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by Martin Gilbert

  38 Testimony of Louise S. from Cluj: Bulletin, London, op. cit., November 1945.

  39 Bar-Adon, op. cit.

  40 Bulletin, London, op. cit., April 1945.

  41 Testimony of Aviva Fleischmann: Eichmann Trial, 1 June 1961, session 61.

  42 Braham, op. cit., volume 2, page 1129.

  43 Ibid., page 840.

  44 Testimony of Arie Breslauer: Eichmann Trial, 1 June 1961, session 61.

  45 Protocol of a meeting held on 22 November 1944: Chaim Barlas papers.

  46 Testimony of Arie Breslauer: Eichmann Trial, 1 June 1961, session 61.

  47 Braham, op. cit., volume 2, page 870.

  48 Ibid., pages 870–71 and 985.

  49 Shalom Lindenbaum recollections, in conversation with the author.

  50 Testimony of Alfred Oppenheimer: Eichmann Trial, 7 June 1961, session 68.

  51 Hugo Gryn, ‘Thought for the Day’, BBC broadcast, London, 18 May 1972 (pre-recorded 11 May 1972).

  52 Reska Weiss, Journey Through Hell, London 1961, pages 188–9.

  53 Testimony of Dr Adolf Berman: Eichmann Trial, 3 May 1961, session 26. A young child’s shoe is now in a special display case, as the final exhibit in the holocaust exhibition at Yad Vashem, in Jerusalem.


  1 The Diary of Anne Frank, op. cit., Epilogue, by Storm Jameson, pages 213–4.

  2 Braham, The Politics of Genocide, op. cit., volume 2, page 870.

  3 Ibid., page 883.

  4 Ibid., page 872.

  5 Ibid., pages 873–4.

  6 Goldstein, The Bunker, op. cit., page 257.

  7 Ibid.

  8 Living today in Czestochowa, Poland.

  9 Borzykowski, Between Tumbling Walls, op. cit., pages 224–5.

  10 Meed, On Both Sides of the Wall, op. cit., page 274.

  11 Lubetkin, In the Days of Destruction and Revolt, op. cit., page 274.

  12 Lederer, Ghetto Theresienstadt, op. cit., page 227.

  13 ‘Torun, Grudziacka Street’: Scenes of Fighting and Martyrdom Guide, op. cit., page 96.

  14 Testimony of Mordechai Zurawski: Eichmann Trial, 5 June 1961, session 65.

  15 Testimony of Shimon Srebnik: Eichmann Trial, 6 June 1961, session 66.

  16 Czech, ‘Kalendarium’, op. cit., entry for 17 January 1945.

  17 Testimony of Israel Gutman: Eichmann Trial, 2 June 1961, session 63.

  18 Testimony of Israel Gutman: Eichmann Trial, 2 June 1961, session 63.

  19 ‘Slawiecice’ (Ehrenforst), ‘Woods between Blachownia (Blechhammer) and Slawiecice’: Scenes of Fighting and Martyrdom Guide, op. cit., page 286.

  20 Testimony of Dr Alfred Oppenheimer: Eichmann Trial, 7 June 1961, session 68.

  21 ‘Miedzna’, ‘Leszczyny’, ‘Lyski’, ‘Rybnik’: Scenes of Fighting and Martyrdom Guide, op. cit., pages 171, 173 and 174.

  22 Archive of the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine, Paris.

  23 Document T/1329: Eichmann Trial, 9 June 1961, session 72.

  24 Lederer, op. cit., page 235.

  25 Testimony of Yehuda Bakon, Eichmann Trial, 7 June 1961, session 68.

  26 Lederer, op. cit., page 240.

  27 Testimony of Louise S. from Cluj, Bulletin, London, op. cit., November 1945.

  28 A survivor, in conversation with the author, January 1981.

  29 Testimony of Dr Aharon Beilin: Eichmann Trial, 7 June 1961, session 69.

  30 Testimony of Raizl Kibel: Yad Vashem archive, 03/882.

  31 Testimony of Leilah Svirsky-Holtzman, Tel Aviv, 7 September 1967: Yad Vashem archive.

  32 Dr Robert Collis, Straight On, London 1947; H. D. Leuner, When Compassion was a Crime, op. cit., pages 93–4.

  33 Testimony of Jakub Lichterman: in conversation with the author, Cape Town.

  34 Information based upon the official Bill of Lading (Yad Vashem archives, 0–1/164), and provided by Dr J. Kermisz, Director of Archives, Yad Vashem: letter of 19 October 1977.

