The Life and Times of Mary Lou (Stage) Huffman

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The Life and Times of Mary Lou (Stage) Huffman Page 5

by Marshall Huffman

  Jenni, I am happy you have such a wonderful life now.

  The last of my wonderful grandchildren to graduate was Ashley. She also was a great swimmer. She won lots of first place ribbons.

  When she was a little girl and first started to swim on a team. We would ask her if she won and would always said, “Yes, I won first place,” even if she came in last place. She really believed she won because no one was left in the water but her. We would have a great time laughing with her. She also has a pretty singing voice. She was chosen to sing for the Ft. Wayne Glee Club. She sang a few years with them. She chose to go to Ft. Wayne College. She later changed over to I.U.P.U.I and made 4.0 her first year there. She will graduate in the medical field.

  She has met a nice fellow named Justin.

  Ashley, sweetheart, hang in there you will make it! I am very proud of you.

  I am sure all your parents are proud of you, all of you have been such good Grandkids!


  I have the most wonderful great grandchildren in the world. That is what all old people “like me” think and never stop bragging and wanting to be with all of them.

  I have many, many pictures of Gianna and stories from Dominique. She has been so thoughtful to keep me up to date about her little daughter and her family. I had gotten to spend at least two weeks in the summer and Christmas with them. I wish I could see some of the things Gianna does.

  Gianna, I loved all the pictures your mother has sent me and am proud of all the things you are doing.

  Owen has been my precious great grandson because we were able to live together. I have so many memories of the cute things he said when he was little. He was the one that started calling me “sister” and still does. It was my wonderful opportunity to teach Owen and Kaylee about God. Owen is in so many sports and has done great in all of them. I love to go see him in his sports. He is also on the honor roll at school.

  Owen, you know how much sister loves you more than anything.

  Kaylee is beautiful and so perky, she is not afraid to try anything. She has so much love for everyone, especially her brother. She loves to make up stories out of her books. She never lets me finish a book I am reading to her. She finishes the book the way she wants it to end.

  She can also climb like a monkey. Last year was her first year to play basketball. She has the most gorgeous curly hair

  Kaylee, sister loves our special Tuesdays. I love you.

  Alexa is something else. She is a real joker; she plays tricks on her grandpa and teases all the time. She says some of the funniest things. After you explain something to her and she has reasoned it all out, she will then tell you what she thinks you mean. She is so funny when she explains it. Everyone that sees her picture says she is beautiful.

  Alexa, G.G. loves you very much. I wish we could see each other more often.

  Thomas is Marshall and Susan’s grandson, which makes him my great grandson. He has always come with them at Christmas time to my house. He is such a sweet and good looking boy with wonderful manners. He is more like a son than a grandson to Marshall and Susan as they helped raise him from the time he was born. They never miss an event that he is in. It’s hard to believe he is now seventeen and driving a car


  Jerry’s four children are all married. Brad has four children, Brian has four, Shanna has three children and Sheryl doesn’t have any kids yet. I don’t see much of any of them as they all live away from Muncie.


  I sold my house on Burton Drive because all of our old neighbors had moved over the years. Unfortunately most of the new neighbors didn’t care about that wonderful drive. I was one of the last to leave. The house was built around 1900 so it required a lot of upkeep and as I got older it became more difficult.

  It was a wonderful place to live and have my children grow up. The whole time we lived there we never had to worry about crime. Up until the last few years, I never even had to lock the car or our doors.

  I had such mixed feelings when I finally sold the house. So many events had taken place and it was a big part of my life. I still miss all of the great neighbors we use to have.

  I had a wonderful five years in Carmel and Fishers with Pat, my grandchildren, and great grandchildren but the time had come when I was to move back. I never found the church I liked or the same kind of friends I have in Muncie. I cannot name all the people here that have been so sweet and kind to me since I returned.

  All of my dear brothers and my one sister have died now except Ed and James. There are no words I can write about them that would describe how much I love them and how wonderful they treat me. I still get to see Ed and James at various times during the year. They are so caring and giving. They always make sure I am doing well and would drop everything in a second if I needed help. Their wives, Ann and Ruby, are wonderful and I love them dearly.


  In sharing my life I know all of you care about me. I have had a lot of laughter and tears. I love to be with my children and family and wonderful grandchildren. God was so good to let me live so long that I could laugh with my precious great grandchildren.

  In my years since 1925, I have seen so many changes. I will soon leave this world, and pray with all my heart that we will all be together in Heaven. Don’t be sad when I am gone but just laugh a lot, at your own mistakes. Now you have Facebook and can talk to each other, you all know more than I do about the things that are happening in each of your lives. Be good to each other and cherish your time together.

  May God bless all of you and may His light shine on you and keep you all until I see you again.

  I love all of you, but God loves you more.


