Banking On Love

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Banking On Love Page 16

by Anna James

  Rachel eased out of his embrace, rose, then steadied herself, putting most of her weight on her left foot. With a heart-stopping, sexy smile she extended her hand out to him. “Come on.”

  He frowned. “Where are we going?”

  “To bed.” Her eyes darkened. “I want you, Ethan, deep inside me. It’s been too long.”

  He couldn’t agree more, but she needed to rest. “You’re hurt and in pain—”

  She laughed. “The only pain I’m feeling right now is the ache from wanting you.”

  Ethan swallowed. Her words had him hot and hard and, dear God, he wanted to be inside her as much, if not more. He stood and scooped her up into his arms. “Where to?” he growled.

  “First door on the right off the hall.”

  As he strode across the room and into the hallway, Rachel grasped his face between her palms and kissed, no, ravaged him as they made their way. Her hunger sparked an answering need in him.

  When they reached the bedroom, he lowered Rachel to the floor, closed the door and gently pushed her up against it. He made quick work of removing her clothes. Her sweatshirt first, then the cutoff sweats and underwear until she stood naked before him.

  He raked his gaze over her and gave a slow smile, then his eyes landed on the massive bruise on her right thigh.

  “Don’t think about it now,” she rasped as if knowing his thoughts had strayed, then she wound her arms around his neck and lifted her legs around his waist, and she ground her core against him.

  “Oh. God. You’re. Killing. Me.” His hands clamped her fine ass, then her lips were on his, tasting, teasing, tormenting. “Slow down, baby.”

  Rachel smiled and shook her head. “Not a chance. I want you inside me. Now.”

  “Hold on.” He pressed her back against the door and held her there with one arm. With the other, he yanked the hem of his shirt. Rachel pulled it over his head and tossed it on the floor, then ran her palms over his chest.

  “Perfect.” She gazed down at him, her eyes blazing, reached between them and unbuttoned his jeans. “I can’t pull them down.”

  “I’ve got it.” Hooking a thumb into the waistband, he shoved the pants and his boxers down until they pooled at his ankles, then kicked both off.

  She grinned at him. “Now where were we?”

  Rachel lowered herself down onto his hard shaft and he groaned as her tight, wet heat engulfed him. He moved, slowly at first, wanting to savor the pleasure coursing through him, then faster, his hips pistoning back and forth with each thrust. Lord, he loved this woman, and by some miracle, she loved him back.

  Rachel’s breaths came in short, sharp gasps. Eyes closed, head thrown back in wild abandon, she clung to him. Beautiful.

  Her orgasm ripped through them both as her body clenched and tightened around him again and again. Out of control, Ethan thrust harder, deeper. Once, twice. He let out a guttural groan as his own orgasm slammed into him.

  When it was over, he staggered with her over to the bed and then tumbled them down on the cool cotton sheets. Rachel nestled into the crook of his arm, and he held her tight.

  “That was amazing.” She pressed light kisses against him.

  “I’ll say.” He caressed her arm, her hip, her very shapely ass. She shivered and tried to hide a yawn but couldn’t. He smiled, drew the comforter over them both and pressed a soft kiss against her forehead.

  Her rhythmic breathing a few minutes later indicated she’d drifted off to sleep. He eased his arm out from under her, got up carefully, so as not to wake her, then dragged on his jeans and went back into the living room.

  He set up his laptop on the dining room table and got to work.

  “What are you doing?”

  Ethan lifted his eyes from the computer screen. Rachel stood at the entrance to the living room, a silk robe draped around her fabulous body. “Checking out cars.”

  “At this time of night?”

  He glanced down at the computer screen. Two a.m. He’d been at it for almost three hours. “I couldn’t sleep, and I didn’t want to wake you.”

  She ambled over to the table, stood behind him and rested her hands on his shoulders. “What type of cars?”

  “Black four door sedans.”

  “I figured you for something a little more sporty.”

