Two Wolves, a Man, and Their Woman [Werewolf Castle 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Two Wolves, a Man, and Their Woman [Werewolf Castle 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Cara Adams

  Stefan had pulled her against him, pressing his cock into her body and holding her ass, so Uwe chose to cuddle her to him, pulling her onto his lap as they kissed. She twisted more fully to face him, putting her legs either side of his and he was absolutely positive the way she pressed down on his cock was deliberate. Good. That meant she was becoming aroused and their plan was working.

  Dom laid her on the rug beside him sliding his hand up and down her back and unwrapping the towel, then pulling the swimsuit off her body. Stefan crawled behind them ready to take over.

  Uwe dropped to the bottom of the blanket and began playing with her feet, stroking her toes and massaging her arches. Gradually he petted his way up her legs a little, although he’d promised he wouldn’t go past her knees until it was his turn. When it was, he lifted her leg in the air, sucked the skin behind her knee, then kept licking and sucking his way up to her cunt.

  This would be the true test of their “talk” session. He buried his face in her pussy and licked the length of her slit, then parted her pussy lips and drove his tongue inside her.

  She gave a happy little sigh and he knew his brothers would begin playing with her breasts. Now it was up to him. He sucked her clit, nibbled on her nether lips, and tongue-fucked her with every ounce of romance he could find in himself. Kady was so responsive his dick was killing him, but this was about her. The three of them had made a pact to pleasure her on this first time. To pleasure her so well she wanted to spend more time with them and could clearly see how good it would be for her with three men devoted to her sexual well-being.

  Her pussy was filled with her cream, and she tasted sweet as he bobbed his head in and around her most sensitive area, licking the tender skin of her inner thighs, sucking her clit and her labia, biting the flesh very gently, then thrusting his tongue inside her again.

  “Mmmm,” she mumbled, and then shuddered. Her cunt rippled around his tongue as he lapped her cream. The shudder and flood of her honey into his mouth told him very clearly that their first objective, her orgasm, had been reached. Uwe looked up and saw both his brothers stroking her skin, so he lifted her head and kissed her mouth, sharing her own cream with her. He wondered if she knew what she tasted like, but her eyes were closed so he couldn’t tell. She did kiss him back enthusiastically though.

  Dom was stroking her shoulders and Stefan her side, but she sat up again, and said, “Mmmm. Thank you. That was quite a conversation.”

  “Next time we might try some different—words,” said Dom.

  “Oh I don’t think we’ve quite finished here yet.” She ran her hand down Dom’s cock and it jerked upright at her touch. Next she stroked Stefan, and Uwe could tell he was struggling to maintain control. Finally she took his eager dick in her hand and ran a fingernail along the ridge under the cockhead. He had to grit his teeth not to groan at how good it felt.

  She surprised him by taking him in her mouth and sucking him deep. After a few minutes he knew his control was gone. “I… Oh.”

  She lifted her mouth off him and rolled his balls with one hand while tugging on his dick with the other. In no time he came, his seed spurting over her hands. She pulled on his shoulder until his mouth touched hers in a kiss, and then she wiped her hands on her towel.

  Now Stefan. He kneeled beside her and again she started by sucking him. This time she had her hands on his ass, perhaps mirroring what he’d done to her earlier. Whatever it was she did, his brother’s orgasm followed almost the instant she lifted her mouth off his cock. Uwe could see Dom was holding on by the merest thread. He had to admire the man’s stamina. His own dick was hard again already just from looking at Kady’s naked breasts. After Dom came they lay together on the blanket for a while and Uwe knew then this was what he wanted forever. Kady and his brothers. With her, he’d be happy forevermore.

