Banking On Love

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Banking On Love Page 5

by Anna James

  “What woman?” Damn. The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. It didn’t matter who Ethan met with. It was none of her concern, and she’d do well to remember it.

  “Samantha, or Sasha, no.” Her lips pursed and she gave a flick of her hand. “I don’t know. Some leggy redhead. She sashayed in as if she owned the place.”

  Rachel swallowed hard. “Tall with a tinkling laugh that grates on your nerves?”

  “Yeah, you know her?”

  Oh yes, indeed. “Sandra Reynolds.”

  “Who is Sandra Reynolds?”

  “Ethan’s ex-fiancée.” What the hell was Ethan doing meeting with her?

  Kelly grinned. “Interesting. Back in town only a few days and the first person he calls is his ex.”

  Her hands clenched into tight fists. Of all the stupid— No. None of my business. If Ethan was foolish enough to get involved with his lying, cheating ex, it was no concern of hers. She wouldn’t interfere. Wouldn’t make that mistake again, but really, what the hell was he thinking?

  “Earth to Rachel. Come in, Rachel.”

  She blinked. “What?”

  “The phone, it’s ringing.”

  Rachel rose and hurried to grab the extension off the kitchen counter before the ringing stopped. “Hello.”

  “Ms. Sullivan, this is Carol Dunn, from Emma’s school.”

  Rachel stiffened. “What happened to Emma?”

  “There’s been an accident.”

  “Oh, God!” She sprinted into action, the anger and resentment from a moment ago forgotten. The only thing that mattered now was getting to Emma.

  Chapter Nine

  Rachel pulled a twenty dollar bill from her purse and handed it to the cashier. After receiving her change, she carried the muffin and coffee to a nearby table and sat. She gripped the cup and with shaky hands lifted it to her lips. The buzzing of her cell phone startled her. Setting the coffee aside, she fished inside her purse for the phone. The main number for Montgomery International flashed across the display. The turnover meeting with Jarrod and Ethan. She’d forgotten about it.

  “I’m sorry, Ethan, I forgot to call you and cancel our appointment.”

  “What do you mean cancel? You accepted the meeting invitation Jarrod sent yesterday.”

  “I know, but that was before I got the call from Emma’s school. I’m in Hartford at Children’s Hospital. Emma was thrown from her horse during practice yesterday afternoon.”

  He drew in a short, sharp breath. “Is she all right?”

  Of course he’d be concerned. Ethan loved Emma to pieces. “She dislocated her right shoulder. Her left arm and collarbone are broken, and she’s in surgery as we speak. They’re removing her spleen.”

  “Rachel… surgery?”


  “Are Connie and Frank there with you?”


  “Where the hell are they?”

  “I – I.” Her voice broke and the words rushed out on a strangled sob. “I have no idea. I’ve called them several times since I arrived last night, but they don’t answer. All I get is their voice mail.”

  “Ah hell, Rachel.”

  “I understand you’re worried, but Emma will be fine. She’ll come through this with flying colors, but I don’t know how long I’m going to be here and I’m not sure when I can get back to meet with you.”

  “The shareholders dispute is the last thing on my mind right now.”

  Rachel nodded. Of course, his father. How could she have forgotten? “How’s Hayden?”

  “He’s much better. Mom says he’s been giving his nurse a hard time—a good sign he’s on the mend.”

  “That’s great, Ethan. He’ll be coming home soon then?”

  “We hope. The doctor told us if he keeps progressing the way he has, they’ll release him by the end of the week.”

  “Good.” She swallowed hard as a man in blue scrubs approached. “I’ve got to go now. Emma’s doctor is heading over here, and I really need to speak with him. Give my best to Hayden, and don’t worry about Emma.”


  Her voice quivered. “Yes?”

  He stayed silent for a moment, then said, “Take care.”

  The breath hitched in her chest. “I will.” She ended the call and turned her attention to the tall, lanky man striding toward her. When he got close enough, she asked, “Doctor Eggert, how’s Emma?”

