Tempting the Domme

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Tempting the Domme Page 8

by Golden Angel

  Just when he thought he might beg Olivia to stop, just to keep him from losing control like a randy teenager, the hard swats stopped. Hands rubbed his ass, gripping the flesh hard enough to make him cry out and then shudder as her fingers gentled to a caress. Luke panted against the bench, wondering if he was about to embarrass himself.

  When he felt the restraint on his ankle loosen, he wasn’t sure if he was relieved or disappointed.


  Around the room, everyone was finishing up their spankings, moving into aftercare. No problems so far.

  Samantha had taken the punishment swats Kincaid had given her very well, and he’d then rewarded her with caresses and softer touches. Once she’d been tied down, Rae had submitted almost as quickly as Luke had. Funny how bondage could have that effect on anxiously reluctant subbies. Not always, but both Luke and Rae definitely benefited from being restrained.

  “Slowly,” Olivia murmured as Luke pushed up and swayed a little on the bench.

  Damn but he was pretty with that almost dreamy expression on his face, his ass a nice, dark pink from being spanked. She could see the outline of his cock against the front of his pants in stark relief now, not just a bulge. Luke was aroused as hell and it was difficult not to reach out and place her hand over his shaft to torment him further.

  But the scene was over.

  Aftercare now and then playtime was over. Next class he’d be with Lisa.

  Even though Lisa was devoted to her submissive, Karen, Olivia couldn’t stop the little jab of possessiveness that speared through her. She pushed it aside, ignoring it. It was unimportant for now anyway.

  She helped him up from the bench, taking his hand and leading him over to one of the alcoves. For class purposes they were perfect for aftercare, giving each couple a little bit of privacy but still being open so she could keep an eye on everything. The curtains were not to be drawn during class.

  Sitting on the bench and scooting in, she smiled at Luke’s expression of bemusement as he stared down at her. Taking his hand again, she pulled him down so he was laying on the bench, his head on her lap, facing away from her body.

  “This is aftercare?” he asked as she began to gently stroke her fingers through his hair.

  “Yes, this is aftercare,” she said, leaning to the side to reach for one of the water bottles conveniently kept in a shelf under the table.


  To her surprise, alarm, and reluctant delight, Luke flipped his body over to bury his face in her midriff, wrapping his arms around her waist. Olivia froze, unsure of what to do.

  Aftercare was for both the submissive and the dominant, but it was up to her as the dominant that the submissive received the care they needed. Something about the way Luke was clinging to her, snuggling into her, made her feel he probably needed this kind of tactile care. Which wouldn’t have been a problem except it made her yearn for things she shouldn’t.

  He owns this club. He owns this club. He owns this club. He is technically in charge of you.

  Only technically.

  No, don’t go there, don’t equivocate or make excuses. It would be a fucking terrible idea.

  I’ve had worse ideas.

  Have I?

  She returned to stroking his hair, feeling far more conflicted than she could remember ever being in years.

  Olivia wanted him.

  Olivia shouldn’t get involved with him.

  So far both impulses were running about equal.

  At least she thought they were equal.

  The soft, squishy feeling in her chest as he sighed happily and shifted again, cuddling her like a teddy bear, indicated the former might be pulling ahead.

  But it was such a bad idea.


  After changing back into his regular clothes, Luke found himself back at Olivia’s office door. Her presence was like a siren’s call, one he couldn’t resist even if he wanted to.

  When he’d gone back to the locker room to change, he’d been very thankful the Doms had all just needed to put on their coats and leave, giving him the space to himself. The entire time he’d been cuddling with Olivia in the alcove his cock had remained hard and ready, although without the urgency he’d felt on the bench. Inhaling her scent, feeling her fingers running through his hair, had been sensually erotic.

  Since he’d had the room to himself, he’d jerked off hard and fast, his knees shaking with the intensity of his orgasm.

