Fire Born (The Guardian Series Book 1)

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Fire Born (The Guardian Series Book 1) Page 9

by Rayanne Haines

  She had ice-blond hair that glistened as though blue fire lapped at its edges. She was tall with a lean, muscled physique. Her skin was alabaster. Her eyes were a deep rich plum, too deep to be black.

  The figure smiled wistfully and caressed her tattoo. Slowly she began to unwind the vine from her arm, pulling it away from her skin, in a dance that was both sensual and terrifying. She moved toward Alex loosening the vine as she walked. Her look felt warm and soft. It felt welcome. Like love.

  She studied Alex for what seemed like hours before walking away. Though she wanted to beg her to stay, Alex knew it would do no good.

  Alex woke to the sound of a heartbeat and the remnants of her dream. Felt the body of her lover pressed against her chest and smiled into his skin.

  “Good morning,” Collum hummed as he kissed her head. “Did you sleep well?”

  “I think so. I had strange dreams all night. Some of them involved dragons in the dark and wings encrusted in black onyx. Others were of a woman? Maybe an angel?” She shook her head and stretched beside him, arching her back. “And you?”

  “Well, some little thing kept kicking me all night. I’m quite sure somewhere between three and four a.m., her tattoo did something super inappropriate to me.”

  “It did not. You're making that up.”

  “I never lie. It's one of the rules of being a guardian. C'mon, we better get up before Dom comes looking.”

  Alex splayed her fingers over his chest. “I'm a grown woman. And it's not like he's a typical grandfather that needs to be worried about my virtue. Who cares if he finds you here?”

  Collum reached for her hand. “It's easier if we don't have to answer questions right now.”

  “I thought you didn't care what people thought of you.” She curled her fingers into his chest hair. “I don't mind answering questions. Not that I have any answers. I haven't had time to give what happened too much thought yet. Only that it happened and it was beyond anything I've ever experienced.”

  He leaned back. “I simply prefer to keep things private. I'm not interested in an inquisition.”

  Alex sat perfectly still for a moment before she collected herself. “You came to me remember? I didn't realize I was something to deal with.” She whipped the blanket around herself as she climbed out of the bed. “I don't need this, Collum. I don't know what all that fire and smoke shit meant to you, but I thought it meant we were more than a discussion topic for a grandfather I barely know.”

  “You're acting childish. There’s no conspiracy here. I'm not interested in dealing with your grandfather right now. Can't you respect that? See the wisdom in it?”

  “All I see is a guy who is having second thoughts and I'm not interested in that. You can act as calm and mighty as you want, but I see the truth.”

  She stumbled in the mass of blankets pooled around her ankles, pushed her hair out of her eyes, and yanked the blankets higher.

  “And you can call me childish all you want. What I see is someone who, even at two thousand years old, doesn't know how to be a grown man. But you're right. I have too many other things to concentrate on right now, like how to stop my bloody hair from starting on fire every time I get pissed off.” She gave him a scathing look. “I almost forgot, the women of my race are warriors, not toys. I'm not playing your game, Collum. Get out of my room—now.”

  She swept into the bathroom with all the glory she could muster and refused to look back.

  ~ ~ ~

  After a twenty-minute shower Alex returned to find the bedroom warmed by a fire Collum had started. She fingered the robe he'd left on the bed for her and felt her resolve strengthen. The big guy was an idiot and she didn't have time to deal with that right now. She dressed in jeans, (the good ones that made her ass look phenomenal) and a knit gray sweater Aunt Quinn had given her last Christmas. She fluffed her hair and headed out of the room to find breakfast. She wasn't about to let some guy get in the way of her and Glenn’s cinnamon bun, even if he was a Dragon King. She’d simply pretend it had never happened. She wouldn't think about her toes curling or her flames caressing his skin, or the fact that she could still feel him inside her.

  Oh Christ, she thought as she wandered out in to the hall.

  She found Domhall in the kitchen filling his plate with a mountain of eggs and fruit.

  “Morning, kiddo. I ah, I’m sorry about yesterday. It was a bad day for me. I get them sometimes, but I’m tip-top today. Glenn made Eggs Benedict this morning. Want some?”

  Alex refused to ignore her grandfather no matter what Collum thought so she walked over to him and kissed his cheek. “Good morning. Yes, thanks. I'm starving and would love to eat.”

  “Good, glad to see the events of the past few days haven't affected your appetite. It's important to keep your strength up.” He winked at her. “Well, you look gorgeous. Trying to impress someone?”

  “Nah, I just happen to be gorgeous,” she teased him back.

  “Thank God for small favors. There is no one here you need to impress. You come from one of the strongest blood lines in our world.”

  “Except that I'm only a half-breed, right? And I might be a dangerous one at that.”

  Domhall responded with a slight nod. “Right, we can't know. But I know my daughter and she’d never let someone unworthy near her. You can trust in that child.”

  “Can't you tell me anything else?’ Don't you have any ideas about who my father is? I mean if you are so powerful, shouldn't you be able to figure this out?”

  “Trust me, if, and when I can tell you something, I will. Things come to us in time. Patience my dear, is a virtue when you live forever.”

