Painful Prize

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Painful Prize Page 13

by Stephen Rawlings

  Her head had fallen forward in her struggles and she panted from the shock of the fearful cut, her hair loose and spilling over the livid track across the tops of the swelling mounds.

  "Chin up, Darling," Dana said, sweetly. "If you thought that stung just wait until you feel what I've got for you."

  With a small mewl of fear she forced her head to go back and leave the tortured breasts to Dana's untender mercy. It seems the brown girl had none on offer just then for her cut was vicious, hard and true, right across both straining heaps of girl flesh and it extracted its due of scream and sweat. Her victim rose to her feet still sniffling. Just two strokes! She could hardly believe it. She felt as thoroughly thrashed as if she had taken at least a butcher's dozen across her buttocks, and that from a penal. This tit breaker was a demanding sport alright.

  Now it was the brown girl's own turn to lay out her goods for processing. With seeming nonchalance she let her large tawny melons drape across the tabletop, as if challenging them to do their worst. Laura and Renee did the honours while the latest victim licked her wounds, each lashing down a searing cut. Dana gave a strangled grunt at each, but held back the screams that could just be detected choking in the back of her throat. Glum faced at their apparent failure to make any significant impression on the Junoesque Dana, Renee set her own tender tits on the stand, and contributed a couple of stricken screams of her own, as Dana and Linda, the former apparently quite unfazed by her own breast whipping, cut viciously into them, writing throbbing red lines across their delicate uplands.

  One round completed, and Linda to go in again. She didn't seem keen on the idea but eventually got herself correctly placed. Laura sent in a sizzler which had her screaming again, her face falling forward, her shoulders shaking with her sobs. Fred had to give her a warning to get her to position herself again. Renee raised the whippy rod and drove it powerfully down to impact just above the nipples. It was too much for the blonde and, as a fresh scream rang round the room, her hands left her neck to wrap protectively round her wounded breasts. First blood to the Tridents.

  Their jubilation did not last. Laura had to offer her bound teats for caning next. She approached the ordeal with a set face, positioned herself carefully, as if trying to spin out time before that fiendish stick would bite into the tops of her bound and swollen dugs. She took the first stroke well enough under the circumstances and with a great struggle she held her pose, all the while sobbing and choking from the agony of a full blooded cut into her tender flesh but like Linda before her, was too weakened by the pain and fear to take the second. Almost before Dana's ripping rod had fallen away, revealing another dark track on the reddened surfaces, she was covering them with her hands and rocking helplessly backwards and forwards over her wounded treasures.

  Fred checked out the strained and sweating girls, with their inflamed and welted breasts looking as if they had been laid on the bars of a barbecue, and called a three-minute time out.

  The two survivors of the Trident team huddled together for support.

  "We'll never break that Dana. She seems to be made of iron. We might as well give up now," she wailed into Renee's ear.

  "We don't have to," Renee told her. "All we have to do is make sure we get Tina to rights, before they get us. Work it out for yourself. Linda went first, so we're one point up. So long as we can get second and third it doesn't matter that Dana is the individual winner. We get the team prize, and that's all that matters. One thing though," she went on. "When we have Dana on the block, don't bother with trying to hurt her breasts, or cut her nipples. Just make sure the rod goes into her armpit. If we can make her a bit sore there we might just slow her enough so we can take another round. I'm pretty sure Tina is about all in."

  "And you don't think we are?" Jenny asked.

  "Course not!" Renee assured her confidently. "You can go another round and that will be enough. You're made of the right stuff, I know."

  The three minutes seemed to be over in a flash and they were back on stage, ready to continue with this savage breast-beating. Tina looked grim as she settled her small swollen tits on the frame and Renee brought the rod slicing down to extract a shriek of agony from her, her tears starting afresh. Renee passed the cane to her remaining teammate who laid it into Tina's lividly striped globes, grunting herself with the effort. Tina shrieked again and seemed to waver. With rising hope her opponents watched, thinking they saw salvation, but the pocket Venus held out, her elbows going back behind her shoulders and Fred indicated it was a fair stroke.

