Devada (Angels & Demons Book 1)

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Devada (Angels & Demons Book 1) Page 3

by Tich Brewster

  “I got it. You know that, Hannah.” Chris pushed her handful of money away from the window.

  “Fine but I’m buying the popcorn.” Hannah shoved her money into her pocket and waited on Chris to get the tickets.

  “You always do, Hannah-Banana.” He handed her a ticket and followed her in.

  She glared at him. That had to be the oldest, most ridiculous, nickname in the world. She hated that name and he knew it. That was the only reason he continued to use it, to get a reaction out of her.

  “What can I get you?” asked the tall girl running the concession. Her pink streaked hair fell into her eye and she blew it away.

  “We’ll take a large tub of popcorn, a large Dr. Pepper, and a large Coke.” As the concession girl busied herself with their order Hannah pulled her money out of her pocket. As she unfolded the bills a creepy sensation ran up her spine, causing all of the hair on her neck to stand on end.

  She began looking around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, just people waiting in line for their popcorn or hurrying toward their movie. Surely these were feelings left over from her creepy afternoon. As she scanned the countless faces she could see that there was no one watching her.

  “That will be fourteen dollars.” Concession girl set the large tub of popcorn down on the counter in front of Chris. Hannah handed her the money and gathered the drinks. Taking one last look around, she followed her friend to their section.

  The place was packed. The only seats left were in the very front row. Talk about a neck breaker, by the end of the movie she probably wouldn’t have any feeling left in her neck or back. Chris mumbled something unintelligible and took a seat.

  Throughout the entire movie she had the creepy suspicion that someone was watching her. Every few minutes she’d look around expecting to see little beady eyes staring at her from a dark corner. Get a grip or you’ll drive yourself insane.

  The movie was good, lots of action and even a little romance. For her, that’s what made the movie so entertaining. Every girl is a sucker for romance. Chris, on the other hand, was into it strictly for the action. He was your typical male.

  The credits rolled. She couldn’t believe the movie was over already. It felt like they had arrived just a short time ago. Sadly, she didn’t get to see the entire movie because she spent a lot of her time trying to locate the creep giving her goose bumps.

  “You ready to get out of here?” Chris nudged her arm, bringing her out of her eerie thoughts.

  She looked up, a little startled. “Yep, sure am.” As she bent over to pick up her trash off of the floor she heard a familiar laugh. She rolled her eyes and turned around. Sitting directly behind her was Raum.

  He looked at her, shoveled a handful of jelly beans in his mouth, and winked. Oh how she wanted to slap him. “This movie was pretty epic huh?” He directed his question to Chris but kept eye contact with Hannah.

  “Yeah, it was freaking awesome!” Chris stuck his hand out. “I’m Chris by the way.”

  Raum finally tore his eyes away from Hannah. He looked down at the offered hand and shook it. “Raum.” The two carried on a conversation not only about the how great the movie was but also the comics revolving around it.

  Hannah let out a sigh and held up her trash letting Chris know that she was heading to the trashcan. He nodded in acknowledgement, never missing a beat in his animated conversation with Raum.

  “Great, this could take all night,” she mumbled. She deposited her trash in the trashcan at the back of the theater. A cold chill ran up her spine, causing all of the hair on her arms to stand on end. She looked back toward Chris.

  Raum caught her eye and raised a brow. The look on his face terrified her. His eyes grew as dark as midnight, but she knew that she stood too far away to be able to see the change in his eye color. Surely she was imagining it. Slowly she backed away and out of the swinging door, into the hallway.

  A deserted hallway stared back at her. She looked in one direction and then the other, no one was in sight. How long had they been inside talking after the movie ended?

  A raspy laugh caused her to look to her left again, toward the emergency exit at the end of the hall. Why did she have to look? Wasn’t that a classic move from a horror movie? Her first response should have been to run back into the theater where Chris was.

