Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version)

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Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version) Page 35

by Ben Winston

  Fleet Admiral Balis Tireen was not a happy camper. A good portion of the force he sent through the new transit lane had been destroyed or possibly captured, and the fucking incompetents manning the guns of his escorts had failed to shoot down one small Guardian ship!

  He knew damn good and well what Hs'ean's response would be, and that left him little choice. He couldn't proceed through the transit lane without possibly losing the rest of his task group, including the newly commissioned Duchy. Very soon, there would be a well-armed force at the other end of the lane that would make quick work of his small fleet. He needed at least two of the new battleships with him if he hoped to hold the other end of the lane for any length of time.

  One super carrier, two battle cruisers, two heavy cruisers, four light cruisers, and a squadron of destroyers was not a strong enough force to withstand the heavy battle group Hs'ean would send. His attack was supposed to have been a surprise. It would have been, if that fucking Guardian hadn't jumped in. Then again, if the fucking gunners and fighter pilots would have done their jobs, then the Guardian wouldn't have reported back.

  There was a beep from his comm unit. “What?”

  “Excuse me, Sir, but you have a priority communication from Command,” the tech said.

  “Now what?” Balis asked rhetorically. “Put it through here.”

  In response, the tech simply transferred the call. He'd heard the pissed-off tirade the Admiral had thrown once the Guardian had made his jump. He wanted as little contact with the angry man as possible.

  Republican-General Duke Failstaff appeared on the big view screen. “Tireen, what the hell are you doing?”

  “What do you mean, 'what am I doing?' I'm retreating. I told you I needed at least one other capitol ship to make this assault. Now that the fucking Guardian escaped, I'm going to have a fight on my hands! I need more support!”

  “You stupid... Didn't you attend the planning session for this? Of course you're going to have a fight on your hands, that's supposed to be what happens! You're supposed to use the transit lane to jump in, wipe out anything in the area, then stay on station and act like you're going to jump to Earth! You're the fucking bait, you moron!” Failstaff said angrily.

  “Bait is one thing, General, but suicide is another! Once that Guardian reported back...”

  Failstaff interrupted him. “That gods-be-damned Guardian is doing us a favor! Now get your ships turned around, and get your stupid ass through that transit lane! You can retreat when you've drawn off as many fleet ships as possible from Earth! If you fuck this up, we're going to have to wait another two months before another temporary lane opens up near Earth! Now get moving, you've only got thirty-six hours left to draw off Hs'ean's fleet!”

  “Can I at least have one of your battleships for support?” Balis asked, stifling his anger.

  “Nothing we have can reach you in time, but I will dispatch a small battle group to help pull your asses out of there if you need it. Now go, damn you!” Failstaff said, and cut the transmission.

  Trying to regain his composure, Balis called his flag captain.

  When the man answered, Balis almost snapped at him. “Turn us around, Captain. Best speed back to the transit lane, and take us through. Combat formation!”

  “Aye, Sir.” the Captain replied. He did a remarkable job keeping his voice neutral. Balis knew the man had disagreed with his order to retreat. It added to his irritation that the other man was probably smirking as he gave his orders.

  Dolian Republic Military Command Fortress

  Deep Space; 652ly Galactic North of Aldus Forward

  Republican-General Duke Haphlon Failstaff, Operational Commander.

  “Please tell me again how that idiot got a flag command?” Failstaff asked, rhetorically.

  “The same way he made it to Admiral in the first place; connections. We knew going into this that he had little command experience, that's why we gave him this assignment. He's really the only flag level officer that we can risk on this mission. We can only hope that Senior Captain Dumphries knows when to ignore him and take command,” the newly promoted Rear Admiral Garthett replied.

  Garthett had been on the list for promotion in the Imperial Navy until High Command discovered that his 'aide' was actually his slave. Because he had been a Senior Captain, Imperial Regulations prohibited simply cashiering him, so they had stuck him on a backwater world in command of a rural garrison guarding a mining operation. When the new Republic called for him, he had been ready to kill his entire staff just to get the hell off the planet. Since he'd had well proven strategic planning skills, Failstaff had asked him to serve on his staff. The two had become quick friends.