  Ethan smiled, pulled her down onto his lap and nibbled on her ear. She shivered, and his shaft tightened. Would he ever get enough of this woman? He didn’t think so. “It’s not for me. Kelly told me the car that almost hit you earlier this evening was a black four door sedan. If you recall, the last time we almost got hit by a car, it was a black four door sedan.”

  “You think the incidents are related?”

  “I do.” He’d bet a year’s salary on it, and they both had something to do with the account in her name. He could feel it in his gut, but how the dots connected remained a mystery. One he needed to solve quickly or others would come to the same conclusion as Hayden.

  Rachel wasn’t guilty of any crime or wrongdoing. Despite that damned picture. He should never have doubted her innocence, not for one second. “This is the second time you’ve almost been hit by a car in the last few weeks. No one is that unlucky.”

  “I don’t see how they’re connected. The episode in New York was a scare tactic aimed at you because of what’s going on at the bank. This event happened here in Boston to me. I have nothing to do with the shareholders dispute.”

  She had a point. Maybe he was wrong, and the incidents had nothing in common. No. Everything inside told him the near misses and that damned bank account were linked. They had to be. “What time did you arrive in Boston on Monday?”

  Rachel frowned. “I didn’t come up until Tuesday morning. Why?”

  “I thought Jarrod wanted you here first thing Monday morning.”

  “He did, but I missed my connection at Heathrow and had to stay overnight. I didn’t arrive back in New York until late Monday evening.”

  London, she’d been in London on Monday. Shit. “Why didn’t you book a direct flight?”

  “They were full, so I took what I could get. What’s going on, Ethan? Why are you giving me the third degree?”

  “Do you remember me asking you about the bank account at Montgomery in your name?”

  “Yes, and I told you, it’s not mine.”

  “A Rachel Sullivan made a sizable withdrawal from the account at the London branch on Monday.”

  “It wasn’t me. I don’t even know where the Montgomery branch in London is located. There must be another Rachel Sullivan out there. It’s a common enough name. Why does it matter?”

  “We have a photo, and she looks like you.”

  “They say everyone has a twin,” she countered.

  “Don’t you find it strange that a woman with your name, who looks like you, has an account at Montgomery and made a withdrawal from the London branch on the same day you happened to be there?”

  “All right, yes. It’s a little weird, but again, why does it matter? The account isn’t mine, and what does it have to do with either of the car incidents?

  He didn’t have the answers.

  She let out a little laugh. “You make it sound as if someone is out to get me, and I can’t think of a single reason why anyone would.”

  She was right. Damn it. Still, things didn’t add up.

  “Relax, Ethan. Jarrod should be wrapping up his investigation soon, and then this whole thing will be over, and we can finally get on with our lives. In the meantime,” Rachel rose from his lap and reached for his hand. “Come back to bed with me.” She winked. “Let’s enjoy what little time we have left together before you have to head home again.”

  Ethan stood and gave her a slow smile. “Yeah, I think we can do that.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Rachel and Ethan walked the short distance from the car to the new house and climbed the stairs to the front entrance. Her heart pounded as Ethan fit the key in the lock and turned the knob. The sha
reholders dispute was settled. Jarrod filed the report, which found no wrongdoing by the bank, with the SEC yesterday morning.

  She had to go back to Boston and close out her current assignment, but after she’d return to the New York office. Finally, there was nothing keeping them apart. Her heart soared. She loved Ethan with every fiber of her being and couldn’t wait to start their lives together.

  He opened the door with flourish and scooped her up into his arms.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and laughed as he carried her across the threshold.

  When they were inside, he lowered her to the ground, and she gazed around the room. “Wow, big difference without furniture. The entry way and living room seem much larger than I remember.” She walked further into the house. “And the dining room, gosh—”

  Ethan grasped her hand and pulled her back into his arms. “We’ll save the rest of the house tour for tomorrow. Right now, I want to reacquaint myself with you. We’ve been apart for much too long.”

