Dark Days Rough Roads

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Dark Days Rough Roads Page 36

by Matthew D. Mark

He passed through the kitchen and looked at the table closely. There were hand drawn maps of his property and everything surrounding it. He reached down and grabbed them all. This lady had been spying on them since he bought the place. She had the aerial photos and drawings of the place before the cabin even went up. The pile was a good two inches thick.

  He looked at the notes and had figured just as much. She had started from the moment the group set foot on the property. She had the days and times written down and everything that happened, everything they did. She had it marked when he and Blake had returned as well. Every move they made. It was like a journal though: I saw, I noticed, I think. Poor Lance was mere labor around here it seemed like. Never knew what was coming.

  He walked back toward his house slowly and solemnly. Nothing he could have done would have prevented this. She had his number from the beginning and even if he would have shot her on day one, the militia knew everything already. He would return tomorrow and bury them as promised. He reached the house. “What happened over there?” Bev asked. “What did you do?”

  “I didn’t do anything. It was done already,” he said.


  The militia convoy was on its way back. Rob and Brad had everyone in position. The plan was put together rather quickly, but since they had learned from Haliday that conventional fighting was not an option and guerilla warfare was the only option, that’s what they decided to do.

  As word had spread over the past couple of days about the militia getting whittled away, the townspeople managed to get a few more people to join the cause. This was their fight and their fight for their own survival. Nobody would be riding in like the cavalry and saving the day. Any chance they would have of surviving started with this fight and those involved in the community had to do it.

  The militia convoy was coming through the small town now. They were tired, worn, had taken severe losses and wanted to get back to the airport. Thirty one people had left the compound and nine were now dead and six injured. Three of the injured would most likely die within the next couple of days. This didn’t include the observer, who had been Haliday’s neighbor.

  In order to take the wounded back, they had left behind two of the quads. The Jeep was left in the ditch as well. They were certain Haliday’s group would certainly take them as their own. The Jeep was the biggest loss as far as the vehicles were concerned. The guy who owned it had about 50 grand worth of work done to it. Lift kit, run flat tire system, radio, extra roll bars, snorkel kit and more. Haliday had seen it and said it looked like a JC Whitney catalog exploded.

  The convoy was getting ready to make a right hand turn down a small street full of houses that would lead them to the main gate of the airport. The lead vehicle made the turn and got about 200 feet down the road when four people on each side of the road pushed some vehicles down the driveways of the houses where they had been waiting.

  The vehicles rolled down the drives and met in the street blocking the access. The militia vehicle had hit the brakes as soon as they saw them move. The convoy only had about 50 feet between the vehicles and three more had made the turn. They were all trying to back up now. The man on the lone motorcycle went across the lawns and made a run for the airport’s main gate and made it.

  The militia called the airport for help but were told negative. They couldn’t put any more members in danger right now. The vehicles started to split up. They moved in different directions. They could cut through the surrounding neighborhood and eventually get to the airport provided they didn’t run into too many problems.

  One of the pickup trucks that had not made the right hand turn shot straight ahead instead. Only 150 feet down the road, they ran over two of the stop sticks the townspeople had made and the tires went flat immediately. The truck tried to keep moving but the shredded tires and rims on the road made it hard.

  They stopped the truck and both occupants jumped out. They started running south. The airport was about a quarter of a mile away and they would try to get there on foot. They crossed through some yards and then into an open area with homes on both sides, and continued moving. They were hesitant and sensed an ambush.

  No sooner had they turned to look for cover when eight of the townspeople started firing on them. The townspeople had unleashed a volley of over 100 shots fired. The men had never stood a chance as the rounds hit them and they fell lifeless to the ground. The townspeople moved in and took the weapons and ammo from the men.

  The deuce had been second in line. After it had backed up, it moved forward again quickly and rammed the two vehicles. It barely made it through them and it continued toward the gate. All of their injured were in the back. The driver did not hesitate; he just kept right on going. If the vehicles used to block the road hadn’t been in neutral, it would have been a different story.

  He made it through the gate and to the back of the admin building where more members helped unload the injured. One of the townspeople on top of the roof was going to fire but after seeing the wounded people he just let them be. He couldn’t find it in himself to shoot any of them. He would seek out another target.

  The last vehicle in line had seen all of the activity and locked up their brakes and hit reverse. The vehicle was going almost 45 miles an hour backwards. A few people tossed some of the caltrops into the road. One of the rear tires blew out and the vehicle careened backwards into a party store. People moved toward the store and then took cover. The militia inside the vehicle got out and took cover behind the vehicle inside the store.

  One of the men ran to the back door and tried to open it. It had been padlocked from the outside from one of their own group during the seizure of all the supplies in town. He went back and told the woman with him that the only way out was through the front of the store. They didn’t know whether to fight or surrender.

  One man yelled to them. “Who are you guys? What are your names?” The militia couple did not answer. They didn’t know if it would do them any good. They thought if they could get out of there and no one knew who they were, they could deny being involved. They talked about it for a few minutes and made their decision.