  Yet, strangely, he felt like he could easily go for round two. Maybe because his ass still tingled and felt incredibly sensitive against his jeans, even through his underwear. Or maybe that was just the effect Olivia had on him.

  “Come in.”

  Was that a touch of resignation in her voice? Expectation? Hard to tell through the door.

  For a moment he was just a little disappointed when he opened the door and saw she had changed as well. It only made sense of course. He doubted sitting behind that desk in her club clothes would be very comfortable. She still looked hot, just in a more naughty librarian kind of way in a red button down shirt opened deeply enough to show a bit of cleavage and her hair still up in the French twist.

  She raised her eyebrow at him as he sauntered across the room, settling back into the same chair he’d taken last time. The slight soreness of his bottom as he settled into the comfortable seat felt odd but not entirely bad.

  “What’re you doing?” he asked, keeping his tone casual. Asking as a friend, not a partial owner of Marquis.

  “Making notes about tonight’s class. Is there something I can help you with?” As she spoke, she picked up a pen, tapping it soundlessly against the blotter on her desk.

  Instead of answering her, Luke let his gaze drift over to the vase of roses on the side of her desk. “Beautiful flowers.”

  Her lips pursed and he was pretty sure she was holding back both laughter and an impulse to yell at him.

  “You should stay out of my office when I’m not in it,” she said.

  He noticed she didn’t actually order him to stay out.

  It was hard not to look smug. She’d liked the flowers. And the chocolate, he assumed, since the bar was missing.

  “Do you have a reason to think I was in here?” he asked as innocently as he could.

  Again she looked like she was holding back either a smile or a scolding. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure which he would like better from her.

  “If I catch you, you won’t like the consequences.”

  “Well, we don’t really know what I like or dislike yet, but I’m willing to experiment if you are,” he said flirtatiously, leaning forward, which ignited some of the tingling sting back in his ass.

  This time he was sure she was holding back a laugh.

  “Out,” she ordered, pointing her finger at the door. “I have work to do.”

  “See you Sunday, Scarlet,” he said with a wink, standing and sauntering back across the room. He ignored her scowl at the nickname.

  Just before he opened the door he glanced over his shoulder and caught her staring at his ass.

  Maybe listening to Michael hadn’t been such a bad idea.

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  Chapter 6

  Two men rushed in at her from both sides. Olivia neatly sidestepped and executed a perfect front kick sweep on the blond, spinning around to face the darker haired man. Unfortunately she wasn’t quite fast enough and he managed to grab her in a bear hug, pinning down her arms. She elbowed him hard in the gut, once, twice, three, four times working her arm higher each time as he grunted, his grip loosening until she could turn and knee him, grazing the plastic cup over his balls.

  The blond grabbed at her leg and she stomped on his arm, pulling back hard on a vicious kick to the face before turning back to the darker haired man who was standing in neutral.

  He grinned at her. “You are one mean lady.”

  Olivia grinned back at him. “Worried about getting hurt, Dan?”
  “Hell yes.” He winced slightly putting a protective hand over his cup. “You know it still hurts even when I’m wearing a cup, right?”

  “Well that should teach you to move faster,” she said with a wink.

  Although it wasn’t entirely his fault. Krav Maga was for self-defense not attacking. It was brutally effective but only to be used as a last resort. Olivia loved it.

  She could go to the unofficial guys’ nights at Liam’s Kung-Fu dojo if she wanted to, but she’d been studying Krav Maga for years and she found it suited her down to the ground. This was where she came to blow off steam. Something she’d sorely needed at the end of this week.

  At least she had a two day break before seeing Luke again. Before having to watch another Domme take over his instruction in the class. Since she’d been missing her Wednesday Krav Maga classes in order to help out with Angel’s self-defense classes, she’d decided to make up for it by coming tonight. Plus it helped her get some energy out. Tomorrow she’d be out with the other women, doing ladies’ night out.