  He kissed her. No, he devoured her, like a starving man eating for the first time in weeks. When he let her go long minutes later she gasped for breath.

  “Now tell me more about the surprise you have planned for me.”

  Ethan’s eyes smoldered with heat as they locked on hers. “Come with me.” He stopped at the arched entryway to the living room, wrapped his arms around her and gave her a long, sweet, seductive kiss. “Don’t move.” He eased her out of his arms and strode to the fireplace.

  Rachel watched as his long, lithe body progressed with easy, fluid movements. Sexiest man ever, and he’s all mine. She smiled. He grasped the remote control and pushed the button. Flames sparked to life, casting a warm glow in the dark room.

  He turned to face her. “You can come in now.”

  “Where did that come from?” A large thick blanket laid spread out on the floor in front of the fire.

  “Come and sit down next to me, and I’ll tell you.”

  She sat, tucking her feet under her bottom and waited as he stretched out long legs beside her.

  “This is part of the surprise I have planned for you. I dropped off a few things when Eileen and I did the final walk through right before the closing earlier today.”

  “I can’t wait to see the rest of what you brought, but first I have a little surprise for you, too, and I can’t wait a moment longer to tell you.”

  “Sounds promising. What is it?”

  Rachel grinned. “I had a conversation with a real estate agent this morning.”

  His brows furrowed. “Oh?”

  “I can’t sell my house yet, but I can get enough rent to cover the original mortgage and the taxes. So… If you still want Emma and me to move in—”

  “You and Emma. Will move in here? With me?”

  “If you still want us to. Yes.”

  He gave her a smile. A curve of his lips that went from ear to ear and had the corners of his eyes crinkling. Her heart skipped a beat.

  Ethan pulled her into his lap and kissed her again. “Are you kidding? When?”

  She laughed. “I have to be back in Boston on Monday morning to wrap up my assignment. It shouldn’t take long. How about when Emma comes home for Thanksgiving?”

  “Perfect.” He gazed into her eyes. “I can’t tell you what this means to me.”

  His lips lowered to hers, a soft, gentle brush of skin over skin, then his mouth opened, and oh, the taste of him, sweeter than the finest chocolate. She sighed, then his tongue swept over hers in a slow sensual dance, and her insides melted, just melted. He eased away and grinned.

  “Now…” Rising, he strode out of the room and returned a moment later with a canvas bag.

  “What’s in there?” Rachel asked.

  He rejoined her on the blanket, propped the bag between them, then withdrew an item.

  Her eyes widened. “Pol Roger Brut nineteen ninety-eight.”

  Ethan nodded and placed the bottle of champagne on the floor beside him.

  He pulled out two crystal fluted glasses next. She smiled. Blazing fire, sipping champagne from crystal fluted glasses. All part of the reunion fantasy she’d described when he came to visit her after the car incident in Boston. “Is there some caviar in there too?” She tried to peek inside, but he swatted her hand away when she reached for the bag.

  “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  His fingernail skimmed lightly along the surface of her bare arm. Her eyes widened, and she shivered. Lord, she loved it when he touched her. He reached inside the bag again.

  “Assorted fruits and cheeses.” Ethan laid out a platter filled with sliced apples and strawberries and wedges of what she assumed were cheddar cheese.

  A smile crossed her face. “I see you decided to add to my fantasy.”

  He nodded and removed another item. “Beluga caviar and toast.”

  “Very nice. Anything else?”

  “Yes.” He pulled one last item from the bag. A gift box.

  Her brows furrowed. What had he bought for her? She lifted the cover, peeled away the tissue paper and gasped.

  Ethan flashed a wicked smile. “It’s not sweat pants and a sweatshirt.”

  Rachel reached inside and removed the silky lingerie. “I’ll go put this on while you open the champagne.” She hurried into the small bathroom off the main hall, undressed, slipped on the negligée, and fluffed her hair. When she came back Ethan had filled the glasses and set the food out on the blanket.