  He smiled. “She’s coming around now. I thought you might want to sit with her. She’s still groggy from the anesthesia, but that will wear off as the day progresses.”

  “Emma is going to be okay then?”

  He nodded. “The surgery went well. I don’t see why she wouldn’t make a full recovery.”

  Rachel closed her eyes for a moment and set up a silent prayer of thanks. “Yes, yes, I want to see her now. Is she in her room?”

  The doctor shook his head. “She’s still in recovery. I’ll take you there.”

  She picked up her things and followed him.

  Rachel stared at Emma’s small, pale figure. Machines hummed and beeped around her. Her heart clenched, an aching pressure filling her chest. “Oh, my sweet baby girl.” It wasn’t fair. Her little girl had been through enough over the past few years and now this? How had the accident happened? Emma was an excellent rider and knew how to handle a horse.

  “Please sit down, Mrs. Sullivan.”

  Rachel turned to find the recovery room nurse standing next to her.

  “Believe it or not, she’s doing well.” The nurse glanced at Emma and then back at Rachel. “You’ve got one tough little girl there.”

  Rachel gave the nurse a small smile and then shifted her attention back to her daughter. “Will she be in pain when she wakes up?” Her heart ached at the thought.

  “She may be a little sore, but there’s a painkiller being administered through her IV. We can ask the doctor to increase the dosage if we need to.”

  Rachel nodded.

  “Mom,” Emma groaned.

  Emma’s eyes flickered open. Rachel grasped her little hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I’m here, baby girl. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  Emma’s eyes fluttered closed.

  Rachel turned back to the nurse. Her lips trembled. “Is something wrong?”

  “No. The anesthesia is still in her body. She’ll sleep for most of the day. Don’t worry. That’s normal. Now sit down before you fall over.” The nurse grinned. “We don’t need another patient.”

  Rachel sat—and waited.

  Minutes turned to hours, and slowly as the afternoon passed, Emma’s color returned and her vital signs stabilized. In the late afternoon, Doctor Eggert returned and deemed Emma could finally return to her room.

  “Go and get something to eat, Mrs. Sullivan, while we transfer her. It’s well past lunchtime.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not hungry.”

  “You need to keep your strength up, and you haven’t eaten anything all day.”

  “I had a muffin this morning.” How could they ask her to leave? This was her baby.

  The nurse gave her a kind smile. “Would that be the same muffin you’ve held clenched in your fist since you arrived?”

  Rachel peered down at her sweaty palm and frowned. A muffin lay squashed in her hand. She’d only taken one bite. It wasn’t worth eating now. She tossed it in the trash beside Emma’s bed.

  The nurse smiled. “Emma won’t even realize you’re gone.”

  Rachel nodded.

  “Come back upstairs in about thirty minutes.”

  Rachel reached for the nurse’s hand with both of hers and squeezed it. “Thank you, for everything you’ve done for her.”

  “I’m just doing my job. Emma is doing the hard work.”

  Rachel glanced down at the sleeping child. “She seems to be resting more comfortably.”

  “Yes. Now, go take a break.”

  After placing a feather-light kiss on Emma’s cheek, R
achel walked into the waiting area. She pulled out her cell phone and checked for messages. None appeared. Where were Connie and Frank and why hadn’t they called? She slipped the phone back into her pocket and went to the cafeteria where she bought a bowl of homemade chicken soup with a rich stock aroma and a diet Dr. Pepper.

  Emma was still asleep when she returned, so Rachel dragged a chair close to the bed and settled in for the evening.


  Ethan didn’t make a sound as he entered the hospital room. He didn’t want to disturb the child who slept peacefully, or her mother, who lay curled up on the small chair next to the bed. For a moment he stared, first at the child and then at the woman.

  What an idiot he’d been. At least about everything where she was concerned. He’d been wrong about Rachel leaking the information regarding his father’s heart attack to the press. A hospital attendant had been responsible, he’d learned from the administrator who’d called him to apologize for the breach.

