Adam & Eden

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Adam & Eden Page 12

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “You look amused,” Eden noted.

  “I was then. Of course Leanna wasn’t. Her friends got drunk they were so dumbfounded by it all. I know at least one of the women would have liked to have been in her place. The other one was simply mortified.”

  “And Leanna?”

  “She was soft as a kitten for days. Went back to work equally as subdued, then complained to me a week later that I cost her a six figure client because she was so meek. I asked her what was more important, her six figure income or her relationship with herself.”

  “What an interesting question. How did she answer?”

  “With a good deal of struggle she answered ‘myself’.” Adam was quiet for a while, enjoying the memory, then turned his attention back to Eden.

  “Would you humiliate me like that?” she asked.

  “If I thought it was necessary,” he said. “In fact I do have something planned you’ll find as degrading, I’m sure. When you’re ready for it.” There was a drop in his voice, as though the recollection of his other lover was more sweet than the thought of his future with Eden.

  She felt duly humbled. “Did you love her?” she asked.

  “With my whole heart,” he replied.

  “And you, what were you like with her?”

  “You want to know that too?”

  “I want to know everything about you,” she answered.

  He viewed his new strumpet with a biting look. “She fulfilled my darkness, allowed me to stretch the limits of my sadistic desires and took away the edge in me, much the way I took away the edge in her. We were very much alike, just on different ends of the whip. I wielded it, her flesh submitted. I could be dark and mean, cunning, sarcastic and degrading—she could be the same way, but not with me.”

  “I wonder where a sadistic man’s urges come from?” Eden asked. Her question was meant to be rhetorical but Adam took it otherwise.

  “There are elements in the soul of human kind best not betrayed by too much civility or they become the fuel of wars and unnecessary hatred. I feel these bare remnants of life by day with the people that walk through my door. Rather than take machine guns to these enemies and blow them away, I express my dark urges in a way that satisfies and uplifts the ones I care for.”

  “By whips and chains and humiliation …” she brooded, quietly reflecting on herself.

  “Is that not what uplifts you?” he asked.

  She was pensive and grim. “It is strange logic, isn’t it?” she said, thinking how odd it was to be part of this man’s cosmic release as much as he was part of hers … if she was yet that far within him to be of real service to his needs.

  “You miss her still …”

  “That I do. When I got the news that the plane went down half my life went with her. I’m sure I’ll not regain that.”


  “It will never come back to me the way it was, but I don’t even expect that.”

  “But do you expect to love again?”

  “Yes, I do,” he replied.

  He said the words but they almost sounded hallow like he didn’t believe himself.

  “You’re in pain now,” she said. “If I could take that pain away for you, I would. My body’s here to serve that need.”

  “And you think you’re ready for that?” he asked.

  “I’d like to believe I am.”

  They sat in silence for some moments. For a while she gazed at him with a clear cool expression of strength, sure that she could be what he’d not had since Leanna died. Then she fidgeted because he was so silent and her fears were creeping in through the cracks in her self-composure, though she didn’t want her strength to fail.

  “You can wear Leanna’s chains,” he said. “See if they’ll work the same magic.”

  “Where can I find them?” she asked.

  “In my room, the bottom drawer of my chest. Take them out but don’t do anything until I come for you. That means you don’t look at them, hold them, play with them. In fact put them outside the door and then pose for me before the mirror until I get there. You clear?”

  “Yes, sir. And you’ll whip me?” she asked.

  He snarled at her. “You’re much to anxious, Eden. This is not a test. Don’t view it as one.”

  Eden moved with effortless grace from the garden to the house, up the stairs to Adam’s room. The place had become hallowed ground. Because Adam had been with her for several days there’d been no need to leave more videotape messages of herself. Seeing the insides of the room for the first time in days, she shuddered. Shuddered even more when she gazed at the bureau wondering about the chains inside. She’d never worn chains except what was part of some leather harness.

  There were just two things in the bottom drawer: a clear plastic box that contained a half-dozen dildos of different sizes; and next to that was a crimson velvet bag that must contain Leanna’s shackles. By the weight and sound of it, she concluded rightly. With the heavy sack in her hands she could even then feel the weight of them around her body. Tempted as she was to peek, she dashed immediately for the door and deposited them outside. Closing the door behind her, she retreated to the mirror and crouched in her submissive’s pose, her bared ass facing the door so Adam’s first view of her would be her exposed genitals.

  Adam entered the room moments later.

  Taking the crop from the wall, he came around the end of the bed and stood over her, tapping the leather on her ass. A cool wind of fear worked its way from her bottom to her limbs. The shiver and tingle that followed made her belly start to spasm, her pussy to moisten even more than it already had. He rapped the crop harder against her flesh, right down the center of her tender crack. In a repeat of their first night in the garden she took it hard and fast on her offered posterior relishing each biting cut.

  “Get up, bitch!” he finally ordered. “Get yourself in the chains.”

