New Jersey Boy

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New Jersey Boy Page 2

by MA Lee

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry, I hope I didn’t freak you out,” she said. I could hear sheets rustling under her as she was probably getting out of bed.

  “I turned my phone off last night and then when I woke this morning, I saw all your missed calls and texts. I was just worried something might have happened or you needed me for something,” I admitted as I stood and began pacing around my room. Glancing out my bedroom window, I saw that it was a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the perfect baby blue sky. Today would be a great day to go for a run, I thought.

  “Yes, I figured that when you didn’t answer and your number went straight to voicemail.”

  “Did you need something?” I asked, trying to get her to the reason she called.

  “Well…” Reagan began, in a teasing voice. “Someone stopped me last night at the restaurant and asked about you,” she giggled.

  “What?” I asked, as I stopped dead in my tracks.

  “Yeah, I was clearing off one of my tables and this really cute guy walked up to me. He said his name was Ryan.”

  At the mention of his name, my body grew stiff. My heart raced as I wanted to scream at her to hurry up her story. “What did he want?” I rushed out.

  Laughing, Reagan breathed heavy into the phone. “So, you must know who I am talking about,” she taunted. “He said he saw you at the cash register line and he said you had the most beautiful smile. I’ll admit, at first I thought he was just some cheesy guy trying to use a lame pick up line, but after talking with him for a few minutes, I realized he was genuine.”

  “I met him and we spoke for only a few minutes when he came through my line. He was cute, but I didn’t get to know anything about him,” I said, as I huffed.

  “That’s why you have me,” Reagan laughed. “I gave him your number so he could call you.”

  “What? No. I told you and everyone else, I am not interested in dating anyone. I leave in a few weeks to go to college. This is my chance to get away from my parents and this small town. I don’t want a boy complicating things,” I said as I spoke my words in rushed sentences.

  Cringing, I thought about how my words must have sounded to Reagan. She was stuck here until she could get enough credits from the local community college to transfer somewhere else. I had just admitted that I was leaving her too.

  “Look, I am sorry, I didn’t mean...”

  Cutting me off, Reagan stopped me. “Maddi stop. I get it. Trust me, I understand more than you know. And I am not mad. If I could leave tomorrow I would and never look back. We will still be friends, I know that. Anyway, he is going to call you again. You will go out with him and have fun. It doesn’t have to mean you fall in love with this guy. I love you, but you always get way too attached to your boyfriends. Don’t do that. Just have fun, see where it goes, and remember it has an expiration date.”

  Considering her words, I smiled to myself. She was right. I needed to just let loose and enjoy myself. My last boyfriends were great, and I guess I did get way too attached. Well, that was until they all cheated on me.

  “I guess you are right. If he calls again, maybe I will meet him for a movie or something. Besides, he has to go home to New Jersey at some point and I have to go to college in a few weeks. This is actually perfect. I will have fun and then leave him behind.”


  Hours later, I was exhausted as I walked to my car parked along the street. My friends were still inside, but I was ready to head home. Reaching into my purse to grab my car keys, I found my cell phone instead. Lifting it out, I noticed I had a missed call from a number I didn’t recognize. Huffing, I dialed the number as I dug my keys out of my bag and jumped into my car.

  “Hello,” a sweet voice rang through the other end of the phone.

  The voice startled me as I didn’t expect to hear anyone on the other line. “Yes, hi. I have a missed call from this number,” I mumbled as I turned the key in the ignition and began to drive away.

  “Is this Madelyn?” the voice asked again. Something about that voice tickled my belly and sent an instant wave of chills down my spine. I knew that voice.

  “Yes,” I replied. Turning into my neighborhood, I silently smiled to myself.

  “This is Ryan. I have been trying to call you all night,” he chuckled. “Your friend Reagan gave me your number. I hope that is ok.”

  Rolling down my car window, I allowed the chilly summer night to invade my senses. “Sure, that’s ok.”