  The man at the end of the hall waved to her. She just knew that this was the man that had been in her house earlier. “What’s the matter, Devada? Cat got your tongue?”

  Instead of turning in the direction of Chris, she backed up a couple of steps. The expression on the man’s face changed from amused to angry in the matter of seconds. She took another step back and bumped into someone.

  She started to scream but a hand slapped over her mouth, silencing her. Before she could fight back Josh whispered in her ear. “Shh. Don’t make a scene, just follow me.”

  After another glance at the door separating her from Chris, she placed her hand in Josh’s. “But what about Chris and your brother?”

  He threaded his fingers with hers, gripping her tightly. “Just trust me.” He began walking — fast, pulling her along with him. As they rounded the corner he spun around, shoving her behind him. “Uniglag merifris sa bransg pir qaaon.”

  Hannah stared at the back of Josh’s head. What the heck did he just say? She shook her head in an attempt to clear away the confusion. A bright light lit up the hallway but before she could see anything Josh grabbed her hand once more and ran for the front exit.

  The parking lot was just as deserted as the inside of the theater, the only vehicles where a black Mustang and Chris’ Silverado. Her chest ached from her pounding heart. So many weird things were happening and she didn’t have a clue as to why they were happening to her.

  “I need answers.” Hannah pulled her hand from Josh’s. “I have so many questions.”

  Josh studied her for a moment. He opened the passenger door of the Mustang. “Alright, shoot.”

  She looked at the shiny new car then back at Josh. “No way am I getting in. For all I know, you could be a psycho killer.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s either this or I hotwire the truck. I’m guessing your boyfriend wouldn’t appreciate the latter too much.”

  “A, he’s not my boyfriend. B, I’m not leaving him here.”

  “Well seeing how you have a real psycho killer lurking around here, you either leave with me or I’ll tie you up and take you anyway. You have to the count of three to make up your mind.” Josh began tapping the toe of his shoe. He held up one finger, then a second finger, finally the third finger.

  Josh reached into his back pocket and pulled out some rope — rope of all things, like it’s perfectly natural to carry rope in your back pocket. “No,” Hannah practically yelled. “I’ll go willingly.” She hopped onto the passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt. “But you better pray that Chris comes out alive and unharmed.”

  His only response was a simple nod of the head. Making sure that her hands and feet were clear he shut the door and took his spot behind the wheel. The ride back to Morris was a quiet one. Josh didn’t talk and she wasn’t sure what to say.

  He pulled into her driveway several long minutes later. Chris’ truck skidded in right behind them. Hannah was so distraught she couldn’t get a hold of her keys. Josh placed a calm hand over her shaky ones. “May I?”

  With her verbal permission he fished in her purse for the keys and headed to the door.

  The passenger door opened. “Put your head between your knees.” Chris squatted down so that they were eye level. “Slow deep breaths.”

  She did as she was told. When she was no longer shaky, she exited the Mustang. Chris did a quick assessment to make sure she wasn’t injured. Raum eyed her with a look of concern that made her heart skip a beat.

  It seemed to take forever to get her legs to cooperate with her brain. Standing on them was like standing on a mound of Jell-O. Chris draped her arm around his shoulder and h
elped to guide her into the house.

  Once she was inside she sat on the couch while the guys checked every window, door, closet, and under every bed. She turned her cell phone on to check her messages. There were two from her mother.

  The first message was to let her know that they had made it to their hotel and that she could call at any time. The second one was to ask how the movie was and if she was alright. Any other night she would have rejoiced in the fact that her parents were gone for the weekend but tonight she wanted nothing more than to curl up next to her mother.

  “All clear,” Josh called from the kitchen.

  “Hannah, you can always come over to my house.” Chris sat down beside her.

  “Thanks, Chris, but I can’t let this guy run me out of my own home. No, I’m staying.” Josh sat on the other side of her and Raum sat on the coffee table, in front of her. “You,” she pointed at Josh, “owe me answers.”

