The Wartime Bride_Regency Romance

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The Wartime Bride_Regency Romance Page 14

by Joanne Wadsworth

  Bourbon fired, and their own English cannons rocked the ship as balls of fire shot across the sea and joined The Cobra’s fire which hit the French frigate. Their enemy’s crossfire arced directly toward them and slammed into the top of their mizzenmast. It cracked, the square-rigged sails thumping onto the deck in a blaze of fire. More smoke billowed. More fire shot from The Cobra. The French warship lurched under the impact of Bourbon’s attack and it suddenly heaved bow up then groaned as water gushed inside.

  Their enemy’s vessel sank with huge waves rolling out.

  Their crew cheered, and Julia screamed.

  Her small boat pitched sideways and rolled in the wash of waves.

  It dumped those on board into the ocean.

  He tore off his boots and weapons, just as Poole did the same, then the two of them bounded up onto the railed edge and dove. The stormy waves closed over his head. He kicked downward into the murky depths, seeking the only woman he would ever love, one thought piercing like a dagger through his head.

  She couldn’t swim.

  Chapter 21

  Julia’s head shattered with pain as the turbulent waters of the ocean surged and dragged her under. Crashing waves tossed her about, so deep, endlessly deep. Her heavy skirts had wrapped tightly around her legs and she tried to wrench them free, but black hazed her vision. No. She couldn’t swim, but so too she wouldn’t give up her life to these waters, not as she was just beginning to live it.

  An arm cinched around her waist and sent her last breath gushing from her.

  She faltered as Harry reeled her around and she stared into the most piercing amber eyes. He covered her mouth with his and shared his breath, then firming his hold on her, he kicked them both upward through the swirling current and in a flurry of bubbles, she broke the surface with him and gasped for breath. “H-Harry?”

  “Yes, it’s me.” He cupped the back of her head, drew her flush up against him and muttered, “As soon as I hit the water more memories returned. I remembered you couldn’t swim, then I recalled the moment I found you at Sobral in the tent. You little vixen, you don’t have a brother.”

  “Oh, so you remembered that, huh?”

  “You were down so deep and I feared I mightn’t be able to reach you in time.” His golden hair lay flat against his scalp as he treaded water for them both.

  “I’m so sorry.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. He was here, his body solid, his hold unwavering and she wanted him, with a desperation she would never be able to contain. “Do you remember any of the times we made love?”

  “Not as yet, but I intend for you to aid me in remembering them by recreating those moments.” He swept her hair back from her forehead and slowly smiled. “Miss Julia Chalmers, I can’t live without you, and I have no intention of doing so. With that being the case, and the fact that I don’t intend on taking no for an answer, will you do me the greatest honor of marrying me?”

  “Yes.” She desperately wanted to be his wife. “Have you remembered that the professor isn’t my real father, that he adopted me?”

  “I remember that. There are bits and pieces I recall.” He grinned, so devilishly. “I don’t care about your past, only about who you are now.”

  Tears misted her gaze and she wanted to cry, because there was no man who held her heart other than him. She kissed him, her heart filling with wonder as he kissed her deeply in return.

  “Major Harry Trentbury,” she whispered against his lips. “I can’t wait to be your wife.”

  Chapter 22

  Four days later, after they’d limped back into Lisbon and Commander Owenly had completed repairs on the naval ship, they continued on their journey to England. Now, Harry walked Julia backward toward his bed and toppled her onto his mattress, his cabin door firmly bolted shut. He rolled them both until she came up over top of him, his hands on her hips as he caressed and roamed downward over her lush bottom.

  “I still can’t believe you asked me to marry you.” She traced a finger over his lips.

  “There is no other for me, other than you.” The professor had been ecstatic upon hearing of their impending nuptials, Una too. He captured her mouth and kissed her deeply, his hunger for her an unstoppable beat in his blood. This woman had tempted him beyond his endurance, but now he could finally give into his desires. Under his breath, he muttered, “By the way, you are never to dress as Jamie again.”

  “Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.” She tapped his nose.

  “That’s my precious siren.” Grinning, he bunched her sapphire skirts and smoothed over the backs of her legs, while she nuzzled his neck.

  “Say yes,” she murmured.

  “Yes to what?” He held perfectly still as she licked over his thumping pulse point then hands on his chest, she pushed upright until she straddled him. With her legs either side of his thighs and her sapphire gown stretched tight across her knees, she flicked her golden locks back and unbuckled his sword belt.

  He swallowed roughly at the exquisite sight she made sitting on top of him. Along her upper thighs, he swept his hands directly toward the heat of her pressed against his hardening cock. “You are beautiful, Miss Chalmers.”

  She wriggled against him and his cock wept for more.

  Easing one hand underneath the fabric of her gown, the silk sliding across the back of his hand, he allowed his desire its full release. He pushed two fingers deep inside her channel and swirled in a loving caress.

  “Oh, yes, I adore it when you touch me like that.” She released the fastening on his breeches and his cock finally sprang free. “Good evening, Mr. Jones. It is a delight to see you again.”