  Yeah, she was glad of the excuse not to be at Stronghold. Luke might not be there either, but Olivia really didn’t feel like playing with any other submissives right now, she also didn’t feel like dealing with her friends’ exchanging knowing looks or dropping leading hints. They were already having plenty of fun encouraging Luke, she didn’t need to offer herself up to provide more entertainment for them.

  Finishing up the Krav Maga class, she was dripping with sweat, her muscles were sore, she had a few new bruises, and she felt rather at peace with the world.

  So what if she was attracted to Luke?

  She could handle passing him off to Lisa. It was better this way anyway.

  Just because he had a cute butt, a nicely sized dick, and a cocky smile that made her want to tie him down and ride him into oblivion didn’t mean anything in the long run. Eventually her friends would get tired of being nosy and trying to push them together.

  They’d quit it a lot sooner if you actually told them to stop.

  Olivia ignored the little voice inside of her head, just like she ignored the part of her which liked Luke’s pursuit. Equal opportunity ignoring of both sides.


  Stronghold was full of people but it felt empty without Olivia’s presence. Especially since he was surrounded by couples.

  Although, at least Jake was there too.

  In the group of friends Luke had begun making at Stronghold, Jake was the only other single guy—he seemed to have some kind of weird angry love-hate chemistry going on with the only single girl, Sharon, but since they weren’t actually together Luke counted Jake as single. Besides, Luke had his own weird chemistry not-actually-together thing going on with Olivia.

  At least, he hoped he did.

  Gathered around the bar table Luke and Jake were sitting at were Sharon, Andrew and his fiancé Kate, Michael and Ellie, and one of the two married couples in the group, Liam and Hilary. Patrick was in his office with Lexie, as usual. Adam, Angel, Jared, and Leigh were apparently out on a double date, and Rick and Maria weren’t coming in tonight. Out of the whole group, Luke knew them the least as they hadn’t been around much—not entirely unusual according to the rest of the group since they rarely played at the club and Maria had a large family she was also very close with. The most unusual relationship in the group—Justin, Chris, and their shared fiancé, Jessica—were down in the Dungeon making use of one of the St. Andrew’s Crosses.

  Luke was still getting used to the whole occasionally seeing his new friends naked or having sex, but he had to admit—it was not a turn off. It wasn’t always a turn on either, but he’d never been repulsed, even if he might feel a little awkward later talking to one of the ladies after having stared at her breasts. Or lower.

  He was always the most amused by Jake and Lexie. Being brother and sister, things were even more awkward for them than anyone else, even though Jake never ventured away from Stronghold’s main floor and Lexie always wore one of Patrick’s large shirts to cover her body when Jake came in. They both pretended they weren’t at a sex club and Lexie wasn’t naked underneath the shirt.


  Jerking his head back around to the right at his name, he smiled in apology at Hilary who had obviously just asked him something. He’d been so deep in his own thoughts he hadn’t been paying attention at all.

  “Sorry, what was that?” he asked.

  Her blue eyes sparkled with mirth. Leaning up against her redheaded husband, Hilary was a pretty woman with honey-blonde hair, a sweet smile, and a definite preference for the color pink. While the outfits she wore to the club definitely fit in stylistically, she was usually the brightest color in the room.

  “I was just wondering how your first week of classes was going,” she said. “No desire to run screaming into the night yet?”

  He chuckled. “Not yet. So far they’re going pretty good.”

  “I love the idea of classes,” she said, leaning against her husband, who looked a little bemused by her statement. “With me, I had to gather the courage to jump into a full on scene right away. I was always kind of jealous of Jessica, getting to go to the Venus School and experimenting before she came here.”

  “Hey, you had a great Introduction Scene,” Liam said, looking a little disgruntled. Which Luke took to mean Liam had probably handled Hilary’s introduction to BDSM himself.

  “I wasn’t complaining about the scene itself,” she said, patting her husband’s hand where it was resting on her waist. “It was just scary to have to jump in feet first without even getting a toe wet.”

