Urban's Rush (Saddles & Second Chances Book 4)

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Urban's Rush (Saddles & Second Chances Book 4) Page 14

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  She laughed, but it was dangerously raw. “Just a yes or no will do.”

  He blew out a breath. “Yes.”

  Her eyes misted over. If she cried, he’d lose it. “I don’t see myself marrying someone who regards marriage with so little value. My mother had those same distorted views.”

  “You’re not ever going to allow me to explain?”

  “Oh, I think it’s obvious what the facts are.”

  He slumped his shoulders. “Well, it’s nice to see that you think so highly of me. And just so we’re clear, this isn’t about my past. This is about you getting cold feet.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Is it? Then why did you believe a stranger over me? We’re supposed to trust each other, remember?”

  A heavy silence fell between them.

  “Exactly,” he muttered, smashed his hat to his head and headed back to his truck. “By the way, Amber and Grimes have only been married for four months. Remember what I told you? I haven’t lied to you, not once. You can either take that to the bank or allow a pissed off jealous cowboy to convince you otherwise.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “You received this envelope,” Cheryl dropped the large yellow envelope onto Presley’s desk.

  Picking it up, she scanned her name, the only thing written on the front. Curious, she ripped open the flap and pulled out the contents. On top was a check, signed by Urban. She sucked in a breath, picking it up to look closer. “Fifty grand! This check is written for fifty grand!”

  Cheryl shimmied around the desk, looking over Presley’s shoulder. “What? Who’s it from?”

  “It’s from Urban,” she whispered.

  “Well, that’s some wedding present. What does the note say?”

  With shaking fingers, Presley opened the folded paper and read…

  “An early wedding present. Buy the equipment! There’s always another chance to win big. I’m behind you as we jump into this venture together. U.J.”

  “When did this come, Cheryl?” Presley stared at Urban’s neat handwriting through tears.

  “It was stuck in the payment box outside. You know, the one we don’t use. What’s the date on the check?”

  The day I accused him of being an ass. Her chest tightened. “I think I made a big mistake.” She didn’t care about the money, but what she knew Urban did care for her.

  “Please tell me you didn’t break it off with Urban?”

  Looking up at her friend, she sighed. “He was right. I was scared and I allowed my uncertainty to muddle my brain.”

  “We all make mistakes, honey. Just make it right. Talk to him after the rodeo event.”

  “Yeah, I sh—Wait! Did you say rodeo event?”

  Cheryl nodded. “Didn’t you hear? Urban announced this ride as his last before he retires. I assumed you knew since you two are engaged—or were engaged. It’ll be on camera for all to see.” She frowned. “Aren’t you going to the event?”

  Presley jumped up. “What time does he ride?”

  “Braise told me it’s at one.”

  “What time is it now?”

  “It’s noon.”

  Racing around her desk, she toed off her muck boots and slid her feet into her cowgirl boots. “Think I can make it in time?”

  “Maybe. Traffic will be backed because everyone wants to see Urban ride one last time.” Cheryl darted for the door. “Come on. What’s taking you so long?”

  “What do you mean?” Presley asked.

  “I have the Jeep. If we have to we’ll climb over anything that gets in our way to get you there for the ride.”


  “Wow, I didn’t think we’d see you here, Jericho.”

  He didn’t have to look up from the rail to know who was speaking. “I think you mean you were hoping you didn’t see me. Right, Grimes?” Urban finally brought his chin up, nailing the other man with what he hoped was a death glare.

  “I like a little healthy competition. It always makes winning the pot more pleasant.” He rubbed his hands together as a malevolent grin crossed his lips. “Then again, seeing that you’re retiring I guess the win for me will be even juicier.”

  Urban refused to let the bastard get to him, especially before a ride. That was exactly what Grimes was attempting to do. “Next time you think about sticking your nose in my business you might want to consider the consequences. You’ve spurred me to feed you your words on a silver platter.” Looking over his shoulder, Urban spotted the camera and Adira standing close, her eyes wide at what was going down in front of her.