  He chuckled as he tugged her puffy capped sleeves down to her elbows, her breasts bobbing free, stunning breasts that filled his hands to perfection. He squeezed her lush flesh, swiped his thumbs over both rosy nipples then returned one hand to her channel and pumped two fingers deep inside her. “Lean forward,” he demanded. “I want your breasts in my mouth.”

  “Yes, you’ve always adored my breasts, but you need to wait.” She wrapped her hand around his cock and in a mind-shattering caress, leaned forward and licked the head.

  Under his breath, he growled, “Now.”

  “Are you always going to be this impatient?” She leaned forward then gasped as he bit into her breast—a playful bite, but a hungry one all the same.

  He licked the tip of her nipple then sucked her areola deep inside his mouth and when she pushed the sweet morsel even deeper, he speared his fingers deeper inside her. His blood roared, his cock straining in her hand as she pumped him to the same heady rhythm as he pumped his fingers into her.

  “More,” she whispered then shuffled higher and pressed the head of his cock against her inner folds.

  No more could he withhold himself. He pushed his hips upward as she sank down on him. Hell, such bliss burned through him. Shooting sparks of color blazed behind his eyes and a kaleidoscope of images fizzled to the surface. Lost memories hazed his sight, returning with full force. He remembered everything, every single moment of the six months he’d lost, along with each and every moment they’d made love.

  He tossed her onto her back and thrust between her legs.

  Moving powerfully, he came apart as her inner muscles squeezed him so damn tight. So many sensations buzzed at the base of his spine and sizzled through him. He seized her mouth, swept his tongue inside and drowned himself in the incredible taste of her. “I remember everything.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes, every last detail. I wish to start a family with you, this moment if you’re willing?” He caressed her bottom and rocked his hips, his cock once again hardening as he slid his shaft even deeper inside her.

  “I would like that too.”

  “Kiss me.”

  She did, deeply, then she unbuttoned his shirt which he hadn’t yet removed, pushed the sleeves down his arms and stroked his chest. She traced along the ridges of his abs then lower still, until she reached underneath him
and cupped his balls. “You are going to make the perfect husband, my hussar.”

  “I shall endeavor to be the best that ever lived.” He skated one lone finger around her nipple then he kissed her, his tongue sweeping over hers in a heated caress that had her channel clenching wickedly around him. In one powerful glide, he thrust balls-deep inside her, the impact of their fast joining shattering him.

  He’d fallen in love with a woman he adored, with every breath in his body, and now with the last of his memories returned, he never intended to forget a single moment with her ever again.

  She was his, the only women he wished to love and protect, for the rest of his life. She would be his future wife and engineering cohort. He couldn’t wait.

  Mmm, life was about to get very interesting with his precious siren at his side.


  England, six months later…

  Covered head to toe in splatters of mud, Julia could barely contain her excitement as she bounded from her mare, the wide forested field she’d ridden across a little water-logged after the rain they’d had. She secured her mount to a hitching post, right next to the stone building which Father and Harry called their workshop. Harry had purchased this land which lay directly beside Father’s property in the country, then they’d laid down iron rails for their coming venture.

  Una stepped in beside her as Father jumped from the engine of the locomotive he and Harry had built these past six months. Leaning one hand against the front of the engine, Father beamed. “Well, I’m rather convinced this is the fastest locomotive that’s ever been built. What do you two ladies think?”

  “I certainly couldn’t keep up with you, and I was on horseback.” She’d raced around the field as Father had chugged along, not that any of them would tell Harry that when he returned from town with the additional iron they required. Her husband would have an attack of the heart if he ever caught wind of her riding a horse since she was pregnant, now four months along.

  Una wiped a mud splatter from Julia’s cheek, her smile wide. “My dear child, men believe ladies should do nothing but sit and embroider when they’re expecting. I personally believe so much more is possible, provided one takes care, which I know you will.”

  “I will cease riding once my belly gets too big.” She could still sit quite comfortably atop her horse, although her breeches were certainly a little too snug around her middle. “Thank you for keeping my secret.”

  “What secret?” Harry muttered as he planted his hands on his hips, the wind blowing his golden locks about and plastering his black shirt to his broad chest.

  “Oh my, when did you get back?”

  “Have you been galloping about these fields when I expressly told you not to?” He stormed toward her, caught her in his arms and tipped her back off her feet. “I’ll have the truth, wife.”

  “Well, I do believe Una and I shall leave the two of you to your argument and see if the cook has begun preparations for dinner. I’m feeling rather hungry.” Father chuckled as he threaded Una’s hand through his bent arm and steered her up the hill toward hers and Harry’s country manor, Father’s house just visible through the trees on the next hilly rise beyond their home.

  “I’m feeling rather hungry myself, but not for food.” Still growling, Harry held her off her feet as he discreetly unclasped the top button of her breeches. “My love, I want you flat on your back while I arouse you with my mouth between your thighs, then you may ride me to your heart’s content. That is the only riding I will permit for you until you give birth to our child.”

