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2BookBoxSet Page 19

by Nicety

  “Nice try. But I don’t think so. Now we are all gonna sit here until I figure out if I want to bury you or drown you…alive.” Cole responded as the doorbell rang. “You, be cool and answer the door. Don’t pull shit.”

  Goddess didn’t even bother this time to ask who it was at the door. She wanted to startle Cole into hiding the gun so it would be easier for them to get away. The door flung open and in barged Desire looking around the house at how huge and nicely decked out it was but her sight caught Spliff on the sofa and immediately broke free of that.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Desire said charging over to him slapping him continuously upside of his head.

  “Ay baby. Stop! Stop!” Spliff yelled shielding himself from the beating.

  “Hold up trick! You can’t just run up in my house like you live here and shit.” Goddess screamed pulling her off of Spliff. “Uh un, bitch you gotta ride!”

  “Let go of me.” Desire snapped snatching away from Goddess. “This my motherfuckin’ husband bitch you don’t run shit. I don’t give a fuck who you used to be to him.”

  “Well, I see you finally told her who I was to you.” Goddess said nodding towards Spliff and crossing her arms.

  “Ah, so this is your husband.” Cole laughed walking down the stairs with the gun to his side. “I’ve been waiting a long time to meet the scum behind her demise.”

  “What dude? You lucky you got that gun in your hand. I bet you don’t talk that shit without it.” Spliff snarled.

  “Demise? Nigga ain’t shit wrong with me. Don’t be mad cause your lil’ dick ass wanna fuck on every bitch that smiles at your weak ass.” Desire snapped putting her hands on her hips. “What the fuck you doing here anyway?”

  Goddess smirked a bit placing her hand over her mouth to hide it. Everyone looked at her as she stopped pulling herself together.

  “Wait, what the fuck is he talking about, Desire?” Spliff turned to her questioning.

  “I’ll answer that. I’ve been fucking the shit out of your wife for the past two years and she loved every minute of it. Even took it in the ass more times than I can count.” Cole replied smiling happily.

  Spliff began laughing and Goddess followed close behind, bending over getting a kick out of what Cole had just blurted. He didn’t understand what the big joke was about at first but soon realized it had to be that his dick had become the laughing stock of the room. Desire shook her head at his pathetic attempt to out their relationship and turned her attention back towards her husband.

  “Jemarcus or Spliff or whatever your name is, I don’t care. You need to come home now so we can work this out. I don’t give a fuck about her and what y’all had in the past but we have a son so you need to let this bitch go.” Desire rolled her eyes at Goddess then cut back to Spliff turning on her sympathy face. “We’re a family, baby, and I love you.”

  “Ugh, please.” Goddess hated.

  “Yeah, please.” Cole smacked his lips cosigning.

  “Dude you really need to shut the fuck up right now, okay. Cause you have no idea.” Spliff retorted.

  “Nigga you done lost your mind telling me to shut the fuck up when I’m the nigga with the gun.” Cole smirked pointing it directly at his forehead. “Go on and finish talking to your bitch. I’m done hittin’ that anyway.”

  Desire sucked her teeth in disgust as Spliff lowered his head releasing a faint smile. Desire already knew what was coming and put her hand on his chest to calm him down. She put her hands on his cheeks forcing his eyes on hers and shaking her head from side to side.

  “No baby. Don’t do it.” Desire quietly pleaded.

  “What you worried about?” Spliff asked curling his lips.

  Desire released him knowing that his temperature had shot up past the boiling point. He wasn’t about to let this nigga get away with talking shit to him any longer. Spliff cracked his knuckles by crossing his fingers on each hand before moving in close to Cole. He wasn’t the least bit worried about him shooting him since he figured he would’ve done it already if he really wanted to.

  “You think you shitting on me by reminding me that you fucked my girl? Huh?” Spliff asked moving in closer.

  “I don’t give a fuck if you feel shitty or not but the facts are undeniable.” Cole replied trying to sound much more educated than he.

  Spliff crossed his arms and curled his lips as he began to retort. “Did you have fun banging her pussy? Did you lick her pearl ‘til she bled? How hard did you fuck her not so tight little asshole? I hope you loved every waking minute of it but next time leave the lights on dipshit. My girl used to be a fucking man.”

  Chapter 25

  Killin’ Me…

  The room filled with the most unrecognizable awkward silence known to them all. No one moved Spliff who turned to stare at the shocked and appalled facial expression adorning Goddess’ face. He walked over to her lacing his hand on her shoulder as tears flowed down her face. She couldn’t believe it, feeling like everything he had ever told her and everything she knew about him was a lie.

  “Spliff. What is this? I thought you said she was pregnant. I thought—“ Goddess cried.

  “I’m sorry. I just didn’t know how to tell you. I did meet her, but no she wasn’t pregnant. I found out she was a man after I had already fallen in love with her and I couldn’t let her go. I’m sorry G.” Spliff explained.

  “Yeah, I knew you were a sorry motherfucka alright.” Goddess exhaled shaking her head and brushing his hand of her. “And the kid?”

