I Remember (Remembrance Series)

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I Remember (Remembrance Series) Page 13

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

I slipped into my dress, shoes and jewelry, with only minutes to spare. Precisely on cue, there was a knock at the door. I darted through the apartment to find my purse and answer the door.

  My heart began to race, as I approached the door, wondering if I could really go through with this. Relax, it will be fine.

  I took in a deep breath and unlocked the door.

  “Wow! Jordan, you are so beautiful much more stunning than your picture and more captivating than I could have ever dreamed of.” I blushed, looking at the ground.

  His hand lifted my face and our eyes met. His brow arched in concern. “Did I say something wrong?”

  “No, you just always manage to say just the right thing and it catches me off guard.” “By the way, your picture doesn’t do you justice, either. You look quite fetching tonight.”

  “I feel I’ve known you, forever. Would you mind if I gave you a hug. After all, how many times have I promised you one over the phone?”

  “Okay, as long as it’s a friendly one.”

  Gregory stepped forward slowly encircling his arms around me. It caught me by surprise when he pulled me close to him. His proximity made my entire body tingle in delight and he had the most intoxicating scent I had ever smelled. I found my own arms wrapping around him and my head resting on his chest.

  “This feels nice, to finally hug you.”

  I stepped back, breaking the hug. “Thank you.”

  He motioned toward the door. “Ready to go?”

  “Yes, let me just set the alarm.”

  Gregory stepped outside and I locked the door behind me.

  As we began to walk toward the parking lot, his hand came up and rested on the small of my back, guiding me gently toward the stairs and then his car.

  A small laugh escaped my lips.

  “Everything ok?” He asked, puzzled.

  “Yes. I just find it funny that you parked right next to me.”

  He smiled. “The white Honda Civic is yours?”

  I nodded as he led me to the passenger door of a gray 4-door Lexus Sedan.

  He held onto my hand and would not release me until I was sitting in the passenger seat. As I started to reach for the seat belt, he said, “Allow me.”

  Gregory leaned across me as he secured the seat belt. His face was only centimeters from mine, hovering for a moment, as if contemplating something, before closing the door and proceeding to climb into the driver’s side.

  “Would you like to listen to the radio?” He asked as we proceeded to the restaurant.

  “Yes, please.”

  He touched a couple buttons on the console and the radio purred to life. I stared at him for a second, in awe.

  “Everything okay, Jordan?”

  “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you picked my favorite radio station.”

  He smiled. “We almost seem to be of one mind. Nothing surprises me, anymore.”

  He reached over and grabbed hold of my hand, squeezing it lightly. His touch felt comfortable and familiar, with a pulse of electricity transferring between us. “No need to be nervous, Sweetie; we’re friends, remember?”

  “Yes. Friends.” I had to keep reminding myself. No expectations tonight.

  Gregory found a parking spot and quickly came around to open my door. “Allow me,” he said, leaning in to undo my seat belt, before offering his hand to assist me.

  “Thank you.” I felt silly grabbing his hand in order to stand up, but welcomed the warm feeling of his touch.

  He laced his fingers through mine as we walked across the parking lot, only releasing me to open the door. As I stepped inside, I was overwhelmed by how charming the place was.

  I started toward the hostess desk when Gregory’s arm wrapped around my waist, redirecting me into the dining room. “Our table is already waiting for us, Jordan.”

  I let him guide me to a booth that was set up differently from the other tables around us. It had a white table cloth, lit candles, menus already in place and a single red rose, sitting on a plate.

  He motioned for me to take a seat on the side with the rose and he sat across from me. “I thought this was not supposed to be a date, only a ‘get to know you’ outing?”

  “Jordan, I’m sorry if I am moving a bit fast, but I already know that we are friends. I can’t help that I feel some kind of strange pull toward you. It is hard to describe, but I want to get to know you better.” He sighed as if he said too much.

  He looked up as I started to speak. “I feel the connection, too.”

  We both managed to say, in unison, “As though we have known each other, forever.”

  Gregory was about to say more, when our waiter came over. “Welcome back, Mr. Riley. Shall I start you off with a couple of drinks or an appetizer?”

  “Would you like to share an appetizer?” Gregory suggested.

  “I think we will share an order of bruschetta and maybe two unsweetened iced teas?” Gregory looked to me to see if that was okay.

  I nodded in agreement.

  “Did you want to look at the menu and order for yourself or would you like me to try and guess?”

  “I think I will take a glance at the menu, but I am curious to see if you can figure me out as much as you think you can,” I said, slyly.

  Our waiter returned. The smell of tomatoes, garlic and cheese was amazing. “Are you ready to order?”

  Gregory began to order for us. “I think we will both have the teriyaki glazed salmon.” He looked up from the menu to see if he was right. All I could do was stare in astonishment.

  “How could you possibly know what I wanted? Even if you had wanted salmon for yourself, there are several different preparations on the menu. How did you know which one I honed in on?”

  I remembered how much you enjoyed the salmon I had sent to your mom’s house. I figured you might like to have it, again.”

  It never dawned on me that he had ordered the food from here. Gregory quickly admitted, “Yes, I ordered the food from here. I have a friend who is one of the managers. He gives me some great deals on large orders.”