  “Fucking imbecile could cost us this whole campaign!” Failstaff said. “We need to take the Horon-A sector and kill that upstart bitch before anyone knows what's going on, or the Empire will still have a leader.”

  The argument was one the two had been over many times before. “Yeah, and if the rumors about her are true, then we could have a fight on our hands. Have we had a report from our people on Aldus Forward?” Garthett asked.

  Failstaff nodded. “As predicted, they were only partially successful in planting the packages for the Regulan Fleet. However, the ones that did get placed should weaken the fleet enough for our ships to take them.”

  “Do you want me to dispatch that battle group you told Tireen about?” Garthett asked.

  Failstaff snorted. “Hell no! I only told that old fucker that so he would fight better. If he thinks there is help coming, then he'll stay in there until they blow his ass into atoms. I really hate to lose the ship, but if he accomplishes his task, then it'll be well worth it.”

  “Good. Once we kill that bitch and take care of the Emperor, this should be a short war.”

  “Yes it should. Then we can get back to ruling like we're supposed to,” Failstaff said.

  Command Super Dreadnaught, I.S.S. Divine Light

  142 degrees north, 62 degrees west trans-solar orbit

  Sol System, Horon-A Sector.

  Senior Fleet Captain G'ries, Commanding.

  Ariel stopped at the door to request admittance. Once again the sheer size of a ship like the Divine Light impressed her. It was hard to believe it took her so long to get here. Her train of thought was derailed by the door sliding open revealing a smiling Argus Tyrr.

  “Highness! Welcome to our home, won't you please come in?” the man asked.

  “Thank you, Captain,” Ariel replied as she entered the door. “I came to see if your visitors might be ready to go home yet. Also, I have a huge favor to ask of you.”

  Jess came to her husband's side when she heard Ariel's words. The rest of the women, including Hanya also entered the room.

  “You have but to ask, My Princess,” Argus said.

  Ariel smiled slightly. “You might want to listen to what I have to say before you agree to it, Argus.”

  Before Argus could answer, Jessica answered for him. “Highness, there is nothing you could ask of us that we wouldn't do. We owe our lives to you. We also believe in you, and what you're trying to do. When Argus told you he was ready to help if you had need, he meant it, for both of us.”

  Ariel nodded to the woman. “Okay. But I want you to know, you'll be flying into an active war zone without escort. You'll be deploying your cargo alone, in enemy space. If anything happens to you, or the enemy figures out what you're doing, there is every possibility that help won't be able to get to you in time. By most accounts, this is probably a suicide mission. But it is very important that you succeed or this entire sector will fall to the slavers, and, most likely, the rest of the Empire along with it.”

  “I still know a trick or two when it comes to sneakin' about, Milady. Remember, I've been a havin' ta dodge the fleet for most of the time I've flown a ship,” Argus replied. “You just tell me what ya need done, and we'll make sure it gets there.”

  “Okay, you'll get a better briefing once you go back to your ship, but
I should tell you, The Profit has been modified for this job. In a way, I suppose you could call her a mine layer now, but it won't be mines she'll be dropping. We've gathered a list of able seamen for you to choose from for crew, but, for the first part of the mission you'll have a couple of our techs aboard to make sure the systems work as advertised.

  “A new weapons platform has been designed that is automated and built to perform on its own far away from friendly forces. Your ship will be able to only carry six at a time, but you should be able to take up to ten more in tow. The first part of the mission is a live systems test in friendly space. Work the bugs out of the system, and have a short shake down on the crew.

  “For the second part, the Admiral will give you detailed orders in a sealed data cube that won't open until you are out of fleet scanning range. You must remain radio silent for the duration of your mission. Emergency communication discretion will be yours. You will be carrying one of the original techs as a mission specialist. They will have the final word on the payload, but you will have overall command of the mission as well as your ship.

