Two Wolves, a Man, and Their Woman [Werewolf Castle 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Two Wolves, a Man, and Their Woman [Werewolf Castle 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Cara Adams

  Her mouth was filling with liquid and she swallowed, then realized that Uwe had come. It was his exotic, spicy seed she was swallowing. Next she felt the heat in her cunt and ass, and understood Dom and Stefan had climaxed as well. The tiny part of her brain that was still functioning was really pleased they’d all climaxed together. But thinking was much too difficult just yet. She lay in limp contentment surrounded by her men and the thick scent of sex. Damn they were talented. She’d never felt this good before.

  * * * *

  Uwe sat cross-legged on the blanket, watching Kady sleep. At least, he thought she was asleep. She looked limp, satiated, and relaxed to him, anyway. His beautiful, precious, treasured mate. Uwe was now completely accepting of the idea of sharing her with his brothers. At first he’d been a fraction sad, because he and she were both human, but then he’d accepted what he’d always really known. That the lack of females meant sharing was really the only logical solution, and that there was no one he’d rather share with than his brothers. For all their joking and macho protestations, they all got along very well together. Having known each other from birth meant that they understood why they tended to react in certain ways and could make allowances for each other’s behaviors. They could also choose to avoid each other’s trigger points.

  And just as his parents had loved all four of their children equally, he knew Kady would treat her three mates equally and fairly. Although he and his brothers were quite similar in many ways, they were also quite different in others. He and Kady would have their cooking as a special link. Uwe knew she’d develop, or perhaps had already developed, special links with Dominik and Stefan as well.

  Dom had left the cave to patrol the plateau again. Stefan was building up the fire to provide a little more light. “I need to put some soothing gel in our mate’s ass. I don’t want her to be sore when she wakes up,” Stefan said.

  “I’ll massage her head while you do that. It’ll distract her and it’s something I’ve been longing to do. Her hair is so beautiful,” Uwe replied.

  “Yes. I plan to do that one day, too.”

  It was a dark tangle on the pillow, but it was brown, not black like theirs, and hung halfway down her back when she let it out. Mostly she had it tied up for work, though. He’d wanted to run his fingers through it for the longest time, and now he could do that. Unless she said not to. He’d never do anything she didn’t want him to, although perhaps he’d try to talk her around. Just a bit.

  Stefan cleaned his hands then kneeled on the blanket with a tube of gel. Together they rolled Kady from her side onto her front. She made a mumbled protest but didn’t wake up. Uwe grinned at Stefan. “It looks as though we tired her out.”

  “Let’s hope it’s the first time of many.”

  Uwe helped Stefan part her legs, then he dug his fingers into her hair and stroked her scalp. Under the thick, rich tresses he could feel the neat shape of her head and her fine bone structure. He massaged her head from front to back, then from ear to ear. She made some appreciative noises, but he had no way of knowing if it was because she liked the head massage, or from Stefan rubbing the cool gel into her ass, making sure he coated all her sensitive tissues so she wasn’t sore in the morning. Either way it didn’t really matter. They were a team, united in one mission—to give her joy.

  Together they settled her under the blankets, Uwe snug against her chest, Stefan pressing against her back, and with space for Dom to join them beside Uwe. Dom and Stefan had to take the outside positions as they’d be checking the plateau every hour for intruders. Next time it’d be his turn to take an outside position. But he didn’t mind. She was so completely right for them all he’d do what was necessary to let her know how important she was to each one of them.

  He slept and woke, slept and woke again when Dom shook him. “It’s after four. You and Kady need to get up now if you’re going to be at the castle at six.”

  Reluctantly, he moved away from her lush, warm body and found his clothing. One of his brothers had built up the fire again so there was enough light to see quite clearly even though dawn was an hour or more away as yet.

