and rolled over on the bed trying to ease the pain.

  “I’m sorry, if I could take it way…”Edward said as Dred turned and looked at him.

  “This had to happen, We’ll be fine.” Fur covered his hand as he patted his arm. “Do you know how long this will go on?”

  “The pain will last half hour at the most, then you’ll sleep, but it won’t be the deep sleep like Beth is in. Rest while you can,” Edward said, petting his buzz cut and turning to see how Rock was doing.

  He too looked like hell curled up into a ball, but said nothing as his gaze met Edward’s and Rock tried to smile. “I’m fine. You should rest too. I have a feeling we are all going to have a long day if this Lucas gets loose. Tell us what this means. Maybe it will keep us from thinking too much.” Rock moaned the last part.

  Nodding, Edward laid back and closed his eyes. “Long ago on my father’s planet, Lucas was king. Lucas is beyond what we are. Some say he is part god, he’s so powerful. At the end of his reign, he became restless and almost wiped out the whole planet. From what I’ve heard, no one knows if he’ll be upset about us being here on a new planet too, or if he’ll want to take over once again. He ran the planet with a strict code, but from what I heard he was fair in most cases. No one knows if he has family or where he came from. He had no wife, no mate that we know of. Again it’s all hearsay really. Lucas reigned over 5000 years ago. Not one of our kind was alive in that time. Usually after a few thousand years, we go onto the next life, but Lucas never did.”

  “Will he demand to come here? Could he destroy this planet?” Dred asked and Edward opened his eyes, nodding.

  “As I said, he is like a god. He can go anywhere and do pretty much anything he wants. He was the one that chose to sleep, but if these idiots are waking him, we have no idea what this man will be like. Sleep, we’ll talk more tomorrow.” Edward closed his eyes. “These old ones that have come here will be able to tell us more tomorrow,” he said holding on tight to Beth as he kissed the top of her head before shutting down his heart and sleeping like his kind do.


  Birds flew all around her as she watched them come in and eat from the feeder she’d put up six months ago. This was one of her favorite places to be in the castle, her own private garden. Edward, Rock and Dred had all personally searched every inch of the grounds before leaving four guards at each entrance while they went to discuss things with the new comers.

  She really didn’t see what the big deal was if this man was waking up. He was okay when he was awake and he knew to leave when he couldn’t control himsel
f. Beth smiled and took a drink of her coffee remembering when she woke, Edward holding her tight against his chest. He had kept his promise, and boy did they have fun this morning. She was still tender down there from all their loving.

  “Is it safe for me to come in?” Avril asked, peeking around the corner, and she smiled.

  “Please, we have lots to do and with things heating up I was thinking about the wedding.” She patted the spot next to her on the bench. “I was thinking we should do a private simple wedding. I don’t want to cause more trouble for Edward or anyone else and having a full blown wedding will certainly put everyone at risk.”

  “I am afraid Edward has already informed me that he would not allow you to change anything.” He patted her hand. “You are having the full wedding and Edward told me to tell you to let your men worry about security. All you have to do is concentrate on being there.”

  Beth sighed, “We only have three weeks and everything is falling apart around us. I swear that man is so stubborn.” She turned and looked at him. “You know about this Lucas person. I’m sure there were things mentioned about him in the scrolls? Tell me what you know of him?”

  Stretching his legs out in front of him, Avril looked out at the bird feeder. “Most of the scrolls were created by him. He was an amazing and brilliant man, but from most of the writings, he was also very lonely from what I could gather from the scrolls.”

  “Hmm, are there any personal writings from him down there that might help us deal with him if he does awake?” She took a sip of her coffee and watched the play of emotions on Avril’s face. She’d swear sometimes it was like watching a computer think.

  “No, but there is one section in the tombs that no one, but, well, Edward and now you are allowed to enter. I don’t even think Edward is aware of this area. The actual vault itself was brought over from the old world from what I’ve been told.” He looked at her. “You want to go explore it?” he asked with hope in his gaze.

  She laughed at the kid-like expression he had on his face. “Why not? Do you know where the keys to the vault are?”

  He shook his head and helped her up. “Don’t need keys. It will open for you once you put your hand on it. You are now part of the royal family.” Avril nodded to the guards as they walked through the doors and down the hallway towards the cellar.

  “Weird. So is this Lucas related to Edward?” Already Avril was shaking his head as he opened the heavy door to the cellar. Two guards went ahead of her and two were behind her.

  “No, when Lucas left the throne, the old planet sort of fell apart. Edward’s family came to Earth about a thousand years later. When the old ones saw how others looked up to them, they were appointed rulers of Earth at least. No one to this day rules the old world. It’s really quite sad, to say the least. It’s like the people are waiting for Lucas to wake. Everything is on hold.”

  Down three flights of stairs and two long tunnels, Beth was almost ready to turn back around till they came to a door which had cobwebs all over it. “This is it?”

  He nodded. “You can see there is no handle. Just place your hands on the door and it will open.”

  “Are you going to be able to come in with me?” she asked and put her hands on the door.

  A loud clicking sound and a cloud of dust filled the area they were in. “I don’t know. We’ll find out.”

  “Where are you, Little Witch?” Edward asked inside her head, which she still couldn’t get used to.

  She stepped back, waving her hand in front of her face as the door opened up slowly. “I’m in the vault. Avril and I are digging around a part that wasn’t opened before.” She said this out load and Avril laughed.

  “Talking to Edward?” She nodded and shook her head.