  “Make no mistake Captain Tyrr; The Profit is your ship. I will never order you to take a mission. The choices will always be yours. In this instance, we've made modifications to your ship without your approval, as time is not on our side here. She will be changed back to her original configuration whenever you wish.

  “This isn't official yet, but I plan on creating a Merchant Marine Fleet. When I do, I would like you to be a part of it. I'll leave it up to Jessica to fill you in on what that is. Military training will also be offered to any that wish to enroll, at no expense to them.

  “Now, I hate to rush you, but if you do take this mission, you'll have to get moving. The first of the platforms are being loaded as we speak. The rest will need to be in place by the end of next week,” Ariel finished.

  Argus looked at Jess and she ran for their bedroom. He turned back to Ariel. “Where do we need to be, M'Lady?”

  After she gave Argus the information he needed, he wished his guests a pleasant journey and showed everyone the door. Although his speed was bordering on rude, no one complained since they knew he was in a hurry. Ariel led the group of women down to Marine country, were the men were being briefed by an officer Ariel remembered.

  When she walked in the door to the briefing room, the officer that was giving the briefing immediately came to attention.

  “Carry on, Major Haillion pretend we're not here,” Ariel said as she and the rest of the ladies took seats in the back.

  “No offense, Highness, but that would be impossible for a number of reasons. Besides, I'm finished here. We were simply talking,” Haillion replied.

  “Please tell me you didn't tell my father about Ensign D'espie?” Ariel asked.

  “I'm afraid I cannot, Highness. I am forbidden by Imperial law to bare false witness to a member of the Imperial line.”

  “Great, now I'm going to get a lecture about being more careful!” Ariel said, looking at her father.

  “You can bet your pretty little royal ass, Princess!” Luke said grinning. Major Haillion quickly covered his mouth so he wouldn't burst out laughing.

  “Who's Ensign D'espie?” Karen asked.

  Mkail leaned over and began whispering to Karen and Alex. Since Francine was sitting right next to them, she could hear it as well.

  Ariel rolled her eyes and threw her hands up in the air. “I give up. I'm gonna get an ass-chewing no matter what I do!”

  Most of the people there chuckled at her comment. She continued. “So, I came to see who needed a ride home?”

  “May I have a moment with my wife and daughter, Highness?” Grant asked.

  “Of course, Uncle Grant. I'm not in that big of a hurry,” Ariel replied.

  Ariel, Mkail, Alex, Karen, Hanya and Ensign Jergen were joined by Luke and Major Haillion.

  “Oh yeah, you can count on an ass-chewing alright. What were you thinking?” Karen began.

  Before Ariel could say something in her own defense, Alex spoke up. “She was thinking she was safe because she had guards with her, and she was on her flagship. I can also understand why she didn't tell us about it; she was trying to keep us from worrying about her. However, I could kick her scrawny butt for not telling us about it!”

  Ariel shrugged. “I know. But like you said; I didn't want any of you to worry. Everything turned out okay for me, but one of my guards gave his life for me. Personally, I think that little weasel died far too quickly, but it is what it is,” she shrugged.

  “Okay, I don't like it, but you're right; it is what it is. Just, next time, don't try to hide it from us. Okay?” Luke asked.

  Ariel nodded, and noticed that Francine was getting red-faced. “It looks like Uncle Grant might need to call for extraction. She looks like she's ready to blow a pressure seal.”

  Everyone looked over at the small family meeting. Luke nodded. “I imagine he would like to. He's telling Fran a lot of stuff he knows she isn't going to like. There's a good possibility that she'll leave him over this.”

  “Damn. I didn't think it would wreck his family. If I had known, I wouldn't have asked him,” Ariel said, looking sorry.

  “Ariel, there is a lot going on there that you don't know about. Grant and Fran have been heading for a divorce for years. All she does is bitch and spend his money. He also found out that she's spending a lot of it on another man.

  “Gillian knows about it, because she was covering for her with Grant. In fact, that trip to Denver she told us about? Well, let's just say there was no convention that week. Grant knew it, and hired a private investigator to follow them around.

