Passions Wild And Free

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Passions Wild And Free Page 14

by Janelle Taylor

  As the months passed, Randee realized she was not being selfish and unfair and resentful, but it was a long and bitter lesson for her. From the start and to her mother’s delight, Payton called Randee his daughter; he kissed her cheek, embraced her, talked to her, and bought her gifts: actions which she overheard him telling Dee were to win the girl’s affection and acceptance. Payton was very clever with his pretense, faking wild and passionate love for his new bride while filthy plans roamed his dark mind. The infatuated Dee had been fooled completely, as had Randee for a while. Randee had never imagined her stepfather— or any male family member—capable of being that evil and bold, so for a time she truly had not realized what he was doing and thinking. In hindsight, the green-eyed blonde admitted that she should have comprehended the man’s wickedness and her imminent predicament. Not that Randee was too trusting and overly naive; she simply hadn’t realized such horrible things could happen to her.

  As winter progressed, Payton became more affectionate and genial to her in front of her mother. On a few occasions, he tickled and tussled with Dee before drawing Randee into his crafty game, where hands and kisses swiftly and unnoticeably and accidentally touched areas they shouldn’t have. Sometimes he playfully chased or spanked the two females, even though Dee and Payton knew Randee didn’t like their childish sport. Twice, her mother had scolded her for being a stick-in-the-mud and for not trying to accept her “new father.” When Randee had said she was too old for such behavior and didn’t enjoy it, Payton had feigned hurt and offense, and Dee had gotten angry with her.

  Payton had tried to appease and trick Randee by apologizing and backing off for a time. He had even forbidden Dee to scold her for her feelings and “impulsive conduct.” He had claimed that in time they would become a close and happy family. Later, he had taken up his merry sport once more. This was the pattern for many episodes that caused Randee to doubt her impressions and suspicions. Since Payton was supposedly madly in love with Dee and was trying to make friends with Randee, why should she imagine he had dirty games in mind?

  Some wintry nights, Payton would come into her room to make certain “his little girl” was “covered with warm blankets,” at first with Dee and then alone. His short good-night kisses on her cheek moved to quick ones on her mouth, then to longer ones on her lips as he vowed how glad he was to have “the most beautiful wife an’ daughter in Kansas.” He would lift a giggling Dee and swing her around and around before cuddling and kissing her as if she were the only female who warmed his heart and loins. But when he embraced Randee, he cunningly mashed her growing breasts against his hard chest and often shifted in such a manner as to caress them with his torso: a lewd trick, which Randee didn’t grasp for a time because it was done so cleverly and because she was trying to get along with the man to please her mother.

  As spring drifted into summer, gradually her mother’s husband began to behave more suspiciously to her in private. Sometimes when he came up beside or behind her, his hands wandered to forbidden areas like her breasts or buttocks or thighs; at first, as with his silly games, it was done rapidly and in a way that looked unintentional. Soon, Randee became mistrustful, angry, and resentful. She tried to avoid the man, and prayed the problem would cease. When it didn’t, she began to pull away and to glare at him to let him know she had caught on to his ploy. A few times, she bravely hinted at his crude actions— protesting that the way he kissed her and hugged her wasn’t proper—and suggested he halt his behavior before her mother misunderstood and got angry with them. Nothing worked, because Payton feigned innocence and ignorance. The vile beast even teased her about her wild and naughty imagination! He claimed there was nothing wrong with him showing her love and attention, since he was her new father, even if he hadn’t “birthed her.” He told her that Dee would be very angry and upset by such false charges and it would cause bad trouble in their home.

  Even as he denied her barely veiled charges, she could still hear him practically admitting them, “Aw, come on, girl. Be nice to yore new pa. We could git along real good if you tried. I know I ain’t got much book learnin’, but I ain’t stupid. You’re just stubborn an’ vain, girl, like yore ma used to be when Randall was alive. I straightened her out an’ I can do the same with you. I’m yore pa now; the law says it’s true an’ yore ma says it’s true, so you best mind me, or else I’ll be forced to thrash you. I ain’t tried to git in yore bloomers, so you best not tell yore ma such lies. You clean up yore mouth an’ head, or I’ll have to switch you good behind the barn.”