  “Hmm, since I’m already rather aroused at the picture you’re conjuring in my mind, I might be swayed into agreement.” She pointed to the trees behind the workshop where they’d snuck off to countless times since their wedding. When they’d arrived home, Harry had introduced her to his family, then with all speed organized their church wedding, which had taken place before their loved ones a mere three weeks following their return. Afterward, he’d promptly sold his commission and their lives had forever changed following his purchase of this land. Touching her nose to his nose, she hooked her arms around his neck. “The question is, my husband, can you get us over there as fast as the engine you and Father recently built?”

  “You helped build it as well, and yes, do time me.” He swung her into his arms and bounded through the grass. Giggling, she held onto him as he dashed through the trees and once deep within the cover of the grove, he laid her on the springy grass and loved her exactly as he’d promised he would.

  “Make me soar,” she whispered as her whole body hummed at the prospect of him joining them together.

  “You and I shall soar together, always and forever.” He rose up, closed his mouth over hers and united them both in a delicious storm of loving.

  With breathtaking speed, rapture overtook her and she flew to the stars.

  Love. Theirs had survived a war, a battle both on land and at sea, but now their hearts were entwined, never to be separated again.

  Being with her hussar was an adventure she’d embraced, fully and completely.

  He was hers.

  Her lover until the end of time.

  Regency Brides Series

  I hope you enjoyed The Wartime Bride. In book four you’ll get to meet Winterly and his leading lady, and in book five, Olivia and Anteros Bourbon will be parrying with each other. I can’t even tell you how excited I am to be bringing you those two stories.

  Series Order:

  The Duke’s Bride, (Book 1) Ellie’s Story

  The Earl’s Bride, (Book 2) Sophia’s Story

  The Wartime Bride, (Book 3) Harry’s Story

  Coming Next:

  The Earl’s Secret Bride, (Book 4) Winterly’s Story

  The Prince’s Bride, (Book 5) Olivia’s Story, coming Oct 2018

  All books within this series are standalone.

  Author’s Note – A Must Read

  I had so much fun writing this story, bringing to life the Battle of Sobral in Portugal, which occurred on 13-14th October 1810, much as I described in this story. During the battle the Imperial French Army led by Marshal André Masséna, along with Jean-Andoche Junot’s VIII Corps, attempted to take Lisbon by way of the Lines of Torres Vedras being constructed and defended by Arthur Wellesley, Viscount Wellington, and his Anglo-Portuguese Army.

  Both sides engaged in heavy fighting on both days, with Junot’s troops seizing an outpost belonging to Brett Spencer’s 1st Infantry Division, but they were quickly ejected from their short hold by a British counterattack. The French weren’t aware of the construction of the Lines until shortly before the attack, when Masséna realized what a strong defensive position Wellington had built. With it being too strong to crack, Masséna elected to retreat. During the Battle of Sobral, casualties and losses for the French numbered 277, and for the English-Portuguese 206. A very small number compared to some of the Peninsular Wars in which thousands of soldiers lost their lives.

  Even after the French had retreated from Portugal, strengthening of the Lines continued in case of further attacks. The work was supervised by Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Richard Fletcher, along with Major John Thomas Jones. Eleven other British officers, four Portuguese Army engineers, and a few others assisted. Two years later in 1812, a staggering 34,000 workmen and soldiers continued to work on the project as an expansion took place. The cost of the construction came to around £200,000, which was in fact one of the least expensive but most remunerative military investments in history.

  Today the Lines still stand, or at least substantial portions of them do. There has of course been heavy decay, but conservation and restoration work has been undertaken in recent years and the Lines are often walked by locals, visitors, and tourists to the area.

  After writing this story, I do feel that Captain Bradley Poole needs his own luscious lady and book. Raise your hand if you agree? Haha, yes, my hand is waving frantically too.

  Thank you all for joining me on this amazing adventu
re with Harry and Julia in Portugal. It has been my absolute pleasure to give them a story worthy of their adventurous spirits.

  This story is woven with as much accuracy to the period and locations as possible, but any mistakes made are mine alone.

  The Duke’s Bride - Book 1

  Ellie’s Story – Available Now


  The Earl’s Bride - Book 2

  Sophia’s Story – Available Now


  The Earl’s Secret Bride - Book 4

  Winterly’s Story – Available Now


  The Prince’s Bride - Book 5

  Olivia’s Story – Coming October 2018

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  Other Series by Joanne Wadsworth

  As Follows…

  The Matheson Brothers Series

  Highlander’s Desire, (Book 1)

  Highlander’s Passion, (Book 2)

  Highlander’s Seduction, (Book 3)

  Highlander’s Kiss, (Book 4)

  Highlander’s Heart, (Book 5)

  Highlander’s Sword, (Book 6)

  Highlander’s Bride, (Book 7)

  Highlander’s Caress, (Book 8)

  Highlander’s Touch, (Book 9)

  Highlander’s Shifter, (Book 10)

  Highlander’s Claim, (Book 11)

  Highlander’s Courage, (Book 12)

  Highlander’s Craving, (Book 13)


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