  “I don’t think I’ll get used to the talking in the head, but I keep trying.” She stepped into the vault and candles lit up around the room.

  “Wow, this is amazing, come in here, Avril,” she turned to look at him in the doorway.

  “I knew this place would be loaded with scrolls.” Avril started at the door, reading the side of the each bottle that contained the scrolls, but she wandered further into the room drawn to something, but Beth didn’t know what.

  “We’ll be there in a minute,” Edward informed her and she rolled her eyes. “Edward is on his way, Avril.” That is when she saw it, a small box made of some kind of metal she’d never seen. She reached out and ran her fingers along the edge, trying to see how to open it, when it opened on its own. “Okay, so you want me to see you?”

  The magic or power in this one box was amazing and it was like a drawing stone to her. Beth reached inside and pulled out a small folder of some kind. A picture of some strange animal was on the top.

  “What do you have there?” Edward slid his hands around her waist and kissed her neck.

  “I don’t know. It carries some kind of magic and it drew me back here. I’d like to take this up and read it. Would that be okay?” She looked up at him, then at Avril who had walked up to her.

  “It’s well preserved. Most likely this magic she’s talking about has kept it safe and will do so outside. Do you understand the word on the front of the book?” Avril asked as she ran her fingers over the word. Γράμματα

  “As close as I can translate to English, Forever?” She looked up at Avril and he nodded.

  “So what brings you down here?” Beth asked turning in Edward's arms and smiling up at him.

  “I just wanted to see that beautiful face and know you were safe, plus I had a few minutes free before I meet with Simon and Isaac. The last of Dred and Rock’s family arrived today. I thought we could have a family dinner tonight. It’s time to bring the families together.” He leaned down and kissed her nose.

  “I’ll let the cooks know and inform my aunts. What time do you want to have dinner?” she kissed his chest. “I’ll stay down here for a few hours and make my way back up.”

  “Avril, you make sure she doesn’t stay down here too long. She’ll need to feed in a couple of hours again,” Edward said to Avril, but kept his gaze on her. “Seven should be good. I’m going to bring Isaac, Simon and Diego since they are alone. Be good, Little Witch. I haven’t gotten to try out the new spanking bench I bought for you.”

  “What?” She squirmed in his arms. “With everything going on you really want to explore this stuff?” Beth placed a kiss on his chest.

  “Oh, we will be exploring it and more. Now be good.” Edward swatted her butt and turned to leave. She did love to watch the play of his muscles as he walked away from her. His ass was so cute.

  “Thank you. I have a fondness for yours too,” Edward said turning his gaze on her before disappearing out of the room.

  “Damn, I really need to learn to block certain thoughts,” she mumbled and turned back to the folder.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Carrying two strange looking boxes, Beth made her way into the kitchen. The head chef was there pouring over recipes as she walked in. “Hello, Lancelot, how are you doing today?” She still couldn’t believe he was the famous chef from the 16th century, but then again she was the youngest around here, except for the staff’s children.

  “Bonjour, Beth. You come to help pick out the meal for tonight, yes?” He asked as she placed her bundle down on the table.

  “Yes, Edward said to plan on dinner at seven and from last count I received from Dred, we’re looking at over 50. I was kind of hoping for a smaller dinner, but Dred and Rock’s family alone could be a couple of football teams.” She smiled and sat down next to him. “Oh and Dred said there must be lots of beef.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Well our hunters did go out and bring back three bucks. What do you think about having fresh deer tonight? We could do a couple of roasts, steaks, along with all the other dishes.” He got up and went to the double door fridge. “You haven’t eaten lunch yet either, have you?”

  He shook his head and pulled a plate of cheese and meats, placing it on the table.
The French bread, dressings and fruit were also placed before her. “Eat, we can talk at the same time.”

  She smiled and dug into the food, while discussing the menu for the next few days. Lancelot had always been one of her favorites to talk to in the castle. He didn’t judge her or think she was beneath him, like some of the staff still did.

  “So how are you doing? Is the staff behaving since you came back?” he asked, zeroing right in where they’d left off.

  “I haven’t been around that much for them to bother with me, now have I? Plus, they’re not allowed in our private wing anymore, so that helps a lot, but I guess I’m going to have to talk with Alton.” She moaned taking a bite out of the peach.

  “Make sure you take your guard when dealing with him. I don’t like him. You should have told the King about his treatment of you last time. You’re our Queen and should be treated as such.”

  She shrugged. “I’m hoping that since things are pretty much a done deal, the other staff members will have calm down.” Beth looked up to Lancelot, placing her hand on his. “Please don’t worry. I can handle Alton.”

  A small growl had her snatching her hand back and rolling her eyes. “Please ignore the doggy behind us; he still isn’t house-trained. Dred behave,” she turned and tried not to laugh but couldn’t hold the laughter back as he gave her one of those “me man/you obey” looks.

  “And do you really think that is going to work?” she asked and he just shook his head.

  “Edward was right. We need the spanking bench for your sweet ass,” Dred mumbled and hugged her tight from behind before reaching over and shaking Lancelot’s hand. “What is this about Alton? Has he been bothering you?”

  “No, I haven’t seen the man since I’ve been back here. You need to calm down, Dred, and allow me to take care of the staff. If a problem comes up, I’ll make sure you know about it. When I first came here, you know how a lot of the people felt.” She turned on the bar stool and looked up at him. “I’ll be fine. Now what brings you down here? I thought you and Rock were going to have lunch with your parents?”


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