  P.S. Mary, Mom, Grandma, Great grandma, Sister, Meana, G.G. and Grandma Doctor. All of these names have been given to me and I answer to them all.

  Some things you may not know about me.

  Favorite color : Pink

  Favorite flower : Tulips

  Favorite Smell : Lilacs

  Favorite Bible verse: Hebrew 13:5,

  Vacation spot : Florida

  What I wanted to be: Mother/housewife

  Hymn : Amazing Grace, Old Rugged Cross

  Favorite sayings: If you live in fear you will die in despair

  I love you but God loves you more.

  During the war, I made bullets for the war effort. I was one of the millions of women that fought the war from back home.


  1925 - 1929 Inventions


  Bubble gum

  Bread slicer


  First liquid rocket invented

  Penicillin discovered

  Yo-Yo invented

  First electric razor (Schick) invented

  Hitler publishes Mein Kampf

  The original Ben Hur

  The original Phantom of the Opera

  Chrysler founded

  1925 - Born in Lexa, Arkansas.

  1925 - Calvin Coolidge is president.

  1928 - Stock market almost crashes; Herbert Hoover is elected president

  1928 - First Air Conditioned building

  1929 - Black Thursday and the stock market collapses - thousands commited suicide. The start of the great depression.

  1930 - 1939 Inventions

  Frozen food

  First Jet engine


  Polaroid Camera



  FM radio

  Drive-in Movies

  First canned beer


  Magnetic recording device

  1932 - Roosevelt is elected president because of his ‘New Deal’ plan.

  1933 - Prohibition ended by the 21st Amendment.

  1935 - Social Security Act is signed.

  1938 - Depression continues to get worse. The ‘Martian are here’ by George Orwell is broadcast causing millions
to panic thinking it is real.

  1939 - First commercial airliner cross Atlantic flight

  1939 – New York World’s Fair

  1940 - 1949 Inventions

  Color TV


  First computer to use software invented


  Synthetic rubber


  Atomic bomb and Hydrogen bomb


  First mobile phone


  Velcro, Tupperware and Frisbee

  First commercial jet airplane placed in service (BOAC)

  1940 - Roosevelt elected to second term.

  1941 - Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and the US enters WWII.

  1943 - Italy surrenders to Allies.

  1944 - Roosevelt again elected president

  1945 - D-day in France. Roosevelt dies.

  1945 - Hitler dead and Germany defeated.

  1945 - Atomic bomb dropped on two Japanese cities. Japan surrenders.

  1947 - Roswell, NM space craft incident and cover-up.

  1948 - Truman re-elected president.

  1950 - 1959 Inventions

  Credit card

  Super glue

  Radial tires

  Air plane recorder ‘Black Box’

  Mr. Potato Head

  The PILL is introduced

  Video tape



  Solar Cell

  Power Steering for cars

  First diet soft drink

  First modem

  First Transistor radio


  Barbie Doll

  Integrated circuit


  White out


  Hula Hoop

  First televised color TV program (Rose Bowl Parade)

  Hawaii becomes a state

  Alaska becomes a state

  1950 - Korean war starts when North Korea invades South Korea

  1952 - Dwight Eisenhower is elected president.

  1953 - Korean war ends.

  1954 - Eisenhower re-elected as president.

  1955 - Eisenhower starts the nations inter-state road system to help with unemployment.

  1960 - 1969 Inventions

  Halogen light

  First Disc

  Spacewars video game

  Acrylic paint

  BASIC computer language

  Sputnik Satellite

  Manned Space flight


  Soft contacts


  Hand held calculator


  Jarvis artificial heart

  Bar code scanners


  Computer mouse

  1960 - John F. Kennedy elected president. Castro kicks Americans out of Cuba.

  1962 - Bay of Pigs incident

  1962 - First black to enter a white college in Mississippi. Riots follow.

  1962 - The Cuban Missile Crisis is played out almost resulting in Nuclear war.

  1963 - First American ’advisors’ are sent to Vietnam.

  1963 - President Kennedy elected president. Lyndon B. Johnson becomes Vice President.

  1963 - President Kennedy was assassinated on Friday, November 22 by Lee Harvey Oswald (The ‘Lone Gunman’ theory is still not widely accepted)

  1963 - Vice President Lyndon Johnson becomes president.

  1963 - Civil Rights unrest causes riots all across America.

  1963 - Martin Luther King delivers his “I have a dream” speech in D.C.

  1964 - US sends fighting troops to Vietnam and the war escalates.

  1965 - Vietnam escalation

  1965 - Watts riots in LA

  1966 - More troops are sent to Vietnam and the draft is enforced.

  1966 - Black Panthers create more civil unrest

  1968 - The ’Tet Offensive’ shows the world that Johnson’s promise of ’Light at the end of the tunnel’ is an illusion. Anti-war protesters grow.