  He stood when he caught a glimpse of her. His eyes glittered like sparkling gemstones. “You look amazing.”

  She smiled, her heart beating a rapid tattoo. “I’m glad you like it. You have good taste.”

  Picking up the glasses, he handed one to her. “To many years of happiness together.” He touched his glass to hers and after taking a sip gently pulled her down on the blanket.

  Ethan scooped some caviar with the mother-of-pearl spoon and spread the relish onto two pieces of pointed toast. He held one up to her. Rachel opened her mouth, and he placed it inside. She closed her eyes and savored the delicate flavor. When she opened them, Ethan handed her the glass of champagne. Rachel swallowed a sip and placed the glass back down on the floor.

  She picked up a strawberry from the platter and slipped the juicy piece of fruit between his parted lips, shuddering when his tongue darted to the corner of his mouth to catch the juice clinging there. Rachel lifted her finger to wipe the drop he’d missed.

  He caught her wrist and licked the drop from her finger. Drawing the pointer into his mouth, he sucked. Heat coiled inside her, pooling low in her belly. He released her finger and drew her down with him.

  “I love you, Ethan.”

  A slow smile spread across his face. “I love you, too.”

  Warmth radiated through her. Hearing him say it would never get old.

  “I love you,” he whispered, raining soft kisses down the column of her neck and along her jawline. “I love you.” He caressed her face.

  She closed her eyes, and he placed a tender kiss on each lid. When his lips brushed hers, she captured his head between her hands and held him there, kissing him with languid, leisurely thoroughness.

  With the gentlest of touches he pushed the straps from her shoulders and inched the silk down over her skin. He lowered his mouth to her bare breasts.

  Rachel quivered when his tongue swirled over her nipple, nipping at the distended nub. Oh, how she’d missed him over these last weeks.

  Ethan glided the lingerie down her body, placing feather light kisses over each piece of skin he revealed.

  His tender reverence brought tears to her eyes. She peeled his shirt off and ran her fingertips over the hard planes of his chest, mesmerized as his muscles shuddered from her touch.

  He removed the gown and kissed his way down the inside of her thigh and over her calf. Anticipation hummed through her as he worked his way up her other leg, and she cried out when he pressed his lips to her core. He licked and sucked, buildi
ng the wanting to a fevered pitch. Only this man could bring her to such heights. “Ethan,” she sobbed, shattering in his arms.

  He held her close and dropped delicate kisses on her shoulders and at the base of her neck.

  “My turn.” She pressed his back into the blanket. “Let’s get you out of these.” After removing his pants and boxers, she glided her hands over his chest. Lowering her mouth, she dotted kisses over his abdomen and lower and then bent to take him in her mouth.

  Ethan let out a deep groan. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I want to.” She caressed him with her tongue, her lips and her mouth wanting only to please him.

  He let out a deep, guttural groan, flipped their positions and drove hard and full inside her, plunging again and again.

  She soared with him up to the sky, exploded into a million fragmented pieces, then became whole again as they drifted down.

  Ethan parked the SUV in his assigned spot the following afternoon and went to the passenger side to open the door for Rachel. She slipped out and pointed to the back seat. “Are those the last of the boxes?”

  “Yes. I brought a few in this morning along with the things I bought from the market. These aren’t important, mostly old files and books. We can leave them until later and get the bags for now.”

  Rachel glanced up. Dark, heavy rain clouds hovered in the sky casting a dreary light. A gust of wind blew, and she shivered. “Looks like we’re going to get the freezing rain the weather man forecasted for tonight sooner rather than later. We should probably take them in now.”

  “It’s too early for a winter storm.”

  Rachel laughed. “Maybe so, but Mother Nature is dumping one on us anyway.”

  Ethan hefted the two large boxes into his arms. She gathered their purchases, closed the door and followed him to the house. As they reached the front door the skies opened up. Rain pounded down around them. Ethan propped the boxes against the side of the house and fished in his pocket for the keys. They were both soaked by the time they made it inside.


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