  Kady crawled across the bed to her own backpack and began getting dressed. He turned to face her so he could watch her as he pulled on his jeans and laced his boots. Her every movement was graceful. She never wasted a motion either. Everything she did was purposeful. But the best thing of all to watch was as she braided her hair. Her fingers moved through the strands twisting and turning them, flipping one bunch of hair over another at lightning speed until there was just one neat braid hanging down her back. It was like watching an illusionist at work. He’d seen it happen but had no idea how she’d achieved the result.

  Dom handed both of them bottles of water and a thick sandwich. “I didn’t know if you usually ate before you started work or not, but I thought the hike down the mountain might make you hungry.”

  Kady opened the bottle and took a long drink. “Thank you. I was thirsty, and I expect by the time we get to Uwe’s car I’ll be hungry as well.”

  “I never say no to food,” said Uwe. Until that very moment he hadn’t felt either hungry or thirsty, but with food and water in his hands, he suddenly wanted both of them. However, it’d be smarter to eat them in daylight, so he’d wait a while.

  “Since you brought us more supplies when you came, we won’t have to hike out to get fresh water today, so I’ll walk part of the way with you,” said Stefan.

  “Too weak to make the hike twice in a day?” Uwe teased his brother.

  “Too smart to do it twice,” Stefan replied, and everyone laughed.

  * * * *

  By the time they were halfway down the mountain, the sky had lightened enough so that it was easy to see the trail and Stefan allowed himself to stop worrying about Kady. It was all very well to know she was born and bred on the mountain, but the fact remained that she was human, not wolf, and her senses were not as developed as his. He left them at a slight rise in the trail, and watched and waited until they were out of sight.

  Since he was down this far he decided to hike east instead of going straight back to Big Rock. It wouldn’t hurt to check out a couple of the other trails while he was here and not carrying a heavy pack of their day’s food and water supplies. Stefan admitted to himself that he didn’t really think he’d find intruders on the mountain, or even any genuinely lost tourists. There were plenty of relatively easy hikes to very scenic places, all of which were clearly signposted and with facilities like bathrooms and a small store to buy postcards and bottled water in their parking lots. They were the places tourists flocked to. Occasionally serious hikers or rock climbers would search out more difficult trails, but they were generally experienced, competent, and unlikely to either get lost or damage the environment. They were also unlikely to be in the pay of some wannabe werewolf Supreme.

  But it was a beautiful morning, he was here on the mountain, and he might as well check the side trails instead of walking directly back to his brother. He stretched his legs out, taking his usual long strides and moving at a steady pace, which he could maintain all day if he needed to. Stefan looked at the foliage beside the track, noting that none of it was damaged. That told him as clearly as a neon sign that if anyone had been this way, they were serious hikers or mountain locals. Inexperienced walkers tended to wander off the narrow, and in places almost invisible, track. When he’d almost reached the top of a small hill he circled back under the trees, hiking a complete circuit of the area before exposing himself on the plateau at the top. Satisfied that no one had visited the area lately, he stepped out onto the grass and moved to the top of the hill. He turned toward Big Rock and looked hard, but couldn’t see Dom anywhere there. Likely he was sitting well back under the overhang. Stefan linked both hands together and raised them over his head in a signal they’d developed many years ago to tell each other they were okay.

  Stefan’s cell phone vibrated in his pocket. Thoughtfully he ducked back under the tree line bef
ore he answered it.

  Three men fire track 3 Pls follow

  Fire Track Three was a minimum ten minutes west of where he was, but an easy walk if he followed the ridgeline. He responded with a single K, put his cell phone away, and turned west.

  Now he concentrated on not making any noise yet moving as fast as he could. At least he was at the top of the trail so he would have the advantage of being able to see them fairly easily. The fire tracks were wide enough for a vehicle to come up, fairly obviously so the fire services could get their trucks up into the mountain in times of wildfires. Not that there were fires here very often. He could only recall one major fire in his lifetime and it had been nowhere near where his family lived. But still, it was an easy track for the men to walk. It was by no means smooth, but at least they wouldn’t get lost on it. If they were novices or intruders it was likely why they’d picked it.

