I Remember (Remembrance Series)

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I Remember (Remembrance Series) Page 17

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  I turned and walked hastily toward my car, yelling back to her, “Sorry, but I am expected home, soon. Talk with you, tomorrow.”

  When I was halfway home, I called Mom to let her know I was in route and then called Gregory to let him know what happened.

  “Try to stay clear of her if you can, Jordan.”

  Mom had a fabulous chicken Caesar salad waiting for me as soon as I walked through the door. We sat and talked about the day’s events.

  “I agree with Gregory. Something sounds strange about that Pamela. Try to keep your distance and see if someone else in your department can help her, next time.”

  I promised I would, then wished her goodnight and readied myself for bed. Once settled, I gave Gregory a call, hoping I was not calling too late.

  “Hey. I was just about to call you.”

  “You fret too much.” I teased. “I’m fine. I had to take time to eat dinner; plus, I had a wonderful conversation with Mom and lost track of time.”

  “I worry about you because I care a great deal for you. You have to admit, you haven’t had the best luck, lately.”

  Bad luck and I kind of go hand-in-hand. I’ve actually gotten used to it throughout my life; that’s just always how it’s been.” A yawn escaped my lips.

  “Well hopefully I can do something about changing that luck.” He teased and then started to yawn, too.

  “Maybe we should call it a night and talk tomorrow? Sounds like we both have had a frenzied day.”

  “Keep me close in your dreams, tonight?” He requested.

  “Only as close as you keep me in yours.”

  “That will not be a problem. Miss you.”

  “Miss you more.”

  My mind easily drifted to visions of Gregory, holding me in his arms.

  Over the next couple of days, my work load increased exponentially and I realized Linda had left out a wealth of information regarding my duties. I was basically left to sink or swim, but somehow managed to tread water and keep afloat, trying to learn the other things that were required of me.

  Gregory’s job wasn’t much better. He had an engineer quit without reason, which left his department short staffed. He had to fill-in, in addition to his own workload, until a replacement could be found.

  Our talks were minimal, at best; but we had the promise of a wonderful Saturday planned. He arranged for the movers to arrive early in afternoon, to allow both of us the opportunity to sleep in, after such a crazy week. They were estimating about two to three hours for the entire move.

  Since our schedules did not allow for much time on the phone, we continued our communication via email. Gregory’s emails were shorter, but more romantic than ever.

  One read:

  “My lovely Jordan,

  Check out the update on my profile. I changed my status to ‘in a relationship.’ I can’t help thinking of our first date last Saturday, when I asked ‘Where have you been all my life?’ and you responded ‘Waiting for you to find me.’ My heart melted. I’m so fortunate to have finally found you. I hope I can make you as happy as you have made me. Dream of me and remember I will always be thinking of you!

  All my love, Hugs and Kisses – Gregory”

  The next read:

  “Sweetheart. I find myself walking around with a smile on my face, every time I think of you. I have wished for someone special to come into my life and here you are! I’m the happiest man alive. I can no longer imagine a future without you in it. I have never cared about anyone the way I care for you. Maybe we lucked out this time when fate brought us together. I can’t wait to see your beautiful face on Saturday and treat you to a wonderful evening.

  I have you in my heart and in my dreams, always! I love you - Gregory”

  His words touched my soul. But, I wondered about the ‘we lucked out this time.’ I would definitely have to ask for clarification this weekend.

  I responded:

  “My dearest Gregory,

  Someone asked me why I am smiling all the time! My only response was, ‘I’m on Cloud 9.’ Every moment of everyday is filled with loving thoughts of you. I don’t know what the future holds, but I look forward to discovering it together. You have filled my life with happiness. Each day I look forward to the next, especially when I know that I will see you again.

  See you in my dreams, my love. Hugs and kisses. – Jordan”

  Friday was off to a good start. All the departments were fully staffed, the phone traffic was normal and the IT department seemed to be handling all of the computer issues, leaving me to focus entirely on my own work.

  During the middle of the afternoon, Caroline knocked on my door. “What is the status of your work?”

  “I am finishing up the final project for this week. Did you need me for something else?”

  She smiled. “No, just wanted to check. You have had such a bad week that I wanted to let you go home early and start your weekend.”

  On the drive home, I stopped to get Gregory a Thank You card for all that he has done for my mom and me.

  When I pulled into the driveway, I was happy to see Aunt Melinda and Uncle Tom had already arrived and anticipating a nice, family dinner, tonight.

  I had barely greeted her when my cell phone rang. Mom whispered, “Give him my best. I’ll let you know when dinner is ready.” I went into my bedroom for some privacy.


  “Hi, Jordan. Are you still at work?”

  “I am actually home. Caroline let me leave early.”

  “That was nice of her.”

  “By the way,” I asked, “where are we going on Saturday? I need to know how to dress.”

  “Our dinner reservations are a surprise. I will say we are going somewhere nice. I guess a dress would be appropriate since it is casual elegant, but nothing fancy. Plus, feel free to bring down whatever you need. I have an extra bedroom and bathroom you can use.”

  Mom knocked gently on the door, then opened it, to let me know dinner was ready. I motioned for her to come in.