  “What would you call your tour of the club when you came here with Justin and Chris for the first time?” Andrew asked, leaning in to join their conversation.

  Hilary rolled her eyes. “Okay, so I got my toes wet and then jumped right in. But the new subbies get to wade in. Excuse me for thinking a slow descent into kinky waters would be preferable.”

  She drawled out the ‘excuse me’ in an exaggerated manner, obviously teasing Andrew and making her boyfriend grin at her sass.

  “That sounds like either the tag line of a horror movie or a porn, I can’t decide which,” Kate said, tilting her head to the side and getting a faraway look in her eyes as she thought about it. The vacant expression made her look even more like a Barbie doll than she normally did with her hourglass figure, white-blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and tanned skin. Andrew leaned over and whispered something in her ear, making her giggle, as Hilary turned back to Luke.

  “I heard Olivia ‘worked with’ you last night,” she said, trying to sound nonchalant but she was definitely fishing.

  Luke couldn’t hide his smile. He’d been warned the whole group was gossip central. Which was why Michael and Patrick had been so insistent on not telling anyone about Luke enrolling in the submissives’ class until after they were able to surprise Olivia. Apparently they hadn’t been kidding about how fast news got around. He also appreciated the implied air quotes she put around ‘worked with.’ Cute.

  “She did,” he said, as casually as he could. It was pretty obvious everyone knew he was into Olivia, and just as obvious they all knew she was giving him a run for his money. “I’m pretty sure she’s trying to find someone else to take over for her though.”

  “Mistress Lisa,” Jake said, pointing at a stunning blonde standing behind the bar, dressed in all leather. She had the same confident air as Olivia… but somehow she just didn’t make his body jump with the same kind of excitement. Everyone looked at Jake curiously, and he shrugged with a smirk. “She had to check in with Patrick to make sure it was okay.”

  Kate looked a little disgruntled. “He must not have told Lexie,” she murmured.

  “Doesn’t Mistress Lisa have a sub?” Sharon asked. “I thought she was with Karen.”

  “She is,” Liam confirmed, a wide grin making him look even more boyish. “In fact, I do believe she is the only mistress in the club who currently has
a submissive.”

  “I wouldn’t read too much into that,” Luke said ruefully as everyone lit up with interest, even though a tiny spark of hope jumped up in his chest. Even though Olivia hadn’t actually told him to leave her alone, she wasn’t exactly encouraging him either. “Maybe she was the only one available.”

  “Or maybe she was the first one Olivia asked,” Hilary said slyly. “That would be sooooo like Olivia.”

  “Assuming she’s interested in me,” Luke said dryly.

  “Brian told me she’s calling you ‘cupcake’,” Sharon said, leaning forward on the table.

  Jake scowled at her. “I thought you two broke up.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “So we’re not allowed to talk?”

  “Why is calling me ‘cupcake’ important?” Luke asked the table at large, ignoring the backasswards flirting Jake and Sharon liked to engage in.

  Hilary grinned even wider as she answered his question.

  “What do you think her favorite dessert is?”


  Pulling up to Adam and Angel’s house to pick up Leigh, who had been hanging out over there during the day, Olivia looked in the rearview mirror to check the other occupants of her van. Kate and Lexie were in the very back seat talking to each other quietly enough that Olivia couldn’t hear any of what they were saying, while Sharon and Ellie were in the bucket seats bopping along to the music. Hilary had called shotgun, which hadn’t been hard since she’d been the first one Olivia had picked up.

  “Leigh says she’ll be out in a second,” Hilary said, looking up from her phone screen. She’d been informing everyone of their imminent arrival.

  Before Olivia could respond, the front door burst open—but instead of Leigh, it was Angel, bundled up in a fluffy winter coat that made her look even bigger than she actually was and waddling for all she was worth.

  “Jail break!” Angel cried out, pumping her fist to the sky.

  Olivia snorted with laughter.

  Leaning forward between the two front seats, Sharon giggled. “She knows we don’t actually have room for her right?”


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