Gay Mechanic: Can a gay man be a tradie

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Gay Mechanic: Can a gay man be a tradie Page 1

by Phillip Lesbirel

  The Gay Mechanic

  By Phillip Lesbirel©

  Book Summary

  The Gay Mechanic is a story of a young man who knew he was gay, but had never been with a man. He decided he wanted to be an apprenticed motor mechanic, and his meeting at the local TAFE College with Paul who was a clerk there, led him to be taken on by Joe, a gay mechanic. This story deals with his introduction to the trade, to gay slavery and true gay love and to the gay society within his home town.

  This book is a piece of fiction. Any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidence. Pictures shown on the front and rear covers and also inside the book have been taken from the world wide net and are considered public property, having no copyright or watermark shown. Should this book offend any person, then I apologise, however, this book is only available on Amazon and Kindle web sites, and access to purchase assumes the purchaser is aware of the possible graphic nature of the publications available on the site, so no complaints will be entertained.

  Copyright © 2005

  A fictional story by Phil Lesbirel

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

  This book always remains the intellectual property of the writer under the Copyright Laws in Australia and the world.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015 By Phillip Lesbirel

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN- 978-1548988098

  .ISBN- 154898809X


  The Gay Mechanic

  By Phillip Lesbirel©

  Book Summary


  Coming out to my family

  Becoming a worker

  My apprenticeship begins

  First day at work

  My Training

  Experimenting with my sexuality

  Enslaved by love

  Harry’s in love

  Christmas week

  My first and only stable relationship

  New Years

  Harry comes out


  My Holiday Surprise

  Mr. and Mr. Brite

  Wedding Breakfast in Mareeba

  Home Sweet Home


  Other Books by this Author

  Coming out to my family

  What does a guy do when he is gay, and the school end of year dance is approaching? Do you go alone, or do you stay away? It was a dilemma I was faced with, and wanted to ignore, but knew I could not. I knew I was gay from an early age, but tried everything to convince all around me I was normal, or what I thought was normal. I was in the high school rugby league team, roughing it with the boys, sharing the showers and trying not to get stiff when I caught site of the other guys’ cocks. Oh, those glorious cocks, what I would give to place my lips over those sensual looking icons of young manhood. I partied after the games, making sure I drunk myself into oblivion before the hoaring began, so I would not have to refuse to fuck a girl groupie. I became known as the team drunk, but for me it was better than being the team fag. I also joined the school wrestling team, and although I occasionally allowed my hands to wonder, I was never called to answer for my grabbing of a guys cock or balls, or feeling his ass. I worked out every day to build my strength and body physique, and by my 18th birthday, I must admit I was in love with my washboard abbs and powerful chest, legs and arms.

  I was lying on my bed listening to my radio, and reading ‘Muscle’ magazine, my favourite mens magazine and one I knew would not give any indications of my sexual desires, as my parents encouraged my body building efforts. I heard a knock on the door, and mum came in. She always knocked, waited for a few seconds then came in without my invite, so her appearance in the doorway did not alarm me. The magazine was lying on my crutch covering the swelling in my shorts, so I felt reasonably safe. She walked over and sat down on the end of the bed.

  “You got a date for the school dance yet?” She asked casually. I shook my head in a negative fashion.

  “No, no one I really want to ask.” I hoped I sounded nonchalant and disinterested. But mum knew me like a book, and more than I realised.

  “I suppose I can’t expect any grand children from you Jerry, like your 3 brothers. You’re gay aren’t you?” It was said as a matter of fact, and not as a question. I looked at her, wondering where I had gone wrong, and how to answer her. I had thought many times on how I would tell my parents I was gay, but this scenario had never been thought of.

  “How did you know?” She looked at me with her soft hazel eyes, her light brown hair long, and pulled back behind her ears.

  “A mother can see their son’s mind struggling with their problems. We may not say anything at times, but we recognise the signs, and want to help, but know you have to sort them out for yourself. You have now haven’t you? You have decided your life will be as a gay man, and not with a wife and kids, house and white picket fence. It’s not for you, your life will be with a man, and I hope he will love you as much as you will love him.” I was speechless, what could I say; she had said it all for me.

  “Are you going to tell dad?” I looked at her pleading not too.

  “No, this will be between us for now, but you will have to tell him, and don’t leave it too long. It could become public knowledge when you least expect it, and your father would be very upset you did not go to him.” I was very close to my father, and it hurt not being able to tell him his sporting hero was a fag, a queen and a poo-puncher. Even though I had never been with a guy in any way at all, being a virgin did not alter the fact that I was still gay.

  “How do you suggest I tell him without hurting him mum?” I was almost in tears, thinking of the feelings I had for my father, and the possible disgust and alienation my telling him may cause our relationship.