  “Wow, then I want the option to figure out what you like for dessert.”

  “You have a deal.”

  There was no lack of conversation. I felt so comfortable talking with Gregory about everything.

  It was no surprise that many of our answers to questions were identical. The only difference was in our travels. He had traveled further than I had, mainly because my dad liked to stick close to home.

  Gregory’s comment took me by surprise. “WE are going to have to do something about you traveling more.”

  I discovered that his mother was a middle school history teacher and works as a consultant to the local history museum. His father is an engineer for both Teleco Wireless and its parent company, Worthington Enterprises.

  He went on to tell me how he was the youngest and had two brothers, both married. His eldest brother, Phillip was 30 and works as a fire investigator in Cincinnati, Ohio. Gregory grimaced when he talked about his sister in-law, Gwen. I didn’t understand the reaction, but figured he would elaborate at another time.

  His other brother, Jonathan, was 28 and works as an analyst for a financial firm in San Diego, California. He went on about the things he and Jonathan did as kids and their future plans. He was obviously close to his family.

  After our plates were cleared, it was my turn to see if I knew Gregory as well as he knew me. “Did you want to split dessert or do you want your own?”

  “Let’s split a slice of the New York cheesecake with strawberry topping.”

  Gregory leaned against the back of the booth, laughing and shaking his head.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You picked out the dessert I always go for.”

  Before I knew it, he was holding my hand, stroking the back of my knuckles with his adept fingers. “Where have you been all my life? I just can’t believe that we’ve been this close and our paths have never crossed.”

��I guess I’ve been waiting for you to find me.”

  I put my hands over my face, trying to hide my embarrassment. ”I can’t believe that I just said that.”

  To my surprise, I felt the weight of the booth’s seat shift underneath me and he was right beside me. His right hand gently pulled mine away from my face, as his left hand pulled my face closer to his. My heart rate was through the roof when the warmth of his cheek pressed against mine, as his lips whispered in my ear, “You do not know how happy you have just made me, Jordan.”

  I pulled back slightly, not anticipating that kind of response.

  He began stroking the side of my face. “Scary isn’t it? Letting your heart speak, rather than your mind? I find it so easy to say what is in my heart when I am talking with you on the phone, and even more so here, in person. Don’t ever be afraid to tell me what your thoughts are.”

  As I stared intensely into his eyes, I suddenly realized that this was the beginning of us. I held his hand tight to my face, smiling, still unable to utter a single word.

  Our waiter arrived with our slice of cheesecake and Gregory started to get up and head back to his seat. “Sit with me?” I pleaded.

  “I would love that.” He slid a couple of inches closer.

  His hand slipped over mine and I soon found his fingers intertwined with mine. The feel of his skin sent shock waves through my soul.

  He picked up the fork and dug in, retrieving a small taste of the cheesecake, then turning to me he held up the first bite for me to enjoy.

  I leaned in to take the sweet morsel and knew instantly why it was his favorite. This was the creamiest confectionary I had ever tasted. I watched as he used the same fork to take the next bite, putting his lips where mine had been, wondering what it would feel like to have his lips on mine.

  We continued taking turns until I had politely declined, not able to eat another bite.

  Our waiter returned, asking if we were ready for the check.

  Gregory nodded and reached into his back pocket, pulling out a credit card and instantly handing it to him.

  “Can you please split the check in half and bring me my portion?” I asked.

  Gregory was quick to object. “No, this is my treat. After all, we are on a date.” He smiled smugly and squeezed my hand.

  “I thought we were just meeting up as friends tonight and friends share the expense of the meal.”

  “Jordan, you and I both knew that this night would be a pivotal point in our relationship. How long could we continue with conversations over the phone? Even you admit feeling our connection.”

  I needed a moment alone to think, so I excused myself to the ladies room. My thoughts were all over the place. Somehow he had managed to turn this into a date and I was furious with myself for allowing it. But in my heart, I knew Gregory was right, the chemistry between us was overwhelming.

  I took a deep breath and walked out to find him waiting for me, with puppy dog eyes and the rose in hand. “Forgive me?”

  “Of course.” How could I stay mad?

  He pulled me close to his side as we headed toward the exit. He nuzzled the side of my face and whispered, “This is nothing like any first date I’ve ever had. It was better! Can I see you again tomorrow?”

  My heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing him, again. “I would love to but I need to finish packing and head to Mom’s house tomorrow evening.”

  “Could you use an extra set of hands to help you?”

  “I couldn’t ask that of you.”

  “But you aren’t, I’m offering. Freely. I just want more time with you.” His eyes searched mine for any sign of weakness.

  His face was so close, my breathing began to falter, “I guess it would be all right, but on one condition.”

  “Anything, name it!”

  “I will buy lunch, as a small token for dinner and tomorrow’s help.”

  He laughed, realizing I had him where he could not say no. “Fine, as long as it means I get to see you, again.”

  He helped me into the passenger seat and before I could even turn my head back toward him, he was inches away from my face, securing my seatbelt.

  “What time would you like me to come over tomorrow?”