  Domhall handed her a plate of food piled as high as his and gestured to her to join him at the table.

  Moments later, Collum walked in and headed over to the platters of food left out by Glenn.

  She was secretly thrilled when he gaped at her in her jeans.

  “Close your mouth man. That's my granddaughter.”

  “I don't have time for this,” Collum mumbled. I'll be in my office.” He rushed out of the room without a backward glance.

  “You really shouldn't tease him, Alex.”

  “I'm going to have nothing to do with him for a long time. You can trust that. Look, I saw a beautiful garden on the way down from my room that I missed last night. I'm going to go sit out there and enjoy the sun while I eat.”

  “Be kind kid. We’re only men. And that one, even if he is a twit, will protect you with his life. He took an oath. And you, you are perfection, like your mother and grandmother. Be gentle.”

  “I'm the new one here, remember. You two are so busy talking about protecting me. How about if you learn how to talk to me? And, like I’ve been reminded since we arrived, you aren't only men.” Alex allowed Domhall no time to reply as she stomped out of the room.

  ~ ~ ~

  In the garden the smell of heather lingered in the air. She'd never been much of a gardener. That was Aunt Quinn's forte. She could imagine reading a book and drinking tea there on another day, in another life. Alex found an inviting table and chair in a corner half hidden by English Ivy. The late morning heat soaked into her skin through her sweater.

  She savored the flavors of the morning meal. Glenn had outdone himself. As she relaxed, she thought about how strange it was that she was eating Eggs Benedict while sitting in a castle garden. Then again, how weird was it that she'd had sex with a dragon and that she was a descendent of an immortal race. If she'd had any girlfriends, this would make for one hell of a phone session.

  She studied her hands. They looked normal. She pulled her sweater sleeves up and focused on her arms. The tattoo lay quiet against her skin. She blew on it, hoping for a reaction. Nothing. Played with her hair. Tasted it. Nothing. She removed her shoes and curled into t
he patio chair. It was warm and luxurious, like everything else of Collum's. The sun slowly lulled her to sleep. Let her protectors find out what they needed to. Maybe tomorrow they would set off for the witch.

  Chapter 19

  “Wake up Alex. It's time.”

  The voice echoed on the air. Alex pushed tangled red tresses out of her eyes, prepared to forgive Collum.

  “It's time. We are waiting. Are you ready?”

  The echo was different. There wasn’t laughter in it. There wasn’t annoyance either. She sat up, startled out of her sleeping state.

  “Neeren? You can't be here.”

  “I can be anywhere. You'll find out soon. Are you ready? All you need to do, is take my hand. There is no place for you here. You belong with me.”

  The hand reaching out to hers was sculpted with short, clean finger nails. The air around him shimmered with intensity and . . . something else. Was it ease? He was standing in a dragon’s home like it was his right. In a moment of clarity, Alex understood that this was a man who was never told no. Not because people feared him, but because no one would think to say it.

  “You need to leave. Collum could come out here at any moment. Or Domhall. Look, you might not know who they are, but it would be safer for you if you left now. Besides, I'm not ready.”

  Neeren offered a languid, lazy smile. “You can be assured that I know everything I need. Now, we are all waiting. It's time to come with me. Take my hand.”

  The desire to reach out to him almost overrode her good sense. She shook her head to clear her mind but the need to go to him remained. It wasn’t sexual. More like spirituality? Was that it? Her fire didn’t reach for him the way it did Collum. It was deeper—a force in her gut—something trying to push through her skin, through her bones.

  “Look, I want to know more about myself and believe you have the answers. I probably will come with you, but this is not the best time. There are things I need to figure out. Can't you wait a little while?”

  “No, this is the time. There is nothing more important than coming with me. I hold your answers, not some witch.”

  “How do you know about the witch?”

  “I told you already. I know everything I need to.”

  “But . . .”


  Alex turned to see Domhall stride in to the garden.

  “I was coming out to see if you wanted some juice,” he said.

  She jumped in front of Neeren to block him from Domhall. She couldn't bear for him to be hurt, even if she didn't know why. “You have to go now.”

  The same quiet smile remained on his face as Neeren said, “It’s okay, Alex, he won't hurt me.”

  “Are you nuts? I may not know everything about this world, but I do know that he is one immortal you don't want to mess with.”

  “Agreed. I don't and I won't. Will I, Domhall?”

  Before her grandfather could respond Collum ran in to the garden. In his palm lay a ball of fire. He stopped beside Domhall. Alex cringed as he said, “Step the fuck away from her.”

  Neeren smirked. “Oh for Creator’s sake. This is getting ridiculous. I won't take her against her will, but I will take her. You are, The Guardian, I presume?”

  Collum nodded. “And you would be?”

  “Neeren. I am here for Alex. She belongs with me.”

  “Well, Neeren, you can't hope to take her from me here. This is your last warning.”

  Beside him, Domhall stood quietly.

  Alex stretched her arms out in front of Neeren. “Stop it. Please, Collum, I’m okay. I believe he won't hurt me. Neeren, can't you give me more time?”

  “This is our time, Alex. Say goodbye to the dragon.”