  Stefan considered changing into his wolf form, which would give him heightened senses of sight, hearing, and smell, and also extra speed. But in the end he chose to remain human, just another hiker out for an innocent morning walk. He stood completely still and silent, listening for where the men were.

  It wasn’t until he put his head on the ground that he could feel their footfalls, so they were several minutes away from him yet. Once again he slipped between the trees, moving down the mountain until he came to a sturdy tree, then climbing up it to look out over the track. There they were, three men wearing jeans and hiking boots, but one of them was lagging behind the other two. Perhaps either not as fit as them, or just acting as a rear guard.

  “Wait up. I need a rest,” the last man called out.

  Stefan felt like cheering. If they stopped, they’d talk for sure, and perhaps he’d learn who they were and why they were here.

  “You’re such a pussy,” said the man in the lead. But Stefan noticed he stopped and sat down on the side of the trail pretty quickly. Stefan reckoned he was just as ready to take a break as the man who’d spoken first.

  He considered getting down out of this tree and moving closer, but he wasn’t sure he could do it soundlessly, so he stayed where he was and hoped they spoke loud enough for him to hear.

  First they all pulled drinks out of their backpacks. Stefan shook his head. They’d brought beer to drink, which really wasn’t the smartest of moves in the mountains. If a person was dehydrated they needed water, not alcohol. Or perhaps an energy drink. But definitely not alcohol.

  “Haven’t we come far enough? What’s so special about getting to the top,” whined the man who hadn’t spoken yet.

  “They’re certain to have lookouts posted. Once we get to the top they’ll see us and come and ask us why we’re here. And then we can tell them the Alpha wants to do a deal,” replied the leader.

  “I still don’t understand why we couldn’t just wait until we found out the address of the Alpha of the Mountains and then send him a letter. Hiking all over the mountains is stupid,” said the man who’d been last.

  “No, you’re stupid. The Alpha of Vojvodina will be the Supreme Alpha of Europe and we will be carried to greatness along with him. We’ll have all the money, wine, and women we could ever want. Now get up off your fat ass and start walking.”

  Stefan stayed perfectly still until they’d moved out of sight, then carefully got his cell phone out of his pocket and typed, They work for Vojvodina and want our Alpha’s support.

  Stay with them. I’ll tell him.

  Stefan sighed. Just his luck. He wasn’t wearing a backpack and had only a small bottle of water with him and no food. Now it looked like he’d be following these men for the rest of the day. That’ll teach me to go walking in the mountains without a backpack. Fuck it.

  * * * *

  Dom wasn’t willing to leave his lookout post and go back to the cave and get some food and water in case it was in those brief minutes that the Alpha of Vojvodina’s men came into view. He tried to picture Stefan as he’d left with Uwe and Kady to go down the mountain, and he was almost certain his brother hadn’t taken a backpack with him either. They were both going to be hungry, dehydrated, and grumpy by the time their Alpha’s men met up with the intruders. First the Alpha of France sent men here, now it was the Alpha of Vojvodina. Why couldn’t they all just stay at home!

  Dom shook his head and patrolled the plateau, standing perfectly still and peering in every direction looking for a flicker of movement or flash of light that might indicate other people were out there as well as the ones Stefan had located.

  It was well into the afternoon and he was seriously considering making a run to the cave for water, if nothing more, when his cell phone vibrated.

  In the parking lot. Be there in 70. Konstantin.

  Seventy minutes would be a pretty fast pace. It usually took a fit, capable hiker eighty. Either Konstantin was in a real hurry or he’d forgotten how long the walk was. Dom expected it was the former. At least that meant he would be eating and drinking in eighty minutes. Konstantin could keep watch for five minutes while he visited the cave, then they’d talk.