  “Whatever works for you.”

  “You may want to be a little more specific; otherwise, I may be on your doorstep as soon as the sun comes up. How about you give me a call when you are ready to start?”

  I was dizzy with his closeness. “Okay,” I managed to whisper.

  “Jordan?” His hand found the back of my neck and started playing with my hair.

  “Yes, Gregory?”

  “One more thing…”

  His hand pulled my face close to his and our lips met. I was lost in the feel of his lips upon mine, parting them to taste the warmth of his breath in my own.

  To my disappointment, he pulled back to gauge my reaction. When I sighed, he kissed me again, this time tracing the outside of my lips with his tongue. Wanting to live in the moment, I threw my arms around his neck, holding him closer as his kisses became more intense.

  When we came up for air, we both declared, “Wow!”

  I glanced over at the clock. It was quickly approaching midnight. “I hate to do this, Gregory, but I really need to get back to the apartment. My mom is probably pacing the floor waiting for me to call and let her know I got home safely.”

  He kept giving me little kisses in between his words. “I know. I just don’t want to let you go. Now that I’ve found you.”

  “I feel the same way.” Our lips kept exploring one another’s mouths.

  “What were you going to ask before we kissed?”

  “That you hold me close in your dreams, tonight.”

  “I will, but only if you do the same.”

  “That will be no problem. I guess we should get you home so you can start dreaming.” He teased, as he kissed my lips again.

  Still unmoving, I asked, “How can you come over tomorrow if you won’t let tomorrow come?”

  “You’re right.” He laughed before finally moving to the driver’s side.

  He started the car and reached over, interlacing his fingers with mine.

  The only sound in the car came from the radio and the beating of our hearts. I finally spoke up. “By the way, this evening has been wonderful.”

  “It was my honor, Jordan.” Pulling our hands up to his lips, he gently kissed the back of my hand.

  The complex was quiet.

  I turned to him at the door and said, “Thank you for a lovely time.”

  I started to step inside when his hand caught round my waist and turned me around. Before I could say a word, his lips found mine, one hand reaching behind my neck to deepen the kiss, while the other pressed the small of my back, drawing me as close to his body as possible.

  The intensity of it had every nerve ending in my body firing at rapid speed. I thought I had known what it was like to be kissed, but never had I experienced something so passionate. I felt like swooning. He finally pulled back.

  When reason returned and our breathing settled, he said, “You make me feel so alive when I’m with you.”

  I blushed at his words.

  His knuckles caressed the side of my face, as I leaned into the warmth of his touch. “I really should go. My mom will start calling if I don’t let her know I’m home.”

  “I can’t wait for tomorrow. Until then, I will see you in your dreams, my sweet Jordan.” He leaned in for one last, chaste kiss. “I’ll be waiting for your call.” Then he turned on his heels and left.

  As I locked the door and set the alarm, I noticed a note on the table.

  I quickly scratched out a reply,

  The phone rang as soon as I turned the light on in my bedroom. “Hi, Mom. Sorry, I just got in.”

  “We were getting worried. So how was this evening?”

  “He’s more than I could have ever hoped for and so easy to talk to. We lost track of time. I can really be mysel
f with him.”

  Mom’s voice was filled with joyful laughter. “Sounds a lot like my first date with your father. We lost track of time talking with one another, too. I’m glad you had fun.”

  “Do you know what time you will be home, tomorrow?”

  “I was thinking early evening. I didn’t get as much done today because I overslept and had to get ready to meet Gregory.

  “If it is okay with you, I would like to try and get a few more boxes packed, load my computer and the other things that I need right now, before heading back”

  “Hmm, so you enjoyed your time with Gregory?”

  “I did and would like to get to know him better. He’s actually offered to help me with some packing tomorrow.”

  I started to yawn.

  “Get some sleep, Jordan. Just let me know when I can expect you and stay safe.” I knew our conversation about him was far from over.

  “Okay, goodnight for now. I love you, Mom.”

  “I love you, too. Goodnight.”

  I changed into my pajamas, hoping it would relax me enough to want to sleep, but I was still too hyped up from tonight’s events. My computer was still hooked up, so I decided to log on to catch up on some unanswered emails.

  As soon as the online service came up, I was hit with an instant message.

  “How did I know you would be on here?”

  “What are you still doing up, Gregory?”

  “I was too keyed up to sleep. I thought you might be on here, too. LOL”

  “It’s scary how much we are alike.”

  His response came quickly, “When we first started talking, I thought it was strange, but now I find it refreshing. And you?”

  “I feel the same way.”



  “I have to admit, I only came on here hoping I could get a chance to tell you I already miss you!”

  “Me, too.”

  “Goodnight, Beautiful. XXOO”

  “Goodnight, Handsome, see you soon. XXOO back at you ;-)”

  I turned the computer off, set my alarm for 9:00 a.m. and crawled into bed. Sleep came quickly, and it was no surprise Daniel and Angeline were at the forefront of my dreams. I watched as they shared tea in the majestic, flower filled garden. You could feel their deep adoration for one another. After a while, their figures morphed into Gregory and me, reliving tonight’s events, finding comfort in each other’s arms.


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