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Winter Woman

Page 23

by Jenna Kernan

  Nash stood glaring after him. Her laughter brought his attention back to her. His angry scowl melted and a smile brightened his face.

  “I still think I should shoot him.”

  “He slipped that one by,” she said. Her face was suddenly serious. “Did he take the traps?”

  “Yes.” Her shoulders slumped with relief. “For ten percent less than they cost.”

  Her eyes followed Meeker’s retreating back. “I changed my mind. Shoot him.”

  Now it was Thomas’s turn to laugh.

  “Well, wife, I bought you a wedding gift.”

  “You did?” She didn’t think she could possibly feel better than she already did. Her mind raced with excitement and she clapped her hands together. “What is it?”

  He walked to his pack, strung across his squeaky new saddle upon his new horse, and took out a bundle wrapped in indigo fabric. She accepted the package, carefully collecting the precious white ribbon with which the cloth was tied. She felt something hard within. Around and around she turned the gift to unwind the yardage. There was enough to make a fine dress at least. Finally the cloth came away and beneath it was white linen tied with pink ribbon and lace.

  “Thomas!” Her voice was a combination of irritation and pleasure. He laughed.

  “Open it!”

  “I’m trying.” She carefully rolled the white fabric up as it uncoiled. “Is there anything in here?”

  He shrugged and smiled.

  The fabric was gift enough, plus ribbon and lace. What a wondrous bounty! At last the inner gift emerged. She turned the fine leather binding over in her hands. Her breath caught as she opened to see page after page of blank white paper with gilded edges.

  “A journal!” she cried.

  She threw her arms over his shoulders, clutching the journal in one hand. He pulled away and offered her a narrow box. She unfastened the metal clasp and opened the lid.

  “Oh, my!” she said.

  “It’s pens and ink, pencils, too,” he said. “And scissors and a comb.”

  “Oh, thank you!”

  He kissed her lips. Drawing away at last, he said, “Somehow, I don’t think our adventures are over just yet.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-4319-4


  Copyright © 2003 by Jeannette H. Monaco

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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