  “I am so sorry to do this, Gregory, but dinner is ready and some of the family is here; so I need to go.”

  “That’s okay. I’m heading home. Promise me you will get plenty of sleep, tonight, and keep me close in your dreams?”

  I never tired of his request. “I always do. I will see you late-morning.”

  “You are always in my dreams, too. Goodnight, Jordan, and give your mother my best. I love you, Darling.”

  “Love you, too.”

  “Mom, I need your advice on picking a dress for tomorrow. Gregory won’t reveal our dinner plans, only that a dress would be appropriate. Can you help me find one that will cover the bruise?”

  While mom was looking through my closet I asked, “Do Melinda and Tom know about my arm or should I put on a longer shirt for dinner?”

  “They know what happened. It doesn’t look near as bad as it did earlier in the week. At least some of the darkness is gone.”

  Mom pulled out two dresses, one pink and the other purple. She held them up and noted where they fell on my arms. “The purple isn’t long enough and draws attention to the bruise, the pink lands where you think you see something, but you aren’t sure. Definitely the pink one with your white strappy heels.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “So, what are we having for dinner? I am famished.”

  “Melinda knows how you love her vegetable lasagna, so, she brought one with her to reheat.”

  Dinner was delicious. I cleaned my plate and was listening to everyone’s conversation, when my eyes started to droop.

  Mom startled me when she touched my arm. “Jordan, I think you should go on to bed. You are about to pass out in your plate.”

  I gave mom a hug and wished them goodnight, as I stumbled off to bed. My only thoughts were of Gregory, holding me in his arms as I drifted into full sleep.

  I bolted upright in bed when the alarm went off. Mom came in, “It’s 9:30, dear. If you want to have time for breakf
ast, you need to get moving.”

  I showered quickly, dressing in khaki shorts and a white t-shirt. I put on minimal make-up and decided to blow dry my hair a little straighter, today.

  After dressing, I grabbed a duffle bag to pack a pair of khaki pants, along with a medium blue t-shirt, knowing my current attire would get dirty in the move. I grabbed a pair of sandals and my heels for dinner, my toiletries, some perfume and my hair dryer, just in case. Then I carefully folded my dress and placed it on top.

  I put the duffle in the front seat of the car, before walking back inside and grabbing a cup of coffee and some whole grain toast. Mom gave me a disapproving look for only having one piece, so I grabbed the peanut butter to add some protein to it.

  Before I could even pull behind his car in the driveway, he was at my door waiting for me to turn the engine off. I was surprised to see him in a white t-shirt, shorts and sneakers. We were dressed identical.

  He reached for my door, smiling ear to ear. “Good morning, Beautiful.”

  I began to blush instantly.

  “I’ve missed you,” he whispered in my ear, as his lips began a trail of gentle kisses that found their way to my lips.

  I wrapped my arms around him and leaned into his chest. “I’ve missed you, too.”

  “Let me get your bag. I have lunch ready for us.” He entwined his fingers with mine and led me inside.

  As soon as I stepped into his place, my mouth dropped. There, in the living room, was my same furniture. The coffee and end tables were different, along with a more advanced entertainment system, but everything else was identical.

  “I guess now you know why I felt so comfortable at your place.” He laughed.

  He led me upstairs to a small open loft area, where I noticed his computer was set up and a view of the complex’s pool in the distance. “This is where I talk to you on the computer.” He’d answered the question before I could even ask.

  He opened the door to the bedroom and I was instantly transported to my dreams of Angeline. There, in the room, was her full-sized white, wrought iron bed and nightstand. I walked over in a daze to touch it to make sure it was real and not just another one of my visions.

  “Do you like the décor? My mother helped me decorate it, knowing I had a fascination with all things Victorian.” He paused a minute before adding, “You can use this room to change for dinner, later. Feel free to make yourself at home.”

  “It’s beautiful. I know this may sound strange, but I have seen this furniture in my dreams.”

  He sat my bag upon the bed and smiled. “You would be surprised what dreams can reveal to you.” I felt as though his words had a hidden meaning.

  I pulled out my dress and hung it on the back of the closet door, to allow any wrinkles to fall out.

  His arms wrapped circled around my shoulders, pulling me close, as he kissed down the side of my cheek until his lips were on mine. The intensity of his kiss deepened quickly, as his tongue traced patterns around the outer edges, parting them slightly. I could feel my heart racing and my breathing accelerate as I melted into his arms.

  I don’t know how much time passed before we pulled apart. Neither of us said a word, for the longest time, only gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes.

  “Maybe we should eat.” I suggested.

  He led me down to the kitchen, where a small dining table already held our lunch. “I hope you like Grilled Shrimp Caesar Salad. I made it myself.”

  I nodded. “It’s one of my favorites.”

  He smiled as we both took our seats and dug in. It turned out to be the best Caesar Salad I had ever eaten.

  As we were finishing our lunch, I asked, “Should we take both of our cars over or just one?”

  “We can take mine, and transfer any items you wish to take home, to yours later; or I could hold your things hostage so I get to see you tomorrow?” He smiled a devilish little grin.