  “He’s her foster son. She gets paid to take care of him but his real mother is clean and is fighting for him back.” Spliff responded.

  “You don’t owe this bitch any explanation, baby. You’re mine and that’s all she needs to fucking know.” Desire spat pulling Spliff back over towards her. “Get on trick. Get on.”

  “Man, fuck that! You a damn MAN?” Cole snapped. “A damn man?”

  “No, technically I’m a woman. I’ve got the plumping to prove it. I paid for it and it’s who I am now and you were none the wiser. You thought I was a woman fucking my doctor designed pussy nicely, so that’s all that mattered booboo.” Desire expressed snapping her fingers in his face.

  “What the fuck?” Cole sat down on the last stair dry heaving feeling like he would barf at any given moment.

  His pulse raced and his mind wandered to a land where women were real. He placed his hands over his eyes rubbing them profusely with the gun still pressed firmly in his hand. They watched closely as he freaked out over the whole ordeal. Though Spliff knew he had devastated Goddess from the news he was extremely happy that he had vexed Cole in such a way.

  “You ain’t no fucking woman. You’re a damn man!” Cole snapped standing to break the silence.

  “Look, you deal with that boo. He loves me and I love him.” Desire rubbed on Spliff’s chest lovingly. “You need to get over this bitch baby. You belong to me now.”

  Spliff looked down into her glistening eyes giving her a sweet peck on the lips.

  “We gone. Com’ on babe.” Desire said taking Spliff’s hand in hers.

  “Spliff.” Goddess said halting him as he headed for the door.

  He gazed into her eyes feeling apologetic for the way he treated her, the six years he spent with her, and for hurting her so badly. He only wanted to love her the way she loved him but his fetish for Desire’s exotic ways threw him for a loop. He thought he would have been able to keep it strictly sex and not fall in love but he was sadly mistaken putting Goddess’ feelings on the line. Lie after lie had hurt her and as he stood there looking into her big brown eyes, soft sultry skin, and thick lips he realized that if he didn’t let her go now, he would only continue to hurt her.

  “I’m sorry baby. I can’t do this to you anymore. She’s right…I do love her. I mean, I love you too, but I’m with her now.” Spliff explained caressing her soft cheek.


ss reached over slapping the taste out of Desire’s mouth. Desire charged at her grabbing her hair and flinging her around to the dining room floor. She wanted to hit her but the fact that she was born a man plagued her mind. She didn’t know if she could still go to jail for hitting her in the law’s eyes. Goddess rose grabbing her hair punching her in the face like she was a big burley man, delivering blow after blow as Desire struggled to control her.

  “Get this bitch off me! Get her ass!” Desire yelled bringing her deep voice to light.

  Spliff grabbed Goddess hemming her up, squeezing the life out of her and pulling her back towards the dining table. POP! POP! They ducked looking at each other wondering whom, if anyone was hit. Spliff felt himself then looked over at Goddess realizing she was good. Each of them turned the corner of the wall looking towards the staircase, peering at Cole with drywall on his forehead and shoulders. He was still pointing the smoking gun as Desire fell to the floor harder than a wrecking ball against a building.

  “Oh my God!” Goddess gasped covering her mouth with both of her hands.

  “BABE! What the fuck did you do?” Spliff squealed running to her aid. “Someone call the fucking ambulance!” He cried.

  “Naw, don’t call shit! Let that nigga bleed.” Cole spat cold-heartedly.

  Desire’s body began to go into convulsions as blood rose in her mouth. She reached out for Spliff squeezing tightly struggling to hold on to the little life she had left. Goddess looked over at her dying face and into Spliff’s horrid expression knowing that his love for her had to be stronger than any she’s ever known, including theirs. She rushed over to the coffee table stomping her finger on the emergency button and quickly bringing it up to her ear.

  “Goddess, what are you doing?” Cole asked pointing the gun over to her.

  “I hate this bitch but I’m not about to let her die on my fucking dining room floor!” She retorted, now speaking to the emergency operator.

  “What…you can’t! I won’t go to jail for some faggot!” Cole yelled running past the scene, into the kitchen and out the back door.

  Goddess shook her head pissed that Cole had brought this heat to her domain in this way. She hung up from the emergency operator and rushed over to Desire with her coat propping her head up and accessing her damage. She kneeled down watching tears fall from Spliff’s eyes as she removed her V-neck cashmere sweater then used it to apply pressure against the wound in her abdomen.

  “Okay, they’re on their way. She should be fine.” Goddess said putting his hand on the sweater to hold it. “Stupid motherfucka put one in the ceiling and only one in her.”

  “Thanks Goddess.” Spliff cried. “For everything.”

  She looked at him with a fake smile hating to admit to herself that she didn’t do it for Desire, she did it because a part of her just couldn’t get over her love for Spliff. There was something inside of her that felt that even though he had lied to her and did her wrong, at one point they were happy and it was hard to throw that away.

  Ding, Ding!

  “Damn, they got here fast.” Goddess said opening the door without hesitation. “Come on in she’s right in here.”