  A long pause filled my car with silence as I sat alone in my driveway. I had pulled in front of my house minutes ago, but for some strange reason that I just couldn’t understand, I wasn’t able to get out of my car. A small, simple task seemed so strange to me as I just sat there in my car waiting for this boy to say another word.

  “I can hear sounds from outside, are you in a car?” he asked.

  I didn’t even realize I still had my windows rolled down. Smiling to myself, I mustered the energy to open my car door. For some reason though, I didn’t walk inside my house. Only a few feet away from me was my front door which led to my bedroom which led to my comfortable and warm bed I had been craving all night. Now, I just wanted to sit outside and listen to the sounds of the crickets chirping and see what this new boy had to say.

  Smiling to myself, I sat down on my front stoop and held my legs close to my chest. “Yes, I just left a party. I am so tired from working all day, I don’t even know why I went in the first place.” I said being honest.

  “Why did you go? To the party I mean?” Ryan asked as his voice grew more thick and deep. It was a strange contrast to the sweet and peppy voice that I had heard only moments earlier. “Was there someone there you wanted to see?”

  I wasn’t sure why his question struck me as odd, but I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I thought about his question. He was being intrusive, but I didn’t mind. Anyone else I would have told off but this boy had me smiling to myself- something I hadn’t done…ever.

  “Honestly, I am not sure why I went to the party. My friends just told me about it and I just went. That is just how things work around here. You want to know something crazy?” I asked, with a smirk. “I hate parties. I hate loud music and crowded rooms and dumb drunk people. And, to answer your other question, no there wasn’t anyone there I wanted to see.”

  I could hear him smiling through the phone as I spoke. “Good,” he replied.

  Again, a strange silence filled the air only it didn’t feel lonely or weird. Instead, the quietness felt comforting.

  “What about you, what are you doing up so late?” I asked, checking the time on my phone. It was almost one in the morning, and I couldn’t fathom why he would be up so late talking to some boring girl from Kentucky.

  Almost reading my mind, Ryan spoke directly to my heart. “I have been awake all night. Ever since your friend gave me your number, I have been debating whether or not to call you. Finally, around eight tonight I called you. But, you didn’t answer. I waited and called again. At one point, I felt like some creepy stalker guy and swore to myself that you had blocked my number,” laughing, Ryan continued. “I couldn’t get your face or your voice out of my head. I am only here for a few weeks, I would really like to hang out with you.” he finished.

  Without thinking, I responded. “I would like to hang out with you too,” I replied. “I mean, if you have time while you are here. I am sure you have family stuff going on too.”

  “We are here helping my grandparents move. They want to move up to New Jersey part-time to be closer to my family. I’ve spent the last few days boxing up some items they want to take and visiting with family I haven't seen in a while. Truthfully, I could really use a break from family time,” he chuckled again.

  Glancing back at my empty and dark house, I rolled my eyes. “Yes, I wouldn’t understand what that is like,” I sighed. “I’m an only child and my parents are never home.”

  I wasn’t sure exactly why I was divulging such personal information to a boy who I still knew nothing
about, but somehow I felt comfortable sharing my life with him. It was strange, that I had all these people; friends really, who I spent time with every day. But, those people didn’t really know me. I never just openly shared my feelings and my personal life with them. I didn’t understand how this stranger could make it ok for me to open up, but he was.

  “So, who do you talk to? Who do you spend your time with?” Ryan asked.

  “I don’t really talk to people,” I admitted. “I listen to my friends and help take care of them when they need me, but no one has ever really asked to hear what I have to say,” I said. As the words came tumbling out of my mouth, I realized that they hurt. Like when you vomit and the acid leaks into your throat. It’s a sting you don’t expect, but it still hurts all the same.

  “Who will take care of you?” he asked, his voice full of a genuine concern. “I mean, if you care for others, who is going to care for you?”

  “Myself,” I replied bluntly.

  “Where are you?” Ryan asked, completely ignoring my answer.