  Randee knew that before she took any action she had to discover how tight Payton’s grasp was on Dee, as her father had taught her to reason out a problem before acting on it rashly. She had concluded that Payton’s actions were not accidental, and certainly not normal. Yet, she realized she had to handle this offensive matter carefully, as it would be her word against her stepfather’s. If her mother hadn’t been so enthralled with the man, Randee wouldn’t have had a dilemma. The situation worsened for Randee when the man made certain he did and said nothing suspicious before his wife and others, denying her any evidence against him. Even so, Randee found a private moment to ask her mother if Payton Slade had the authority to punish her, even if her misdeed was only in the man’s mind. Randee had been shocked and dismayed to learn that her mother would indeed allow the man to punish her for any reason which he felt was necessary!

  When she protested, Dee had said, “He’s your father now, Randee. You must do everything he says. If you anger or disobey him in any way, I’ll have to allow him to punish you. He doesn’t have any children of his own and he wants to make you his daughter, but you’re so mean and rude to him.”

  When Randee frowned, Dee admonished, “Don’t roll those Hollis eyes at me, young lady. I don’t like the way you’ve treated Payton since our marriage, but he’s too kind to let me punish you. You’ve been set against him since we met, and you’ve made no attempt to get along with him. Don’t shake your head no, because you most certainly have been ugly to him. He knows you hate him for taking your father’s place and it hurts him badly. You should be ashamed of yourself, Randee Hollis. I know your father would be greatly disappointed in you if he witnessed such bad behavior.”

  Randee became annoyed as Dee almost whined her next words, “Please, Randee, don’t cause me any more pain and trouble and grief. Payton won’t allow it. He loves me and takes good care of me. I can’t lose him too, girl, so I’ll do anything to keep him.” The woman’s eyes narrowed as she warned, “If you say or do anything to destroy my marriage or to make Payton leave, you’ll be sorry, Randee.”

  Randee had stared at her mother in disbelief and anguish. She saw that the blinded woman was serious; her mother would do anything to keep that foul creature! God, how she hated Payton Slade for so drastically changing her mother! How, Randee had wondered, had he done so in just a year and so completely? Suddenly, Randee realized she was entrapped in a terrible situation. The challenge to outwit Payton was a difficult one. She had to discover her limits and work within them. Considering her mother’s blind trust and distorted feelings, if she confessed the man’s evil to Dee, the woman might not believe her. Or worse, Dee might not care about anything anymore except herself… .

  Summer and fall passed and their second winter together began. Randee was miserable, too miserable to think clearly. She was worried about her mother’s enchantment and sanity. The only reason she hadn’t taken action against Payton— despite what he and Dee had said to her—was because he had left her alone for months. She was hoping the problem had disappeared and she wouldn’t have to reveal her stepfather’s brazen conduct to her mother, who appeared so blissfully happy. Randee knew, if she was compelled to expose the man, Dee’s new life would be ripped asunder. Besides being hurt and humiliated, there was no guessing how the woman would react to such a vile discovery. Dee seemed to be living in a lovely dream world, and she seemed to have become so fragile and vulnerable, so immersed in that man. Randee could
n’t help but worry that her disclosure might destroy her mother instead of the deceitful marriage. She could never yield to Payton’s evil, but she must pretend she had given up her suspicions. She would lie in wait, like a predator, for the right moment to attack. Then, she would strike at him when the odds were in her favor. Yes, she must recall everything her father had taught her, and use it against this crude excuse for a man.

  But the day came when Payton started his little games again, under the absurd guise of making peace. Once more, Randee tried to avoid him and discourage him; and, for a time, Payton was willing to remain only playful and mischievous. To prevent more trouble before she could leave home in the spring—which Randee knew was her only course of action—she attempted to ignore and to repel her stepfather’s overtures. By some miracle, she kept him at arm’s length until January.