  With the velvet bag on the bed, her fingers flew fast to open it wide and pour its contents on the comforter. Staring at the mass of hardware she was confused. The chains were not fashioned into a recognizable harness, but remained an amorphous creature of steel, a mystery because they took no shape at all. She didn’t know where to begin.

  “The large rings are a collar,” he gave her the hint.

  Reaching into the center of the pile, she pulled out what was a series of connected loops of metal that could be considered a collar to wear about the neck. With a hook at one end, she managed to fasten it in place below her chin. “Like this?” she asked for his approval.

  He nodded. “There are twin chains with large rings that will go about your breasts and attach to the collar in front.”

  Finding those too, it was more easy to see how the garment would look. A belt followed that anchored the front piece so that the large rings fit neatly over her breasts augmenting their size as they lifted them high. Two chains fit on either side of her labia down below. And with Adam assisting, the unbending metal was drawn inside those lips, so the large pieces flattened the plump orbs and exposed her clitoris and vagina. Pink and puffed out, wet with juice, Adam could see how this bondage affected her. The two chains at her crotch were kept wide by a bar between her opening and her asshole, and at her ass was a place to attach a dildo. Adam picked one from the chest in his drawer and with a bit of juice from her pussy lubricated it for entry.

  The dildo spread her wide, jutting inside her bottom so that when she moved, there was no way she could escape discomfort. The intrusion required her to relax and ease the reckless fear. Breathing deeply, she drew back into herself, into the heart of her submission so that she might please the man mastering her now. Standing upright, the dildo poking at her mercilessly, she awaited the chains that were drawn up her back, then attached to the belt and fixed to the collar at her neck. Tears threatened she was so in awe of the restrictive feeling. As Adam began to tie her standing spread-eagle to the end of the bed, she went deeper into herself. Her feet drawn wide, her wrists stretched ti
ghtly to the high posts, her backside was ready to be whipped.

  The crop that fell against her skin was not the flat leather headed one, but a biting piece with a tasseled end that bit her flesh—perhaps not a crop at all but a buggy whip. He began at her shoulders. The sense of being driven into abject nothingness came quickly. Alternately Adam changed from the whip to a lash of leathers strips that with one strike covered most of her entire back and shoulders enveloping her in pure sensation—this not as caustic as that mean tasseled whip. As she bucked on the dildo, each movement within the chains seemed to force the prick deeper inside. She cried, strong and vibrant wails when he changed back to the whip and stung the heated skin. Moving downward he gave her ass and upper thighs the same uncivilized treatment with stinging shots, then thoroughly thrashed her pert behind until it bore a rash of crimson side to side. Returning to her shoulders he repeated himself there, and then again below. In a dazed fury, he paused so she could catch her breath. And starting again, she reached the nirvana of that flesh, welcoming the blows of the lash—if not the cuts of the whip. Surges of sweet bliss made her weep more than cry out, and she might have gone on much longer, but Adam was not willing to let her breasts and cunt go without.

  Retied facing him, she opened her eyes unable to avoid his gaze. Fear making her tremble, the beating already having made her weak, it took strength to look him in the eye and welcome the vile things he planned to do to the front side of her body. Gleaming with sweat, smelling of her perfume—a faint tea rose like the summer vines in the garden—she surrendered.

  Eden could see the detestable sadist in her lover’s eyes as he faced her, how he was almost amused by her trembling, humbled body and the expression of pure relinquishment in her eyes.

  “Do you feel small now? In your place? Degraded? Humbled?” He took her chin in his hand as she was tempted to look downward. He wanted her looking him straight in the eye.

  “Yes, my master,” she whispered. “Do with me as you will.”

  “As if I need your permission?” he mocked her and slapped her face, though without much force. It was a simple reminder.

  “Sir, I didn’t mean that.”

  He nodded, looking almost disgusted, but nonetheless merry in his sneering ridicule.

  “Your breasts ever bleed?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “And your thighs?”

  “Once, sir.”

  “How about your ass?”

  “Several times,” she replied.

  Each thought struck another blow for the terror in her heart, and when he pulled back to begin her second whipping, she couldn’t look at him for several seconds. Still, he waited for her gaze. Waited for her wide open eyes to see for themselves what he’d do.

  Adam began with the lash, and with an almost breathless softness the talons warmed her front just as her back was warmed from shoulders to thighs. Before he changed, she could feel herself climbing into the strikes, meeting them with a willing body. Only when one lash would wrap around her torso and cut with a bite, did she wince or cry. That was only rarely. By the time he was ready to mark her flesh, add a wound or two to her perfect skin, she would welcome any blow in any tender place save the one he’d carefully avoided, her exposed pubis. The markings felt like breezes of lightening. Each was delivered singly so she could enjoy the all the sensations from the biting cut to the way the sting spread out and amplified what fires burned hot.

  Looking down she saw Adam’s handiwork as several strikes on her breasts made the flesh raw enough to draw specs of blood. She quivered nervously wondering when his darkness would cease. Seeing his expression there was no change. Just the face of a man intent with a purpose. This was his way of loving her and yet it did not feel like love when the cuts seared deep.