  “He loves you Jerry, and I know he will understand in time. It may hurt him at first, but you will have my support, and love always. Don’t leave it too long.” She got up from the bed, and as she leaned over to kiss me, the magazine slipped off my crutch, revealing my huge stiff cock, brought to its height by the danger of mum finding out while in the room. She looked at me, at my cock, and then kissed me on the cheek.

  “I see you follow after your father.” With that, she smiled, and left the room. My face must have been beetroot red, as I felt it burning up. But I also felt relief, felt it flooding over me.

  I had my mums’ support, now I had to get my father on side, but how? I decided that the sooner the better. With school coming to an end, I had to decide wether to go on to University, or start work. Actually, I had already decided to start work, as my grades were fairly awful. I had seen the vocational guidance officer, and had almost decided to do an apprenticeship in the engineering field. So this would be my entry to talk to my father. I will try and bring the subject up during the talk on my future. Dad was a successful lawyer, and my three brothers had also gone into the legal fields. Me? I would not know a legal book from a ‘Muscle’ magazine, much less be able to concentrate on studying for those number of years. My brothers were much older than I. Mitch was 34, a successful criminal lawyer, married with house, picket fence and 2 beautiful girls. David was a year younger, living with his girlfriend, also a lawyer specialising in Industrial Law, and lived in the City in a great
2 bed apartment. Collin was my favourite. He was 28 years old, doing his articles, and was only 6 months from taking the bar exam. He had a steady girlfriend, and shared a flat with 2 other guys in the city also. I was an after thought or accident. I am sure I was never supposed to come along, but mum and dad never gave me that feeling. I knew they loved me, and now hoped that love was enough to get through my telling dad I was gay.

  After tea, I sat down in front of the TV, and pondered how I was going to get dad to listen. Mum finished cleaning up in the kitchen, brought dad his cup of coffee and herself a cup of tea. She sat down next to me on the couch, and looked at me, and I nodded to her, having primed her before hand.

  “Heath, Jerry wants to discuss his future with us. Do you mind if we turn off the TV?” Mum made it sound casual, much better than I would have. Dad looked up from his recliner chair.

  “Sure: Nothing much on the telly anyway.” He grabbed the remote, and turned off the TV, and turning the radio on softly.

  “Ok Jerry, the floor is your’s, what is it you need to talk about.” I was slow to start, so mum took over and asked me the question about work or university.

  “I have decided I want to do an apprenticeship. I know my grades are not even close to Einstein’s, so lets not kid ourselves. University will only delay the inevitable, and by that time, I may not be able to get one. No, I think working for a living is my best bet.” Dad smiled; he had a great smile, knowing but not smug, kind but not patronising. I loved his smile.

  “I think you have made a wise decision Jerry, although, your mother and I would have supported your decision to go to University too. Of course it’s always possible to carry on your studies after coming out of your apprenticeship, and go for an engineering degree.” I looked at him and shook my head,

  “No dad, my brain can’t handle all that stuff, besides, who wants to do business with a gay engineer.” Mum nearly fell off the couch at my open statement, not expecting me to be so bold, but dad never flinched.

  “You sure you know what you are saying son? Going through life as a homosexual will be hard; harder than you realise, especially as a tradesman. Gay men are not liked in the manly trades, believe me, I have seen many criminal cases of gays being beaten up by friends and work mates because they were found out to be gay. There are many professions where gay men are well accepted, indeed almost expected to be employed. Wouldn’t you be better looking into those jobs rather than a trade?” I knew he meant well, but I had made up my mind.

  “No dad, gay or not, I will look for a trade in engineering. I can handle the job, and if I don’t act like a queer, I should be accepted by those I work with.” Dad shook his head.

  “Ok Jerry, but I know it will be hard going for you, but you have the support of your family to take your life the way you want it. We all love you, but I must admit, I am a little disappointed at your life choice, but am not surprised. Until we get used to this, I don’t want you bringing your boyfriends home here. While you live in this house, you will keep your sexual desires to yourself.” I agreed, but felt sadness come over me. My father had accepted my being gay, but did not want to be part of that life. It may change in the future, but for now, I would have to confine any gay life I might have to outside the house.

  My brothers did not accept it as well as mum and dad. Mitch told me not to come out to his home, and to stay away from his children, calling me a disgusting pervert. His wife Anne did not say anything, but the look on her face was enough. It was one of disgust and loathing. David wasn’t much better, although he did not ban me from his flat. His girlfriend Carole was great, and said he would come round and to be patient. Collin was mixed in his feelings, although when we were alone for a short time, he confided that he had tried gay sex while at University, and although had found it exciting, had decided it was not for him. He did however say that one of his flat mates was leaving for overseas in a month or so, and I was welcome to share the flat with him and Harry then. I would be expected to look after myself in all respects, but he would help me with rent while I was apprenticed. I said I would talk to dad and get back to him. Mum was all for it, but dad was reluctant, till mum got stuck into him, saying I could not be expected to live my life openly if I lived at home. Living with Collin meant I was still in the family and had family support. Dad finally agreed, and also decided he would help Collin with the rent to the tune of $100 per week. It was settled, and I was to move in when the room became vacant.