  Then, the lascivious incidents gradually increased in frequency and boldness, as if he were calling her bluff. On days that his behavior was particularly bad, she tried to embarrass him by pointing out his misconduct. Once, she even told him she was praying over his sins, but he only chuckled satanically. That night, Dee announced she was pregnant with Payton’s first child, and the man seemed ecstatic! He even claimed that God was rewarding him because he had proven he was a good father to his stepdaughter!

  After that stunning revelation, Payton played his secret game with skill and persistence. He constantly mentioned Dee’s delicate physical condition and highly sensitive emotional state. He hovered over his wife daily, cooing and behaving as if Dee were the new baby or the most special woman in the world. He genially ordered Randee to do most of the chores so Dee could get plenty of rest or get over bouts of morning sickness. He would point out to Randee that her mother wasn’t a young or strong woman and that giving birth could be hard, even dangerous for her. He warned Randee not to say or do anything to upset Dee, which could cause her to lose the baby and perhaps take her life. Randee felt the imaginary noose around her neck tighten as her peril increased. Now, she had another life to consider and protect, a responsibility she didn’t want.

  Payton realized he had Randee in a bind, and he took advantage of her predicament. His favorite ploy was to catch her alone in the stable while she was feeding and rubbing down her horse. Twice she had escaped him before he could touch her, and other times she had persuaded her mother to accompany her so they could chat like they used to long ago, or make plans for the new baby. But when she became too good at eluding him, Payton found ways to thwart her with help from his trusted hirelings. Once more, she was the prey and he was the predator. Her mind swirled madly with questions. How could she challenge him? How could she outwit him? How could she endure this wickedness any longer? She couldn’t, as it was getting worse.

  Her boiling fury and resentment increased daily until her temper exploded one freezing morning. She hated to hurt her mother by revealing the truth, but she had no choice. The man would not leave her alone! Randee told him exactly what she thought of him. Instead of threatening to expose him to her ailing mother, which she felt would be useless, she rashly claimed she was going to see the law. Surely he could be arrested and punished, or at least put off their ranch! Once his sordid behavior was revealed to the authorities, surely the spell he had over Dee would be broken! Suddenly, she recalled that he had powerful connections to the law and was widely—but undeservingly— respected in this area.

  Still, Randee made her bold threats. That was when Payton Slade almost became violent. He had glared at her for daring to scold, refuse, insult, and threaten him. He had terrified her by warning her of her mother’s lethal peril if she dared to mention any of this to Dee or to anyone. He had made grim threats of brutality and death, and Randee never doubted he would carry out his claims. As he had ranted and raved at her, she had grasped how mean and evil he was. It was obvious he didn’t love his wife or the baby, only the ranch. It was also obvious that he thought he needed Dee and the child for the image he wanted to present, one he didn’t want Randee soiling. That relieved Randee because it meant those two would be safe when she left.

  Despite the breach between her and her mother, she couldn’t bear for Dee and the child to be harmed or slain. With winter’s snow and icy cold surrounding them, presently there was no way she could flee her home successfully. She had used up too much time and been too cautious!

  Dee couldn’t help her; the pregnant woman could only be emotionally and physically hurt if told of this vile situation. The law wouldn’t help her because Payton had the authorities fooled. He had vowed to humiliate her if she went to the law, threatening to claim they had been lovers for months behind Dee’s back and that Randee was being spiteful because he refused to divorce Dee and marry her! He seemed to know exactly how to make her appear the villainess. Randee had seen him at work on others plenty of times. He had this strange, intimidating ability to disarm and deceive most people, to make them think and act as he desired and without being aware of Payton’s control. He swore he would kill Dee and claim it. was suicide because of Randee’s betrayal, and she knew he was deadly serious. That devil made her realize that even if the law believed her, she couldn’t prove her claims, that even her own mother would testify against her and then disown her.