  Watching a group of firefly bugs swarm around an old tree in my front yard, I glanced up at the bright moon glowing above me. “I am sitting outside my house right now. I just don’t feel like walking inside right now,” I said.

  “That’s funny, I just watched a little red Eclipse drive by and then it stopped a few houses down from where my grandparents live,” he said.

  The words didn’t register at first, but as I sat there I started to think how what a coincidence that was. “Where do your grandparents live?” I asked, as I began looking around at my scenery.

  I could hear rustling in the background and I imagined in my mind that Ryan was walking around too. “I think it’s called Keene Park,” he said. “It’s this big neighborhood out in the country.”

  Startled, I jumped up and stood abruptly. “Seriously?” I asked.

  “Yeah, why?” Ryan said.

  “Because, that’s where I live too.”

  I began walking around my front yard as my heart began to beat rapidly in my chest. Adrenaline spiked inside of me and instead of feeling nervous or utterly creeped out, I felt exhilarated.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, as I heard loud movements from the other end of the line.

  “I’m outside, I am looking for you,” Ryan replied.

  My feet began to move without taking a word from my brain. This could be wrong. This could be some deadly disaster. This guy could be some insane serial killer stalker who tracks young teenage girls. For all I knew, Ryan wasn’t even his real name. Instead of listening to any logic rational in my brain, I began walking. Putting one foot in front of the other, I just began to walk. Where I was going, I wasn’t sure. I just walked- past my neighbor's horse farm and the old red barn two houses down. I walked until I heard a familiar voice ring through my ears.

  “Madelyn,” Ryan asked, as he stood under a street light. Looking at him, he appeared to be glowing like an angel wearing a halo.

  Ending the phone call, I tucked my phone in the back of my jeans and stepped closer to him. I offered a slight wave as I said hello.

  “So…this is awkward,” I giggled, as we stood there staring at one another.

  “No, it is just insanely crazy that we happen to be in the same place right now.” Ryan smiled. As his lips parted to allow the smile to appear on his face, I felt my heart skip a beat and my breath falter,s as I watched his face transform. Ryan was beautiful and magical.

  “What do we do now?” I asked, unsure of what I was supposed to do or say. I had always been awkward in new situations, that was probably why I couldn’t keep a boyfriend or why other than Reagan, I didn’t really have a whole lot of friends.

  Taking another step closer to me, I could smell a sweet aroma of cinnamon and spices from Ryan’s cologne. With each movement he made, I felt my eyes falling transfixed to him. “Maybe we could just talk,” Ryan said. I wasn’t sure how, but even the most simple of words and phrases sounded sweet and seductive coming from his mouth.

  “Ok, that would be cool,” I said. I wanted to slap myself for sounding so stupid.

  “You don’t have to be nervous,” Ryan said soothingly. “I know this feels crazy that I am here right now, but I promise I am a good guy. I don’t want to hurt you, I just want to hang out.”

  “I’m not nervous,” I lied. “I am just tired and excited and… I don’t know,” I sighed.

  Suddenly, a loud ring broke the silence of the night air. Reaching down, Ryan glanced at his phone. Answering, Ryan shook his head and mouthed an I’m sorry as he answered. “Hey mom,” he said.

  Nodding his head, Ryan listened intently. He kept glancing at me as he listened to his mom talk on the other end. “Yeah, I just went for a walk. I couldn’t sleep.”

  Hanging up, Ryan reached over and took my hand in his. Glancing down, I watched my hand fall naturally into his as sparks flew around us. “I’m so sorry. My mom woke up and I wasn’t in my guest room. I need to get back. Can I call you later?” he asked.

  Faking a smile, I tried to hide my frustration and sadness. I was a little let down that he had to go home so quickly after we just met up again, but I understood. Besides, I couldn’t let myself think this could be anything other than what it was. A coincidence.

  “No problem. Sure, you can call,” I said as I turned to walk back toward my house.

  Pulling me back, Ryan didn’t let go of my hand. Gazing into my eyes, Ryan seemed to somehow speak to my soul. “I promise, I will call again,” he spoke softly and I couldn’t say or do anything else. All I could do was nod my head.