  “Already trying to negotiate more time together?” I teased, getting up to wash our plates in the sink.

  He followed me over, encircling his arms around my waist. “I have been waiting for you for a long time. Don’t you know I am only happiest when I am with you?”

  Things were getting too emotional. “Shouldn’t we head over to the apartment?”

  He sighed in defeat. “You’re right. The movers will be there, shortly.”

  I was surprised to see a U-Haul truck pull up with four guys inside. “I thought you hired professional movers?”

  Gregory made introductions. “Jordan, this is Joe, Mike, Jeff and Rick. They used to be professional movers, but now work in shipping for both Worthington Enterprises and Teleco Wireless. They still do some moving on the side, so I asked if they could help us, today.”

  We shook hands and exchanged pleasantries.

  Gregory and I guided them to my apartment. They quickly went to work packing up everything that was left and started loading the truck with the boxes we’d packed last weekend.

  While the movers were busy, Gregory helped me grab my small stereo from the entertainment center and loaded it into his car.

  Next, we tackled my room, taking luggage from the closet and packing my dresser drawers and other clothes.

  Thankfully I had already taken out all my unmentionables, or so I thought. “Have you worn this?”

  I looked up and instantly blushed with embarrassment. He smiled, holding up a navy colored lace nightie. I quickly grabbed it and shoved it into a pocket of the suitcase.

  “No and I don’t know why I keep it. A friend of mine gave it to me as a joke for my last birthday. She keeps nagging me about my purity.” How humiliating.

  He lifted my chin, until I could see his eyes. “I bet it would look nice on you. But, I agree…you should wait until you are married. I think it is wonderful that you value your innocence. Don’t be uncomfortable with it. I am just as pure as you, waiting until I marry that special someone in my life.” He smiled his quirky half smile, which made me melt, as he leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose.

  “Maybe I should throw it away.”

  “No. Keep it. You never know when that special someone might come into your life.” He laughed a little. “Maybe they already have.”

  I knew he was flirting with me. “Maybe you’re right.”

  Before we could say anything else, Mike knocked on the bedroom door. “We have all the boxes on the truck. We are going to move on to the heavier items, now.”

  “Thanks, Mike.” The rest of my personal items only took moments to pack.

  While he loaded the car, I called Alley.

  “Hey, Jordan,”

  “Did you get my message about moving today?”

  “Yes. I went down to the office and already gave them permission to sign you off the lease. All you need to do is sign a couple of papers.”

  “Wonderful. I will go ahead and turn in my key and pay for my half of the remaining rent.” “Do you know if you are going to stay here, yet?”

  “I think I may move a little closer to work. I have a co-worker whose lease is up soon and we may decide to go in on a place, together.”

  “That’s wonderful news. I am sorry about moving out like this. I hope you understand. I wish you were here so I could give you a proper goodbye hug.”

  “I’m not going to say goodbye to you, Jordan. We will still be friends. That is if you still want to be after what Tony did.”

  “That wasn’t your fault, Alley. You deserve so much better than him. Of course, we will stay friends. Speaking of which, is he still calling you?”

  “He tried; but, I told him we were through. He claimed he was just headed to our place to talk to me and doesn’t remember anything else, other than waking up in a jail cell.”

  “That’s weird. Please say you will try dating someone else? I know that someone special is just waiting for you.”

  “You’re right. Thanks, Jordan. I need to go, some customers just walked in. Good luck on your move and call me to let me know ho
w you’re doing.”

  “Good luck to you too, Alley.”

  Gregory walked over. “Did you want to take a walk through to see if we missed anything?”

  I looked and discovered it had all been packed. The place felt kind of empty, with the exception of Alley’s things.

  As I locked the apartment door for the last time, a feeling of warmth came over me. I sensed that a chapter in my life had just closed and a new one had already opened.

  Gregory asked the guys if they could wait a few minutes while we took care of the paperwork in the front office. Mike nodded as we headed off towards the leasing office.

  Tricia, the main leasing agent, was quick to greet us. “Hi, Jordan, Alley said you would be by, today. I’m so sorry to hear about your father, but I understand your need to be with family, right now. I just need you to sign off on the lease.”

  She quickly placed our original lease agreement in front of me, with a ‘sign here’ arrow indicating where I needed to place my signature. “Here’s my key to the apartment and my half of the rent for the remaining couple of months.”

  “That is really nice of you to do this, Jordan.” She went on to elaborate, “Most of our renters have had issues with their roommates moving out with no word and leaving them with all the rent and often a huge mess to clean up.”

  “I could never do that. Alley’s a good friend.”

  Gregory squeezed my hand, indicating we needed to go. “Thanks for everything, Tricia.”

  As we walked back to his car, he leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek, “That really was nice of you to do that for Alley. You are always so thoughtful. I guess that’s why I love you so much.”

  Mike was standing outside the truck. “Did you want us to follow you?”

  Gregory pulled a card out of his pocket with the name and address of the facility we were going to, along with some numbers on the back. “You can go ahead and start loading the unit. When we get there, we will need to stop in at the front office to finalize the paperwork.”

  After he parked the car, I looked over, with a tear in my eye, “Thank you for setting this up. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”


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