  35 Schindler files, Yad Vashem archive.

  36 Information provided by Judge Moshe Bejski.

  37 Don Levin diary, 17 January 1945: Don Levin papers.

  38 For Levin’s journeyings, see Gilbert, Atlas of the Holocaust, op. cit., map 313, page 240.

  39 The Diary of Anne Frank, Epilogue, op. cit., page 223.

  40 Moshe Sandberg, My Longest Year, op. cit., page 75.

  41 Testimony of Celina Manielewicz, Jerusalem, 7 November 1958: Yad Vashem archive, 03/1108. Celina Manielewicz was born in the Polish town of Ozorkow, near Lodz, on 21 July 1921.

  42 Ernest Spiegel, in conversation with the author, Jerusalem.

  43 ‘From a letter from Rokitno’: Bulletin, London, op. cit.

  44 Datner papers: consulted by the author in Warsaw, 14 August 1980.

  45 Testimony of Ester Epsztejn: Yad Vashem archive, 0–16/204.

  46 ‘Extract from a letter from Lithuania’, 18 February 1945: Bulletin, London, op. cit., April 1945.


  1 Lederer, Ghetto Theresienstadt, op. cit., page 228 (tracing the fate of Theresienstadt Transport Dr of 15 December 1943).

  2 Testimony of Gisela Teumann, Yad Vashem archive D-3/2737: Krakowski, ‘The Death Marches in the Period of the Evacuation of the Camps’: The Nazi Concentration Camps (Proceedings of the Fourth Yad Vashem International Historical Conference, January 1980), Jerusalem 1984, page 488.

  3 Violette Fintz, conversation with the author, Cape Town.

  4 François Wetterwald, Les morts inutiles, Paris 1946.

  5 Lederer, op. cit., pages 229–30.

  6 ‘Suffering of Kovno (Kaunas) Jewry’, letter of 26 May 1945: Bulletin, London, op. cit., November 1945.

  7 Letter of 26 May 1945, Bulletin, London, op. cit.

  8 Sonia Reznik Rosenfeld, ‘The Day of My Freedom’: D. Wolpe (editor), She’erith Hapleta, Extermination and Survival, Johannesburg, April 1965, volume 1, number 1, page 19.

  9 Testimony of Aliza Besser: Yad Vashem archive, 0–3/3394; Krakowski, ‘The Death Marches’, op. cit., page 483.

  10 See Gilbert, Atlas of the Holocaust, op. cit., maps 285 and 286, page 21

  11 Germaine Tillion, Ravensbrück, Garden City, New Jersey 1975, page 107.

  12 Testimony of Meir Dvorjetzky (M. Dworzecki): Eichmann Trial, 4 May 1961, session 27.

  13 Yitzhak Arad, ‘Jewish Prisoner Uprisings in Treblinka and Sobibor’: The Nazi Concentration Camps, Jerusalem 1984, page 398.

  14 Lederer, op. cit., page 226 (tracing the fate of Theresienstadt Transport Cu of 1 February 1943).

  15 Ya’acov Friedler, ‘“Death March” Survivor Testifies’: Jerusalem Post, 6 March 1980.

  16 Lederer, op. cit., page 242 (tracing the fate of Theresienstadt Transport Et of 23 October 1944).

  17 Alben W. Barkley, Atrocities and Other Conditions in Concentration Camps in Germany, Washington 1945; Hansard, 19 April 1945.

  18 Leo Laufer recollections, op. cit.

  19 Public Record Office, London: Premier papers, 4/100/11.

  20 Fenelon, The Musicians of Auschwitz, op. cit., page 254.

  21 ‘Johanngeorgenstadt-Theresienstadt’: Death Marches (Marches de la mort), Routes and Distances, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Association, Central Tracing Bureau, 28 May 1946.