  Konstantin was true to his text message, appearing from between the trees exactly on schedule to arrive in seventy minutes. Dom patrolled the plateau again, then went back to check Konstantin’s progress. But instead, a brief flicker of color way back in the tree line caught his attention. He turned his head sideways to make use of his peripheral vision and saw it again. Mentally marking the spot, Dom looked all around that area and finally decided more than one person was following Konstantin. Fucking hell. He was damn hungry, very thirsty, and now Konstantin was being tracked. This day was not getting any better.

  Dom left the ledge and stood just back from the rim where Konstantin would arrive. “You’re being followed,” he said tersely.

  “Nothing to worry about. It’s my team bringing up our supplies. I wanted to get here fast and tell you what’s happening.”

  “I’m glad it’s not more trouble. Can your message wait while I go to the cave and get some water? I haven’t been able to leave the ledge since four thirty this morning.”

  “We’ll cook you a meal as soon as my men arrive, but here, have my water. I don’t need it.” Konstantin handed over an almost full bottle and Dom swallowed the lot in half a dozen gulps.

  “Thanks. Now, what the fuck is going on?”

  “The Alpha of Vojvodina seemed to think if our Alpha was offered a fat bribe, he’d be sure to support him in the race to be Supreme. His messengers are now bound, gagged, stripped naked, and about to be left on the beach at the lake. Hopefully someone will find them before they either drown or get sunstroke.”

  The lake was at least a ninety-minute drive from the mountain. Just as the first two messengers had been left well out of the area so these ones were, too. Hopefully that would send the message to this other Alpha. “None of them seem to like no, as an answer. I trust he’ll get the message,” said Dom.

  “His men have been told if they come back, next time they’ll be returned in little pieces. That should get the message across.”

  “And what about Stefan?”

  “One of the men was driving him home. He was talking about a hot meal and a hotter shower last I heard.”

  Dom laughed. “Poor baby likely had to walk his feet off this morning.”

  “He’d have covered a few miles, that’s for sure.”

  The other men arrived, helped Dom pack up his bedding, cooked a meal, then one of them walked back to the parking lot carrying the heavier of the two backpacks for him.

  “I’m sorry about that. Now you have to walk all the way back up,” he said as they dropped the luggage into the trunk of his truck.

  “Beats sitting at a desk all day,” the wolf replied.

  Dom shoved the truck into drive and pulled out of the lot, more than ready to head home for a shower himself. And then he wanted, needed, to plan a BDSM scene with Kady. Before they could ask her to formally mate with them all they had to know she’d agree to participate in
regular BDSM scenes. He didn’t mind if they had to take it very slowly, but it was such a part of him, of all of them, he wasn’t sure he could ever give it up. But he also knew he could never give her up either. So this next step was absolutely critical. If she wasn’t ready for BDSM they could wait, just try things out a tiny bit at a time. But if she wouldn’t agree to it all he’d be faced with an unthinkable choice. Either to slice that part of him out of his life, or to give up Kady. He didn’t think he could do either of them and live.

  * * * *

  “Well thank you so much for telling me what was happening to my own family, brother,” said Anastasia, slapping Uwe over the head with a dishcloth.

  “Ouch! What?” said Uwe.

  Kady leaned against her workstation and grinned. Whatever had happened, it looked as though everyone in the kitchen was about to find out, which suited her just fine.

  “The Alpha of Vojvodina’s men?” said Anastasia.

  “Is that who sent them? Do sit down and tell us the full story,” said Evan, patting the chair next to him.

  “Dom was on lookout duty and saw some men hiking up a fire track and told Stefan to follow them. It turned out they work for the Alpha of Vojvodina and wanted to meet the Alpha of the Mountains to get him to support their Alpha to be Supreme Alpha of Europe,” Uwe explained.

  “Was he the one who sent the first couple of men as well?” asked Kady, moving to sit at the table with everyone else.

  “No. That was the Alpha of France. It looks like we’re becoming very popular. Now why didn’t you tell me any of this before, Uwe?” asked Anastasia, a battle gleam in her eyes.


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