  Goddess raised her hand directing the guest into the dining room area. She turned around checking to see how many EMT’s were entering her house when she found that none were out there. It was so quiet outside that you could hear a pin drop on the ground as she stared down the dark barrel of a 9mm pointed directly in between her eyes.

  “So we meet again bitch.” Tara said calmly using both hands to hold the heavy gun.

  “What is your young ass doing here…” Goddess said gritting her teeth. “And how the fuck did you get a damn gun?”

  “Oh. I can’t come see you? I mean, you were a close friend of momma’s. You remember your friend Quetta, right?” Tara said pushing the door wide open. “Well she sent you a message bitch!”

  “Whoa! You need to calm down now little girl!” Spliff shouted forcefully.

  “Don’t call me a little girl!” Tara screamed.

  Tara wanted to say so much more but she was on the verge of losing her mind. The very presence of Goddess sent her into a livid frenzy as she struggled to maintain and not pull the trigger so quickly. The frail girl stood toe to toe with Goddess making sure she kept a safe distance and wasn’t able to snatch the gun from her hand.

  “HEY! Drop the fucking weapon!” A detective yelled from behind her.

  “Do what he says ma’am! There’s no need for this to end ugly!” The other detective yelled as his partner radioed in for backup.

  An ambulance sped up parking erratically in front of the house running out with their medical bags up to the house. They were halted by the police and the fire department who wanted to make sure the coast was clear before they rushed in. Tara looked around nervously feeling like she was in too deep at this point and should probably surrender. She didn’t want to suffer the same fate as her mother.

  “Put the damn gun down!” The police yelled in their defensive stance.

  “What are you going to do Tara? You’re surrounded and out numbered.” Goddess smiled raising her hands in the air slowly so the police could see that she was unarmed.

  “She’s dying! Please help!” Spliff yelled looking into Desire’s glazed over eyes.

  “Fuck you, Goddess!” Tara yelled.

  “Put the gun down! That’s your final warning!” An officer yelled through a bullhorn.

  “It doesn’t matter what you do to me, Tara. You and your momma will eventually go to hell.” Goddess said giving her a nod towards the cops swarming outside of the door, moving in on her.

  Tara cut her eyes from side to side without moving an inch feeling the sweat forming on her forehead and under her armpits. “Oh yeah. Hell huh? Well, see you there…bitch!”



  Tara busted two shots off aiming for Goddess’ head as the cops planted three slugs into her. One of the slugs entered her buttocks, another into her arm, and another into her right thigh. She fell back hitting the pavement hard injuring her back in the process. Her body went numb as emergency aids and officers surrounded her kicking the gun away from her reach and securing it as evidence. The firefighters worked on her keeping her stable until the second set of EMT’s arrived to manage her bleeding. They loaded her up and rushed her to the ambulance in total shock that she was only a minor.

  “Momma!” Tara screamed crying in pain and agony. “Momma!”

  The EMTs rushed in to begin working on Desire immediately starting and inserting an IV and pumping fluids into her. Miraculously she was still alive but incoherent with Spliff remaining by her side refusing to leave despite the pressure to give her space. He couldn’t focus on anything else as they loaded her onto a gurney and shipped her out the door into one of the awaiting ambulances. The sirens could be heard buzzing louder than ever as they rushed to get her to the trauma center of Oak Lawn.

  Goddess lied on the floor seemingly dead from bullet wounds with blood spewing out of the side of her. She stared up at the ceiling unaware of everything that was going on around her but a conversation could be heard in the background. The voices were recognizable realizing that it was the detectives that came to her house when Venus died. She could here them discussing something but their words were really muffled. EMT’s and firefighters blocked her view of the ceiling, finally getting to work on her wounds attempting to save her life. She didn’t know if they would succeed but she did feel her body going numb and her eyes feeling heavy.

  “Stromin’ my pain with his fingers, singin’ my life with his words, killin’ me softly with his song. Killin’…me softly…with…his…” She sang herself right to sleep as everything faded to pitch black and she took her last breath.

  Beautiful Nightmare


  Note to Readers: This novel was originally the novel Derailed and I am originall
y the author to Derailed. However, due to a parting of ways, I no longer write for that company and have retired the pen name D. Skies. For your reading pleasure, I have updated Derailed with a new cover and title and there are also deleted scenes throughout the entire book. Enjoy the read again or for the first time!


































  Chapter 1- Damaged

  “You need to watch yourself. You don’t want to end up in a ditch somewhere. Have your momma buying that black dress and making funeral plans.” Cocoa snapped rolling her neck and eyes.

  “Oh really? Well I’m shaking in my boots bitch.” Tamika said as she rolled her eyes and walked away. “Bum ass.”

  Cocoa had a short bob cut because her dark brown hair was so badly damaged from improper care. Her fair skin was always misconstrued for her being of anything but African American descent because she was part that and part Native American, which only added to her problems. She did not have many friends at all. When she tried to make friends they would only end up turning on her so she quit putting her heart out there to be crushed. But she was no punk and never took shit from nobody. In her mind, they were all worthless and if she needed to she would kill them dead on the street with no remorse.


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