  1968 - Martin Luther King assassinated.

  1968 - Bobby Kennedy assassinated.

  1969 - Jane Fonda goes to Hanoi to support the Viet Cong. American Military have never forgiven her for being a traitor. She is known as “Hanoi Jane to this day by those that served during that period.

  1969 - Detroit Riots

  1969 - Edward Kennedy’s ruin with the car wreck at Chappaquiddick.

  1970 - 1979 Inventions

  Floppy Disc

  Dot-Matrix printer

  Food processor

  Liquid crystal display (LCD)

  Micro processor


  PONG (first interactive video game)

  Word processor

  Hacky Sack


  Tab top drink can

  Ink-jet printer

  Laser printer


  CRAY computer

  Stereophonic system

  Cell phone



  Roller blades

  First pictures telecast from Mars

  Pet Rocks

  1970 - Richard Nixon elected president.

  1972 - Nixon opens doors to China.

  1972 - Watergate.

  1972 - Olympic Massacre of Israeli Athletes

  1974 - Nixon is forced to resign.

  1974 - Gerald Ford elected president

  1975 - Saigon falls as Americans end war in Vietnam.

  1978 - Jimmy Carter elected president

  1978 - Chrysler goes bankrupt

  1979 - Inflation hit’s a new high. Oil embargo by OPEC countries cause gas shortages across America. Cars line up for blocks to get five gallons.

  1979 - Iranian Hostage Incident

  1980 - 1989 Inventions

  MS-DOS introduced

  IBM - PC invented

  Apple computer introduced (Commodore 64)

  The term ‘Virtual Reality’ coined


  Windows by Micro-Soft

  Super conductor

  Digital cell phone

  Doppler radar

  High-Definition TV invented

  First 3-D video game introduced

  1980 - Ronald Regan elected President

  1981 - Assassination attempt made on Ronald Regan

  1983 - Soviet attack on Korean Airliner KAL 007 kills all 297 aboard

  1984 - Regan wins landslide second term

  1984 - Gorbacheve is new USSR leader

  1986 - Space shuttle Challenger explodes

  1986 - Aircraft high jacking’s and ship high jacking’s are everyday occurrences

  1987 - Regan, “Mr. Gorbacheve, tear down this wall” speech

  1989 - The Berlin wall comes down reuniting East and West Berlin since the end of WWII.

  1990 - 1999 Inventions

  World Wide Web (www.)

  Java computer language

  Smart bombs

  Stealth Air craft

  DVD players

  Web TV

  Hubble telescope


  1990 - George Bush president.

  1990 - Exxon Valdez oil spill.

  1990 - Iraq invades Kuwait.

  1990 - War on drugs.

  1991 - Desert Storm the war on Iraq.

  1992 - End of the Cold War.

  1992 - End of Iraq war.

  1992 - First Earth Environment Summit held.

  1992 - Rodney King beating and resulting riots.

  1993 - Troops sent to Somalia.

  1994 - Bill Clinton is elected president.

  1994 - Huge comet hits Jupiter

  1994- O.J. Simpson famous “car chase” after the murder of his wife.

  1994 - Jackie Kennedy dies and is buried alongside John.

  1995 - Susan Smith’s ultimate lie about her children’s death

  1995 - Existence of Black Holes found.

  1995 - Whitewater scandal. />
  1995 - Huge Los Angeles earthquake

  1995 - Oklahoma City bombing

  1996 - Chunnel from England to France opens.

  1996 - Clinton confirms Area 51 does exist.

  1997 - Tiger Woods breaks onto the golf scene.

  1998 - Clinton Re-elected.

  1998 - International Space Station

  1999 - Clinton impeachment trial starts over Monica Lewinski.

  1999 - Michel Jordan the world’s best basketball player retires.

  2000 - 2009 Inventions

  Fuel cell



  Hybrid car



  Space Shuttle Colombia explodes on re-entry

  Flat screens



  2000 - George W. Bush president.

  2001 - September 11th attack on world trade center (9/11).

  2001 - Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden becomes our new most wanted enemy.

  2001 - War in Afghanistan.

  2003 - Desert Shield, the second Iraq war.

  2003 - Space Shuttle Columbia explodes over Texas

  2004 - Bush elected to second term.

  2004 - Hurricane Katrina.

  2004 - Martha Stewart go to jail for insider trading.

  2005 - Looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in Iraq.

  2006 - Space Shuttle Atlantis is launched. First since Columbia explosion.

  2007 - Virginia Tech massacre killing 32 students and faculty.

  2008 - California legalizes same sex marriages.

  2008 - Barack Obama elected president (first black).

  2009 - Miracle on the Hudson as airplane lands in water and all survive.

  These and many more events have happened during my lifetime.




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