  Those that bit her thighs bit so hard she screamed. Not such tender flesh, the skin would not break. Instead the punishment was solely for the pain it caused and that was shrill. There was no grace in these new sensations. She endured them groaning unhappily, wincing and screwing up her face. She pleaded with him to stop. Less methodical and more erratic with the whipping, she came close to panic when he finally ended her trial.

  The final horror began with her nipples, when heavy clamps were pressed without mercy into the delicate buds, then attached with a chain to her clit below. Eden drew in her breath and held it apprehensive of his next plans.

  He came to her and whispered quietly in her ear, “does this pain you, Eden Rose?”

  “Yes, sir,” she whispered to him softly.

  “And how about now?” he asked as he tugged the chain, pulling on all three places.

  “Yes, sir, even more,” she gasped.

  He tugged harder still and she cringed.

  “Kiss me,” he ordered her, making her reach to meet him, all the while tugging harder on her chain.

  Kissing his lips, she could hardly touch them with hers, but she could tease them as he liked, running her tongue over their surface so she could taste him. With a steady stream of pain flooding through her, she battled to obey the order. She had to think of Adam’s pleasure, not hers.

  “Kiss me,” he ordered again, just when she was doing exactly as she was told. A moment of anger swept through her, as though for all her effort he still wasn’t pleased. Reaching for him as far as the pain would allow she made love to his lips, her only thought to please him. Whether or not she succeeded, she had no clue. He was aloof, egging her on, ordering her to serve him while he gave nothing back.

  When he finally stepped back he began to slap her pussy and its pussy clip with an open hand. She shuddered with each slap the way it jerked her body erratically. She prayed the ending would be soon, that there might be some loving domination to replace the mounting pain. In the end, he unfastened her and thrust her over the foot of the bed. Binding her arms behind her so she was again immobile, he unfastened the chains that held the dildo in place. Then thrusting another dildo in her cunt, he entered her ass from behind and pummeled her hard.

  She cried with relief, finally feeling her master’s passion pour out strong. Where he’d held back before, he was now immersing her with his power. Fucking her nasty, his prick was driving beyond where the dildo had gone. She tried to feel the pleasure and yet the pain was still much to bear. Finished with her, he left her with his cum deposited inside, and with the feel of a breeze from the ceiling fan overhead cooling what was still hot and raw.

  She remained tied over the end of the bed while she listened to the sound of Adam showering in the bathroom.

  Eden’s body was still heavy with the scent of musk and damp with perspiration when Adam emerged clean from the shower. He closed her eyes for her, allowing her the freedom of her own mind as he carefully undid all the chains and set her free. When he was finished, the chains were returned to their velvet bag and the bottom drawer of his chest. All that done, he pulled her with him to the top of his bed and held her in his arms.

  Tousling her unruly hair, his lips kissed her eyes. And locked in his embrace she orgasmed in seconds to the touch of his hand between her thighs. Too tired to even say a word, she fell asleep with a smile on her lips. She remained in his bed all night, in his arms nearly half that time.

  chapter ten

  It was morning when Eden noticed that Adam was gone. She could see the sun steaming in one window and hear the plaintive sound of mourning doves outside. She could tell he had just left because the sheets beside her were still warm and the scent of him was on the pillow—the soap scent from the night before.

  When he came from the bathroom, he was standing naked over her and she looked up at him and smiled.

  “I should fix your breakfast,” she said, about to bolt from bed.

  He stopped her short.

  “You stay here a while. Get used to the morning and your body. I imagine you’ll be sore. Besides, I think you’ll want to see what’s on TV,” he advised her. “When you’re done, you can shower and take care of your wo
unds—though I don’t see that I left too many marks.”

  She wanted to look at her breasts but kept her eyes lovingly on him. As he left her, he turned the TV on with the remote, then threw it to her and closed the door behind him. Alone but welcome in his room, she couldn’t have been happier. Settling into the cozy sheets she was wrapped in a blanket of sensuous warmth, soothed by feelings of love. Though gazing ahead at the television, her mood altered seeing the awesome images before her. There on the TV screen in vivid black and white was that slice of life she endured at her lover’s hands from dusk to midnight the night before—there in black and white, chained, whipped and tortured, she saw the darkness that was her and the exhilarating look of pain and the provocative moment of bliss as they played like an erotic rhapsody across the features of her face.


  Adam fixed breakfast, French Toast with strawberry jam and a tall glass of orange juice. They were sitting in the summer patio, saying little since Eden was devouring more food in one meal than she often ate all day. She was famished.

  “I’ve bought you some clothes,” Adam announced when he put his morning paper aside and looked at her chew a mouthful of food. She almost choked at the news. When she cleared her mouth with a swig of juice, she spoke her mind. “I’m not good enough to wear Leanna’s anymore?” she wondered.

  All the happiness drained from her face in that instant, and with her question Adam’s eyes suddenly flared. “You’re good enough to wear any clothes I give you,” he retorted immediately. “And don’t think otherwise.”


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