  22 Bonnie Boxer, ‘The High Holidays’: Israel El Al, Tel Aviv, summer—autumn 1983, page 11. Israel Lau became Chief Rabbi of the Israeli coastal town of Netanya in 1979. His brother Naftali, as Naftali Lavie, was, in 1984, Israeli Consul-General in New York, and the editor of the memorial book for his birthplace, Piotrkow.

  23 Remarks quoted in the Eichmann Trial, 7 July 1961, session 88.

  24 Testimony of Menachem Weinryb, Yad Vashem archive 0–3/3343: Krakowski, ‘The Death Marches’, op. cit., page 484.

  25 Jean Levin, letter to the author, 24 July 1983.

  26 Lederer, op. cit., page 172.

  27 Recollections of Pershing G. Rolfe, Florrissant, Missouri, USA: Yad Vas
hem archive.

  28 Josef Rosensaft, ‘Our Belsen’: Belsen, Tel Aviv 1957, page 25.

  29 Idem.

  30 W. R. F. Collis, ‘Belsen Camp: a Preliminary Report’: British Medical Journal, 9 June 1945, page 814.

  31 Violette Fintz, conversation with the author, Cape Town.

  32 G. I. A. Draper, recollection: The Nazi Concentration Camps, op. cit., pages 348–9.

  33 Fenelon, op. cit., page 255.

  34 Collis, op. cit., page 814.

  35 Peter Coombs, letter of 4 May 1945:1 am grateful to Peter Coombs for letting me see, and use, this letter. Among the British soldiers who entered Belsen was a young Palestinian officer, Vivian Herzog, who in 1983 was elected President of the State of Israel.

  36 Report of 12th US Army Group Investigation Teams, 25 May 1945: International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, document PS-2222.

  37 Nora Levin, The Holocaust, op. cit., page 706.

  38 International Committee of the Red Cross, Documents relating to the work of the International Committee of the Red Cross for the benefit of civilian detainees in German Concentration Camps between 1939 and 1945, Geneva 1965 (contains an eye-witness account of the evacuations from Ravensbrück and Sachsenhausen in April 1945).

  39 Latour, The Jewish Resistance in France, op. cit., pages 161–2.

  40 Letter of 19 April 1945 (to Werner Senator): Central Zionist Archive, Jerusalem, 57/915.

  41 Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1981.

  42 Dusan Sindik (editor), Secanja Jevreja na Logor Jasenovac, Belgrade 1972 (memoirs of Jews in Jasenovac camp).

  43 Krakowski, ‘The Death Marches’, op. cit., page 485 (based upon the researches of Professor Krzysztof Dunin-Wasowicz, published in Warsaw in 1966).

  44 Germaine Tillion, op. cit.

  45 Liberated Jews Arrived in Sweden in 1945, 2 volumes, Malmo 1946.

  46 Sam Goldsmith, Haboker, Tel Aviv, May 1945 (translated by Sam Goldsmith).

  47 Levi Shalit, The Road from Dachau: 30 Years after the Liberation, Johannesburg 1975, pages 22–3.

  48 Testimony of Sarah Friedmann (born in Rachovo on 24 July 1923), given in Jerusalem on 18 August 1959: Yad Vashem archives, 03/1403.

  49 Testimony of Dr Aharon Hoter-Yishai: Eichmann Trial, 12 June 1961, session 73.

  50 Recollections of Maria Rebhun (born in 1919): Claremont Oral History Program, California.

  51 Pisar, Of Blood and Hope, op. cit., pages 93–4.

  52 Sandberg, My Longest Year, op. cit., pages 113–14.

  53 Bierman, Odyssey 1940, op. cit., page 228.

  54 Harris, Tyranny on Trial, op. cit., page 461.

  55 Michael Etkind, ‘“Youth” Remembered’: Journal of the ’45 Aid Society, no. 12, London, March 1985, page 7.

  56 Affidavits by Pieter Langhort (8 January 1946) and Baron van Lamsweerde (18 March 1946): International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, document D-924.