  Grimes smirked and shrugged. “Nothing like being crushed for all the world to see.” He whistled as he walked away

  “You sure you want to do this?” Weston asked from a few feet down the rail.

  “You betcha I want to do this. Before it’s over I want to see that cocky bastard swallowing his own words.” Since he’d learned of Grimes’s pathetic attempt to cause problems, and the outcome, Urban was determined to teach the other cowboy a Jericho lesson. Today’s pot worth a hundred grand would be in his pocket when he walked out of the arena for the last time.

  “You’re a hard-headed Jericho, bro. You got this.”

  He gave Weston a side-glance. “Hopefully I’m harder-headed than the bull, but I have a fire under my ass.”

  “Is her name Presley? Or is it that lens stuck in your face? Possibly even that bastard Grimes? If you don’t kick his ass in the arena, I certainly might.”

  “All the above. I’ll be riding that sum’ bitch, Intolerance, but at least I know he’ll give me a challenge.” He pulled on one glove and used his teeth to drag on the second. He patted his hands together to make sure they were tight.

  “Okay, bro. I’m going to go grab myself a seat with Sammie. She said to tell you she’s rooting for you. Give that bull hell at least for eight seconds.”

  Urban wasn’t as focused as he should be facing a big ride, but he was hoping willpower would pull him through. He had a lot riding on this. Not only money, but a farewell to his life of the past. He had every intention of stepping into a brighter life with Presley. He had to believe that eventually she’d see that he had fallen in love with her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Frantically, Presley moved through the crowd, elbowing her way for a better view. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the riders hadn’t started yet. She stretched her gaze the length of the arena, looking for Urban and seeing the white hat that was a few inches above every other head. Her cowboy.

  Yes, he was hers.

  She waved, but he didn’t see her because he was busily climbing the holding pen.

  With her stomach in her chest, she watched her love situate himself on the back of the rank bull. Shifting as if finding the best spot on the animal’s broad back, Urban rolled his shoulders, probably to get the kinks out. His worn leather chaps flapped in the breeze and his hat was pulled low over his brow, telling her that he was focused.

  Her heart slammed into her ribs as she scanned the crowd. Signs were held up high, rooting for Urban. If anything happened to him, she’d never forgive herself. He’d unselfishly given her the money he’d received from the documentary and that meant he was riding today to win the pot. Guilt coursed through her and she bit down on her bottom lip to control an onslaught of tears because she realized it wasn’t just about the money. Urban wanted to take Grimes down.

  “I thought that was you, Presley.”

  Lifting her chin, she met the blue gaze of Penn who was pushing his way toward her. Although he shoved a few people, no one dared complain. They simply lowered their chins. Although he wasn’t quite as tall as Urban and his other brothers, he was as wide and the fact that he walked with a limp made him appear even tougher. When he saddled up next to her, she gave him a quick hug because they’d always been good friends.

  Penn tipped his hat and winked. “Nice to see you here. I haven’t had a chance to congratulate you. It’s about time someone snagged my b
rother and gave him purpose.”

  She swallowed. So, Urban hadn’t told anyone that she’d called off the wedding. “Is Urban up for this, Penn?” Acid burned her throat.

  “He’s got a fire under his ass. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so bound and determined to face a bull.”

  “If anything happens to him…” She roved her gaze back to the pen.

  “Hey, that’s no way to be. Stay positive. Urban’s as tough as an ox and now that he’s in love, he won’t end up dead.” He winked. “Not to mention, if it kills Urban, who’ll beat Grimes.”

  “How far will they take this pissing contest?” She sighed.

  Penn laughed. “As far as they have to, darlin’. You know how we Jerichos are. Relentless and bullheaded.”

  The announcer came over the intercom. She could barely breathe. Cheryl and Braise were standing next to her, not saying a word. Urban’s hand came up and the gate flew open. The bull bucked out of the cage, starting right off with piss and vinegar. Intolerance leaped across the dirt in a two-ton dance with the dirt, spinning clockwise, then countering. Urban looked steady, but the bull was hell bent on sending his rider off his back.