  * * * *

  Kady didn’t talk much on the way down the mountain. She’d expected them to make a move on her, which was why she’d worn the swimsuit, knowing they were going to a waterfall. She’d also been prepared to let them touch her. But never for a minute had she expected to be quite so blown away by the orgasm they gave her. The three of them had totally tag teamed her to oblivion. Logically she knew that three men meant three mouths and six hands. But logic was no help compared to the feeling of being touched, teased, and aroused in so many places at once. At one stage there’d been a man sucking each of her breasts and her clit. All three of her ignition points simultaneously. And that was without the hands gently stroking every inch of sensitive flesh she had, including a few places she’d never before considered erotic.

  She rather suspected they’d ruined her for one-man, one-woman sex for the rest of her life. No single man could possibly compete with the multiple sensations they’d aroused in her. Ever since she’d heard about the two-wolves-one-woman ménages, she’d imagined what it would be like to have two cocks deep inside her. Instinctively she knew there’d be no comparison with one cock and a dildo. But now her mind was playing with the thought of three cocks inside her. Her mouth, her cunt, and her ass all filled at the same time. She wanted that. She wanted these men.

  It didn’t matter how often her brain screamed at her that she didn’t really know them. Nothing changed. She still wanted them, all three of them, inside her. Maybe next time they’d better go out to dinner as Dominik had originally proposed. She did need to talk to them and learn their characters before her brain got blown away with the sex. She hated to have to say it, but yes. There could be no more sex until she knew a lot more about them as people. Dammit.

  They were walking in silence, and quite fast, as dusk was falling. The men hadn’t gotten out their flashlights yet, but Dominik was leading and she was between Uwe and Stefan and could see where to walk, although there wasn’t a path, just the faintest thread of a track really.

  Dominik stopped, and she sensed Stefan about to speak, and then not say anything. Confounded, she remained silent herself, and then remembered that Dominik and Stefan were werewolf shape-shifters. With more acute hearing than hers or Uwe’s.

  As she stood quite still, she heard it herself, a couple of people moving on the mountain, quite nearby, and not as comfortable as her little group had been walking, so either not as used to the mountain or perhaps just not following even such a faint track as they were.

  “Jezuz pleazus. Are you sure this is the right way?” asked a man.

  “Shut up, idiot. We’re not supposed to be here,” came the reply in a low tone.

  Dom slid his backpack off his back and left it on the ground. He jerked his thumb down the mountain indicating the rest of them should continue. Stefan shook his head and removed his backpack as well. Uwe gave a thumbs-up and picked up both backpacks, slinging one over each shoulder. He tapped her hand and tapped his own backpack, indicating she should follow him. She nodded and looked as Dom and Stefan almost disappeared among the trees. While she’d grown up hiking this mountain, she wasn’t as familiar with this area of it as the area near where she lived. It was better for her to follow Uwe back to the truck. Poor Uwe, left to carry all the backpacks. For a moment she considered offering to carry one then decided it’d be much better if she concentrated on not making a noise. She was human, not a shape-shifter, and needed to be very careful not to betray their presence. She kept half her attention on the faint path and the other half alert for any sign of the two men who’d spoken, or, she suddenly thought, any number of their friends who could be spread out all over the mountain. I hope Dominik and Stefan have the brains to stay invisible. But yes, they would. It was their mountain after all. Nonetheless it seemed to take way longer to get back to the truck than it’d taken going up the mountain.

  Uwe pulled out the blanket and put it in the car before putting all the backpacks in the trunk. Kady noticed how very slowly and carefully he shut it, letting it make only the tiniest click. Unless someone was very close by they shouldn’t have heard it. The night animals were already moving in the mountains, an
d leaves were rustling in the slight breeze. It wasn’t dark yet but it was well into dusk. Full dark wasn’t going to be all that far away.

  She waited a very long time and had finally wrapped the blanket around herself and fallen asleep on the backseat of the truck, before she heard footsteps and startled awake. Uwe seemed to be still wide-awake and alert behind the steering wheel. Dominik and Stefan both climbed into the truck without saying a word. Kady thought they looked tired and dirty, although it was too dark to be completely sure. Dominik took out his cell phone and punched in a number. She sat up wondering who he was calling and why. Had they followed those men? Who were they and why were they here when apparently they shouldn’t have been? What was it all about?