  57 Ernst Schafer (editor), Ravensbruck, Berlin 1960.

  58 The Book of Alfred Kantor, op. cit., 1 May 1945, plate 119.

  59 K. J. Ball-Kaduri, ‘Berlin is “Purged” of Jews: the Jews in Berlin in 1943’: Yad Vashem Studies, Jerusalem 1963, pages 271–316.

  60 K. J. Ball-Kaduri, ‘Berlin’: Encyclopaedia Judaica, Jerusalem 1971, volume 4, columns 648–50.

  61 Misha Lev, ‘Almost a Legend’: Sovetish Geimland, Moscow, January—February 1964, pages 78–93.

  62 ‘Poles and Cap Arcona’: AJR Information, London, January 1985, page 5.

  63 Lederer, op. cit., page 241.

  64 Lena Berg recollections: Donat, The Holocaust Kingdom, op. cit., page 316.

  65 Le Chěne, Mauthausen, op. cit.

  66 Brome, The Way Back, op. cit., page 237.

  67 Testimony of Yehuda Bakon: Eichmann Trial, 7 June 1961, session 68.

  68 Weg des Todesmarsches Mauthausen-Gunskirchen: Yad Vashem archives.

  69 Kalman Seigel, ‘Havas, Geza, 1905–45’: Encyclopaedia Judaica, Jerusalem 1972, volume 10, column 311.

  70 Le Chěne, op. cit.

  71 Recollections of Meir Pesker: Bielsk Podliask (memorial book), Tel Aviv 1975.

  72 Nyiszli, Auschwitz, op. cit.

  73 Bierman, op. cit., pages 228–9.

  74 Le Chěne, op. cit.

  75 Baruch Yaron, ‘Gelleri, Andor Endre, 1907–1945’, Encyclopaedia Judaica, Jerusalem 1972, volume 7, column 366.

  76 Recollections of Hugo Gryn, in conversation with the author, London, 20 May 1985.

  77 The Book of Alfred Kantor, op. cit., plate 120.

  78 Ibid., plates 122 and 123.


  1 Yehuda Bauer, ‘Jewish Survivors in DP Camps…’: The Nazi Concentration Camps, op. cit., pages 491–3.

  2 ‘Nazi War Criminals: the Search and the Legal Process Continue’, Institute of Jewish Affairs, Research Report, number 4, March 1983, page 3.

  3 Israel Gutman, discussion in The Nazi Concentration Camps, op. cit., page 521.

  4 ‘Address Delivered by Dr Zalman Grinberg on the Occasion of a Liberation Celebration’, Dachau, 27 May 1945.

  5 Henry Slamovich, in conversation with the author, San Francisco.

  6 Falstein, The Martyrdom of Jewish Physicians in Poland, op. cit., page 352.

  7 Testimony of Icchok Sznajder (born in Choroszcza in 1917), taken down by the Jewish Historical Commission, Bialystok, 30 October 1946, number 176/46: Yad Vashem archive, M 11/B, 244.

  8 Lena Berg’s recollections: Donat, The Holocaust Kingdom, op. cit., page 317.

  9 Ben Helfgott, manuscript: ‘Welcome to Poland after the War’, pages 2–5.

  10 Testimony of Rachel Hirsch, recorded in Tel Aviv in January 1964: Yad Vashem archive, 03/2440.

  11 Letter of 4 August 1945: Yad Vashem archive, 03/743. Lewi had been deported to Birkenau on 15 August 1942, from Belgium.

  12 Testimony of Shmuel Lerer, Archives of the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, New York, Testimony No. 343: Trunk, Judenrat, op. cit., page 474.

  13 Poland: The Communities of Lodz and its Region, op. cit., entry for ‘Uniejow’, pages 46–7.

  14 Ibid., entry for ‘Boleslawiec’, pages 60–1.

  15 Rachel Auerbach, op. cit., page 66.

  16 Zerah Warhaftig: in conversation with the author, Jerusalem.

  17 Manchester Guardian, 1 February 1946.

  18 Lucjan Dobroszycki, ‘Restoring Jewish Life in Post-War Poland’, Soviet-Jewish Affairs, volume 3, number 2, London 1973.