  The bull bounced forward, then swung around, sending his back legs up and jetting through the air. Urban was completely at the animal’s mercy and Intolerance didn’t have an ounce of compassion.

  Presley saw Urban squint as if he was in pain and her heart hitched. She didn’t realize she was biting her lip until she tasted blood. If anything happened without him knowing how much she loved him, she’d never forgive herself.

  She blinked.

  She truly loved him.

  Yes, she did. Very much.

  The eight second buzzer sounded and she felt a sense of relief unlike any other, but the bull continued to pump his back feet, leaping and parading around the arena, showing off. Intolerance was definitely a crowd pleaser. They were cheering for Urban. He held on, keeping in rhythm with the bull as the bull wrestlers came rushing out, waving and yelling at Intolerance.


  “Fuck! That hurt.” Urban squinted at the white-hot pain in his ribs, but instantly he was aware that he didn’t have any broken bones, or missing teeth. He was good and he’d lasted the eight seconds.

  Terrance, one of the bull wrestlers, helped Urban up from the dirt and he hurried to pull himself over the rail and into safety, and the first thing he saw was heaven in cowgirl boots. Presley was standing ten feet from him and she was staring at him as if he’d grown horns. He smiled. He was damn happy to see the beauty. In the end, she was the best prize ever.

  “You! How dare you!”

  His shoulders slumped. Shit! She was still angry. “What did I do now?”

  She took a step forward, still keeping her distance. “You scared the life out of me. And you made me love you!”

  “No worries, baby. That was the last time I climb on the back of a suicide mission. I promise. Did you say you love me?” He hoped he heard right.

  Another step. “You were right. I was scared. I never expected to fall for you and when I realized how much, I looked for a way to safety.”

  “I am too. Climbing on the back of a bull isn’t as scary as loving someone…really loving them.”

  “I’m sorry that I was stupid and walked away.”

  He shrugged. “Hell, I planned to fight for you after I gave you time to cool down.”

  And another step. He just wanted to drag her into his arms and never let go. “I want you, Urban. Forever. That’s a long time.”

  He felt like he was walking on a cloud. “That’s good because you’re going to have me forever.” He couldn’t wait any longer. He ripped off his gloves, tossed them into the dirt, and grabbed her hand, leading her to a quiet spot away from the cameras and prying eyes. “Just so we’re clear. Amber and I did sleep together, way before she got with Grimes. He thinks she cheated with me, but I’m not the cowboy she’s been sneaking around with.”

  “I know. I believe you. I should have listened.”

  “Hell, we’ll argue sometimes, just don’t leave me again.” He nuzzled his nose in her hair, loving how she smelled.

  “Never. And I just received your check. I can’t take it. It’s yours.”

  He laughed. “Sweetheart, don’t forget we’re getting married. What’s mine is yours…and you know. After today, I’ll have a cushion for us. Maybe even start on a family.”

  She stood on tiptoe and kissed him fully on the lips. “I love you, Urban.”

  “Damn. I’ve been waiting to hear those words for a while now. So, this is what love feels like? I’m whole with you in my life.” He took her mouth and kissed her with everything he had.

  They didn’t even hear the buzzer sound.

  Or wouldn’t know until later that Grimes found himself face first in the dirt at six seconds.

  “I think it’s time I finally gave this to you.” Urban pulled the box out of his front pocket. He had carried it with him for good luck. Opening it, he watched her eyes widen.

  “That’s the ring I was looking at.”

  “Yeah, and you thought I didn’t notice. It’s yours now, sweetheart.” He took the ring from the box and dropped to one knee. “Presley Dean, let’s do things right. Will you marry me because you love me, want to spend your life with me, and have a house full of kids?”

  “Yes. And considering we’re supposed to get hitched tomorrow, this couldn’t have come at a better time.”

  Not the end, but only the beginning…

  For other titles by Rhonda Lee Carver, please visit: www.rhondaleecarver.com.