  She sat silently and waited while Dom made his call. “Sir, two strangers wandering around the mountain. Dressed like tourists but I don’t believe that’s what they really are. However, they aren’t mountain men, that’s for sure. They became quite lost once darkness fell, walking back on their own tracks so often they finally worked it out for themselves.”

  There was silence from Dominik’s end for a little while. Kady’s hearing wasn’t good enough to make the words out of the faint tinny noise coming from his cell phone.

  “I’d say two and a half miles west-southwest of Long Waterfall. Not on the track although they’d crossed over several times without recognizing it. Just sitting under a tree and starting to be worried that they couldn’t get wherever they were supposed to be going.”

  There was another pause then. “I’m sure they were supposed to be meeting someone. He might be out looking for them already. They were talking to each other from time to time so if someone was patient it’d be easy enough to find them…No, sir. There’s only us in the parking lot, no signs of other vehicles at all. Yes, sir.”

  Dominik clicked off his phone.

  “We have to wait here. The Alpha’s sending a couple of men and wants to be sure they don’t find their way off the mountain before his men arrive.”

  “Well you can fill in the time by telling us what happened,” said Kady, trying to stop a huge yawn escaping.

  “Nothing happened. We followed them remaining silent and staying well back. Following was easy. They made a lot of noise. After a while we stayed even farther back because they were circling and coming back on themselves. After they’d crossed the track without recognizing it maybe four times they realized they were lost and sat under a big tree. The question is, who were they meeting and why.”

  “Actually, it’s who are they working for, and which mountain people invited them here,” contradicted Stefan.

  Kady noticed they were all speaking quietly even though they were inside the truck. She also noticed the men’s bodies were partially turned so they were watching out the windows for the arrival of the Alpha’s men. Or the men looking for the strangers, perhaps.

  “Could you tell where they were from, by their accents or anything?” she asked.

  “Not around here.” Dominik and Stefan both spoke together.

  “It’s a bit of a worry if some of the mountain people are in the pay of one of the men who wants to be the Supreme Alpha of Europe though. The last thing we need is more trouble in our own backyard,” said Uwe.

  “In that case I don’t think it’ll be the Alpha of Turkey. I reckon he’ll stay away from us now, after that bit of trouble a month or so ago. But there are still the Alphas from France and Germany and Vojvodina. It could be any of them,” said Stefan.

  “In that case I’d guess they were working for the Alpha of Vojvodina. He’s a lot sneakier and more underhanded than the other two,” said Dominik.

  “Great. Just what we needed. More trouble,” said Kady.

  “Until a new Supreme Alpha is appointed I don’t think the trouble will stop. Even then, there’ll likely be angling for control and power,” said Dominik slowly.

  Kady knew he was correct, but right now she was tired, it was late, and she had an early start in the morning. The lovely glow from her orgasm had worn off and she was reminded that even in paradise, her mountains, nothing was ever perfect for long.

  Oh well. It was still better than flipping burgers in town.

  She was asleep, when she felt movement and opened her eyes. A group of men were speaking softly to Dominik and Stefan. While she watched, they melted into the darkness and headed up the mountain. Still half asleep, she looked around the parking lot and noticed one other car. “Why didn’t I hear it pull up?” she asked quietly.

  “The car? They were pushing it. They turned the engine off a mile ago and pushed it the rest of the way so no one would know they were coming,” said Stefan.

  “Engine noises carry a long way at night,” added Uwe.

  “In that case I’ll steer and you men can push,” she said, throwing the blanket off and getting out of the backseat.

  “I knew you’d say that,” Dominik whispered.

  * * * *

  This was so not the way Dominik had pictured their first date ending. He’d been prepared for Kady not to get undressed, to refuse to swim with them, and even to draw the line at kissing and touching. He’d had plans to circle around her objections and for them all still to have gotten to know each other better, although he’d very much hoped to have his hands and mouth on her bare skin bringing her to orgasm. But he’d been prepared for Kady to keep them at a distance.