  Before Alex could react, Domhall flashed to her and pulled her away from Neeren. Chaos erupted around her.

  Collum hurled a blue flame at Neeren. The man dodged left. Collum lobbied fire balls across the garden. Neeren evaded each one. Launched himself at Collum, releasing a stream of ice into the flame as he did so. The ice knocked Collum backward. Neeren grabbed his wrists. Collum flipped his hands out, twisted Neeren's head down and smashed the man’s skull into his knee. Neeren dropped, then rolled away shooting another stream of ice at Collum.

  Alex clutched Domhall’s hand. She stood frozen. It was too much like the morning she’d been attacked. She tried to scream at them to stop but the words lodged in her throat. Choked her.

  “You might be bigger, Dragon. You will tire faster.”

  Collum snarled, said, “You wanna tell me how you’re controlling that water, boy? Not that it matters. No creature will take her from me while I live.”

  Neeren grinned. “Then I guess I better kill you.”

  Alex stood paralyzed as the two men advanced on each other. The garden was awash in flame and ice and she wondered if either would come out alive. An array of heathers, ferns and tulips lay at her feet—their beauty destroyed by chaos. A tremor began in her stomach, rolled up through her chest. She found her voice then, begged for them to stop, but neither man listened. Maybe it was in her mind.

  Domhall laid a hand on her shoulder. “Settle, Alex. Collum is letting off steam. He hasn't even let his dragon loose. That’s how little concern he has that Neeren can take him. Super cocky of him, but dragons are known for being cocky. Anyway, Neeren’s having fun. He hasn't had a good fight in years. Let them go at it for a minute.”

  She shook her head. Her voice rang out. “What are you talking about? They’re killing each other.”

  “They’re not killing each other. If it eases your mind, I can tell you that Neeren is incapable of hurting you and he knows you care for Collum. Yet, in the end the choice is yours to stop it.”

  She whipped her head back and forth between the two men and Domhall. “What are you talking about? Why aren't you stopping it? Why aren't you helping Collum?”

  “Really? That dragon doesn't need my help. He’s Collum Thronus.”

  He said it like she was supposed to know what the hell he meant.

  “Besides, I don’t want to help him. There’s something bigger at work here, granddaughter. Don't you want to find out more about who you are? All you have to do is tell me.”

  She studied the two men locked in battle. The idea of either one of them being hurt ripped her gut in half.

  Both men felt like home.

  Collum made her laugh. He annoyed the hell out of her. He also made her toes curl and she wanted to wake up next to him again. She knew without a shadow of a doubt he would protect her with his life.

  But something inside woke up the moment she met Neeren. A light that felt like a thread pulled her to him. Or to what she suspected he meant to her understanding of who she was. She refused to try and figure out Domhall’s angle. No one could figure out Domhall. All she knew was that she couldn’t risk one of them dying.

  She glared at her grandfather. “Stop them. I'm asking you to stop them.”

  Domhall waved his hand. The flames and ice dissipated. His voice rose above the ferocity around them. Took on a hollow sound, like the earth rumbled inside him. “You will end this now. It is over.”

  Both men fell to their knees.

  “Dom, you fucking idiot,” Collum bellowed.

  “Sorry, old man. Alex is leaving with Neeren. It’s time. You will let it happen.”

  Collum fought against invisible bonds. “I knew you couldn’t handle this. I never should have trusted you.”

  Domhall waved his hand again. The bonds holding Neeren fell way. He stretched out to his full height.

  “It is better to only trust family,” Neeren said before walking to where Domhall and Alex stood. “Isn't that right, Grandfather?”

  Alex spun between the three men. “What are you talking about? What is going

  Behind her, Collum continued to punch at the energy field holding him in place.

  Her grandfather spoke. “Collum, stop before you hurt yourself.”

  “You piece of shit. Your own wife wanted her hidden. How can you do this?”

  “My wife wanted her hidden from the other elders, not from her own family. Do not judge me. It took me years to find Neeren. I will not leave the care of my family to those corrupted by power.”

  “You’re the corrupt one, Dom. You’ve lost the fucking plot man. I found the witch. She can help us.”

  “We don’t need the witch, Collum. I have my family. I need no outsider to help Alex learn her powers. Her family will do that.”

  With a final strike, Collum smashed through the energy field holding him. He advanced on Domhall and Neeren. Alex noticed the incredulous look in their eyes. The death looming in Collum’s.

  “You will not take her from me,” he growled. “We are claimed.”

  Even the air in the room froze as all eyes turned to Alex. She pushed the hair back from her face and said, “Oh sure, now you decide to tell them?”

  The men all began talking at once—The fight forgotten.

  “Are you kidding me?” Domhall asked.

  “It matters not. She is still coming with me. Take my hand, Alex,” Neeren demanded.

  “I'm sorry, lover. I can’t let them take you,” Collum whispered while walking toward her.

  “All of you. Shut up now,” Alex shrieked. “Collum, stop moving. First you call me yours, then you push me away because you don't want complications, and now you decide to tell my grandfather we had sex! Considering I don't even know what claimed means, I'm declaring I don't give a shit about it. None of you get to decide what to do with me. I do. I'm taking some of my power back.”


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