  There seemed to be no way out of the sadistic trap. Randee decided she must kill this man to save herself and her mother, but Payton guessed her thoughts. He warned her of the grim consequences, and proved his threat by ‘calling his trusted men to his side and ordering them to rape, torture, and slay Randee and her mother if anything happened to him! The lecherous men had smiled satanically and agreed, revealing the extent of her peril and helplessness. On that bleak and freezing day, fear, dread, and repulsion had consumed her.

  Yet, for a time, Payton Slade seemed satisfied with his secret victory. He did nothing more, than sneak a kiss and touch here and there, and to tease Randee about her enslaved position. It was as if the power and control which he held over her was all he wanted from her, as if the excitement would be lost if the dirty secret were revealed. Randee saw Payton and his cohorts watching her every day, so she knew there was no escape possible at this point. She had to endure this bitter situation until Payton’s guard slackened and she could slip away. Once she left and the vile game was ended, so would the danger to Dee and the unborn child end. If she kept her mouth shut!

  To save her mother’s life while she stalled for time to act, Randee tolerated her stepfather’s covert attentions. When they were alone, he stroked her hair and flesh and told her how much he enjoyed “their feel in his hands.” When she was doing chores, he sneaked up on her to whisper naughty compliments about how beautiful she was becoming and how nicely she was “filling out.” If she tried to protest, he would warn her not to talk back to him or disobey. He would come to her room at night to tuck her in and to give her a good night kiss. It was as if the original game of lewd pursuit was still in progress, not as if he had won it weeks ago and had her at his mercy.

  Randee came to believe that Payton Slade was mentally ill, that the game was the important thing, not a final victory. So, while she awaited the moment to escape, she played along with him by pretending she was helpless and terrified and would never challenge his power and grasp, which thrilled and sated him. For a time …

  February of ’71 came, and Randee’s situation worsened. For greater excitement, the man began to play other games with her: he seemed to be aroused by cleverly handling Randee when his gullible wife was nearby. One day in the kitchen when she was standing beside the table and cutting up vegetables from the root cellar, Payton entered the cozy room whistling. He sat down very close to her and sprea’d out a cloth and began to clean his pistol. As he chatted cheerfully with his wife, who” was making bread on the counter not far away, his hand slipped under Randee’s skirt and teased up and down her inner thigh, but never touched her private region. Chills and disgust raced over her body, and hatred burned fiercely within her. When she glared at him and tried
to move away, he lifted the loaded gun, pointed it at Dee’s back, and grinned evilly. Randee eyed him intensely, and knew he would pull the trigger if she spoke or moved. Her teeth clenched and her eyes narrowed, and Payton smiled victoriously.

  After Randee forced herself to stand there, he was content to halt his sport in a minute. Her hand had gripped the knife tightly, shaking as her mind finally persuaded her not to slash the man’s throat. If defeating Payton was her only task, he would have been dead that moment.

  Another time, Payton spanked her one night before the fire, claiming she had “smart-mouthed” him about a chore. When Dee did not interfere and turned to fetch him a drink, the man caressed the firm buttocks which he had been slapping forcefully only moments before. Randee sneaked a look at her stepfather’s face and realized he was stimulated by the pain and humiliation he was inflicting upon her, especially beneath her mother’s nose. Instinctively she knew his dark desires and plans were changing rapidly, and her reprieve was running out. Terror gripped her heart. She had to find a way to win!

  After that night, Payton began to touch her when Dee was only inches away from them. Randee detested this new sport, but had not decided how to defeat Payton without losing three lives. Some nights she lay awake trying to come up with a plan. She could sneak into her mother’s bedroom and slay the man as he slept, but how could she get them away from Payton’s cruel men? She couldn’t drag a pregnant woman through the snow, nor could Dee endure a long, rough ride on horseback—if her mother didn’t go mad at seeing her love shot, and if her mother believed her explanation… . She had asked one man— one who had worked for her father and whom she had thought trustworthy—for help, only to have him betray her to Payton. Her stepfather had been furious, then amused by her bold desperation, and had stressed her helplessness. Now, she didn’t know whom to trust. For all she knew, Payton could have all of the men on his side! Yes, she could kill him easily, but how to deal with his men and winter?


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