  Find me on Facebook, too! www.facebook.com/rhondalee.carver

  Other books by Rhonda Lee Carver

  Diamond in a Rose

  Double Dare

  Delaney’s Sunrise

  Second Chance Cowboy (Book 1, Second Chance Series)

  Second Ride Cowboy (Book 2, Second Chance Series)

  Second Round Cowboy (Book 3, Second Chance Series)

  Second Dance Cowboy (Book 4, Second Chance Series)

  Second Song Cowboy (Book 5, Second Chance Series)

  Second Burn Cowboy (Book 6, Second Chance Series)

  Second Hope Cowboy (Book 7, Second Chance Series)

  Second Sunrise Cowboy (Book 8, Second Chance Cowboy Series)

  Castle’s Fortress

  Dreaming Ivy

  Friends With Benefits

  Sin With Cuffs

  With Honor

  Wicked Pleasures (Book 1, Wicked Wolves Series)

  Wicked Lust (Book 2, Wicked Wolves Series)

  Fighting Flames

  UNDER PRESSURE (Book 1, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

  PRESSURE RISING (Book 2, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

  PRESSURE POINT (Book 3, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

  SECRET PRESSURE (Book 4, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

  RESISTING PRESSURE (Book 5, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

  Under the Mistletoe

  Cowboy Paradise (Cowboys of Nirvana)

  Ropin’ Trouble (Book 2, Cowboys of Nirvana)

  Smoke. Fire. Cowboy (Book 3, Cowboys of Nirvana)

  Kissed, Spurred, & Valentined (Book 4, Cowboys of Nirvana)

  Cowboy is Mine (Book 5, Cowboys of Nirvana)

  The Discreet Cowboy (Book 6, Cowboy of Nirvana)

  Leather for Two, Wings of Steel MC

  An Unexpected Hero (Buttermilk Valley)

  The Lawman’s Promise (Book 2, Buttermilk Valley)

  A New Year’s Cowboy (Ring In A Cowboy Boxed Set)

  Pride & Pleasure (Book 1, The KNIGHT Brothers)

  Let’s connect:

  Website: www.rhondaleecarver.com

  Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/7355117

  Rhonda’s Rowdy Readers: https://www.facebook.com/groups/471259293018665/

  Newsletter: http://rhondaleecarver.us7.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=90e1b85f9dc4475cf9cbd66b4&id=4e770eb50b

  Twitter: https://twitter.com/RLCarver

  Have you
read Resisting Pressure (#5, Rhinestone Cowgirls)...?


  “It’s stuck in the hole!”

  “Wait! Stop squirming! I’ll pull it out,” Keefer Lane mumbled.

  Violet Stone eyed him. “Can you manage?”

  “Would be easier if the hole wasn’t dry. Hold on…it’s coming now.” He tugged and pop!

  She almost lost her balance as her heel came free from the dirt. He caught her by the elbow, his touch scorching her skin. Jerking away, she refused to make eye contact with him. His eyes—blue, mesmerizing pools—would only make her heart pound faster. “You’re unbelievable!” Violet slid off her heels, eyeing the damage to one stiletto. “It’s a hundred degrees out here and you’re making this hell.”

  He pushed his white cowboy hat back on his forehead, looked up into the sky, squinting. “Could be worse.”

  “And how could it get any worse?” She forced the words through pinched lips.

  He brought his chin down, his dimpled smile making her inner thighs tingle. “Could be storming. Could be a zombie apocalypse. Could be a lot of things.”

  Was he serious? “And we could be back in San Antonio, having a nice dinner, maybe a glass of wine. Not stranded in the middle of nowhere.”

  “I hadn’t planned on running out of gas or hoofing it a mile on this dirt road either, but shit happens.”

  Crossing her arms over her chest, she counted to ten, then met his gaze—couldn’t help herself. “Hmm…shit happens? It was your truck and your idea to go on this road trip clear across the state of Texas to see the stars from a different view! We could have seen the stars just fine back in the city. In fact, I have a whole ranch with front row seats to the sky!”

  His gaze narrowed. “So this is all my fault? I didn’t force you to get into the truck.”

  “No, but it doesn’t take a genius to read the gas gauge. E stands for empty!”

  “I’ve told you, the gauge isn’t working properly. It gets stuck sometimes.”


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