  Up until now Jenny had been concentrating on trying to break Tina and had almost banished the thought of submitting to another onslaught on her own breasts, but now it came home to her like a blast of icy water that she was going to have to put them up on the sacrificial altar to suffer all that Tina and, especially, Dana could do to them. If she had felt vulnerably naked the first time she had approached the block, now she felt as if she had doffed her skin with her clothes. Her breath rasped in her throat as she lifted her sore and throbbing breasts in her hands and laid them in the grooves provided. She felt an almost overwhelming urge to place her hands on top of the tortured mounds to protect them but forced herself to clasp them behind her neck and set her elbows well clear of the trajectory that the rod would follow on its way to cut them.

  She was past any pretence of holding back her cries. The moment was gone when she might salvage any dignity by appearing to be unmoved when it was obvious to anyone there that she was suffering excruciating agony as the cane bit deep into the tops of her bulging breasts, raising an instant welt as heavy as the pair that already adorned them. It was Dana who struck the first blow, to give Tina the maximum time to recover, and she could only hope that the small bitch from the Bull would be weakened enough that her stroke would be a fraction less devastating than the brown girl's murderous blow. She writhed and sobbed over her hurt mammaries as the rod changed hands, but finally managed to get herself into position to accept Tina's contribution to her agony. She howled in pain as it cut her just above the nipples, and rocked forward violently time and again, almost thrashing her head on the table top as she bent over her mangled beauties, but her hands never left her neck and as she regained a small measure of control Fred gave the all clear. She staggered to her feet, cradling her wounded dugs in her arms.

  Dana, indeed, seemed unbeatable, mocking them as she slapped her great tiger striped globes on the line, as if challenging them to make any impression on her. For all her brave show, though, her lip was swollen and bitten as she set herself to take the cuts that her two opponents delivered with the strength of desperation. Renee went first, again to spare the most recently whipped girl as long as possible, and drove the rod across the very top of the bare brown mounds, narrowly missing the loops of hard cord tightly bound around their bases, hitting 'long' so that the cane wrapped around her side, biting into the tender flesh of her armpit, the tendons under the arm exposed by it being raised up high. Dana grunted loudly, obviously hurt, and dipped over the wounded part, but held her pose. Ten seconds later she gasped again, a second cut biting into the ligaments of her whipping arm. They could only hope they had done enough.

  Renee took her place, her mouth a grim pained line. Like her teammate, she made no attempt to hide her pain, howling at each hideous cut she received, writhing like a cut-worm after each, but surviving, she knew not how. Fred called another two-minute break.

  "It's got to be now or never," Renee told her companion. "Give it all you've got."

  "Do you think it's safe to aim for her nipples? They're big and fat at the best of times, and now they're like a nanny goat in milk."

  "You'll just have to see how you feel about hitting them true," Renee said doubtfully, "I think it might finish her, but you'd better not risk it if you've any doubts."

  With the break Renee felt recovered enough to take first go again. As they stood either side of the
block, Tina approached, her face white, her lip trembling. She knelt in front of the whipping stand and gingerly took her breasts in her hands, cupping them gently, flinching from the soreness just touching them created. Very carefully she laid them on the tabletop, leaning forward so that they lay fully on it, small round red lambs to the slaughter. She was already sobbing as she put her hands behind her head to offer them for their whipping. Renee obliged, driving the rod with all her remaining strength into the fullness of their upper sides, aiming for the seared tracks of the earlier strokes. Tina screamed and rocked her whole body, her elbows coming forward over her tortured tits. For ten seconds she wailed and writhed, then by some superhuman effort drove herself back upright.