  “Listen out there,” they said. “We want to surrender. We’ll come out and surrender, please don’t shoot.” Brad was with this group. He didn’t honestly know what to do. He called Rob and asked him about taking prisoners. Rob had no idea either.

  Rob called him back, “Hey Brad, take them down the street to the police department and lock them up. Take all their gear though.”

  Brad yelled in to the store. “Come on out, hands raised, no weapons or we’ll shoot.” The couple came out slowly with their hands in the air. Brad made them lay down on the ground and a couple of others searched the couple. Brad was looking at them. “I know you guys. Jerry, what the hell are you guys doing?” Jerry just looked at him. Brad asked him again but still no answer.

  “Jerry, I can’t believe you got involved in all of this. Then you went and attacked that guy and his family. How could you do that?” Jerry and his wife just laid there. “Get them up and let’s go,” Brad said. “Put their asses in the police department and in the jail.” They walked them down to the police department which was empty. They placed them in a cell with the blankets they had in their truck and locked it.

  Brad walked over to Jerry. “Man, I thought I knew you, Jerry. I had no idea you could do this.”

  “Do what?” Jerry asked, “Try and survive. Try to live through this shit?”

  “No,” said Brad, “turn on your community, steal from them, kill innocent people.”

  “Don’t pretend you would do anything different Brad.”

  “I did Jerry, I’m doing what’s right,” he said. Brad walked away and called Rob.

  Rob told Brad that two vehicles were still out there. He wasn’t sure how many people were in them. A Jeep and a Bronco. Everyone was looking out for them. Rob thought the ambush was going to end it all, but the lack of training and the speed at which they had to prepare had ma
de it hard to control the inbound militia convoy.

  Rob called a few guys together and they met at the police station. Brad was there as well. Let’s set up shop here. I don’t think the police will be back any time soon. We can watch the prisoners then too. Let’s see about getting a duty roster together and see about heating the place somehow. Brad said he would handle it. Rob went back to help try in tracking down the remaining two vehicles.

  When Rob had returned another man came up to him. “Hey Rob, we found the Bronco. It was empty, and it had two flats. Looks like whoever was in it made a run for it.” Rob told him to let the guys watching the airport know to be on alert in case the people tried to sneak in there. No telling what they would try in order to get back into the compound.

  As morning was approaching nothing else had happened. They never found the Jeep or the people inside. Everyone was tired and Rob and Brad sat down and wrote down some notes. They would post four people here around the clock for now. Everyone would take turns. He went through the militia gear they had captured and distributed it. They would be getting the vehicles repaired and use those as well. Rob called Haliday on the radio.

  “Roger, how did you make out over there?”

  “Hi Rob, we did all right. We have some injured, nothing major, but we’ll need that nurse or preferably a doctor if you have one. I’m surprised we didn’t lose anyone. We came close, that’s for sure. Our neighbor across the road is no longer with us. Weird circumstances, I’ll have to tell you about it later. How about you guys?”

  “We lost a couple, some injuries here too, but that was expected. We have a couple of prisoners but we aren’t going to turn them over, not sure what we’re going to do with them. We injured a few and killed a few, but they managed to get into the compound for the most part. We picked up some vehicles and guns too. I’ll give you a call later today. I have a bunch of questions for ya.”

  “Ok, Rob, talk to you later.” Haliday had a feeling that it wasn’t over yet.

  Chapter 32

  Haliday walked over to Mark. “Mark, I want you to go in the house and get some sleep for a few hours. One of us will have to be up at all times for a little while here. I don’t expect any trouble any time soon, but we can’t stop now. We need to see it through until we know for sure we’re good to go.” Mark went inside and went to sleep next to Lisa.

  After a few hours of sleep, Mark got up and grabbed some coffee. He checked on everyone in the house before he went outside. Haliday was still out there keeping an eye on things and making the rounds. Mark approached him. “What do you think, Roger?”

  “Let’s pull everyone off except for the security detail. One in the crow’s nest and two outside. Everyone else needs sleep, rotate them through.”

  Mark took over and Haliday went in to get some sleep. Mark started getting everyone inside and everything in order. He extended his patrol to cover as much of the surrounding area as he dared. He was amazed at what he saw. The militia bodies left in place, blood sprayed all over the place. It wasn’t that he had never experienced this before, it was the fact that it was here on U.S. soil, Americans against Americans.

  Haliday woke up, grabbed his gear, grabbed a coffee and went outside. Mark was standing there. “Good thing it’s quiet,” Mark said.

  “Ya, that’s for sure,” Roger replied. “You take a look around at all Mark?”

  Mark said, “I sure did, let’s take a ride, I’ll show you.” They climbed into the ranger and took off. An hour later they pulled up by the house. Haliday was sickened much like Mark was and for the same reason.

  They walked back in the house. Breakfast was being cooked. It smelled good. Scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, oatmeal and hash browns. Orange juice, coffee, tea, cocoa and it was a hell of a meal. There was plenty to go around and everyone ate more than they had in weeks. It was well deserved. Dinner would be a feast as well.