  Laying in my bed later, I began to twirl a loose strand of hair around my pointer finger. It was an odd habit I had started as a toddler and something that had continued into my teenage years. My body was completely exhausted, begging me to sleep and allow myself the much needed time to rest and recoup; but I couldn’t. My mind was racing with a certain smile and a voice that seemed to sing throughout my ears. I had tried several tactics to get myself to fall asleep. I had watched some late night trash t.v., sifted through social media sites, and even tried reading. Nothing seemed to work or take my mind off of Ryan. I felt completely stupid for having such strong thoughts about a boy who I had never met, but I just summed it up as I was going crazy from my everyday life and needed a break.

  I began to hear a slight knocking sound coming from my bedroom window. Turning my head, I looked but just shook my head in amusement. It was probably a bug or something hitting the glass. When the sound pinged again, I threw my covers off my body and sat up. My phone was glowing from a text and as I leaned over to check the message, I saw Ryan’s number appear again.

  Jumping out of bed, my feet hit the ground running as I grabbed my phone and rushed to the window.

  Ryan: Are you still up?”

  Ryan’s text made me smile and I couldn’t help but place a finger on my lips to try and remember the shape. Rapidly texting back, I responded.

  Me: Yes, can’t sleep.

  Ryan: Can I call?”

  Me: Now?

  Ryan: I told you I would call…

  Me: You are crazy!

  Ryan: Is that a no?

  Me: No

  My phone rang, startling me from my written conversation. “Hello?” I whispered even though I didn’t know why. My parents were gone for the weekend and I was home alone. Still, I felt it was only necessary to whisper in the dead of night in my house.

  “Hey, why are you whispering?” Ryan asked, amusement tainting his voice.

  “I really don’t know,” I giggled.

  “Come to your window,” Ryan urged.

  Moving my feet, I walked to my window and peered down below. Standing below my bedroom window, Ryan was smiling up at me. His khaki shorts and black t-shirt made him look even more delicious than I had remembered from only hours ago. Lifting my window, I moved my head outside so I could hear and see him better.

  “What are you doing?” I call
ed down to him.

  “I snuck out again. So, what are you doing?” he asked with a tease.

  “Well, since it is early in the morning and I just saw you minutes ago… nothing.”

  “Can you come out?” Ryan called as he stood below my bedroom window. “Do you have something you can crawl down here on?”

  I almost giggled as I couldn’t believe how silly he was. This felt like some insane and twisted version of Romeo and Juliet.

  “What? Are you crazy?” I yelled whispered into the night. “I don’t have a ladder. We are not in some dramatic Shakespeare play.”

  Laughing, Ryan too realized how insane he sounded. “I know this sounds crazy, but I just have to see you again. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I leave in a few weeks and I know you don’t want anything serious, but I just want to get to know you.”

  As I looked down at this charming boy, I couldn’t help but notice how the moonlight illuminated the slight twinkle in his eyes. Never had anyone sounded so sincere talking to me. Throwing all of my rules and worries out the window, I realized to just be free.

  “Hold on,” I called. “I will be down in a minute.”

  Running down my stairs I knew that my parents could wake at any minute and see me leaving in the dead of the night. I didn’t stop to worry or even care about what I was about to do. For once, I was going to act on desire instead of following the rules set for me. I flew out the front door and stopped when I met Ryan standing at the side of my house.

  “Hey,” he said almost sheepishly, like he hadn’t just been begging me to come out here only minutes ago.

  “Hey,” I replied. Butterflies danced in my belly as a shiver ran through me. I was excited and nervous and the combination almost had me in a craze.

  Taking a step closer to me, Ryan emerged out of the shadows of my house and into the spotlight of the moon. He was like an Italian god with his dark hair and charming smile. His presence had my head spinning and I wasn’t sure of what to make of the feeling. I had been around gorgeous guys before. But, none of them had ever had me feeling this wild and out of control.


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