  Looking on, the cane Renee had passed her gripped nervously in her hand, Jenny willed the stricken girl to give up, then felt an emptiness in her own belly as she realised that the girl had survived the blow and, if she didn't finish it now, she herself would have to try and go another round, and she despaired of being able to take it. This tit breaker was punishing stuff, and no woman could be expected to keep going indefinitely. It was going to have to be all or nothing, the nipple shot or defeat. She looked at Tina's swollen mounds, where they lay on the hard polished surface of the wood, a surface now swimming in female tears and sweat. They were not all that large but, as she'd observed to Renee, the teats, always a magnificent pair of thumb-like projections, would now not disgrace a goat suckling its kid; ripe red juts of tight flesh, the elastic tubes inflated by the pressure generated in the martyred breasts by the tight constriction of the cords wrapped firmly round them close up to the girl's chest. If she could hit them true she was pretty sure she could split at least one and it was unreasonable to expect a woman to go on with a ruptured teat. Short of bursting her clitoris she could not imagine anything harder for a female to bear. With a cry of desperation, fear and anger all mixed up together, she lashed the cane down as hard as she knew just on the base of the pneumatic jut of the ripe and turgid teats. Tina shrieked in anguish at the outrage to her tender points and dropped back on her heels, cradling her injured breasts in her arms, her head bowed over them, her whole body racked by sobs.

  They had won, and she threw herself into Renee's waiting arms. Dana looked at them without understanding.

  "It's not finished yet," she said with emphasis. "You've still got me to deal with, and you'll never break me."

  "We believe you, Dana, darling," Jenny delivered the winning stroke, and the knowledge that she would not have to face any more of this hideous tit-breaker had restored her spirits miraculously, "and you've earned your victory. We resign but look at the score. 2, 3, and 5 makes 10, so even though you get to be first the team prize goes to us."

  Later, in the ladies, licking their wounds, they made it up with the bitches and there were kisses all round. She even dipped quickly to her knees to kiss Dana's amazing clit.

  "Darling it's lovely, I could eat it," she murmured.

  Dana grinned with satisfaction.

  "That could be arranged," the brown girl told her, smiling.

  Later still, safely back in their bed together, Henry turned to her to give comfort in the best way possible for a healthy sensual young woman who has just had her bare breasts cruelly whipped.

  "Turn over, darling," he whispered, "those poor sweet tits I love so much aren't going to want my touch tonight."

  "No Henry, please. I want to feel your arms around me, and your mouth on mine. I don't care about sore tits any more. They'll love the feel of your hairy chest. I don't want to be treated gently at times like these. What I need now is a man who'll grab me and have me and make me better."

  Henry made sure she got what she needed.

  Part Four: Trained

  Even more than after her 'triumph' in the treasure hunt, the successful battle with the bitches had made Jenny feel 'one of them', a true Sexton wife. She confided as much to her two friends

  As was usually the case when they exchanged confidences and gossip, it was one of those occasions when Friday bottoms squirmed striped and hot on hard unsympathetic stools. Their blood was quickened by their burning buttocks and the emotions roused by their recent castigations at the hands of their conscientious and attentive men, and the added influence of short drinks and even shorter skirts led to that loosening of tongues so dangerous to the feminine gender.

  "Can't be a Sexton wife 'til you're ringed and rimmed," Laura told her.

  "You have to graduate before you're a real Swive," Renee added equally enigmatically.

  "Ringed? Rimmed? Graduate? Come on girls," Jenny pleaded. "Give us a break. What's it all about?"

  It took a while to penetrate their lust-and-alcohol softened brains, but it got there in the end.

  "Oh no," Renee said emphatically. "We got it in the tail badly enough when we blabbed on to you about Friday girls. Tom'll skin my arse like raw liver if we tell tales out of school again."

  "Yeah," Laura agreed, "George promised me a beating for breakfast every day for a fortnight if I didn't learn to control my tongue better. I don't think I'd fancy that. Mind you, a small livener occasionally, while the sheets are still warm, before he leaves for work, reassures a girl her man still cares for her but every day for two weeks! A woman could be seriously sore at the end of that."