  “Ok everyone,” Roger said. “I need three volunteers. Kevin, Randy, Blake, let’s go” said Roger. “Everyone grab your gear, everyone in the ranger.” They all went across the street to the neighbors. Haliday cleared the house and then went and cleared the barn. There was an older Kubota in there. He went over and luckily it started. He drove it out and over to the back of the yard. There was the tree with the tree house. Dull faded pink paint peeling off.

  “You guys go grab all of the bigger rocks that you can. Load them in the back of the ranger, keep bringing them until I say stop. You’ll find plenty along the creek bed.” They took off and Haliday used the small back hoe and dug a large square pit about four feet deep. While he was digging the rock pile had grown large enough and he told them to stop.

  Next he went to the house. You guys grab the two in the living room, I’ll grab the other. He looked through the closets and grabbed a bunch of sheets and blankets. Wrap them up in these he said. He went into the bedroom. The young girl was lying there, tucked in bed like she was sleeping. Haliday wrapped her blankets around her and took her outside. “You need a hand, Uncle Roger?”

  Roger answered, “No, I got this. I promised him.”

  He placed them all into the pit with the daughter in the middle, they were all wrapped up. He covered them up with dirt and tamped it down gently. They used the rocks and formed a crude large cross formation over the grave. Haliday wasn’t overly religious, but he looked down at the grave and spoke.

  “Lord, we have forgiven them for their sins and we ask that you forgive them for their sins and take them into your kingdom. They were lost, but we pray in the end that they found you in their hearts and souls. May they rest in peace. Amen.” He couldn’t leave without at least a few simple words.

  Next they dragged out the couch, chair and mattress and set them on fire. No sense in having it sit there and become a contaminant. They walked out and he locked the house behind them. They went back to their own house and everyone showered up. “Get some more rest guys and thank you.”

  Haliday walked over to the radio and spoke to Rob, “Anything new over at the compound Rob?”

  Rob told him that there wasn’t anything going on that anyone could really see. “Just some normal activity and some security patrols. They had placed some emplacements around the back of the buildings instead of trying to secure the south part of the complex. That was about it. I did see them take food to the prisoners too. I tried to call the militia, but they did not answer.”

  “We do have a nurse and a doctor who are going to come by to see you guys shortly. I can bring them if you give me an address.”

  Roger answered, “I’d rather meet you guys close by than give my address over the air.” They set up a time and a spot to meet. It would just be about an hour so Haliday got ready. He took Mark and Randy in case there might be problems.

  They met at an intersection close by and then went to Haliday’s. The doctor and nurse got busy checking everyone out. Mark and Roger sat with Rob, who had brought Brad along as well. They talked briefly about what had transpired, but not too much in detail. Haliday said they went through and grabbed the equipment and firearms off the militia’s dead.

  “What did you do with the bodies?” Brad asked him.

  “Brad, I didn’t do anything yet. But I’ll tell what we are going to do. You are going to get your prisoners, and one of the pickups. Bring them back here and make them pick up each body. You guys know where the sheriff lived by chance?” Brad said he had the address at his shop on some of the FFL paperwork.

  Roger looked at him. “Make those people bury their dead. Use the sheriff’s front yard. That’s going to send a hell of a message to those people. Any idea on whether or not he made it?” Neither Brad or Rob knew. “Well, either way it’ll be a reminder for them. The sooner the better. I’ll have the guys wrap them in plastic, try and keep the animals from dining on them.”

  Brad and Rob exchanged glances a few times. Roger noticed this. “What gives guys? What do you have on your mind?”

  Rob spoke, “Roger, we are at a crossroad
s here and don’t know what direction to take. We need some help trying to figure this out. We need some suggestions.”

  “Ok, I’ll give you a few, Mark here can offer some as well.”

  They spoke for about two hours and wrapped up when the doctor and nurse finished. Haliday walked them out to their vehicle. The doctor filled them in on what was going on and told them he left directions with the folks in the house. Randy and Kevin came walking up with two of Haliday’s welfare buckets. He handed one to the nurse and one to the doctor. Roger said, “Here’s payment. I can’t thank you guys enough.”

  “With that being said, this is why I keep telling you guys that you need to get into that compound. You need those supplies for everyone. You all need to work together. Now you guys get going. Keep me up to speed and I’ll be talking to you later. Don’t forget about the bodies. The sooner the better.”

  Rob said, “They’ll come get them before it gets too dark out.”

  “No, wait until morning.”

  Dawn went and brought the horses back. She found them in the neighbor’s barn, which was a cinderblock built barn, but it looked like they hadn’t had horses in quite some time. Seems they didn’t want anything to do with the battle. Romeo and Max were still afraid to come upstairs. The kids were kept in the house; they didn’t need to see any of the bodies. The day was about over now.

  Dinner was cooking and Haliday went back over to the radio. He started writing down some more notes on what he heard. He even asked for other frequencies so he could gather more information. Any frequency he was on he would listen for specific information or he would ask a few questions. He had quite a note pile going on now. Still no word on any government activity.

  They sat down for dinner and enjoyed the meal. They had some meatloaf that Bev had canned, canned corn, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn bread muffins and pudding for dessert. Haliday even told a few corny jokes to lighten the mood. “Blake, you ever look in the sky and see a flock of geese in their ‘V’ formation?”


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