  Becoming a worker

  I must have answered over 40 ads from the paper, for apprentices of all types of engineering trades, being interviewed but hearing nothing back. I was becoming desperate. I needed to prove to my parents I could hold a job, and learn a trade before dad would let me go live with Collin. The room would be available next week, and I still had no job. I went to the TAFE (Technical and Further Education College) to try and enrol in an engineering course, but they would not accept applications without an employer’s recommendation. The receptionist could see my distress when he told me.

  “Have you tried the Skilled Employment Agency?” he asked. “They often share apprentices with 2 or 3 employers so young guys can get their skills.” I brightened up a little on hearing this.

  “You reckon they might take me on?” I said hopefully. He looked at me, and gave a sly wink.

  “With a body like that, I know Joe will take you on. I am going for a tea break, feel like a coffee?” I looked at him quizzically, “Well you are gay aren’t you?” I was shocked, but only for a second, and shook my head in the affirmative. How did he know I was gay? “Thought so, my gaydar never lets me down, give me 2 minutes, I’ll meet you out back behind the office.” With that, I tuned and left the office, walking around the back, smiling to myself. This guy was my first gay contact, my first, and hopefully not my last.

  I waited on a bench in the gardens behind the office. There was a gate to go through to get to it, and there were no windows on the wall behind the bench. The gate was at least 6’ high, and could not easily be seen over, allowing occupants of the garden area privacy if they wished. The clerk came out of a door in the far corner with 2 coffee mugs in his hands, and a sheepish grin on his face. He sat next to me, placing the mugs to his left on the ground.

  “Hi, I’m Paul.” He put out his right hand. I grabbed his hand to shake it and introduce myself, but before I could say anything, he moved forward and kissed me passionately, lips spread lusciously over mine, his tongue exploring my mouth. I was, at first alarmed, but quickly recovered, and allowed him to explore, and I grabbed his head and pulled it harder onto my lips. My groin reacted to his kiss, and grew; restricted in my denim jeans and jockey shorts. I could feel his hand move to my groin, and he started to stroke it gently. My reaction was instant, and I blew my load, cumming in my jocks, and soaking my jeans. He smiled.

  “Been a long time hasn’t it?” he said, looking at the wet spot spreading over my crutch. He started to undo my zipper, and placed his hand inside my jeans, he then undid my belt, the brass button on my jeans, and slid the top of the jeans down a fraction, enough to be able to slide my jocks down to reveal my hardened cock, slippery now with cum. My cock sprung up out of its cocoon, and stood proudly above the top of my jeans. I was not huge, but had a full 8 inches in length and was thick to go with it. He placed his mouth over the head, and allowed his tongue to slide all over it, causing my body to spasm to the delights. Moving his mouth lower, he took my entire member into his mouth, deep throated me, using his tongue to lick and suck my shaft. I had never cum twice in a short space in time, but knew today would be different, as I felt my cock harden and quiver with anticipation. I had not learnt control, so I could not enjoy these delights as much as I would have liked to, and came in his mouth quickly. My juices flowed a second time, pushing my hot jizz into his mouth, with him taking every drop. When the spasms slowed, he pulled off my cock, licking the head of any remaining cum, and then moved his mouth up to mine and kissed me passionately. I could tast
e the salty flavour of my own cum, and it was erotic to my senses. While we kissed, he pulled my jocks up; re buttoned my jeans, and struggled to zip up my jeans. I helped in this task as with the belt, and we sat back on the bench, me exhausted from cumming twice, he with a calmness and a wicked smile on his face.

  “You taste good, but I am sure you know that, eating your own cum?” I assured him I did, although knowing it was a lie. I had never drunk cum in my life. He passed me the mug of coffee, black and sweet. I had never drunk black coffee, and although different, I actually got to like it after half a mug.

  “By the way, my name is Jerry. Glad to know you Paul. Worked here long?” We shook hands again, and Paul told me he had been there for over 6 years since leaving school.

  “It’s the greatest place for getting a date.” He said laughing with his big blue eyes. “You would not believe how many burly trades guys love to fuck and get sucked off by a fag like me. Most would deny being gay, but they all are as gay as me. They just put on a straight face at work. Some are openly gay, and they don’t seem to have any problems. What trade you looking for?” I pondered for a short time. “Not sure really, but thought Motor Mechanics or a fitter and turner might be good.” He looked at me again with a questioning look.


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