  Jenny let it drop. One didn't knowingly let one's friends in for a beating; well, not unless it was a bit of a lark. Still, she couldn't help wondering. Every time she seemed to be lifting the veil and coming closer to being a full initiate of this mysterious group the curtain seemed to move a little further away. Would it ever fully lift for her, she wondered.

  She got her answer about a month later. She was sitting at breakfast with Henry, a warm comfortable feeling suffusing her belly, her teats still erect, her thighs still hot from last night's particularly satisfying bout of sexual exercise, when he remarked quite casually that Laura and Renee would be calling for her later that morning and she was to be ready to go with them for a little trip.

  "What sort of trip?"

  "What you've always wanted. To become a Sexton wife," came the calm and astonishing reply.

  "How did you know about that?" she wanted to know.

  "Oh come on!" he protested. "You don't think those two witches you hang out with could keep your girlish confidences to themselves do you? Besides," he added, as if stating an immutable law of nature, "they're fully fledged Sexton wives and know their duty. They each confessed to some slight indiscretion in the matter and will be taking their rewards with them on the flight. From what Tom and George told me, hot cross buns might be a fair description."

  "I bet they will. Steaming hot and striped like tigers no doubt, in the generous way you men have," she replied, acidly, "but what's all this about flights?"

  "Oh didn't I explain? We, more specifically Richard - but he makes it free to any of the men round here - have a very convenient villa in Marindorra, up in the mountains. Being an independent Principality the authorities don't interfere in private activities. In fact their laws are still based on women as property which suits us very well."

  "I bet it does," she remarked. "That's all we are to you, aren't we?"

  "Of course," he admitted, "but you are all very precious property, and cherished much more highly than mere nagging wives could ever be or, heaven forefend, so called 'free' women. When you're not letting your hackles rise at phrases like women as property you might like to consider just how much love and care you receive as a mere chattel."

  Mollified to some extent, her curiosity got the better of her again. She went to kneel beside him and place her hands on his knee.

  "How long will I be away?"

  "A month is usually sufficient to complete the initiation," he told her.

  "A month! Oh my goodness. I'd better get packing now."

  She jumped up and started f
or the door.

  "Come back and finish your breakfast," Henry advised. "You're not going to need anything where you're going. You'll probably spend the whole month naked and, if there is anything you do need, the girls will provide it."

  Gradually some inkling of what might be in store began to dawn on her.

  "This is going to be tough, isn't it?" she said quietly, resuming her place by his knee.

  "Mmm," Henry agreed, stroking her hair with loving gentleness. "Most girls do come back a bit chastened for a while, but no-one has actually come to any harm and they're all transformed in the end."

  "What's going to happen to me, Henry?" she asked, in the same small voice.

  "I don't know the details, that's strictly woman's business," was Henry's rather unhelpful reply. "I'm not familiar with the means employed, only with the results. A woman trained to give maximum sexual pleasure, and some interesting body modifications to go with her new status."

  "What sort of modifications?"

  "Haven't you noticed any little differences in your friends and the other women round here?" he asked in return. "You hussies go around in such a state of near nudity most of the time that you can't have missed them. Anyway," he cautioned, "don't you think you're asking a few too many questions for an obedient and submissive woman?"

  She made a pout of distaste at the suggestion but was wise enough to refrain from pressing him further on what to expect in Marindorra but there was another question coming to the forefront of her mind which she couldn't prevent herself asking.

  "If we three are going to be away for a month, you and Tom and George are going to get a bit lonely, aren't you?" she suggested.

  "Eh, well, I expect it will be a case of share and share alike," Henry answered, somewhat evasively. "Plenty of guys round here will be willing to help out by lending a woman for a night or too. Besides," and she was rewarded by the rare sight of Henry looking a touch sheepish, "Greg is going to be away himself most of the month and suggested that I might like to try out Dana while he was away. Keep her up to the mark and so on," he added hastily, seeing the look in her eye. "Women can get so out of hand if you neglect them too long, and she has her needs."


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