  “Now that David wants to stay up here to go through the medical enhancements and training to become a Marine, everything is coming to a head. If I can read what's going on correctly, Gillian wants to stay up here with her new friend,” he winked at the girl, who blushed. “That will leave Francine alone, and if she continues to bitch, she'll find herself penny-less too. Oops! Here comes David!”

  The young man walked up to Ariel, nodding to all the women, Haillion and Luke. “Highness, with your permission, I would beg a favor?” David asked. He had a tear running down one cheek, but otherwise was in control of his emotions.

  “Anything, David. We're still friends you know,” Ariel said as kindly as she could.

  “Would you consider asking my girlfriend to join us? I'm going to stay, but I'd really like it if she could come with me,” he asked.

  “Private,” Haillion said, “Why don't you take a week, and go get her yourself? There is no hurry on getting your training; there will be a few others to be trained as well, but I know it'll be a few days before they're gonna be ready.”

  “Thank you, Sir. If I can beg a ride back to the planet with Her Majesty, I'll do just that,” David replied.

  “Of course you can David. Just let me know if you, or she, needs anything else. Remember, I'm rich too, I can hire movers if you need them,” Ariel offered.

  The friendly conversation came to a halt when Grant suddenly yelled. “That's the fucking way it's going to be, or you can go live with the Gigolo you've been screwing! End of Discussion!” He turned and faced the group of people waiting for him.

  “Highness, everyone, I apologize for my out-burst. I hope you can forgive me,” Grant said.

  Ariel shrugged. “I don't know what you're talking about, Uncle Grant. I didn't hear a thing.”

  Francine, however, wasn't finished. “You listen to me you wilted dick bastard. When we get back to Earth, I'm going to tell every fucking person I know about all of this. I'm sure there are a few government agencies that would be very interested in what I have to say! Then we'll see who's the stupid fucking princess!”

  Ariel walked up to the woman so quickly no one had a chance to stop her. Even mKail had been caught flat-footed, however, she did recover the fastest, and was by her Princess’s side before she stopped moving.

  Ariel back-handed the woman so
hard she flew over the row of chairs that had been behind her. Then she drew her ever-present .45 and pointed at Francine's head. When she spoke, it was in a very quiet, very dangerous voice.

  “There is one thing you need to get through your thick fucking skull; here, now, in this world, I sit two chairs below the divine. Most of the time I am a very patient and forgiving woman, but you are really pushing the boundaries here.

  “Do you know what would happen to me if I saved Uncle Grant the trouble of a divorce, and just blew your fucking head off? Nothing! Back on Earth, you would be reported as missing, and then forgotten about within the month. Here, they would probably thank me, and scrape what was left of your fat, worthless ass out an airlock.

  “The only thing I've asked of you while you were in my world was to keep a civil tongue in your head. Clearly, you cannot even do that.

  “So, here's what's going to happen. You will be gagged and escorted back to my ship. There, you will be locked in a cabin until we get back to Earth. Exactly where on Earth, I haven't decided yet, but trust me here; I can drop your ass at the north-fucking-pole if I want to.

  “Depending on your actions during the trip back, I'll decide if you'll be getting off before, or after we land. Once there, if you're still alive, you will keep your fucking trap shut.

  “Whether you accept it or not, you are one of my subjects by Imperial law. As such, I am hereby dissolving the union agreed upon between you and Captain Grant Meyers. Because of your actions, you will not receive one cent from him, or any of his assets. If you try, I will have you arrested and placed in prison for the duration of your worthless, fucking life. If you think I can't do that, please, please just try me!”

  Francine just sat there, terrified and looking down the barrel of Ariel's weapon. Ariel turned her head slightly, and said. “Major Haillion!”

  “At once Highness!”

  Ariel asked via her internal com to Cole. “Did you get all that? Think you can make it a reality?”

  “It was done before you asked for the Major, Ariel. May I ask what charges she will be brought up on if she disobeys?” Cole asked.


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