  Why had he accused her in the first place? He should have known better. She’d never have done such a thing. But, he’d been angry. More than angry. Furious. With her lack of compassion, consideration, with the whole damned situation.

  Rachel turned in the chair and the coat, which covered her like a blanket, slipped and fell to the ground.

  Ethan placed the package he’d brought for Emma on the bedside table, then picked up the garment and covered Rachel again. She moved, and he thought for a moment she’d woken, but the gentle rise and fall of her chest indicated she slept on. He studied her face. Peaceful, serene almost, with no hint of the tension he’d seen on it since his return. Her lips even curled up into a soft smile.

  He missed her smile. One flash of it could pull him from even the foulest of moods. He missed the way she’d toss her head back and then double over and roar with laughter when he cracked a joke or made a sarcastic quip she’d deemed funny. Her nose would scrunch up and tears would leak from her eyes, and she’d make amusing, infectious sounds that made him laugh alongside her, and he missed that too.

  Hell, he missed her. There, he’d admitted it. Emma, too. Why had he stayed away for three years?

  Sure, the time away had been good for him, both from a career and a financial standpoint. Yet despite his success he still didn’t have what mattered most to him.

  Rachel mattered. More than he’d expected. More than he wanted her to.

  She was Ryan’s girlfriend, Ryan’s wife, the mother of Ryan’s child. Always Ryan’s. Ryan, his best friend since childhood. Why the hell did it have to be so complicated?

  “Excuse me, but only immediate family members are allowed to visit this early in the morning.”

  Ethan turned. The floor nurse stood in the door opening, her arms folded across her breasts, a scowl on her face.

  “It’s okay.” Rachel levered up into a sitting position.

  His eyes flew to hers, and his heart started hammering. Holy hell, she stared up at him as if he was the answer to all her prayers.

  The nurse checked Emma’s vitals. When she left, Rachel stood and came toward him. “What are you doing here?”

  Coming here had been risky given how things stood between them, but he couldn’t stay away. He needed to make sure Emma was okay. Oh, who the hell was he kidding? He came because of Rachel, because he wanted to be here with her. Would she let him stay after the way he treated her? He’d all but told her to get the hell out of his life the last time they saw each other. “Do you need to ask?”

  Her shoulders slumped and her eyes closed for a brief moment, then flickered open again. “You shouldn’t be here.”

  He laughed. She wasn’t going to make this easy for him. He probably didn’t deserve any leniency as far as she was concerned. “I’m sorry, Rachel.” When she remained silent he added, “For everything.” Severing ties with her, not showing up for Ryan’s funeral, accusing her of going to the press. The whole damned lot of it.

  She drew in a deep breath. “Me too, but it doesn’t change anything. You still shouldn’t be here. The shareholders dispute and—”

  Complicated. “Why didn’t you tell me you were forced to step down from your assignment at Montgomery?”

  Her eyes widened. “What did Jarrod say to you?”

  “He pretty much thinks I’m an ass.”

  Rachel gasped. “What?”

  “He was pissed I accused you of going to the press. He believes you have strong moral principles, and you’d never jeopardize an investigation for any reason, but especially, not to gain publicity for you or the firm. It’s obvious he thinks very highly of you.”

  She murmured a startled, “Oh… I—I don’t know what to say.”

  He flashed a grin. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything. It’s written all over your face, and you’re right. I am a moron. A complete idiot and—”

  She smiled. Hesitantly at first, then her nose scrunched up and a soft laugh came out.

  It’s a start. He exhaled the breath he’d been holding and clasped her hands in his. “I don’t want to fight with you anymore.”

  “I don’t want to fight with you anymore, either.”

  “I know I shouldn’t be here. Jarrod is concerned our association may cause questions regarding your firm’s integrity, but I’m asking you to let me stay. At least for a little while.”

  She stayed silent for long moments, and he wondered if he should turn and leave. Then she spoke.