  “Shoot.” He leaned back against the cushions.

  “How did you know that man was after me?”

  “Easy,” Josh said. “He was smiling at you like a creep.”

  “Okay.” Hannah tapped her chin with her finger. “Why did you insist on leaving immediately instead of notifying an employee and calling the cops?”

  Josh thought for a minute. “Well, I didn’t see anyone around and you were in danger.”

  Okay, good point. “What language did you speak to him in?”

  Raum paled just a fraction then regained his composure but not before Hannah noticed. She looked back at Josh, who seemed almost lost for words. “Well, I spoke in English.” Hannah started to shake her head but he continued. “All I said to him was that he needed to leave you alone and that I was calling the cops…oh and that I know Taekwondo.”

  Hannah stared at him open mouthed. Is that really what he said? Did I mishear him? She finally came to the conclusion that she was so petrified that her mind was not computing correctly.

  Now she felt like a complete idiot. “I’m sorry. Um, thanks for the help.”

  “No problem.” Josh stood to his feet. “Do you want us to camp out front to keep an eye on things?”

  Yes. “No, I’ll be fine.” She walked them to the front door. “Thanks again.” She hugged Josh. “I really do appreciate what you did.”

  “Anytime.” He gently brushed away the single tear that finally escaped her eye before walking away.

  Raum handed her a folded piece of paper. “Program those numbers into your phone.” She looked down at the paper then back at Raum. “If you see anything strange, call us. I mean it, Hannah. Call us any time for anything.”

  “Okay.” She tucked the paper into her back pocket. Raum tilted her chin up with a finger. As soon as her eyes met his, he winked and walked away.

  Over the weekend Hannah had gotten to know the Cordeiro brothers pretty well. It started Friday evening after the movie. Of course there was some crazy psycho chasing after her. Then Josh coming to her rescue and driving her home safely.

  Josh and Raum had really surprised her by volunteering to help Chris search her house for any intruders. For the two of them to risk their safety for her touched her heart. She expected as much from Chris, they were close friends and always had each other’s back, but the other two had just earned her respect.

  After assuring the two brothers that she’d be fine and they could go home, she insisted that Chris stay and keep her company. Of course he was more than happy to stay and make sure that Hannah was safe.

  Having Chris check under her bed one final time she locked her door and crawled under the covers hugging her stuffed angel for security. She knew how silly that must look. A grown girl using a toy to ward off evil, but she hoped with everything inside of her that there really was such a thing as angels and that they were watching out for her.

  Downstairs Chris lay on the couch thinking about the night’s events. Something weird was going on and he didn’t like the eerie feeling he had in his gut. Whatever it was, there was something that wanted Hannah.

  If this theater creep was the one that had snuck into her house earlier that day, who was he and what did he want? Another thing that bothered Chris, how were Josh and Raum involved in this?

  He had been with Raum when Hannah ran into that psycho. It was odd because there was no scream to indicate that she was in trouble yet Raum reacted instantly. Using his finger he drew symbols in the air, chanting in some bizarre language.

  Assuming that Josh used the same language as Raum and he’d bet that he did, then there was more to them than just your average teenagers. Strange things were coming their way, he could feel it.

  Before closing his eyes Chris reached in his pocket for his phone. He would use the alarm clock on his cell to wake him in the morning.

  When he couldn’t find it he decided to go check in his truck. It was right where he had left it, on the dashboard.

  Just as he pressed the lock button on his key ring a flash of light across the street caught his eye. His heart rate sped up at the thought of that weird man finding them. He inched away from his truck, toward the house.

  The car door opened. Great, he was outside alone in the dark and this crazy man was going to skin him alive. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s just me,” Josh said holding his hands up, palm out, in the air.

  Turns out that neither Josh nor Raum felt comfortable leaving them alone with a psycho killer on the loose so Chris invited them inside to camp out.