  19 Archives of the Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw.

  20 Foreign Office papers, 371/57689: Martin Gilbert, Exile and Return: the Emergence of Jewish Statehood, London 1978, pages 281–2.

  21 Tenenbaum, Underground, op. cit., pages 469–70.

  22 Falstein, op. cit.

  23 Biala Podlaska Memorial Book, Tel Aviv 1961.

  24 Kermish, The Destruction of the Jewish Community of Piotrkow, op. cit., column 46.

  25 Dobroszycki, op. cit.

  26 Opinia, Warsaw and Lodz, 25 July 1946.

  27 Czech, ‘Kalendarium’, op. cit., entry for 2 August 1944.

  28 On 14 June 1947 an American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Report listed 88,735 Jews living in 158 towns. The Jewish community in Lodz was 13,860, followed by Wroclaw (9,102) and Dzierzoniow (6,750) in Silesia, Cracow (5,908) and Warsaw (4,973). Lublin, with 40,000 pre-war, had 774, and Bialystok, also with 40,000 pre-war, 586: American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee archive, Jerusalem, report by William Bein.

  29 Sakowska, Archiwum Ringelbluma, op. cit., page 19.

  30 Letter 24 March 1947: American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee archives, Jerusalem, C-61.020.

  31 Babi Yar memorial volume, op. cit.

  32 Jules R. Lippert, ‘The Return: Riga 1976’: Friday Forum, Delaware 1977.

  33 Jack Young (Jona Speigel), typescript, Lost and Waiting to be Found; and conversation with the author, London, 30 May 1984.

  34 Letter of February 1946: Jack Lennard papers, op. cit.

  35 Eric Luca
s, ‘Die Herrschaft’: Geschichte einer jüdischen Grossfamilie in Kreis Aachen von der Mitte des 19 Jahrhunderts bis zum 2 Weltkrieg, Aachen 1980 (translation from the English manuscript, by Eric Lucas).

  36 Wdowinski, And We Are Not Saved, op. cit., page 123.

  37 Cordelia Edvardson, ‘Am Yisrael Hai’ (‘The People of Israel Lives’): Jerusalem Post, 29 January 1984.

  38 Testimony of Dr Aharon Beilin: Eichmann Trial, 7 June 1961, session 69.

  39 Testimony of Yehuda Bakon: Eichmann Trial, 7 June 1961, session 68.

  40 Vitka Kempner, in conversation with the author, Jerusalem.

  41 Katznelson, ‘Song of the Murdered Jewish People’, op. cit.

  42 Lederer, Ghetto Theresienstadt, op. cit., page vii.

  43 Recollections of Hugo Gryn, in conversation with Rex Bloomstein, London, 16 July 1981; first shown on the BBC television documentary, Auschwitz and the Allies (producer: Rex Bloomstein), 16 September 1982.

  44 Reder, ‘Belzec’, op. cit.

  45 Lubetkin, In the Days of Destruction and Revolt, op. cit.

  46 Information provided by Matilda Bandet’s brother, Baruch Bandet, in conversation with the author, Lod airport.

  47 Ringelblum notes, 17 June 1942: see page 368 of this volume.


  compiled by the author

  Aalten: Jews given shelter in, 1

  Aaron (from Opoczno): recalls a deportation, 1

  Aaronson, Rabbi Joshua Moshe: leads revolt, 1

  Abeles, Dr Ernest: his testimony, 1 n. 2

  Aboulker, Jose: and resistance in North Africa, 1

  Abramovich, Ariela: saved, 1

  Abugov, Alexander: a Jewish partisan, 1

  Acmecetka: mass murder of Jews at (1941–2), 1

  ‘Action Tiger’: in Marseilles, 1

  Adampol: Jewish girls rescued from, 1

  Adjibel, Abram: killed (1942), 1

  Adler, Stanislaw: and the Warsaw deportation of January 1943, 1

  Aegean Sea: barred to Jewish refugees (1940), 1

  Africa: possible Jewish emigration to (1940), 1

  Agarici, Viorica: her act of mercy, 1

  Aharonowicz (a prisoner): escapes, but wounded, 1


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