  “You can stay for now. I know how much Emma means to you.”

  Relief flooded through him. He gave her a curt nod, then they both turned to watch the child still sleeping in the bed. “How is she?”

  “Better. She slept most of yesterday, but should be more awake today.”

  “She looks so vulnerable.” He walked over to the bed and placed a kiss on her forehead.

  Rachel joined him. “Yes, but her color is better this morning, and she doesn’t seem to be in any pain.”

  “What about you? How are you doing?” he asked, but his attention stayed focused on Emma.

  “I’m, I’m okay.”

  He caught the hesitation and turned to face her. Her eyes filled with tears. He reached up and wiped a droplet rolling down her cheek. A heart-wrenching sob broke loose from her, and she started to cry. Ethan didn’t hesitate. He pulled her into his arms and held her. “Shh… It’s okay. Everything’s going to be all right.”

  She nuzzled closer. His arms tightened around her. He closed his eyes and just held on. She eased away after a few minutes and scrubbed her face with the back of her hand.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I know Emma is going to be fine.”

  Ethan pulled her back to him. He tilted her chin up and gazed into her eyes. “Don’t apologize. I can only imagine what you’ve been going through.” She stared up at him with those wide, luminous eyes, and he nearly kissed her.

  She stepped back, and he was grateful for the distance. He was, damn it, despite the overwhelming need to pull her close again. Feel her curves pressed against him. No.

  “Thank you for coming.”

  “You don’t have to thank me. I want to be here, for you as well as Emma.”

  She let out a soft gasp. He understood the startled expression in her eyes because he’d been doing everything in his power to drive her away since he’d been back. Definitely complicated.

  She turned back to face Emma and they both watched while she slept.

  “How did the accident happen?” he asked.

  “They’re not sure.”

  “Mom,” Emma moaned softly.

  Rachel held Emma’s hand in hers. “I’m right here, sweetie.”

  Emma’s eyes blinked. “Where am I?”

  “In the hospital. Do you remember what happened?” Rachel asked.

  Emma shook her head and winced. “I’m not sure. I remember being at practice. I got on the horse. Something must have spooked him because he reared up and… I’m not sure what happened next.”

  “You were thrown from the horse.” Ethan leaned down and gave Emma a kiss.

  A groggy smile formed on Emma’s face. “Ethan, you’re here.”

  “You betcha, kiddo.”

  “But how? Mom told me you’re living in Paris.”

  “I was, but I’m back now.”

  “I’m glad. I missed you so much.”

  Ethan winked at her. “I missed you too, kiddo.” He bent down and hugged her.

  Emma hugged him back. “Me, too. I’ve got so much to tell you.”

  “I can’t wait to hear it, but I don’t want you to tire yourself out. You’ve had a rough couple of days and need to rest. I want you to get better.”

  “You’re right. I want to get back to riding as soon as possible.”

  Rachel let out a harsh breath. Ethan rose from Emma’s side and gave Rachel’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Let’s wait and see what the doctor has to say before you make any plans.”


  The floor nurse came back into the room. “Well, well, well, you’re finally awake. How are you feeling?” She checked Emma’s IV. “Are you in any pain?”

  “I’m a little sore.”

  “That’s to be expected. You’ve had your spleen removed.”

  “My arm and shoulder hurt too.”

  “Dislocated shoulder, broken arm and collar bone,” the nurse stated.

  Emma turned wide eyes toward Rachel.

  “I’m afraid so, sweetie.”

  “How long before I can ride again?” Emma asked the nurse.

  The nurse chuckled and threw a quick glance in Rachel’s direction. “You’ll have to ask the doctor.”

  “Where is he?” Emma asked plaintively.

  “He’ll be around to check on you sometime this morning. Don’t be surprised if you can’t ride for a few months.”

  “A few months?” Emma protested.

  “Are you hungry?” the nurse asked.

  “A little.”

  “Would you like some Jell-O?”

  Emma gave her a hopeful glance. “Do you have strawberry?”


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