  The next day they followed Hannah to work. The three of them hung out at the coffee shop across the street from her job while she worked her shift. She wouldn’t admit this to them but she was really glad that they were all looking out for her.

  That evening they sat up all night playing poker. She should have known better than to gamble, she had never played that card game before. But she had been a sucker when the three of them promised to go easy on her. Forty dollars later and she was broke.

  Josh had mercy on her. He quit the game right after she did. She stood at the counter making a pot of coffee when two twenty dollar bills dropped in front of her face, landing next to her hand.

  Pushing the brew button, she looked up into those captivating brown eyes. “Thanks, Josh, but you guys won. You shouldn’t put yourself out forty dollars.” She slid the money back toward him.

  “Take it, it’s not like forty will break my bank account.” He folded the cash and slipped it into her back pocket.

  They sat up chatting over coffee while Chris and Raum let their competitive spirits run free. First it was poker but soon that wasn’t competitive enough for them. Her Wii was next in line. Those two played boxing and guitar hero until the batteries died.

  Her parents showed up bright and early Sunday morning. Sally was furious at first, walking in to find Chris sprawled out on their couch. It wasn’t until they explained about her suspicion that someone had been in their home Friday and then the psycho at the theater that she calmed down and apologized, thanking Chris for watching out for her daughter.

  Hannah had no idea when Josh and Raum had left but she was glad that they were gone before her parents came home. She was pretty sure that she wouldn’t have been able to explain being alone with three boys.

  “Have you been shopping for a costume yet, dear?” Sally asked as she poked her head into Hannah’s bedroom.

  “Not yet.” Hannah flipped the top of the comforter down and tossed her pillows onto the bed.

  “Good,” her mother said. “How about we go out for breakfast and then I’ll take you shopping?”

  Unable to hide her excitement, Hannah jumped up and down like a little girl and threw herself into her mother’s arms. “Thank you so much. Let me grab my shoes and then I’ll be ready.”

  Sally let Hannah pick where to eat breakfast, a donut shop. It wasn’t Sally’s choice of dining but whatever made her daughter happy made her happy.

  Four costume stores and three malls later, Hannah sat slumped over in her seat. “Mom, we’ve been a
ll over Tulsa. Let’s just drive back home, this was a wasted trip. I’m sorry that you drove an hour only for us to go home empty-handed.”

  Sally leaned over and kissed her daughter on the top of the head. “There is one more store.” She pointed to a corner store in the shopping center they were currently parked in.

  Big red and black letters read, Halloween Center. They drove the short distance, parking at the front doors.

  This store was like the other ones they had been to today, with Halloween just three days away the choice in costumes were few. Hannah explored the entire store but came up with absolutely nothing. Most of the items were for small children and the ones in her size were not at all what she wanted.

  She was just about to give up when a familiar jacket caught her eye at the far end of the store. Nobody had a biker’s jacket like this one. Only one person she knew had a black leather biker’s jacket that had Aunlyn written along the top with two guns crisscrossed below. Raum.

  As if sensing her eyes on him, he turned around. With a twinkle in his eye, he gave her a crooked smile. Taking a sip of his coffee, he reached to the back of the rack nearest him. He pulled out a pair of wings and tossed them into his shopping cart.

  This made Hannah giggle, she strolled over to him. “Wings, really? Don’t you think a pitch fork would suit you better?”

  Throwing his hand over his heart, Raum feigned shock and heartache. “Ouch.” He lifted a costume out of his basket. “Actually,” he held it out to her, “I doubt I’d make a very good fairy.”

  Looking down at the costume he held out in offering, Hannah took in a shocked breath. “Omigod. That’s exactly what I’ve been looking for.”

  He deposited the fairy dress and wings into her arms. A silky purple dress with pink and glittery silver pixie cut skirt and glittery silver wings. “The purple and pink will look great on you.”

  With no other words Raum pushed his shopping cart in the opposite direction and disappeared.


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