  When she’d allowed them to touch her and then had touched each of them in return, Dom had been filled with hope that their romance was off to a wonderful start, and was already planning future scenes in his head. Scenes where they’d have her in their bed all night. At the very least he’d expected to cuddle her in the truck on the way down the mountain, maybe even to touch her again before returning her home. He’d sucked her delicious breasts but he hadn’t tasted her cunt yet. He really wanted to do that.

  Instead of that, there’d been intruders on the mountain and he and Stefan had to track them. They were the wolves so they had to be the trackers. Their hearing and scenting abilities were more acute than those in humans. Besides, he was the oldest so it was his responsibility to take the lead. That left Uwe with all their luggage as well as Kady to protect. He knew his youngest brother would not take advantage of the situation even though there’d been a hell of a long wait before he and Stefan had returned to the truck. Those fucktards had walked around in circles for so long he’d wanted to scream at them for their blindness in not even realizing what they were doing. But when he and Stefan had returned to the parking lot, he wasn’t at all surprised to find Kady asleep on the backseat and Uwe still awake and alert in the front seat, keeping watch. He trusted his brother completely. But those fucking strangers had ruined the end of this date night and totally fucked up his plans.

  However, even more than that, they signified that the struggle over who would become the new Supreme Alpha of Europe had spread even to the mountains. Well, it was all in his Alpha’s hands now and those two idiots were about to discover the mountain men could be as harsh and unwelcoming as the mountains themselves. Konstantin, the wolf in charge of the group who’d just arrived, had told him another team of wolves was searching for the vehicle the strangers had used to get here, and also for any signs of other men waiting for them. Of course the real issue was who they were to meet. Had one of the mountain wolves allied himself to one of the contenders for the position of Supreme? Ah well, that wasn’t his problem. All he had to do was help push the fucking truck halfway around the mountain until it was safe to start the engine.

  They kept pushing until the track started to go downhill, then Dom and his brothers climbed in the truck and let it roll for a good half mile more before the track started to go uphill again. Then they all changed places, and Stefan turned the engine on to drive them back to Werewolf Castle.

  As they’d previously decided, Dom was in the back with Kady, and he did get to put his arm around her delightful body while she rested her head on his shoulder and dozed off to sleep a
gain. At least that part of the plan came true.

  They’d escorted Kady back to the priests’ house in the castle and were almost back at their parents’ house on the mountain when Dom’s cell phone vibrated in his pocket. It was a curt text from the Alpha demanding his presence at seven the next morning.

  “Huh, seven? That’s practically a sleep in. I start work at six and it’s after one now,” said Uwe, heading into his bedroom.

  “Am I needed, too, or am I the lucky one who will get a decent night’s sleep?” asked Stefan.

  “Check your phone. The Alpha hasn’t mentioned you here.”

  Stefan pulled out his phone and smiled. “Looks like I’m the winner. No messages for me.”

  Dom just grunted and went into his own room, setting the alarm on his phone. He could shower, get dressed, and drive to the Alpha’s house in half an hour if he moved fast, so he’d get five hours’ sleep. A full hour more than Uwe.

  When he arrived at the Alpha’s home, Konstantin was already there, although his eyes had dark circles around them and he badly needed a shave. “Took you all night did it?” he asked.

  Konstantin rubbed his face, then yawned. “Pretty much.”

  “Report,” said the Alpha walking into the room and sitting at his desk, looking as fresh and alert as if he hadn’t been talking to them five hours ago.

  “The Alpha of France, in his infinite wisdom, has allied himself with a pack of wolves who live in France but aren’t citizens. They aren’t even there legally. They convinced him that the mountain wolves likely didn’t even know what was going on, because we’re not members of the association. This visit was supposed to be an icebreaker so we’d hear about him and decide to join with him.”


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